
發布時間:2020-06-12 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


重慶大學計算機學院介紹 正文

時間:2019-04-19 瀏覽量: 9911
重慶大學計算機學院是我國高校最早開展計算機研究的基地之一,是信息科學領域科學技術研究與人才培養的重要基地,有60余年的發展歷史,近年來,學院圍繞重慶大學“堅持提高教學質量、走內涵發展道路”的總體思路,通過匯聚學術隊伍、凝練學科方向、構建學科基地、促進學科交叉,已發展成為具有博士、碩士、本科完整的教育結構,現擁有“計算機軟件與理論”國家重點(培育)學科、重慶市一級重點學科、 “211工程”和 “985工程”三期重點建設學科;擁有計算機科學與技術、軟件工程兩個一級博士學位授權點,計算機軟件與理論、計算機系統結構和計算機應用技術三個二級博士學位授權點;籌建了信息物理社會可信服務計算教育部重點實驗室、軟件理論與技術重慶市重點實驗室、重慶市軟件研發技術中心等多個研究基地。學院設有計算智能與信息安全、網絡和網絡關鍵技術及應用、模式識別與信息處理、軟件及應用技術、智能技術與服務五個研究所。2017年1月計算機科學學科進入ESI排名前1%。
計算機學科有計算智能與信息安全、機器學習與跨媒體感知、智能網絡與先進計算、大數據智能與服務計算等四個方向。2010年學院人工神經網絡研究領域在全球ESI排名中列第12名。學院目前是《小波、多分辨分析及其信息處理》(International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing (IJWMIP))國際期刊掛牌單位,是全國高等學校計算機教育研究會、重慶市計算機學會的掛靠單位。
Chongqing University (CQU) is located in the city of Chongqing Municipality. The campus covers an area of 3,633,329 square metres. CQU is a national key university which is directly governed by the Ministry of Education. CQU not only has very complete bachelor majors, such as science, engineering, culture, economics, economics, law, education etc., but also has its own graduate school, which can establish more master majors. CQU is a high-level research-oriented university, supported by national "211 Project", "985 Project", and “Global Tier-1 Universities Project (Class A)”.
The bachelor degree of computer science at CQU was established in 1958, master degree in 1978, and Ph.D degree in 1986. In 1998, the college of computer science was established on the aggregation of four units: the department of computer application, the department of software engineering, the department of basic computer science, and computer experimental center. Over the past 60 years, we have persisted in training talented students who have solid foundation and broad professional knowledge. Most graduates are mostly distributed to research institutes, colleges and universities, government agencies, international companies, state owned enterprises and IT related enterprises.
The college of computer science of CQU is one of the earliest established domestic institute which is research and education oriented. After decades of development, our college is now a complete educational institution with doctor, master and undergraduate degrees. Currently, there are 132 Ph.D students, 927 master students, and 1190 undergraduates in our college. Among our teaching staff, 76 of them have Ph.D degree, and 25 professors, 41 associate professors and senior engineers.
The strength of our college includes research and education in the fields of pattern recognition, networking technology, computational intelligence, information security, software engineering, service computing, system architecture, and intelligent distributed system. In recent years, we have undertaken many scientific research projects, including the NSFC projects, the national “863” projects, the national key scientific and technological projects, and nearly 30 province-level ministry-level projects. During the past 3 years, more than 300 research papers have been published in the important academic journals, and also 18 monographs and textbooks.
The college pays great intention to international exchange and cooperation. We have established extensive cooperative relations with domestic and international research institutions and well-known enterprises. The college of computer science is eager to have more extensive exchanges with domestic and international academics, enhance cooperation and work together to become the most important multi-level computer education base in the southwest region, and become the top-level teaching and research institute of China.
(All of the aforementioned statistics are updated on March 2018.)



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