
發布時間:2019-01-09 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


首都醫科大學基礎醫學院導師馬新亮 正文

  姓名:馬新亮 性別:男 職稱:教授

  職務:Thomas Jefferson大學急診醫學部研究中心主任

  招生院所:基礎醫學院招生類型:科學學位(博) 科學學位(碩)

  招生專業:病理學與病理生理學(博) 病理學與病理生理學(碩)




  1. American Heart Association 成員

  2. American Physiology Society 成員

  3. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine 成員

  4. Nitric Oxide Society 成員

  5. American Diabetes Association 成員

  6. National Institutes of Health 成員

  7. 《Journal of Cardiothoracic-Renal Research》編委

  8. 《American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism》編委

  9. 《Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International》編委

  10. 《Diabetes Review Letters》編委


  1. 197609-197908:山西醫學院 學士

  2. 197909-198209:山西醫學院 碩士

  3. 198602-198807:第四軍醫大學 博士

  4. 198910-199106:美國托馬斯?杰佛遜大學生理學系 博士后

  5. 199107-199307:美國托馬斯?杰佛遜大學生理學系 實驗室主任

  6. 199307-199707:美國托馬斯?杰佛遜大學醫學院急診醫學部 助理教授

  7. 199707-200207:美國托馬斯?杰佛遜大學醫學院急診醫學部 副教授

  8. 200207- :美國托馬斯?杰佛遜大學醫學院急診醫學 教授

  9. 201005- :首都醫科大學生理與病理生理學系 教授


  1. Yu QJ, Gao F, Ma XL.Insulin says NO to cardiovascular disease. . Circ Res. 2011,89:516-524.SCI

  2. Yu QJ, Gao F, Ma XL*..Insulin says NO to cardiovascular disease. Invited review article. . Cardiovasc Res. 2011,89:516-524.SCI

  3. Cilenti L, Balakrishnan MP, Wang XL, Ambivero C, Sterlicchi M, Monte FD, Ma XL*, and Zervos AS. .Regulation of Abro1/KIAA0157 during myocardial infarction and cell death reveals a novel cardioprotective mechanism for Lys63-specific deubiquitination. . Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 2011,50(4):652-661.SCI

  4. Yuan Y, Gao E, Wang Y, Wang XL, Yi W, Lau WB, Wong W, Koch W, Ma X*..CTRPs, A novel therapeutic target against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. . Circulation. 2010,122:A14133.SCI

  5. Lau WB, Tao L, Wang YJ, Li R, MA XL.Systemic Adiponectin Malfunction as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease. Antioxidant & Redox Signaling. 2010,11:21.SCI

  6. Yi W, Sun Y, Gao EH, Wei XF, Lau WB, Zheng QJ, Wang YJ, Yuan YX, Wang XL, Tao L, Li R, Kock WJ, Ma XL.Reduced Cardioprotective Action of Adiponectin in High Fat Diet Induced Type II Diabetic Mice and its Underlying Mechanisms. Antioxidant & Redox Signaling. 2010,11:21.SCI

  7. 177. Chen G, Lai W, Liu F, Mao Q, Tu F, Wen J, Xiao H, Zhang JC, Zhu T, Chen B, HuZY, Li RM, Liang Z, Nie H, Yan H, Yang BX, Du Q, Huang WX, Jiang YW, Kwan AS, Song L, Wu CM, Xiang T, Xu HW, Lau WB, Song HB, Wen CB, Yao ZH, Zhang L, Zeng J, Dai YE, Lopez BL, Zheng JQ, Zhou J, Christopher TA, Ma XL, . The dragon strikes: Lessons from the Wenchuan earthquake. Anesth Analg. 2010,110:908-915.SCI

  8. 173. Yuan YX, Jiao XY, Lau WB, Wang YJ, Christopher TA, Lopez BL, RamachandraRao SP, Tao L, Ma XL.Reduced vascular responsiveness to adiponectin in hyperlipidemic rats-mechanisms and significance. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2010,49:508-515.SCI

  9. Wang YJ, Lau WB, Gao EH, Tao L, Yuan YX, , Li R, Wang XL, Kock WJ, Ma XL*..Cardiomyocyte-Derived Adiponectin is Biologically Active in Protecting Against Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2010,298:E663-670.SCI

  10. Yuan YX, Jiao XY, Lau WB, Wang YJ, Christopher TA, Lopez BL, RamachandraRao SP, Tao L, Ma XL*. .Thioredoxin glycation: A novel post-translational modification that inhibits its anti-oxidant and organ protective actions. . Free Rad Biol Med. 2010,19:332-338.SCI

  11. Tao L, Wang YJ, Gao EH, Zhang HX, Yuan YX, Lau WB, Chan L, Koch WJ, Ma XL*. .Adiponectin: An Indispensable Molecule in Rosiglitazone Cardioprotection Following Myocardial Infarction.. Circ Res. 2010,106:409-417.SCI

  12. Yan Z, Liang F, Guo L, Wang J, Wang XL, Cheng XL, Ma XL, Liu HR. .Myeloperoxidase increased cardiomyocyte protein nitration in mice subjected to nonlethal mechanical trauma. . Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010,393:531-535.SCI

  13. Wang XL, Lau WB, Yuan YX, Wang YJ, Yi W, Christopher TA, Lopez BL, Liu HR, Ma XL*. .Methylglyoxal increases cardiomyocyte ischemia/reperfusion injury via glycative inhibition of thioredoxin activity.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2010,299:E207-214.SCI

  14. Gao EH, Lei YH, Shang X, Huang ZM, Zuo L, Boucher M, Fan Q, Chuprun JK, Ma XL, Koch WJ. .A Novel and Efficient Model of Coronary Artery Ligation and Myocardial Infarction in the Mouse. Circ Res. 2010,107:1445-1453.SCI

  15. Li R, Lau WB, Ma XL*..Adiponectin resistance and vascular dysfunction in the hyperlipidemic state. . Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2010,31(10):1258-1266.SCI

  16. Lau WB, Tao L, Wang YJ, Li R, MA XL..Systemic Adiponectin Malfunction as a Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease. Antioxidant & Redox Signaling. 2010,11:21.SCI

  17. Wang YJ, Gao EH, Tao L, Lau WB, Yuan YX, Goldstein BJ, Lopez BL, Christopher TA, Tian R, Koch W, Ma XL*. .AMPK Deficiency Enhances Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury but has Minimal Effect on Adiponectin’s Anti-Oxidant/Anti-Nitrative Protection.. Circulation. 2009,119:835-844.SCI

  18. Liu HR, Tao L, Gao EH, Qu Y, Lopez BL, Christopher TA, Koch W, Yue TL, Ma XL*..Rosiglitazone Inhibits Hypercholesterolemia-Induced Myeloperoxidase Upregulation -a Novel Mechanism for the Cardioprotective Effects of PPAR Agonists.. Cardiovasc Res. 2009,81:344-352.SCI

  19. Ye MX, Wang YM, Ma XL, Pei JM..Rosiglitazone, not only potentially protects myocardium against complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus but also induces myocardium infarction: Possible mechanisms? . Bioscience Hypotheses. 2009,2:176-177.SCI

  20. Wang YJ, Tao L, Yuan YX, Lau WB, Li R, Lopez BL, Christopher TA, Tian R, Ma XL*..Cardioprotective Effect of Adiponectin is Partially Mediated by its AMPK-Independent Anti-Nitrative Action.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab . 2009,297:E384-391.SCI

  21. Jiao XY, Gao EH, Yuan YX, Wang YJ, Lau WB, Koch W, Ma XL, Tao L..INO-4885, a Novel Peroxynitrite Decomposition Catalyst, Protects the Heart against Reperfusion Injury in Mice.. J Pharm Exp Ther. 2009,328:777-784.SCI

  22. Cao Y, Tao L, Jiao XY, Lau WB, Yuan YX, Wang YJ, Christopher TA, Lopez BL, Chan L, Goldstein BJ, Ma XL*. .Endothelial Dysfunction in Adiponectin Deficiency and its Mechanisms Involved. . JMCC. 2009,46(3):413-419.SCI

  23. Goldstein BJ, Scalia RG, Ma XL*..Protective vascular and myocardial effects of adiponectin.. Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med. 2009,6:27-35.SCI

  24. Li R, Wang WQ, Zhang HF, Yang XC, Fan Q, Christopher TA, Lopez BL, Tao L, Goldstein, BJ, Gao F, Ma XL*. .Adiponectin Improves Endothelial Function in Hyperlipidemic Rats by Reducing Oxidative/Nitrative Stress and Differential Regulation of eNOS/iNOS Activity. . Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab . 2007,293:1703-1708.SCI

  25. Wang XL, Liu HR, Tao L, Liang F, Yan L, Zhao RR, Lopez BL, Christopher TA, Ma XL*. .Role of iNOS-Derived Reactive Nitrogen Species and Resultant Nitrative Stress in Leukocytes-Induced Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis after Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion.. Apoptosis. 2007,12:1209-1217.SCI

  26. Li SZ, Tao L, Jiao XY, Liu HR, Cao Y, Lopez BL, Luan RH, Christopher TA, Ma XL*..TNFα-Initiated Oxidative/Nitrative Stress Mediates Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis in Traumatic Animals.. Apoptosis. 2007,12:1795-1802.SCI

  27. Zhang HX, Tao L, Gao EH, Jiao XY, Lopez BL, Christopher TA, Koch WJ, Ma XL*. .Nitrative Thioredoxin Inactivation as a Cause of Enhanced Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in the Aging Heart. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2007,43:39-47.SCI

  28. Tao L, Gao ER, Jiao XY, Christopher TA, Lopez BL, Koch WJ, Chan L, Goldstein B, Ma XL*..Adiponectin Cardioprotection After Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Involves the Reduction of Oxidative/Nitrative Stress . Circulation. 2007,115:1408-1416.SCI



  1. American Heart Association Research Excellence Award 200807

  2. American College of Emergency Physician Established Investigator Award 200203

  3. Who is Who in American, 56th Edition. 200109



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