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2021安徽理工大學材料科學與工程考研調劑信息:安徽理工大學 材料科學與工程學院 胡標教授課題組2021年招收材料類專業調劑碩士生,請對相圖熱力學,動力學等方向感興趣的同學,將你的簡歷發至郵箱:hubiao05047071@163.com。(非誠勿擾)
胡標副教授簡介(個人主頁: http://clx.aust.edu.cn/info/1188/3300.htm):
胡標,男,1985年5月生,工學博士,教授,碩士生導師,安徽理工大學“青尖”、“青托”人才工程入選者,美國匹茲堡大學訪問學者。現就職于安徽理工大學材料學院,從事教學與科研工作。主講《材料工程基礎》、《粉體工程(雙語)》、《無機非金屬材料工藝學》等本科課程及《粉體科學與工程技術》、《學科前沿講座》等研究生課程。主要從事Cu合金、Ti合金、Ni基高溫合金、貴金屬等合金的塊體和晶界相圖的實驗測定、熱力學&動力學計算及熱物性質的研究。已在Intermetallics、Calphad、J. Chem. Thermodyn.、Int. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mater.等國際刊物上發表60余篇SCI研究論文,其中第一及通訊作者30余篇,出版學術專著1部,授權國家發明專利5項;發表教研論文6篇,副主編本科教材1部。先后主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、青年基金、中國博士后基金、安徽省自然科學基金等省部級以上項目7項,參與國家、省部級科研項目多項。作為指導教師指導研究生創新基金項目和大學生創新創業訓練計劃項目多項。
[1] Chengliang Qiu, Biao Hu*, Yu Zhang, Xiuyu Wang, Qingping Wang, Fanfei Min, Yong Du, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the Cu-Ag-Si ternary system, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 150 (2020) 106172.
[2] Chengliang Qiu, Biao Hu*, Jiaqiang Zhou, Peilu Wu, Yin Liu, Chengjun Wang, Yong Du, The phase equilibria of the Cu-Cr-Ni and Cu-Cr-Ag systems: Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling, Calphad, 68 (2020) 101734.
[3] Biao Hu, Soumya Sridar, Liangyan Hao, Wei Xiong*, A new thermodynamic modeling of the Ti-V system including the metastable ω phase, Intermetallics, 122 (2020) 106791.
[4] Biao Hu*, Bin Yao, Jiong Wang, Yin Liu, Chengjun Wang, Yong Du, Huiqin Yin, The phase equilibria of the Ti-V-M (M = Si, Nb, Ta) ternary systems, Intermetallics, 118 (2020) 106701.
[5] Biao Hu, Jiaqiang Zhou, Yuting Meng, Peisheng Wang*, Chengliang Qiu, Fanfei Min, Jingrui Zhao, CALPHAD-type thermodynamic modeling of the Ti-W-B and Ti-W-Si refractory systems, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 81 (2019) 206-213.
[6] Biao Hu, Chengliang Qiu, Senlin Cui, Peisheng Wang*, Jiaqiang Zhou, Wangsheng Xu, Fanfei Min, Jingrui Zhao, CALPHAD-type thermodynamic description of phase equilibria in the Ti-W-M (M = Zr, Mo, Nb) ternary systems, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 131 (2019) 25-32.
[7] Biao Hu*, Yu Jiang, Jiong Wang*, Bin Yao, Fanfei Min, Yong Du, Thermodynamic calculation of the T0 curve and metastable phase diagrams of the Ti-M (M = Mo, V, Nb, Cr, Al) binary systems, Calphad, 62 (2018) 75-82.
[8] Biao Hu#, Xiaoming Yuan#, Yong Du*, Jiong Wang, Zi-Kui Liu, Thermodynamic reassessment of the Ni-Si-Ti system using a four-sublattice model for ordered/disordered fcc phases supported by first-principles calculations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 693 (2017) 344-356.
[9] Biao Hu*, Bin Yao, Jiong Wang*, Jingrui Zhao, Fanfei Min, Yong Du, Thermodynamic assessment of the Al-Mo-V ternary system, Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 53(2) (2017) 95-106.
[10] Biao Hu*, Jiong Wang*, Chao Wang, Yong Du, Jinbo Zhu, CALPHAD-type thermodynamic assessment of the Ti-Mo-Cr-V quaternary system, Calphad, 55 (2016)103-112.
[11] Biao Hu*, Song Qin, Yong Du, Zhiyong Li, Qingping Wang, Thermodynamic description of the Al-Fe-Mg-Ni-Si and Al-Cu-Fe-Mg-Ni quinary systems and its application to solidification simulation, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 36 (2015) 333-349.(獲該期刊年度優秀論文獎“The Editor Choice Award”)![2021安徽理工大學材料科學與工程考研調劑信息 2021安徽理工大學材料科學與工程考研調劑信息](http://img.okaoyan.com/public/tj.jpg)
胡標副教授簡介(個人主頁: http://clx.aust.edu.cn/info/1188/3300.htm):
胡標,男,1985年5月生,工學博士,教授,碩士生導師,安徽理工大學“青尖”、“青托”人才工程入選者,美國匹茲堡大學訪問學者。現就職于安徽理工大學材料學院,從事教學與科研工作。主講《材料工程基礎》、《粉體工程(雙語)》、《無機非金屬材料工藝學》等本科課程及《粉體科學與工程技術》、《學科前沿講座》等研究生課程。主要從事Cu合金、Ti合金、Ni基高溫合金、貴金屬等合金的塊體和晶界相圖的實驗測定、熱力學&動力學計算及熱物性質的研究。已在Intermetallics、Calphad、J. Chem. Thermodyn.、Int. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mater.等國際刊物上發表60余篇SCI研究論文,其中第一及通訊作者30余篇,出版學術專著1部,授權國家發明專利5項;發表教研論文6篇,副主編本科教材1部。先后主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、青年基金、中國博士后基金、安徽省自然科學基金等省部級以上項目7項,參與國家、省部級科研項目多項。作為指導教師指導研究生創新基金項目和大學生創新創業訓練計劃項目多項。
[1] Chengliang Qiu, Biao Hu*, Yu Zhang, Xiuyu Wang, Qingping Wang, Fanfei Min, Yong Du, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the Cu-Ag-Si ternary system, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 150 (2020) 106172.
[2] Chengliang Qiu, Biao Hu*, Jiaqiang Zhou, Peilu Wu, Yin Liu, Chengjun Wang, Yong Du, The phase equilibria of the Cu-Cr-Ni and Cu-Cr-Ag systems: Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling, Calphad, 68 (2020) 101734.
[3] Biao Hu, Soumya Sridar, Liangyan Hao, Wei Xiong*, A new thermodynamic modeling of the Ti-V system including the metastable ω phase, Intermetallics, 122 (2020) 106791.
[4] Biao Hu*, Bin Yao, Jiong Wang, Yin Liu, Chengjun Wang, Yong Du, Huiqin Yin, The phase equilibria of the Ti-V-M (M = Si, Nb, Ta) ternary systems, Intermetallics, 118 (2020) 106701.
[5] Biao Hu, Jiaqiang Zhou, Yuting Meng, Peisheng Wang*, Chengliang Qiu, Fanfei Min, Jingrui Zhao, CALPHAD-type thermodynamic modeling of the Ti-W-B and Ti-W-Si refractory systems, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 81 (2019) 206-213.
[6] Biao Hu, Chengliang Qiu, Senlin Cui, Peisheng Wang*, Jiaqiang Zhou, Wangsheng Xu, Fanfei Min, Jingrui Zhao, CALPHAD-type thermodynamic description of phase equilibria in the Ti-W-M (M = Zr, Mo, Nb) ternary systems, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 131 (2019) 25-32.
[7] Biao Hu*, Yu Jiang, Jiong Wang*, Bin Yao, Fanfei Min, Yong Du, Thermodynamic calculation of the T0 curve and metastable phase diagrams of the Ti-M (M = Mo, V, Nb, Cr, Al) binary systems, Calphad, 62 (2018) 75-82.
[8] Biao Hu#, Xiaoming Yuan#, Yong Du*, Jiong Wang, Zi-Kui Liu, Thermodynamic reassessment of the Ni-Si-Ti system using a four-sublattice model for ordered/disordered fcc phases supported by first-principles calculations, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 693 (2017) 344-356.
[9] Biao Hu*, Bin Yao, Jiong Wang*, Jingrui Zhao, Fanfei Min, Yong Du, Thermodynamic assessment of the Al-Mo-V ternary system, Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 53(2) (2017) 95-106.
[10] Biao Hu*, Jiong Wang*, Chao Wang, Yong Du, Jinbo Zhu, CALPHAD-type thermodynamic assessment of the Ti-Mo-Cr-V quaternary system, Calphad, 55 (2016)103-112.
[11] Biao Hu*, Song Qin, Yong Du, Zhiyong Li, Qingping Wang, Thermodynamic description of the Al-Fe-Mg-Ni-Si and Al-Cu-Fe-Mg-Ni quinary systems and its application to solidification simulation, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 36 (2015) 333-349.(獲該期刊年度優秀論文獎“The Editor Choice Award”)
![2021安徽理工大學材料科學與工程考研調劑信息 2021安徽理工大學材料科學與工程考研調劑信息](http://img.okaoyan.com/public/tj.jpg)