
發布時間:2021-11-20 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


海南醫學院臨床學院導師:周向東 正文





1984.08-1988.08 南京軍醫院 教員
1994.10-2001.04 大坪醫院呼吸內科副主任 副教授/副主任醫師
2001.04-2015.06 重醫附二院呼吸內科科主任 教授/主任醫師
2015.06-至今 海南醫學院附屬醫院呼吸內科科主任 教授/主任醫師

1. Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Nie XH, Yang J. The role of recombinant human elafin in the resistance of A549 cells against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm.Respiration. 2010,79(1):68-75.
2. Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Xu XY, Yang J. Recombinant human elafin protects airway epithelium integrity during inflammation.Mol Biol Rep. 2010,37(6): 2981-88.
3. Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Yu HM, Nie XH, Xu XY. Regulation of neutrophil elastase -Induced MUC5AC expression by nuclear factor erythroid-2 related factor 2 in human airway epithelial cells.Journal of Invest Med. 2010, 58(5): 730-36.
4. Li Q, Kolosov VP, Perelman JM, Zhou XD(通訊作者). Src-JNK Dependent pathway in cigarette smoke-induced mucous hypersecretion in airway epithelial Cells.Biologicheskie Membrany. 2010,27(5): 413-23.
5. Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Yu HM, Nie XH, Xu XY. Roles of ROS/TACE in neutrophil elastase-induced mucus hypersecretion in NCI-H292 airway epithelial cells.Eur Cyto Net. 2010, 21(3):177-85.
6. Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Nicotine suppress inflammatory factors in 16HBE airway epithelial cells responses to cigarette smoke extract and lipopolysaccharide.Translational Research. 2010, 156(6): 326-34.
7. Yang J, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Naringenin Attenuates Mucous Hypersecretion by Modulating Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Inhibiting NF-κB Activity via EGFR-PI3K-Akt/ERK MAPKinase Signaling in Human Airway Epithelial Cells.Mol Cell Biochem. 2011,351:29-40.
8. Yu HM, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Interleukin-13 induces mucin5AC production involving STAT6/SPDEF in human airway epithelial cells. Cell Communication & Adhesion. 2011,17(4-6):83-92.
9. Yu HM, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Role of hyaluronan and CD44 in reactive oxygen species-induced mucus hypersecretion.Mol Cell Biochem. 2011,352:65-75.
10. Yu HM, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Regulation of cigarette smoke-induced mucin expression by neuregulin/ErbB3 signaling in human airway epithelial cells.Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology. 2011,109:63-72.
11. Yu HM, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Regulation of cigarette smoke-mediated mucin expression by hypoxia-inducible factor-1α via epidermal growth factor receptor-mediated signaling pathways.Journal of Applied Toxicology. 2012 ,32(4):282-92.
12. Wu HQ, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Theaflavins extracted from black tea inhibit airway mucous hypersecretion induced by cigarette smoke in rats. Inflammation. 2012,35(1):271-9.
13. Jiang DP, Li Q, Perelman JM, Zhou XD(通訊作者). Effects of Scutellarin on MUC5AC Mucin Production Induced by Human Neutrophil Elastase or Interleukin 13 on Airway Epithelial Cells.Journal of Korean Medical Science. 2011,26:778-84.
14. Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Nicotine reduces TNF-α expression through a α7 nAChR/MyD88/NF-κB Pathway in HBE16 airway epithelial cells.Cell Physiol Biochem. 2011,27:605-12.
15. Li MC, Li Q, Yang G, Kolosov VP, Perelman JM, Zhou XD(通訊作者). Cold temperature induces mucin hypersecretion from normal human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro through a transient receptor potential melastatin 8 (TRPM8)-mediated mechanism.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011128:626-34.
16. Li N, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Chronic mechanical stress induces mucin5AC expression in human bronchial epithelial cells through ERK dependent pathways.Mol Biol Rep. 2012 ,39(2):1019-28.
17. Zhong T, Perelman JM, Kolosov VP, Zhou XD(通訊作者). MiR-146a modulates neutrophil elastase-induced MUC5AC secretion from 16HBE human bronchial epithelial cells.Mol Cell Biochem. 2011,358:249-255.
18. Yu HM, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 receptors mediate acid-induced mucin secretion via Ca2+ influx in human airway epithelial cells.J Biochem Molecular Toxicology. 2012, 26(5):179-86
19. Li Q, Lei RX,Zhou XD(通訊作者),Perelman JM, Kolosov VP. Regulation of PMA-induced MUC5AC expression by heparin in human bronchial epithelial cells.Mol Cell Biochem. 2012 ,360(1-2):383-91
20. Jiang DP, Li Q, Perelman JM, Zhou XD(通訊作者). Scutellarin attenuate human neutrophil elastase-induced mucus production by inhibiting the PKC-ERK signaling pathway in Vitro and in Vivo.The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2011,39(6): 1-14
21. Jiang DP, Li Q, Kolosov VP, Zhou XD(通訊作者). The inhibition of aldose reductase on mucus production induced by interleukin-13 in the human bronchial epithelial cells.Int Immunopharmacol.2012,12(4):588-93
22. Wang XL, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者). Triiodothyronine represses MUC5AC expression by antagonizing Sp1 binding to its promoter in human bronchial epithelial HBE16 cells Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. 2012,2012:648170-9
23. Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM.The expression and pharmacological characterization of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits in HBE16 airway epithelial cells.Cell Biochem Biophys. 2012,42(3):421-31
24. Yu H, Zhou X(通訊作者), Wen S, Xiao Q. Flagellin/TLR5 responses induce mucus hypersecretion by activating EGFR via an epithelial cell signaling cascades.Exp Cell Res.2012,318(6):723-31
25. Li N, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. The effect of quercetin on human neutrophil elastase- induced mucin5AC expression in human airway epithelial cells.Int Immunopharmacol. 2012,14(2):195-201
26. Yang J, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Study of TRPV1-mediated mechanism for the hypersecretion of mucus in respiratory inflammation.Mol Immunol. 2013,53(1-2):161-171
27. Yu HM, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Regulation of particulate matter-induced mucin secretion by transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 receptors.Inflammation.2012,35 (6):1851-9
28. Zhou XD(通訊作者),Tu J, Li Q, Kolosov VP, Perelman JM Hypoxia induces mucin expression and secretion in human bronchial epithelial cells.
Translational Research. 2012,160(6):419-27
29. Liu CY, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM.Regulator of G-protein signaling 2 inhibits acid-induced mucin5AC hypersecretion in human airway epithelial cells.Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology,2013,185(2):265-71
30. Zhou J, Perelman JM, Kolosov VP, Zhou XD(通訊作者). Neutrophil elastase induces MUC5AC secretion via proteaseactivated receptor. Mol Cell Biochem.2013,377(1):75-85
31. Liu CY, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. The Type 1 Insulin-Like Growth Factor Receptor mediated the hypersecretion of mucus in human airway epithelial Cells.Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2013,235(2):234-40
32. Xu R, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Perelman JM, Kolosov VP. Oxidative stress mediates the disruption of airway epithelial tight-junctions through a TRPM2-PLCγ1-PKCα signalling pathway.Int J Mol Sci 2013, 2914(5):9475-86
33. Liu CY, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Rhythmic pressure waves induce mucin5AC expression via an EGFR-rediated signaling pathway in human airway epithelial cells.DNA Cell Biol. 2013,32(8):423-9
34. Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM.Salidroside reduces cold-induced mucin production by inhibiting TRPM8 activation.
International Journal of Molecular Medicine.2013, 32(8):637-46
35. Xu R, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Perelman JM, Kolosov VP. Annexin II mediates the neutrophil elastase-stimulated exocytosis of mucin5AC
Molecular Medicine Reports 2014,9(1):299-304
36. Liu C, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. The chitinase-like protein YKL-40 increases mucin5AC production in human bronchial epithelial cells.Experimental Cell Research 2013,319(18):2866-73
37. Li MC, Yang G, Kolosov VP, Perelman JM, Zhou XD(通訊作者).The pathophysiologic mechansms of mucin hypersecretion induced by cold temperatures in cigarette smoke-exposed rats.International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2014,33(1):83-90
38. Xu R, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Perelman JM, Kolosov VP. The Degradation of Airway Tight Junction Protein Under Acidic Conditions is Probably Mediated by Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Receptor.Bioscience Reports 2013,3(5):78-86
39. Tong J, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Perelman JM, Kolosov VP. Effect of epithelium ATP release on cyclic pressure-induced airway mucus secretion. Bioscience Reports 2013(Epub)
40. Tong J, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Perelman JM, Kolosov VP. Role of the JNK pathway on the expression of inflammatory factors in alveolar macrophages under mechanical ventilation.International Immunopharmacology 2013,17(3):821-7
41. Liu CY, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Kolosov VP, Perelman JM. Cortactin mediates elevated shear stress-induced mucin hypersecretion via actin polymerization in human airway epithelial cells.The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. 2013,45(12):2756-63
42. Xu R, Li Q, Zhou XD(通訊作者), Perelman JM, Kolosov VP.Secretoneurin induces airway mucus hypersecretion by enhancing the binding of EGF to NRP1.Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2014,44(2):446-56
43. Zhang T, Zhou XD(通訊作者). The Clinical Application of Expectorant Therapy in Chronic Inflammatory Airway Diseases. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine2014,7(4):763-7
44. Zhang T,Zhou XD(通訊作者),Perelman JM,Kolosov VP. Effects of ATP Release on Mucin5AC Secretion in Airway Epithelial Cells by Mechanical StretchingAnn Clin Lab Sci. 2014 Fall44(4):425-30.
45.Liu XY, Zhou XD(通訊作者). Effect of Wnt/beta-catenin and NF-kappa B Signaling Pathways on Mucus Secretion with Hypertonicity in 16HBE Cells
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2013,56(4):567-74
46. Li Q, Li N, Liu CY, Xu R, Kolosov VP, Perelman JM, Zhou XD(通訊作者). Ezrin/Exocyst Complex Regulates Mucin 5AC Secretion Induced by Neutrophil Elastase in Human Airway Epithelial Cells.Cell Physiol Biochem. 201535(1):326-38
47. He ZC, Li SJ, Zhou XD. Rapid identification and detection of intracellular survival testing of mycobacterium smegmatis mc2155 that contains eis gene from mycobacterium tuberculosis by flow cytometry.Curr Microbiol 2011,42(6) :426-32
48. Jia B, Lu P, Huang W, Li C, Huang A, Zhou X, Zhang W, Wu G, Zhang G..A multicenter, randomized controlled clinical study on biapenem and imipenem/cilastatin injection in the treatment of respiratory and urinary tract infections. Chemotherapy. 201056(4):285-90. 49. 楊紅菊,尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者).鈣敏感受體在缺氧誘導氣道黏液高分泌中的作用.中華醫學雜志,2014,94(12):944-8.
50. 王鵬,皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 氣道剪應力作用下黏蛋白5AC胞外極向分泌的主要介導因子.中華醫學雜志,2013,93(32):2275-81
51. 童瑾,尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 甘草酸對白介素13誘導的大鼠黏液高分泌的作用.中華醫學雜志,2013,93(28):2225-8
52. 許瑞, 李琪, 尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 丙烯醛調控糖皮質激素受體SUMO化水平對氣道黏液高分泌的影響.中華醫學雜志,2012,92(46):3291-5
53. 江德鵬, 尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 攜分泌型白細胞蛋白酶抑制因子的間充質干細胞對慢阻肺大鼠的治療作用.中華醫學雜志,2011,91(48):3438-41.
54. 周佳, 尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 神經調節蛋白-1在白介素-1所致氣道黏液高分泌中的作用.中華醫學雜志,2012,92(28),1988-91.
55. 李敏超, 尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 冷空氣聯合香煙煙霧吸入誘導大鼠氣道黏液高分泌的機制.中華醫學雜志,2012,92(32),2283-7
56. 鐘甜, 尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 張力敏感性陽離子通道在機械牽張引起氣道黏液高分泌中的作用.中華醫學雜志,2010,90(33):2328-34.
57. 余紅梅, 李琪, 尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 鞘氨醇激1對TNF-a誘導的氣道黏蛋白 5AC 的調節作用.中華醫學雜志,2011,91(6),391-5.
58. 涂靜, 尤列o皮爾曼, 維克多o科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 滲透壓反應增強子結合蛋白對高滲下人氣道上皮細胞黏液分泌的影響.中華醫學雜志,2011,91(8):549-53.
59. 羅琳, 尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 阿奇霉素通過基質金屬蛋白酶-9抑制氣道黏液高分泌的研究.中華醫學雜志,2011,91(10):689-93.
60. 李琪, 周向東 (通訊作者). 中性粒細胞彈力蛋白酶引起黏蛋白5AC高表達的信號轉導機制. 中華醫學雜志,2007, 85 (5):348-52.
61. 徐曉艷, 元東明, 周向東(通訊作者). 重組人Elafin轉染氣道上皮細胞對脂多糖致氣道黏液高分泌的影響.中華醫學雜志,2011,91(5):340-4.
62. 周治宇,張婷,周向東. 熱休克蛋白70在氣道粘液高分泌的作用及機制.中華醫學雜志,2015,95(8):581-4
63. 李琪, 周向東 (通訊作者). c-Src/Nox1/活性氧對中興粒細胞彈力蛋白酶誘導氣道黏蛋白5AC表達的影響.中華結核和呼吸雜志,2010, 33(1):46-50.
64. 鄔海橋, 李琪, 周向東 (通訊作者). 茶黃素和表皮生長因子受體對氣道黏液分泌影響. 中華結核和呼吸雜志,2009, 32 (1):27-32.
65. 余紅梅, 李琪, 尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 內生多肽Elafin對氣道黏蛋白5AC表達的影響.中華結核和呼吸雜志,2010,33(11):801-5.
66. 李敏超, 尤列.皮爾曼, 維克多.科羅索夫, 周向東(通訊作者). 瞬時受體電位M8通道對冷刺激誘導氣道上皮細胞炎癥反應的影響.中華結核和呼吸雜志,2011,34(10):757-61
67. 周向東, 蘭箭, 張婷. 對結核性胸膜炎患者使用分支桿菌類免疫刺激劑的商榷性研究中華結核呼吸雜志, 2002, 25(10):595.
68. 周向東, 李升錦, 王導新. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者機械通氣時氣道滴灌液的研究.中華結核和呼吸雜志,2002,25(8):511.
69. 周向東, 童瑾, 蘭箭. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者氣道粘蛋白分子表型的研究.中華結核和呼吸雜志,2002, 25(7):437.
70. 周向東, 楊肇亨, 龍勉. 嗜酸細胞活化過程細胞粘附性改變的單細胞定量研究.中華結核和呼吸雜志,1996,19(3):147-8.
71. 周向東, 黃勇. 糖皮質激素對肺部炎性效應細胞凋亡作用的異質性.中華結核和呼吸雜志,1998,21(4):224-6.
72. 黃勇, 揚肇亨, 周向東. 孟魯司特對慢性支氣管炎大鼠氣道粘蛋白高分泌的抑制作用. 中華結核和呼吸雜志 2001,24(10):637.
73. 曹國強, 楊肇亨, 周向東. E-選擇素mRNA在哮喘豚鼠支氣管組織中的原位表達.中華結核與呼吸病雜志,1998,21(1).
74. 張桂蓉,羅永艾, 梅同華,周向東.非小細胞肺癌組織中血管內皮生長因子、CD44及Ki67的表達水平及與患者預后的關系.中華結核和呼吸雜志,2003,26(7):444
75. 周向東, 陽濤. 抗生素殺菌過程致內毒素釋放的比較性研究.中華內科雜志,1998,37(10):686-8.
76. 周向東, 楊肇亨, 黃勇. 急性肺損傷時肺血管床中性粒細胞滯留的分子基礎研究.中華內科雜志,1996,35(8):556.
77. 聶曉紅, 周向東 (通訊作者). Elafin重組氣道上皮細胞對銅綠假單胞菌生物被膜的抗菌作用.中華微生物學和免疫學雜志, 2006, 29 (8):722.
78. 周向東, 童謹, 梅同華. 膽堿能拮抗劑對老年人慢性阻塞性肺疾病氣道黏液的調控.中華老年醫學雜志2002,21(5)382.
79. 周向東, 李升錦, 杜先智. 呼吸道組織振蕩技術對氣道滯留物清除的影響.中華物理醫學與康復雜志,2002,24(7):396-8.
80. 陳貴華, 周向東(通訊作者),李琪,劉益群. 康復治療改善慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的生活質量和肺功能. 中華物理醫學與康復雜志,2012,34(6):444-7.
81. 應少聰,周向東(通訊作者) 劉益群,康復訓練結合健康教育對老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者生活質量及其心理健康狀況的影響.中華物理醫學與康復雜志,2014,36(5):333-6
82. 周向東, 楊肇亨. 內毒素致肺血管內皮細胞粘附中性粒細胞增加的機理研究.中華創傷雜志,1996,12(2)116-8.
83. 周向東, 黃勇. 大環內酯抗生素促進急性肺損傷組織中性粒細胞凋亡的研究.中華創傷雜志1998,14(3):160-2.
84. 周向東, 劉明一. 急性肺損傷組織對^99mTc-PMN滯留能力的活體示蹤觀察.中華核醫學雜志,1996,16(2):131.
85. 周向東, 張太和, 周曉軍, 趙慧玲,史勤. 實驗性肝硬化時心鈉素改變的血清學,免疫金銀染色和免疫電鏡的定量研究.中華消化雜志,1993,13(2):124-6
86. 周向東, 張太和, 周曉軍. 肝硬化大鼠心臟心鈉素改變的形態定量研究.中華病理雜志,1993,13(3):185-6
87. 聶曉紅, 周向東(通訊作者). 強力素重組氣道上皮細胞對銅綠假單胞菌生物膜抵御作用.中華醫院感染學雜志, 2009,11 (3):26-9.
88. 周向東, 童 瑾, 梅同華. 多形核中性粒細胞對大環內酯抗生素內在化的特殊意義.中華醫院感染學雜志,2003,13(12):1101-03.
89. 陳雪梅, 周向東(通訊作者). 不同抗生素殺菌過程導致細菌內毒素釋放的異質性.中華醫院感染學雜志 1999,9(1):19-21.

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