

大連醫科大學第二臨床學院導師:鄭豐 正文
在研課題: 國家自然科學基金面上項目(2014),TNF介導的信號在腎小球微血管和大血管衰老中的作用。
1. Gao X, Huang L, Grosjean F, Esposito V, Wu J, Fu L, Hu H, Tan J, He C, Gray S, Jain MK, Zheng F (co-correspondence author), Mei C: Low protein diet supplemented with ketoacids reduces the severity of renal disease in 5/6 nephrectomized rats: A role for KLF15. Kidney Int, 79:987-96, 2011 IF=8.563
2. Yu Y, Wang Y, Zhou LN, Zheng F: ARB treatment protects against the decrease in endothelial progenitor cells in remnant kidney model. Am J Nephrol, 33:550-7, 2011 IF=2.669
3. Wu J, Guan T, Grosjean F, Xiong H, Striker GE, Zheng F: Inhibition of inflammation by pentosan polysulfate impedes the development and progression of severe diabetic nephropathy in aging C57B6 mice. Lab Invest, 91:1459-71, 2011 IF=3.676
4. Chen J, Yu ZH, Huang J, Lin HK, Gao X, Zheng F: A simple automated device for children renal biopsy: Advantage in obtaining more tissue . J Clin Pathol, 64:1029-31, 2011 IF=2.915
5. Huang QJ, Lan FH, Wang Z, Zheng F: Akt2 suppresses GAPDH mediated apoptosis via phosphorylating GAPDH at tyr157 and inhibiting its nuclear translocation. J Bio Chem, 286:42211-20, 2011 IF=4.573
6. Lupia E, Zheng F (co-first author), Grosjean F, Tack I, Doublier S, Elliot S, Vlassara V, Striker G: Pentosan polysulfate inhibits atherosclerosis in watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits: Differential modulation of metalloproteinase 2 and 9. Lab Invest, 92:236-45, 2012 IF=3.676
7. Zhang R, Zheng ZY, Lin J, Qu L, Zheng F: The continual presence of C3d but not IgG glomerular capillary deposition in stage I idiopathic membranous nephropathy in patients receiving corticosteroid treatment. Diagnostic Pathology, 7:109, 2012 IF=2.597
8. Lu J, Wang Q, Huang L, Dong H, Lin L, Lin N, Zheng F (Co-correspondence), Tan J: Palmitate Causes Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Apoptosis in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Prevention by AMPK Activator. Endocrinology,153:5275-84, 2012 IF=4.503
9. Esposito V, Grosjean F, Tan J, Chen J, Xiong H, Striker G, Zheng F: Chop deficiency results in elevated lipopolysaccharide induced inflammation and kidney injury. Am J Physiol, 302:F440-50,2013 IF=3.248
10. Guo J, Zou Y, Wu Z, Wu W, Xu Z, Hu H, Huang L, Dong H, Chen J, Lu J, Fu Y, Wang J, Ma Y, Chen X, He F, Yang S, Liao L, Chen J, Zheng F (Co-correspondence), Tan J: Protective effects of mesenchymal stromal cells on adriamycin-induced minimal change nephrotic syndrome in rats and possible mechanisms. Cytotherapy 16(4):471-84,2014 IF=3.29
11. Wang X, Lin Y, Lan F, Yu Y, Ouyang X, Wang X, Huang Q, Wang L, Tan J, Zheng F:A GG allele of 3'-side AKT1 SNP is associated with decreased AKT1 activation and better prognosis of gastric cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 140(8):1399-411, 2014 IF=3.081
12. Wang H, Geng DM, Zhang LM, Wu XY, Zheng F:Echocardiography detection of fetal ventricular aneurysm: A report of three cases. J Clin Ultrasound. 2014 Jul 28. doi: 10.1002/jcu.22211. IF=0.691
13. Zheng Z and Zheng F: Immune cells and Diabetic nephropathy. J Diabetes Res. 2016(3):1-10 IF=2.164
14. Jian Chen, Guangming Chen, Daping Xiao, Weihua Peng, Guoqing Yu, Yueyong Lin, and Feng Zheng : Continuous venovenous hemofiltration decreases mortality and ameliorates acute lung injury in canine model of severe salt water drowning. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2016 24: 40. Published online 2016 Mar 31. doi: 10.1186/s13049-016-0224-5PMCID IF=2.025
15. Zhang Y, Chen J, Zheng Z, Zheng F:HBV associated acute postinfectious glomerulonephritis. Plos One. 2016. In Press IF=3.234
