

大連醫科大學第二臨床學院導師:呂申 正文
在研項目① 國家自然科學基金面上項目,巨噬細胞對非小細胞肺癌表皮生長因子受體酪氨酸激酶抑制劑獲得性耐藥產生的促進作用研究,項目批準號:81572919,2016年1月-2019年12月,直接經費:52萬元,本人排名:1。② 國家自然科學基金青年項目,高分辨熔解曲線分析技術用于癌組織融合基因快速檢測的研究,項目批準號:81501832,2016年1月-2018年12月,直接經費:18萬元,本人排名:2。
代表文章① Lu Weipeng, Li Mei, Wang Hai, Liu Lina, Lu Shen. An epidermal growth factor receptor exon 19 mutation in a mucin-producing gastric cancer sample from a Chinese patient. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2016 (Accepted). 通訊作者,IF:2.016
② Wei Hong, Lu Weipeng, Li Mei, Zhang Qiuping, Lu Shen. Concomitance of P-gp/LRP Expression with EGFR Mutations in Exons 19 and 21 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers. Yonsei Medical Journal 2016, 57(1): 50-57. 通訊作者,IF:1.287
③ Lu Weipeng, Wei Hong, Li Mei, Wang Hai, Liu Lina, Zhang Qiuping, Liu Lisha, Lu Shen. Identification of KRAS and PIK3CA but not BRAF mutations in patients with gastric cancer. Molecular Medicine Reports 2015, 12(1): 1219-24. 通訊作者,IF:1.554
④ Zhao Baoxia, Wang Jing, Song Bo, Wei Hong, Lv Weipeng, Tian Limin, Li Mei, Lv Shen. Establishment and biological characteristics of acquired gefitinib resistance in cell line NCI-H1975/gefinitib-resistant with epidermal growth factor receptor T790M mutation. Molecular Medicine Reports 2015, 11(4): 2767-2774. 通訊作者,IF:1.554
⑤ Wang Jing, Wei Hong, Zhao Baoxia, Li Mei, Lv Weipeng, Lv Ling, Song Bo, Lv Shen. The reverse effect of X-ray irradiation on acquired gefitinib resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cell line NCI-H1975 in vitro, Journal of Molecular Histology 2014, 45(6): 641-652. 通訊作者,IF:1.815
⑥ Li Mei, Wei Minghai, Jiang Zhenfu, Wei Hong, Lu Weipeng, Dou Wei, Lu Shen, BRAF Overexpression induces rampant glioma proliferation independent of phospho-EGFR expression, Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2014, 23(6): 893-899. 通訊作者,IF:1.095
⑦ Li Mei, Zhang Qiuping, Liu Lina, Lu Weipeng, Wei Hong, Li Rachel W, Lu Shen, Expression of the mismatch repair gene hMLH1 is enhanced in non-small cell lung cancer with EGFR mutations, PLoS One 2013, 8(10): e78500-e78500. 通訊作者,IF:3.534
⑧ Liu Zhimin, Liu Lina, Li Mei, Wang Zhaohui, Feng Lu, Zhang Qiuping, Cheng Shihua, Lu Shen, Epidermal growth factor receptor mutation in gastric cancer, Pathology 2011, 43(3): 234-238. 通訊作者,IF:2.387
⑨ Feng Lu, Li Mei, Zhang Qiuping, Piao Zhengai, Wang Zhaohui, Lv Shen, Utility of BRAF protein overexpression in predicting the metastasis potential of papillary thyroid carcinoma, Oncology letters 2011, 2(1): 59-63. 通訊作者,IF:0.108
⑩ Lv Shen, Lv Weipeng, Liu Lina, Li Mei, Li Xiaoyan, Over-expression of HER2 and mutation of PI3KCA and KRAS in Chinese gastric Carcinoma, Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) Annual Meeting, 2013.11.14-2013.11.16. 第一作者(會議論文),IF:3.576
