
發布時間:2021-11-22 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


常州大學環境與安全工程學院導師:韓照祥 正文

姓名: 韓照祥
出生年月:1969,03????? 職稱


1.主持完成江蘇省海洋生物重點實驗室課題“海洋污染物對水產養殖業影響的生態毒理學研究(項目編號:2005HS008)”( 2005, 05~2007, 05)
2.主持完成淮海工學院自然科學課題“水產養殖業環境安全性與生態修復技術研究” (項目編號:Z2006002)( 2007, 01~2008, 12)
3.主持完成連云港市科技計劃(社會發展計劃)課題“海州灣及其鄰近海域生態系統中多環芳烴污染的生態修復技術研究”(項目編號:SH0809)(2008, 12~2010, 12)

[1] Han Zhaoxiang, ZhaoYuxia ,Wang Huiyan, Yang Xuemei. Toxicity of Cobalt and Nickel to Salmon Sperm’s DNA and the Antagonistic Effect of Magnesium and Copper. SynthesisandReactivityinInorganic,Metal-Organic,andNano-Metal
Chemistry, 2007, 37(3):213-217.(SCI)
[2] Han Zhao-Xiang, Lv Chun-Xia, Zheng Zeng-ren. Toxicity of Mercury to carassius aurats and the Antagonistic Effect of Selenium. SynthesisandReactivityinInorganic, Metal-Organic,andNano-MetalChemistry, 2008, 38(7): 584-590. (SCI)
[3] Zhao-Xiang Han, Chun-Xia Lv. Effects of Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate on Sex Hormones of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) and the Protection of Zinc. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2009, 39 (2):100–105. (SCI)
[4] Zhao-Xiang Han, Jia-Hong Wang. Effect Factors on the Degradation of MTBE with Fenton Reagent. Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2009, 39 (3):155-160. (SCI)
[5] Zhao-Xiang Han. InteractiveEffectsofHeavyMetalsandBaPonAChEActivityofPolychaetePerinereis
Aibuhitensis. SynthesisandReactivityinInorganic,Metal-Organic,andNano-MetalChemistry,2009,39(4), 183-188. (SCI)
[6] Zhao-Xiang Han, Chun-Xia Lv, HuangLi. Toxicological Effects of Tributyltin on Physiological Function of Carassius Aurats. SynthesisandReactivityinInorganic,Metal-Organic,andNano-MetalChemistry,2009, 39(6), 295-301. (SCI)
[7] Zhao-Xiang Han, Chun-Xia Lv, Zeng-ren Zheng. Effects of Per?uorooctane Sulfonate on Carassius aurats and Kinetics Models. International Journal of Green Nanotechnology, 2009, 1(1):B60–B68.
[8] Zhao-Xiang Han, Chun-Xia Lv, Zeng-ren Zheng. Studies on the Pharmacokinetics of Furazolidone in Carassius Aurats. SynthesisandReactivityinInorganic,Metal-Organic,andNano-MetalChemistry,2009, 39(8), 502-508. (SCI)
[9] Zhao-Xiang Han, Jia-Hong Wang, Wen Zhou Lv. A Battery of Tests for Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Pentachlorophenol on Common Carp. International Journal of Green Nanotechnology, 2009, 1(2):B97-B107.
[10] Han Zhaoxiang, Lv Chunxia, and Zheng Zengren. Toxicological effects of PBDEs on carassius aurats. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2010, 29(2): 217-222. (EI).
[11] Zhao-Xiang Han, Jia-Hong Wang, Wen-Zhou Lv, Lin Min. Multibiomarker Approaches in Common Carp to Assess the Effects of Phenanthrene. Synthesis and Reactivity inInorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2010, 40 (4):257–265 (SCI).
[12] HAN Zhaoxiang, WANG Jia-hong, and Lin Min. Joint toxic effects of heavy metals and atrazine on invasive plant species solidago canadensis L. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2011, 30 (4): 523-530. (EI)
[13] Zhao-Xiang Han, Qing-Hao Hu, Chun-Xia Lv, Lin Min. Toxicity and uptake kinetics of pentachlorophenol on the Eisenia fetida exposed to test soils. Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring (CDCIEM), 2011, 4(11): 2343-2347. (EI/ISTP)
[14] Zhao-Xiang Han, Jia-Hong Wang. Effect Factors of Biodegradation on Phenanthrene by Pseudomonas putida. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 396-398, 2107-2110. (EI)
[15] Zhaoxiang Han, Guandong He, Chunxia Lv, Jiahong Wang. Enhanced toxicity of atrazine in Daphnia magna in the presence of nano-CeO2. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2012, (Accepted). (EI).
[16] Chunshui Zhu, Liping Wang, Wenbin Chen. Removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solution by agricultural by-product:peanut hull. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009,168:739-746.(SCI)
[17] Zhao-Xiang Han, Guan-Dong He, Jia-Hong Wang . Interaction Influence of Cd(Ⅱ) and Nano-TiO2 on Aggregation and Adsorption Kinetics towards Marine Algae. International Journal of Green Nanotechnology, 2011, 3(3): 229-237.
[18] zhaoxiang Han, Guiquan Han, MengZhang.? Interactive effects of salinity and elevated CO2 on ecophysiological function of euhalophyte Suaeda salsa. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 361-363, 90-93. (EI)
[19] HAN Zhaoxiang, ZHANG meng, LV Chunxia. Immunotoxicity and Hepatotoxicity of PFOS and PFOA in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)(Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, Accepted)(EI)
[20] Zhao-Xiang Han, Meng Zhang, Chun-Xia Lv. Toxicokinetic behaviors and modes of PFOS and PFOA on Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(60), 12943-12950. (SCI)
[21] Zhao-Xiang Han, Meng Zhang, Chun-Xia Lv. Effect of Montmorillonite on Arsenic Behaviors in Common Carp. (African Journal of Biotechnology , Accepted) (SCI)
[22] Zhaoxiang Han, Meng Zhang, Chunxia Lv. Biotoxicity Effects of NiO-Nanoparticles on Chlorella sp.CDCIEM2012) (EI)
[23] Zhaoxiang Han, Zhangmeng, Chun-xia Lv. Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of NiO Nanoparticles in Gracilaria Lemaneiformis. ICEEP2012, (Accepted) (EI)
[24] Zhaoxiang Han, Jiaying Li, meng Zhang, Chun-xia Lv. Heavy Metal Induced Ecophysiological Function Alterations in Euhalophyte Suaeda Salsa.International Journal of Sediment Research, (Accepted) (SCI)
[25] 韓照祥,胡喜蘭,王慶祝.重金屬在不同魚體內的蓄積及其防御機制研究. 水利漁業,2006,5(26):76-77.
[26] 韓照祥,許興友,謝惠珠.重金屬與鮭魚精作用的比較研究.農業環境科學學報 ,2007,26(1):164-169.
[27] 韓照祥,呂春霞,朱莉娜.海洋沉積物對鉛吸附行為的研究. 水利漁業,2007,27(2):86-88.
[28] 韓照祥.改性吸附劑對三苯基氯化錫吸附性能的研究. 農業環境科學學報,2007,26(5):1992-1995.
[29] 韓照祥,王保慶.改性膨潤土對有機錫的吸附動力學研究.水利漁業,2008,28(2):19-21.
[30] 韓照祥,王超,馬紅超.飲用水中多種無機陰離子的離子色譜測定法.環境與健康雜志,2008,25(9):813-816.
[31] 韓照祥,呂春霞.重金屬離子對凡納濱對蝦的致病機理研究. 水生態學雜志,2008,1(1):69-74.
[32] 韓照祥,李佳穎.氯化三苯基錫對鯽魚的急性和亞急性毒性研究.水生態學雜志,2008,1(2):62-66.
[33] 韓照祥,楊勇富.重金屬對豐產鯽的毒性研究.水生態學雜志,2009,2(1):25-31.
[34] 韓照祥,何冠東.連云港港區海洋環境質量狀況與評價研究.環境監測管理與技術,2010,22(6):46-50.
[35] 主編《環境工程實驗技術》,南京大學出版社,2006年12月1日
[36] 專著:《陜西地區栓皮櫟種群動態模型與遺傳多樣性研究》,南京大學出版社,2012年4月

1.主持江蘇省海洋資源開發研究院科技開放基金項目“江蘇沿海灘涂耐鹽植物堿蓬的綜合開發利用研究” (項目編號:JSIMR10E04)(2010, 10~2012, 09)
2. 主持重慶市高校微納米材料工程與技術重點實驗室2011年度開放課題“養殖水體中納米顆粒對海藻的生態效應及生物修復研究”(項目編號:KFJJ1106)(2011,04~2012,10)
3. 主持江蘇省灘涂生物資源與環境保護重點建設實驗室開放課題“江蘇沿海灘涂表層沉積物中重金屬賦存特征與質量評價”(項目編號:JLCBE11004)(2011,10~2013,09)


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