
發布時間:2021-10-27 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


華東師范大學教育科學學院課程與教學論專業導師:楊向東 正文




  Yang, X., Zheng, K., Zhan, Y. Ren, Y (under review). The effect of choosing key versus ordinary schools on student’s mathematical achievement in China. Paper submitted to School Effectiveness and School Improvement for publication.
  Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2012). Multicomponent latent trait model for cognitive diagnosis. Psychometrika.
  楊向東.(2011).數學應用題中語言成分模型的構建多元隨機效應項目反應理論模型的運用. 《心理學報》. 第43卷第4期,462– 472.
  楊向東.(2011).教育中的科學探究理論問題與實踐策略. 《全球教育展望》. 第40卷第5期,18– 26.
  楊向東. (2011).綜合素質評價中國特色的創新. 《基礎教育課程》,第87期,26–30.
  楊向東.(2010).計算機適應性測驗條件下認知設計項目預測參數的影響. 《心理學報》. 第42卷第7期,802–812.
  楊向東.(2010).測驗項目反應機制與心理測量模型假設的對應性分析. 《心理科學進展》. 第18卷第8期,1349–1358.
  楊向東. (2010).促進學習的課堂評價設計與使用. 《基礎教育課程》,第6期,62–64.
  楊向東、崔允漷.(2010).關于高中學業水平考試的比較研究. 《全球教育展望》,第39卷第4期,7-14.
  楊向東、張曉蕾.(2010). 課程標準的開發與基于標準的學業水平考試的設計美國的經驗與啟示. 《考試研究》,第6卷第1期,109-125.
  楊向東.(2009). 談課堂評價的地位與重建. 《全球教育展望》,第38卷第9期,42-46.
  楊向東.(2008). 淺析評價人員關于學生才能的理念對教育評價實踐的影響. 《全球教育展望》,第37卷第12期,25-29.
  Yang, X. (2007)methods of identifying individual guessers from item response data.pdf. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 67, 745 – 764.
  Hoffman, L., Yang, X., Bovaird, J., & Embretson, S.E. (2006). Measuring attentional ability in older adults :development and psychometric evaluation of DriverScan.pdf Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66,984-1000..
  Yang, X., Poggio, J., & Glasnapp, D. (2006).Effects of estimation bias on classifying examinees into multiple categories with an IRT-based adaptive classification procedure.pdf. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66, 545-564.
  Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2006).Multicomponent latent trait models for complex tasks.pdf. Journal of Applied Measurement, 7, 335-350.
  Yang, X., Shaftel, J., Glasnapp, D., & Poggio, J. (2005). Quantitative or qualitative differences: latent class analysis of mathematical ability for special education students.pdf. Journal of Special Education, 4, 194 – 207.
  Shaftel, J., Yang, X., Glasnapp, D., & Poggio, J. (2005).Improving assessment validity for students with disabilities in large-scale assessment programs.pdf. Educational Assessment,10, 197-215.
  Poggio, J., Glasnapp, D., Yang, X., Poggio, A. (2005).A comparative evaluation of score results from computerized and paper & pencil mathematics testing in a large scale state assessment program .pdf. The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 3(6). Available from: https://www.jtla.org/.
  Shorey, H. S., Snyder, C. R., Yang, X., & Lewin, M. (2003). The role of hope as a mediator in recollected parenting, adult attachment, and mental health.pdf. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 22, 685-715.

  Yang, X., & Embretson, S. E. (2007). Construct validity and cognitive diagnostic assessment. In J. Leighton., & M. Gierl. (Eds.), Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment in Education: Theory and Applications. (pp. 119 – 145). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2007). Automatic item generation and cognitive psychology. In S. Sinharay, & R. Rao. (Eds.). Handbook of Statistics: psychometrics. (pp. 747-768). Amsterdam, The Netherland: Elservier, B.V.
  Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2006). Multicomponent latent trait models for complex cognitive tasks. In E. Smith & R. Smith (Eds.), Rasch measurement: Advanced and specialized applications. Maple Grove, MN: JAM Press.
  Embretson, S. E., & Yang, X. (2006). Item response theory. In J, Green, G. Camilli, & P, Elmore (Eds.). Complementary research methods for education, 3rd edition, (pp.385-410). Washington DC: American Educational Research Association.



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