
發布時間:2021-11-22 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


安徽醫科大學基礎醫學院導師:沈玉先 正文

沈玉先 :博士,教授,博士生導師。
研究方向 :功能性蛋白與藥物作用靶點
(Functional proteins and the targets for drug therapeutics)

1.內質網應激與疾病 (ER stress in tumor and neurodegenerative diseases)
2.蛋白質降解(Protein degradation)
1984 ~ 1989 安徽醫科大學醫學系 本科/學士
1989 ~ 1992 安徽醫科大學藥理學專業 研究生/碩士
1997 ~ 2000 安徽醫科大學藥理學專業 研究生/博士

1992 ~ 1995 安徽醫科大學臨床藥理研究所 助教
1995 ~ 1999 安徽醫科大學臨床藥理研究所 講師
1999 ~ 2003 安徽醫科大學臨床藥理研究所 副教授
2003 ~ 2004 美國馬利蘭大學生物技術研究所 博士后研究
2005 ~ 2008 中國科學技術大學生命科學院 博士后研究
2003 ~ 2007 安徽醫科大學臨床藥理研究所 教授
2007 ~ 2010 安徽醫科大學“重要遺傳疾病基因資源利用”教育部重點實驗室 教授
2009 ~ 2010 安徽醫科大學護理學院 副院長
2010 ~ 2012 安徽醫科大學基礎醫學院 教授,副院長
2012 ~ 安徽醫科大學基礎醫學院 教授,院長

中國藥理學會抗炎免疫專業委員會委員、安徽省藥理學會理事;Journal of Pharmacological Science編委、Free Radical Bio Med,Neurosci Res,Neuroscience,Neurochem Int,J Mol Endocrinol,Clin Chem Lab Med,J Pharm Pharmacol,Arch Med Res等SCI源期刊的審稿人。

7)國家自然科學基金面上項目:泛素連接酶hHrd1對a1-抗胰蛋白酶Z變異型的降解的調控機制,編號30572219 (2006.1-2008.12)
8)教育部重點項目:泛素連接酶 hHrd1和異常磷酸化tau功能性相互作用研究,編號206067 (2006.1-2008.12)
9)教育部“ 新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”:泛素-蛋白酶體通路調控a1-抗胰蛋白酶Z變異型的降解,編號NCET-04-0589 (2005.1-2007.12)
10)中國博士后基金一等資助:泛素連接酶 hHrd1和異常磷酸化tau功能性相互作用研究,編號2005038011 (2005.1-2007.12)


1.Shen YX*, Sun AM, Fang S, Feng LJ, Li Q, Hou HL, Liu C, Wang HP, Shen JL, Luo J, Zhou JN*. Hrd1 Facilitates Tau Degradation and Promotes Neuron Survival. Curr Mol Med 2012; 12: 138-52 (IF=5.212).
2.Xu Z, Shi H, Mei Q, Shen Y, Xu J. Effects of Macrophage Metalloelastase on the Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Expression and Tumor Angiogenesis in Murine Colon Cancer. Dig Dis Sci. 2012; 57:85-91 (IF=2.117).
3.Cheng L, Chen Y, Chen L, Shen Y, Shen J, An R, Luo Q, Du J. Interactions between the ROP18 kinase and host cell proteins that aid in the parasitism of Toxoplasma gondii. Acta Trop 2012; 122:255-60 (IF=2.722).
4.Du J, Chen L, Luo X, Shen Y, Dou Z, Shen J, Cheng L, Chen Y, Li C, Wang H, Yao X. 14-3-3zeta cooperates with phosphorylated Plk1 and is required for correct cytokinesis. Front Biosci (Schol Ed) 2012; 4:639-50 (IF=3.74).
5.Wang H, Li Q, Shen Y, Sun A, Zhu X, Fang S, Shen Y*. The ubiquitin ligase Hrd1 promotes degradation of the Z variant alpha 1-antitrypsin and increases its solubility. Mol Cell Biochem 2011; 346: 137-45 (IF= 2.168).
6.Yu YQ, Liu LC, Wang FC, Liang Y, Cha DQ, Zhang JJ, Shen YJ, Wang HP, Fang S, Shen YX*. Induction profile of MANF/ARMET by cerebral ischemia and its implication for neuron protection. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2010; 30: 79-91 (IF=5.71).
7.Feng LJ, Shen YX*, Sun AM, Shen YJ, Fang SY, Li J. Endoplasmic reticulum stress is involved in okadaic acid-induced tau phosphorylation and neurotoxic effects of okadaic acid. Neural Regen Res 2010; 5: 1534-40 (IF=0.216).
8.Apostolou A, Shen Y, Liang Y, Luo J, Fang S. ARMET, a UPR-upregulated protein, inhibits cell proliferation and ER stress-induced cell death. Exp Cell Res 2008; 314: 2454-67 (IF: 3.948).
9.Sun GP, Wang H, Xu SP, Shen YX, Wu Q, Chen ZD, Wei W. Anti-tumor effects of paeonol in a HepA-hepatoma bearing mouse model via induction of tumor cell apoptosis and stimulation of IL-2 and TNF-alpha production. Eur J Pharmacol 2008; 584:246-52 (IF: 2.787).
10.Xu Z, Shi H, Li Q, Mei Q, Bao J, Shen Y, Xu J. Mouse macrophage metalloelastase generates angiostatin from plasminogen and suppresses tumor angiogenesis in murine colon cancer. Oncol Rep 2008; 20: 81-8 (IF: 1.524).
11.Li Y, Shen YX*, Feng LJ, Liu LH, Chen FH, Wu Q, Wang Hua. Blockage of the formation of new blood vessels by recombinant human endostatin contributes to the regression of rat adjuvant arthritis. Eur J Pharmacol 2007; 567: 166-70 (IF: 2.787).
12.Shen Y, Ballar P, Apostolou A, Doong H, Fang SY. ER stress differentially regulates the stabilities of ERAD ubiquitin ligases and their substrates. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2007; 352: 919-24 (IF=2.855).
13.Shen YX*, Zhang GG, Liu LH, Wang H, Xu SY. Suppressive of effects of melatonin on amyloid b peptide-induced glial activation in rat hippocampus. Arch Med Res 2007; 38: 284-90 (IF=1.275).
14.Ballar P, Zhong Y, Nagahama M, Tagaya M, Shen Y, Fang S. Identification of SVIP as an endogenous inhibitor of ER-associated degradation. J Biol Chem 2007; 282: 33908-14. (IF=5.581).
15.Yang H, Zhong XY, Ballar P, Luo SQ, Shen YX, Rubinsztein DC, Monteiro MJ, Fang SY. Ubiquitin ligase Hrd1 enhances the degradation and suppresses the toxicity of polyglutamine-expanded huntingtin. Exp Cell Res 2007; 313: 538-50 (IF=3.695).
16.Liu YJ, Zhuang J, Zhu HY, Shen YX, Tan ZL, Zhou JN. Cultured rat cortical astrocytes synthesize melatonin: absence of a diurnal rhythm. J Pineal Res 2007; 43: 232-8 (IF=5.794).
17.Xu SP, Sun GP, Shen YX, Peng WR, Wang H, Wei W. Synergistic effect of combining paeonol and cisplatin on apoptotic induction of human hepatoma cell lines. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2007; 28: 869-78 (IF=1.677).
18.Shen Y, Ballar P, Fang SY. Ubiquitin ligase gp78 increases solubility and facilitates degradation of the Z variant of alpha-1-antitrypsin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2006; 349: 1285-93 (IF=2.523).
19.Ballar P, Shen Y, Yang H, Fang SY. The Role of a Novel p97/Valosin-containing Protein-interacting Motif of gp78 in Endoplasmic Reticulum-associated Degradation. J Biol Chem 2006; 281: 35359-68 (IF=5.808).
20.Hou HL, Shen YX, Zhu HY, Sun H, Yan XB, Fang H, Zhou JN. Alterations of hHrd1 expression are related to hyperphosphorylated tau in the hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease. J Neurosci Res 2006; 84: 1862-70 (IF= 3.476).
21.Wang H, Wei W, Zhang SY, Shen YX, Yue L, Wang NP, Xu SY. Melatonin-selenium nanoparticles inhibit oxidative stress and protect against hepatic injury induced by Bacillus Calmette-Guérin/lipopolysaccharide in mice. J Pineal Res 2005; 39:156-63 (IF=5.794).
22.Zhong XY, Shen YX, Ballar P, Apostolou A, Agami R, Fang SY. AAA ATPase p97/Valosin-containing Protein Interacts with gp78, a Ubiquitin Ligase for Endoplasmic Reticulum-associated Degradation. J Biol Chem 2004; 279: 45676-45684 (IF=6.355).
23.Yue L, Wang H, Liu LH, Shen YX*, Wei W. Anti-adjuvant arthritis of recombinant human endostatin in rats via inhibition of angiogenesis and proinflammatory factors. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2004; 25: 1182-5 (IF=1.125).
24.Shen YX*, Xu SY, Wei W, Sun XX, Liu LH, Yang J, Dong C. The protective effects of melatonin from oxidative damage induced by amyloid beta-peptide 25-35 in middle-aged rats. J Pineal Res 2002; 32: 85-9 (IF=5.794).
25.Shen YX*, Xu SY, Wei W, Wang XL, Wang H, Sun X. Melatonin blocks rat hippocampal neuronal apoptosis induced by amyloid beta-peptide 25-35. J Pineal Res 2002; 32: 163-7 (IF=5.794).
26.Shen YX*, Xu SY, Wei W, Sun XX, Yang J, Liu LH, Dong C. Melatonin reduces memory changes and neural oxidation damage in mice treated with D-galactose. J Pineal Res 2002; 32: 173-8 (IF=5.794).
27.Shen YX*, Wei W, Xu SY. Protective effects of melatonin on the cortical -hippocampal neurotoxicity induced by amyloid beta-peptide 25-35. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2002; 23: 71-6 (IF=0.668).
28.Shen YX*, Wei W, Yang J, Liu C, Dong C, Xu SY. Improvement of melatonin to learning and memory impairment induced by amyloid b-peptide 25~35 in elder Rats. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2001; 22: 797-803 (IF=0.631).

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