
發布時間:2021-11-02 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


北京師范大學地理學與遙感科學學院碩導:陳錫云 正文



  職務: 副教授
  二級學科: 自然地理學
  學歷: 博士
  E-mail: chen.xiyun@bnu.edu.cn
  聯系電話: 010-58807454-1686



  2009.7,加拿大魁北克大學蒙特利爾分校(UQAM)暨麥吉爾大學(McGill)全球環境與氣候變化中心(GEC3) , 環境過程模擬(陸地系統生物地球化學過程與效應模擬)。合作導師,彭長輝博士,教授;Tim Moore, 教授。
  2006.4,挪威生命科學大學植物與環境科學系,環境科學(陸地系統生物地球化學),導師,Jan Mulder博士, 教授
  1999.7,中國科學院, 水利部水土保持研究所, 黃土高原土壤侵蝕與旱地農業國家重點實驗室,土壤物理(SPAC水分傳輸與調控),導師,劉文兆研究員

  2009年7月: 北京師范大學(BNU)地理學與遙感科學學院(GEOG), 副教授
  2006年7月- 2008年1月: 中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所,中科院水循環及陸表過程重點實驗室, 副研究員
  1999年8月–2005年10月: 中國林業科學研究院森林生態環境與保護研究所, 助理研究員
  1997年9月-1998年1月: 水利部水土保持司局綜合規劃處,“全國水土保持生態建設規劃”編制
  1995年8月-1996年8月: 甘肅武威滴灌示范基地(以色列Netafim公司合作), 技術員,基地辦公室主任

  加拿大氣候與大氣科學基金(Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences,CFCAS) 項目,負責陸地系統碳、氮生物地球化學過程與溫室氣體(e.g. CO2, CH4, N2O)排放模擬。
  中科院地理科學與資源研究所創新三期領域前沿課題“海河典型流域非點源污染物水環境效應的機制與模擬”(01/2007-01/2008), 主持(后因出國轉由參加人主持)。
  中挪合作IMPACTS(Integrated Monitoring Program on Acidification of Chinese Terrestrial Systems,中國陸地生態系統酸沉降綜合影響觀測)項目(01/2000-12/2004), 參加,承擔氮沉降及其水文與生態效應研究部分。
  科技部公益性研究專項“林業生態工程水資源影響監測研究” (07/2000 – 07/2004),參加,項目設計與申請書撰寫。
  國家林業局“寧夏回族自治區固原縣退耕還林(草)試點科技支撐與示范項目” (08/2000 – 08/2002),項目設計與計劃書撰寫者,任聯絡員負責項目具體實施。
  北京市自然科學基金重大項目“官廳庫區土壤水分承載量及植被恢復機理研究”(10/2001- 10/2005),參加,項目設計與申請書撰寫者。
  國家“十五”科技攻關項目子專題“水源涵養型林草植被營造與管理技術研究” (01/2001-10/2005),參加,專題設計與申請書撰寫者。
  國家發改委“寧夏回族自治區固原縣天然林保護工程科技支撐與示范項目” (10/2001- 10/2004),參加,項目設計與標書撰寫,擔負技術協調。
  新型水果――樹莓系列產品開發基礎研究 (12/ 2000 – 12/2003),參加,項目設計與申請書撰寫者。

  博士論文 (英文) : 升高的大氣氮沉降下中國南方典型亞熱帶森林流域的氮狀況與動態(Nitrogen status and dynamics of selected subtropical forested catchments in south China under elevated atmospheric nitrogen deposition )
  博士考核報告:中國淡水資源的未來:環境挑戰與選擇 (Future of Freshwater in China: Environmental Challenges and Options)

  Xi Yun Chen, Changhui Peng, Sami Ullah, Tim Moore, Changsheng Li. Modeling trace gas fluxes from soils along slope transects in selected deciduous forest ecosystems in eastern Canadian. Manuscript.
  Xi Yun Chen and Jan Mulder, 2006. Different factors control the temporal and spatial variations of in situ soil nitrogen transformations in subtropical forest ecosystems in south China. EST, in revision.
  Yunting Fang, Per Gundersen, Rolf D. Vogt, Keisuke Koba, Fusheng Chen, Xi Yun Chen, Muneoki Yoh. 2011. Atmospheric deposition and leaching of nitrogen in Chinese forest ecosystems, Forest Research, In press.
  Jun Xia, XingYao Pan, Xi Yun Chen & Yu Liu, 2007. A Review of Soil Water Resource Research and Application in China. In Nick V. D. G., Xia J., Dan R., Yoshihiro F. (Editors), Changes in Water Resources Systems:Methodologies to Maintain Water Security and Ensure Integrated Management, IAHS Publ.315: 215-220
  Xi Yun Chen, Jan Mulder, 2007, Indicators for nitrogen status and leaching in subtropical forested catchments, south China. Biogeochemistry 82:165-180
  Xi Yun Chen and Jan Mulder, 2007. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen at five subtropical forested sites in south China. Science of Total Environment, 378:317-330
  Jan Mulder, Xi Yun Chen, Dawei Zhao & Renjun Xiang, 2005, Elevated nitrogen deposition in subtropical Chinese forest ecosystems, dominated by Masson pine: Nitrogen fluxes and budgets at the plot and catchment scale, 637-643. In Zhaoliang Zhu, Katsu Minami and Guangxi Xing, the 3rd international N conference --- contributed papers, Oct.12-16, 2004 Nanjing, China. Sciences Press USA Inc., Monmouth Junction, USA.
  Xi Yun Chen, Jan Mulder, Dagang Tang & Espen Lydersen, 2004, Increased N deposition and its impacts on subtropical forested catchments in South China--- a brief introduction from the Sino-Norwegian IMPACTS project (Abstract), Geophyical Research Abstracts, 6, 3985, EGU04-A-03985
  Xi Yun Chen, Jan Mulder, Yanhui Wang, Dawei Zhao & Renjun Xiang, 2004, Atmospheric deposition, minerliaztion and leaching of nitrogen in subtropical forested catchments, south China, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 26:179 –186
  Thrjon Larssen, Jan Mulder, Yanhui Wang, Xi Yun Chen, Dawei Zhao and Jingsong Xiao, 2001, Nitrogen deposition and leaching from two forested catchments in southwest China---preliminary data and research needs. The Scientific World, 1: 520-526
  Xiaoquan Zhang, Xi Yun Chen, Qinghua Zhang and Chaoshu Song, 2001, An Investigation of the Effects of Land Use Changes on Carbon Storage in Wutai Mountain of Shanxi Province, P.R.China, 2001, Proceedings of the 6th International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Vol.I: 576-579. 1-5 October, 2001, Sendai, Japan
  王彥輝, 于澎濤,陳錫云, 土壤水分承載量及植被恢復機理國內外研究進展,見王彥輝等 著, 北京官廳庫區森林植被生態用水及其恢復,p 19-33,中國林業出版社,2009
  Pentti Hakkila, Vtt Energy (著), 郭明春(譯),陳錫云(校),北歐國家林業工作的變化, 見 金普春,張久榮等主編 IUFRO 第21屆世界大會論文選編,p 230-235, 中國環境科學出版社,2001.
  Ingrid Kissling-Naf (著), 郭明春(譯),陳錫云(校),新公共管理方法(NPM)和林業體制改革, 見 金普春,張久榮等主編 IUFRO 第21屆世界大會論文選編, p 223-229, 中國環境科學出版社, 2001
  Wolfgang Schaaf (著), 陳錫云 (譯),程瑞梅(校),褐煤礦區森林生態系統發育的時間序列研究,見 金普春,張久榮等主編 IUFRO 第21屆世界大會論文選編,p 251-256, 中國環境科學出版社,2001
  Etienne Dambrine 等 (著),陳錫云 (譯),程瑞梅(校),森林長時段營養平衡:時間序列研究的結果, 見 金普春,張久榮等主編 IUFRO 第21屆世界大會論文選編,p 257-263, 中國環境科學出版社,2001
  陳錫云,王彥輝,張小全,水資源短缺對西北地區生態建設的影響與對策,見:中國林學會編 《西北生態環境論壇》林業出版社,2001,197-202
  陳錫云, 劉文兆,半干旱黃土丘陵區果園水分蒸散特征研究, 水土保持學報 2000 14(3):67-70
  陳錫云,劉文兆, 黃土丘陵區果樹根層土壤水分空間分布特征研究, 西北農學報 1999 8 (6): 55-57
  朱清科,朱金兆,沈應柏,陳錫云,論黃土區農林復合生態經濟系統結構與發展, 土壤侵蝕與水土保持學報1998,4 (4):72-76
  Xi Yun Chen, Changhui Peng, Sami Ullah, Tim Moore, Changsheng Li, 2008. Modeling Trace gas fluxes from selected forest sites in Canada use Forest-DNDC ---- Model calibration. Oral presentation on Workshop on Forest Sector Greenhouse Gas Measurement and modeling in Canada, 2008.8.21-22. McGill, Montreal, Canada (口頭報告)
  Xi Yun Chen, Changhui Peng, Tim Moore, Sami Ullah, Dan Pennock, Changsheng Li, 2008. Modeling trace gas fluxes from soils along slope transect in eastern Canadian forested ecosystems. Poster on the Centre Day of Global Environment and Climate Change Centre (GEC3). April. 30, McGill New Residence Hall, Montreal, Canada. (墻報)
  Xi Yun Chen, 2007. Model parameter estimation with PEST: an introductive communication. 11th, Dec. ECO-MCS, Institute of environment Sciences, University of Quebec at Montreal. (口頭報告)
  Xi Yun Chen, Changhui Peng, Tim Moore, Sami Ullah, 2007. Trace gases emission from Canadian forest soils ---- model simulation. Workshop on trace gas fluxes from Canadian forest soils. 8-9, June, Global Environment and Climate Change Centre (GEC3), Department of Geography, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. (口頭報告)
  Xi Yun Chen, 2007. Reactive nitrogen and its impacts on forest ecosystems: efforts of quantification. Biogeochemistry research Communication Group (BRCG) Seminar. 12th march, Global Environment and Climate Change Centre (GEC3), Department of Geography, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. (口頭報告)
  Xi Yun Chen & Jan Mulder, 2006. Elevated nitrogen deposition in subtropical Forested Catchment sin South China: indicators for Nitrogen Status and Leaching. 23th, November, IGSNRR, Beijing, China. (口頭報告)
  Xi Yun Chen & Jan Mulder, 2005. Elevated nitrogen deposition in subtropical Chinese forest ecosystems, dominated by Masson pine: inorganic nitrogen dynamics in soil. 14-16, September, Uppsala, Sweden. (口頭報告)
  Xi Yun Chen, Jan Mulder, Dawei Zhao & Rejun Xiang, 2004. Role of nitrogen in the acidification of selected subtropical Chinese forest ecosystems---a summary report from N study of IMPACTS. The final conference of China-Norwegian Cooperative projects, 29-30, November. Beijing, P.R.China. (口頭報告)
  Jan Mulder, Xi Yun Chen, Dawei Zhao & Renjun Xiang, 2004. Elevated nitrogen deposition in subtropical Chinese forest ecosystems, dominated by Masson pine: II. Nitrogen fluxes and budgets at the plot and catchment scale. The 3rd N internationl conference, 12-16, October. Nanjing, P.R.China. (口頭報告)
  Xi Yun Chen, Jan Mulder, Renjun Xiang and Dawei Zhao, 2004. Elevated nitrogen deposition in subtropical Chinese forest ecosystems, dominated by Masson pine: I. Indices for nitrogen status and leaching. The 3rd N internationl conference, 12-16, October. Nanjing, P.R.China. (口頭報告)
  Xi Yun Chen, Jan Mulder, Dagang Tang and Espen Ledessen, 2004. Elevated N deposition and its impacts on subtropical forested catchments in South China - a brief introduction from the China-Norwegian IMPACTS project, European Geosciences Union (EGU) 1st General Assembly, 25 - 30 April, Nice, France. (口頭報告)
  Xi Yun Chen, Jan Mulder, Yanhui Wang, Dawei Zhao, Renjun Xiang & Lei Duan, 2002. Nitrogen deposition, nitrate pollution and acidification in subtropical forested catchments, south China. First International Conference on Soil Quality Evolution Mechanisms and Sustainable Use of Soil Resources. November, Suzhou, P.R. China. (口頭報告)
  陳錫云, 王彥輝, 2000. 生態林業工程防止土壤侵蝕效能數據判別與分析,國家 “九五”科技攻關重點子專題“生態效益數據判別及區域綜合評價”技術報告之四, 國家林業局科技司。
  陳錫云, 徐德應,王彥輝, 2000. 林業生態工程蓄水效能數據判別與分析, 國家“九五”重點科技攻關子專題“生態效益數據判別及區域綜合評價”技術報告之五, 國家林業局科技司。
  陳錫云, 周文權,王彥輝, 2000. 林冠截持數據判別與分析,國家“九五”重點科技攻關子專題“生態效益數據判別及區域綜合評價”技術報告之九, 國家林業局科技司。
  陳錫云, 徐德應, 王彥輝, 2000. 生態林業工程水文效應研究總評. 國家“九五”重點科技攻關子專題“生態效益數據判別及區域綜合評價”技術報告之十二, 國家林業局科技司。



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