
發布時間:2021-11-22 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


河南農業大學農學院導師:湯繼華 正文

姓名 湯繼華 姓名拼音 Tang jihua
性別 職稱/職務 教授/培育基地副主任
出生年月 1969.02 民族
導師類別 碩導、博導 政治面貌 中共黨員
所在院系 農學院
所在學科 作物遺傳育種
研究專長 玉米分子生物學
電話、傳真 0371-63558127
通訊地址 鄭州市文化路95號
E-mail Tangjihua1@163.com
導師批準時間和指導研究生情況 2004,目前指導碩士研究生9人。
任職經歷 1994.08-1998.08,河南農業大學農學院,助教;
學術和社會兼職 河南省遺傳學會理事、青年工作委員會副主任;農業部轉基因檢測實驗室(河南)技術顧問。
承擔主要科研項目和獲獎情況 承擔的科研項目:
(12)948項目,2010-Z 22,[反]-β-法尼烯(EβF)合成酶基因的引進與玉米抗蚜蟲種質的創制,2010。
國務院特殊津貼、百千萬人才工程國家級人選、 教育部新世紀優秀人才、河南省優秀創新人才、河南省學術技術帶頭人、河南省優秀青年科技專家、河南省杰出青年、河南省五四青年獎章、河南省優秀青年骨干教師、河南省糧食生產先進個人等。
論著和論文(著作限填5部,代表性論文10篇) 代表性論文:
1) Guo Tingting,Li Huihui,Yan Jianbing,Tang Jihua,Li Jiansheng,Zhang Zhiwu,Zhang Luyan,Wang Jiankang.Performance prediction of F1 hybrids between recombinant inbred lines derived from two elite maize inbred lines.Theor Appl Genet,2012,DOI 10.1007/s00122-012-1973.
2)Yuan L Z,Tang J H,Wang X P,Li C H.QTL analysis of shading sensitive related traits in maize under two shading treatments.PLoS ONE, 2012,7(6):e38696
3)Ding D,Wang Y J,Han M S,Tang J H.MicroRNA transcriptomic analysis of heterosis during maize seed germination.PLoS ONE,2012,7(6):e39578.
4)Liu Z H,Li W H,Qi H Y,Song G L,Ding D,Fu Z Y,Liu J B,Tang J H.Arsenic accumulation and distribution in the tissues of inbred lines in maize (Zea mays L.).Genet Resour Crop Evol,2012,59:1705-1711.
5)Fu Z,Jin X,Ding D,Li Y,Fu Z,Tang J.Proteomic analysis of heterosis during maize seed germination.Proteomics.2011,11(8):1462-72..
6)Ding D,Li W H,Song G L,Qi H Y,Liu J B,Tang J H.Identification of QTLs for arsenic accumulation in maize (Zea mays L.) using a RIL population.PLoS ONE,2011,6(10):e25646.
7)Lin X E,Ji H Q,Niu J H,Hu Y M,Fu Z J,Liu Z H,Tang J H.Cloning one CIPK gene from a thermo-sensitive genic self-incompatible line in maize expressing under different temperature.Chinese Agricultural Science,2011,10(6):813-819.
8)Liu J B,Fu Z Y,Xie H L,Hu Y M,Liu Z H,Duan L J,Xu S Z,Tang J H.Identification of QTLs for maize seed vigor at three stages of seed maturity using a RIL population.Euphytica,2010,178(1):127-135.
9)Liu Z H,Ji H Q,Cui Z T,Wu X,Dun L J,Feng X X,Tang J H.QTL detected for grain filling rate in maize using a RIL population.Molecular breeding,2011,27:25-36
10)Xie H L,Ding D,Cui Z T,Wu X,Hu Y M,Liu Z H,Li Y L,Tang J H.Genetic analysis of the related traits of flowering and silk for hybrid seed production in maize.Gene & Genomics,2010,32:53-59.
11)Tang J H,Yan J B,Ma X Q,Teng W T,Wu W R,Dai J R,Dhillon B S, Melchinger A E,Li J S.Dissection of the genetic basis of heterosis in an elite maize hybrid by QTL mapping in an immortalized F2 population.Thero Appl Genet 2009,120:333-340.
12)Xie H L,Ji H Q,Liu Z H,Tian G W,Wang C L,Hu Y M,Tang J H.Genetic basis of nutritional content of stover in maize under low nitrogen conditions.Euphytica 2009,165:485-493.
13)Lin X E,Xie H L,Xi Z Y,Hu Y M,Zhao G Y,Duan L J,Hao Z Y,Liu Z H,Tang J H.Identification and mapping of a thermo-sensitive genic self-incompatibility gene in maize.Gene & Genomics,2009,31:227-34.
14)Li Y L,Qin G Y,Huo Y P,Tang J H.Proteome changes in maize embryo (Zea mays L) induced by ion beam implantation treatments.Plasma Science and Technology,2009,11:510-514.
15)Wang C L,Cheng F F,Sun Z H,Tang J H,Wu L C,Ku L X,Chen Y H.Genetic analysis of photoperiod sensitivity in a tropical by temperate maize recombinant inbred population using molecular markers,TAG,2008,117:1129-39.
16)Li Yongliang,Tang Jihua,Qin Guangyong,Hou Yuping.Maize pollen mutation by low energy lon bean radiation,The Philippine Agricultural Scientist,2008,91(4):395-400.
17)Fu Z Y,Xie H L,Li J S,Hao Z Y,Tang J H.Genetic linkage of genes for a thermo-sensitive genic male sterility in maize,Gene & Genetics,2008,30(6):499-505.
18)Liu Z H,Tang J H,Wu L C,Tian G W,Chen S J,Wang C L,Hu Y M.Quantitative trait loci mapping for nutrient components in maize kernels under low nitrogen stress.Plant breeding,2008,127:279-285.
19)Wang Y,Yin G,Yang Q,Tang J,Lu X,Korban S S,Xu M.Identification and isolation of Mu-flanking fragments from maize.Journal Genet.Genomics,2008,35(4):207-213.
20)Wu Suowei,Yu Zhanwang,Wang Fengge,Li Weihua,Ye Chunjiang,Li Jun,Tang Jihua,Ding Junqiang,Zhao Jiuran,Wang Bin.Cloning, characterization,and transformation of the phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase gene (ZmPEAMT1) in maize (Zea mays L.).Molecular Biotechnology,2007,36:102-112.
21)Tang J H,Teng W T,Ma X Q,Yan J B,Meng Y J,Li J S.The genetic dissection of plant height using a set of RIL population in maize.Euphytica, 2007,155:117-124.
22)Tang J H,Ma XQ,Teng W T,Yan J B,Wu W R,Dai J R,Li J S.Detection of quantitative trait loci and heterotic loci for plant height using an immortalized F2 population in maize.Chinese Science Bulletin,2007, 52:477-483.
23)Ma X Q,Tang J H,Teng W T,Yan J B,Li J S.Epistatic interaction is an important genetic basis of grain yield and its components in maize.Molecular breeding,2007,20:41-51.
24)Lu G H,Tang J H,Ma X Q,Li J S,Dai J R.Quantitative traits loci mapping of maize yield and its components under different water treatments at flowering time.Journal of Integrative Plant biology,2006,48:1233-1243.
25)Tang J H,Fu Z Y,Hu Y M,Li J S,Sun L L,Ji H Q.Genetic analyses and mapping of a new thermo-sensitive genic male sterile gene in maize,TAG,2006,113:11-15.
26)Hu Y M,Tang J H,Yang H,Xie H L,Lu X M,Niu J H,Chen W C.Identification and mapping of Rf-I an inhibitor of the Rf5 restorer gene for Cms-C in maize (Zea mays L.).TAG,2006,113(2):357-360.
27)Li Y L,Lu D B,Wang Y Z,Chen S J,Tang J H,Lv D B.Study on the genetic diversity of popcorn inbreds and their germplasm relationship with normal corn inbreds using SSR markers.Maydica,2004,49:327-333.

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