
發布時間:2021-11-22 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


常州大學材料科學與工程學院導師:王標兵 正文

王標兵 博士 教授 博導
Email: bbwang@hotmail.com
單??? 位:常州大學材料科學與工程學院
郵??? 編:213164

1990.09~1994.07? 華北工學院化學工程系橡膠和塑料專業,工學學士;
1994.09~1997.07? 華北工學院化學工程系含能材料專業,工學碩士;
1998.09~2002.03? 東華大學材料學院材料學專業,工學博士。
2003.04~2002.03? 復旦大學高分子科學系博士后,導師為丁建東教授。
2004.04~2011.02 ?中北大學材料科學與工程學院
2006.10~2009.02? 美國KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY 博士后
2011.02~至今????? 常州大學材料科學與工程學院


發表的SCI 收錄論文
Biaobing Wang, Wei Wang, Guosheng Hu, Haiping Wang, Isothermal Crystallization kinetics and melting behavior of in-situ compatibilized nylon 6/Polyethylene-octene blends, J. Polym. Research, 17 (2010):429–437 (SCI)
Yingchun Li, Guosheng Hu, Zhengya Ding, Biaobing Wang, Correlation between morphology development and barrier property, non-isothermal crystallization behavior of nylon 11/EVOH/DCP composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 118(2010): 2126-2133, Coresponding Author, (SCI)
Biaobing Wang, Yanyun Guo, Guosheng Hu, on the design of biodegradable hydrogels bothe temperaturesensitive and pH sensitive, Materials Science-Poland, 28(2010):207-215 (SCI)
Biaobing Wang, Lixia Hao, Wei Wang, Guosheng Hu, One-step compatibilization of polyamide 6/ poly (ethylene-1-octene) blends with maleic anhydride and peroxide , Journal of Polymer Research, 17(2010): 821-826 Coresponding Author, (SCI)
Beaver, Erin, Ken Klabunde, Biaobing Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, 2009. Lactic Acid-Magnesium Oxide Nanocomposites: How Nanoparticle Size and Shape Affect Initial Polymerization and the Resulting Properties of the Prepolymer, New Journal of Chemistry, 33(2009): 1951-1959
Kun Fang, Biaobing Wang, Kuichuan Sheng, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Properties and Morphology of Poly(lactic acid) / Soy Protein Isolate Blends, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 11(2009):754-759 (SCI)
Biaobing Wang, Xiuzhi Susan Sun, Poly(lactic acid)/multi-hydroxyl magnesium oxide nanocomposites prepared by melt compounding, J. Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 3(2009):130-138 (SCI)
Guosheng Hu, Yalin Ma, Biaobing Wang, Mechanical properties and morphology of Nylon 11/ tetrapod-shape zinc oxide whisker composite, Materials Science and Engineering A, 504(2009): 8-12 Coresponding Author, (SCI)
Guosheng hu, Zhengya Ding, Biaobing Wang, Yingchun Li, Crystalline morphology and melting behavior of nylon11/ethylene-vinyl alcohol/dicumyl peroxide composites, Journal of Polymer Research, 16(2009)263 Coresponding Author, (SCI)
Biaobing Wang, Zhengya Ding, Guosheng Hu, Melting behavior and isothermal crystallization kinetics of nylon 11/EVOH/dicumyl peroxide blends, Polymer Engineering and Science, 48(2008): 2354-2361,(SCI)
Biao-bing Wang, Li-xia Wei, Guo-sheng Hu, Synergetic toughness and morphology of poly(propylene)/nylon 11/ maleated ethylene-propylene diene copolymer blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 110(2008):1344-1350 ?(SCI)
Xiang-feng Wu, Guo-sheng Hu, Biao-bing Wang, Yun-feng Yang, Synthesis and characterization of superfine magnesium hydroxide with monodispersity, Journal of Crystal Growth, 310(2008):457-461 Coresponding Author  Biaobing Wang, Guosheng Hu, Lixia Wei, Melting behavior, nonisothermal crystallization kinetics and morphology of PP/nylon 11/EPDM-g-MAH blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 107(2008):3013-3022 ,(SCI)
Zhengya Ding, Guo-sheng Hu, Biao-bing Wang, Effect of in situ crosslinking on mechanical properties and rheology of nylon 11 / EVOH/DCP composites, Journal of Polymer Research, 14(2007)511-517, Coresponding Author, (SCI)
Ya-lin Ma, Guo-sheng Hu, Xin-lin Ren, Biao-bing Wang, Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics and melting behaviors of nylon 11/tetrapod-shaped ZnO whisker (T-ZnOw) composites, Materials Science and Engineering A 460–461 (2007) 611–618, Coresponding Author, (SCI)
Guo-sheng Hu, Biao-bing Wang,Feng-zhen Gao ,Investigation on the rheological behavior of nylon 6/11, Materials Science and Engineering A 426 (2006): 263-265 Coresponding Author(SCI)
Biao-bing Wang, Guo-sheng Hu, Xin Zhao, Feng-zhen Gao,Preparation and characterization of nylon 6 11 copolymer,Materials Letters, 21-22(2006): 2715-2717 (SCI)
Biaobing WANG, Wen ZHU, Ying ZHANG, Zigang YANG, Jiandong DING,Synthesis of a chemically-crosslinked hydrogel film and in vitro encapsulation of model protein drugs,Reactive and Functional Polymers, 66(2006:509-518 (SCI)



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