
發布時間:2021-11-03 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


安徽大學物理與材料科學學院導師:李廣 正文


  1990年9月1994年7月 安徽大學物理系,應用物理學學士學位; 
  1994年9月1997年7月 中國科學院等離子體物理研究所,碩士學位; 
   1997年9月2000年7月 中國科學院等離子體物理研究所,博士學位。

  2005年12月-2007年6月 中國科學技術大學物理系,副教授。 
   2003年9月-2005年11月 作為研究員(Research Fellow)就職于新加坡南洋理工大學機械與航空學院屬下“精密工程和納米技術中心”,從事的科研項目為“用于納米計量學的磁性形狀記憶金屬合金(Ni2MnGa)薄膜的開發”。 
  2002年2月-2003年9月 中國科學技術大學材料科學與工程系,副教授 
   2000年2月-2002年1月 中國科學技術大學材料科學與工程系,博士后
  國家自然科學基金面上項目,錳氧化物/錳鋅鐵氧體多層膜的制備與磁電阻效應研究;批準號:50102005;起止年月2002.1-2004.12(主持) 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金,類鈣鈦礦型錳氧化物的微結構和電荷有序態,2008年起,(主持) 

  1.G.Li, T.F.Zhou, D.D.Hu, Y.P.Yao, Y.Hou, and X.G.Li, “Forward and backward diodelike rectifying properties of the heterojunctions composed of La1-xSrxCoO3-δ and 0.7 wt% Nb-doped SrTiO3”, Applied Physics Letters 91, 163114 (2007).
  2.G.Li and Y.Liu, “Stress-induced change of magnetization in a Ni-Mn-Ga single crystal under magnetomechanical training”, Applied Physics Letters 88(23), 232504(2006).
  3.G.Li, Y.Liu, and B.K.A.Ngoi, “Electrical transport and thermal properties of ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Ni49.4Mn30Ga20.6”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 303, 261 (2006).
  4.G.Li, Y.Liu, and B.K.A.Ngoi, “Some aspects of strain-induced change of magnetization in a Ni-Mn-Ga single crystal”, Scripta Materialia 53 (7), 829-834 (2005).
  5.G.Li, T.Qian, S.-J.Feng, F.Liu, H.-D.Zhou, and X.-G.Li, “Reply to the comment on ‘Magnetoresistance in La1-xCaxMnO3(0 x < 0.4)’ ”, Solid State Communications 131(6), 417-418 (2004).
   6.G.Li, T.Qian, S.-J.Feng, F.Liu, H.-D.Zhoua, X.-G.Li, “Magnetoresistance in La1-xCaxMnO3 (0 x < 0:4)”, Solid State Communications 128(5), 171-176 (2003).
  7.G.Li, S.-J.Feng, F.Liu, R.-K.Zheng, T.Qian, X.-Y.Guo, X.-G.Li, “Insulator-metal transition shift related to magnetic polarons in La0.67-xYxCa0.33MnO3”, European Physical Journal B 32(1), 5-11 (2003).
  8.G.Li, H.-D.Zhou, S.-J.Feng, X.-J.Fan, X.-G.Li, Z.-D.Wang, “Competition between ferromagnetic metallic and paramagnetic insulating phases in manganites”, Journal of Applied Physics 92(3), 1406-1410 (2002).
  9.G.Li, G.–G.Hu, H.–D.Zhou, X.–J.Fan, X.-G.Li, “Attractive microwave-absorbing properties of La1-xSrxMnO3 manganite powders”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 75 (1-3): 101-104 (2002).
  10.G.Li, H.-D.Zhou,, S.-J.Feng, X.-G.Li, “Anisotropic magnetic transport properties and ESR spectra in a tri-layered epitaxial thin-film manganite La2.1Ca1.9Mn3O10”, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 14(2), 211-217 (2002).
  11.G.Li, G.-G.Hu, H.-D.Zhou, X.-J.Fan, X.-G.Li, “Absorption of microwaves in La1-xSrxMnO3 manganese powders over a wide bandwidth”, Journal of Applied Physics 90(11), 5512-5514 (2001).
  12.G.Li, T.-L.Xia, J.Chu, Z.-F.Zhao, S.-L.Yuan, “The dependence of the magnetoresistance on the magnetic history for La2/3Ca1/3Mn0.85Cu0.15O3”, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 12(41), 8883-8888 (2000).
  13.李廣,姜勇,孫霞,湯萍,黃真,王勝,袁松柳,“液氦溫區La2/3Ca1/3Mn1-xCuxO3 (x = 0.15)體系的磁電阻馳豫效應”, 物理學報49, 124 (2000).
  14.李廣,湯萍,孫霞,姜勇,陳岳,王勝,黃真,袁松柳,“低溫下La2/3Ca1/3Mn1-xCuxO3 (x = 0.15) 體系電阻極小值及起因, 物理學報48, 505 (1999).
  15.N.Y.Wang, T.F.Zhou, and G.Li, “Rectifying and magnetoresistance properties of the heterojunction composed of La1/8Ca7/8MnO3 and Nb-doped SrTiO3” Chinese Low temperature physics, (出版中,2007.注:通訊作者)

  B、第二作者文章(SCI 收錄,可參考Web of Science 數據庫網站)

  1.T.Qian, G.Li, T.Zhang , T.Zhang, T.F.Zhou, X.W.Kang, and X.G.Li, “High-field history dependence of magnetization and resistivity in phase-separated Y0.2Ca0.8MnO3”, Physical Review B76, 0144333 (2007).
   2.T.F.Zhou, G.Li, X.G.Li, S.W.Jin, and W.B.Wu, “Self-generated in-plane superlattice in relaxed epitaxial La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 films”, Applied.Physics.Letters.90, 042512 (2007).
  3.T.Qian, G.Li, T.Zhang , T.F.Zhou , X.Q.Xiang , X.W Kang, and X.G.Li, “Exchange bias tuned by cooling field in phase separated Y0.2Ca0.8MnO3”, Applied.Physics.Letters.90, 012503 (2007).
  4.T.Zhang, G.Li, T.Qian, J.F.Qu, X.Q.Xiang, and X.G.Li, “Correlation among the particle size, structure and magnetic properties in La0.6Pb0.4MnO3 nanoparticles”, J.Appl.Phys.100 (2006) 094324.
  5.T.F.Zhou, G.Li, T.Qian, and X.G.Li, “Magnetic field dependent evolution of band structure in La1-xCaxMn03 (x=0.18 and 0.30)”Applied.Physics.Letters.89, 222504 (2006).
  6.T.F.Zhou, G.Li, N.Y.Wang, B.M.Wang and X.G.Li, “Crossover of magnetoresistance from negative to positive in the heterojunction composed of La0.82Ca0.18MnO3 and 0.5 wt% Nb-doped SrTiO3”, Appl.Phys.Lett.88, 232508 (2006).
  7.S.-J.Feng, G.Li, Y.Liu, L.Shi, X.-G.Li, Z.Y.Zhong, and H.W.Zhang, “Superfluid density suppression and quasiparticle interaction in Bi2Sr2Ca1-xCu2O8+ single crystals”, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 17 (4) 689-695 (2005).FEB 2 2005
  8.R.K.Zheng, G.Li, Y.Yang, A.N.Tang, W.Wang, T.Qian, and X.G.Li, “Transport, ultrasound, and structural properties for the charge-ordered Pr1xCaxMnO3 (0.5 x 0.875) manganites”, Phys.Rev.B 70(1), 014408 (2004).JUL 2004
   9.楊威,李廣,李曉光,謝家純,許杰,“Current transport under high magnetic fields in 強磁場下Ni/4H-SiC 肖特基勢壘的電流傳輸”, 中國化學物理學報17(4), 449-453 (2004).AUG 2004
  10.T.Qian, G.Li, Q.Han, X.Y.Guo, Y.Liu, J.F.Qu, and X.-G.Li, “Transport and stability properties of the charge ordered state for Sm1-xCaxMnO3 (0.4 x 0.8)”, Journal of Applied Physics 95(3), 977-981 (2004).FEB 1 2004
  11.R.K.Zheng, G.Li, A.N.Tang, Y.Yang, W.Wang, X.G.Li, Z.D.Wang, and H.C.Ku, “The role of the cooperative Jahn--Teller effect in the charge-ordered La1-xCaxMnO3 (0.5 x 0.87) manganites”, Appl.Phys.Lett.83(25), 5250-5252 (2003).
  12.L.Shi, G.Li, X.–J.Fan, S.J.Feng, and X.-G.Li, “Structural, transport and magnetic properties of RuSr2Sm1.4Ce0.6Cu2O10-”, Physica C 399(1-2), 69-74 (2003).
  13.S.-J.Feng, G.Li, Q.Han, J.Ma, L.Shi, X.–F.Sun, J.Zuo and X.–G.Li, “Structural modifications and phonon softening in Bi2Sr2Ca1-xRxCu2O8+δ (R = Pr and Gd) single crystals”, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 15(17), 2859-2866 (2003).
  14.L.Shi, G.Li, X.D.Zhang, S.J.Feng, X.-G.Li, “Transport and magnetic resonance properties of Ru1-xSbxSr2Gd1.4Ce0.6Cu2O10-”, Physica C 383(4), 450-456 (2003).
  15.L.Shi, G.Li, S.J.Feng, X.- G.Li, “Effect of Sb doping on the structure and transport properties of the Ru-1222 system”, Physica Status Solidi A-Applied Research 198(1), 137-141 (2003).
  16.L.Shi, G.Li, Y.Pu, X.-D.Zhang, S.-J.Feng, X.–G.Li, “Effect of Pb doping on the superconducting and magnetic resonance properties of Ru-1222”, Mater.Lett.57(24-25), 3919-3923 (2003).
  17.Y.Liu, G.Li, S.J.Feng, and X.-G.Li, “Jahn-Teller distortions cooperating with magnetic interaction in the Raman spectra of La0.75Ca0.25MnO3 thin film”, Chinese Physics Lett.20(9), 1603-1606(2003).
  18.H.-D.Zhou, G.Li, F.Liu, S.-J.Feng, Y.Liu, X.-G.Li, Fang J, “Raman spectrum and ESR of Pr0.5Ca0.4Sr0.1MnO3”, Solid State Communications 124(3), 83-87(2002).
  19.H.-D.Zhou, G.Li, S.-J.Feng, Y.Liu, T.Qian, X.-J.Fan, X.–G.Li, “The effect of phase separation on charge ordering state in La1-xCaxMnO3 (x = 1/2, 2/3, and 3/4)”, Solid State Communications 122(9), 507-510 (2002).
  20.H.-D.Zhou, G.Li, X.-Y.Xu, S.–J.Feng, T.Qian, X.-G.Li, “Transport and magnetic properties in La0.7Ca0.3Mn1-xCuxO3”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 75(1-3), 140-143 (2002).
  21.H.-D.Zhou, G.Li, H.Chen, R.-K/ Zheng, X.-J.Fan, X.-G.Li, “The Jahn-Teller effect and electron-phonon interaction in La0.25Ca0.75Mn1-xCrxO3”, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 13(28), 6195-6202 (2001).
  22.S.-L.Yuan, G.Li, Y.Jiang, J.–Q.Li, X.–Y.Zeng, Y.–P.Yang, Z.Huang, S.-Z.Jin, “Exchange-narrowing spin-spin interaction in the paramagnetic regime of perovskite manganites studied through the EPR measurements for (La, Y)2/3(Ca, Sr, Ba)1/3MnO3 with a wide span of TC”, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 12, L109 (2000).(導師為第一作者)
  23.姜勇,李廣,曾祥勇,湯萍,孫霞,黃真,袁松柳,“Ba-doping effect on Ca sites of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3體系Ca位Ba摻雜效應”,無機材料學報15, 531 (2000).
  24.姜勇,李廣,曾祥勇,楊應平,袁松柳,金嗣昭,“鈣鈦礦型錳氧化物中的電子自旋共振研究”,物理學報49(9), 1846-1851 (2000).



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