

華南理工大學通信與信息系統專業導師:王世偉 正文
2003年香港科技大學本科畢業,主修射頻電路,本科畢業后被聘為電子工程師在企業工作了兩年。2005年到新加坡的南洋理工大學攻讀碩士和博士學位。2009年3月完成博士學位論文后立刻被新加坡科技研究局, 資訊通訊研究院, 射頻與光學部聘請為研究員負責研發毫米波射頻器件。2010年11月作為海外引進人才到華南理工大學工作并被評為副教授。2014年被評為先上崗教授。2014年1月統計文章總引用超過200次.
目前是IEEE資深會員,擔任《IEEE Transactions on MTT》、《IEEE Microwave and wireless components Letters》和《IET》等多個國際著名期刊以及會議的評審人。 《International Journal of Antennas and Propagation》 客座主編
雜志文章(Journal Papers):
[1]R.S. Chen, S. W. Wong, L. Zhu, and Q.X. Chu, “Wideband Bandpass Filter Using U-Slotted Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Cavities,” IEEE Microwave Wireless Components Letter, accepted with minor revision, 2014.
[2]K. Wang, Y.-Y. Li, and S. W. Wong, "A novel compact wideband bandpass filter using rotational symmetric loaded structure".PIER Letter, Vol. 47, page 111-117, 2014
[3]F. Lin, S.W. Wong, and Q.X. Chu, “Compact Design of Planar Continuously Tunable Crossover With Two-Section Coupled Lines,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 408-415, Mar., 2014.
[4]S. W. Wong, K. Wang, Z.N. Chen, and Q.X. Chu, “Design of Millimeter-Wave Bandpass Filter Using Electric Coupling of Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW),” IEEE Microwave Wireless Components Letter, vol.24, no.1, pp. 26-28, Jan., 2014.
[5]S. W. Wong, K. Wang, Z.N. Chen, and Q.X. Chu, “Electric coupling structure of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) for the application of 140GHz bandpass filter on LTCC,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol.4, no.2, pp. 316-322, Feb. 2014.
[6]Q.-X. Chu, and S.W. Wong*, “Ultra-wideband bandpass filter technologies”, Journal of Microwave, vol.29, no.5, Oct., 2013.
[7]K. Wang, L.-S. Zheng, S. W. Wong, Y.-F. Zheng, and Q.-X. Chu, “Design of even-order symmetric bandpass filter with chebyshev response,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, vol.42, pp.239-251, Aug. 2013.
[8]F. Lin, Q.X. Chu and S.W. Wong, “Dual-band planar crossover with two-section branch-line structure,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 2309-2316, Jun., 2013.
[9]S.W. Wong, X.-H. Liu, K. Wang, L.-S. Zheng and Q.-X. Chu, “Design of diplexer with rotationally symmetric structure.” Progress In Electromagnetics Research C vol.38, pp177-190, 2013.
[10]K. Wang, S.W. Wong and Q.X. Chu, “A compact UWB CPW bandpass filter with short-ended H-shaped resonator and controllable notched band,”Microwave and Optical Technology Letter,vol. 55. No. 7, pp.1577-1581, Jul. 2013.
[11]Sai Wai Wong, Kai. Wang, Zhining Chen, and Qingxin Chu, “Rotationally symmetric coupled-lines bandpass filter with two transmission zeros,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research, vol. 135, no.12, pp.641-656, Jan., 2013.
[12]S.W. Wong, T.G Huang, C.S. Mao, Z.N. Chen, and Q.X. Chu, “Planar filtering ultra-wideband(UWB) antenna with shorting pins,” IEEE Transaction Antennas Propagat. vol. 61, no.2, pp.948-953, Feb., 2013.
[13]F. Lin, Q. -X. Chu and S.W. Wong, “Design of Dual-band Filtering Quadrature Coupler Using lamda/2 and lamda/4 Resonators,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 22, no. 11, pp.565-567, Nov. 2012.
[14]F. Lin, Q. -X. Chu and S.W. Wong, “Compact broadband microstrip rat-race couplers using microstrip/slotline phase inverters for arbitrary power-dividing ratios,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol.26, no.17-18, pp2358-2364, Dec. 2012.
[15]F. Lin, Q.X. Chu and S.W. Wong, “Authors' Reply [Compact broadband Gysel Power Divider],” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 2935-2936, Sept., 2012.
[16]S. W. Wong, Z.N. Chen and Q.X. Chu, “Microstrip-line millimeter-wave bandpass filter using interdigital coupled-line,” IET Electronics Letter, vol.48, no.4, pp. 224-225, Feb. 2012.
[17]S. W. Wong, Z.N. Chen and Q.X. Chu, “Rotationally symmetric microstrip-line millimeter-wave bandpass filter with two transmission zeros,” IET Electronics Letter, vol.47, no.22, pp. 1232-1233, Oct. 2011.
[18]S. W. Wong Z.N. Chen and X.M. Qing, “Low cost 60-GHz microstrip bandpass filter with stub-loaded anticoupled line,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, vol. 52, no.10, pp. 2375-2378, Oct. 2010.
[19]S. W. Wong and L. Zhu, “UWB bandpass filter using short-circuited shunt stub-embedded multiple-mode resonators,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 2556-2559, Nov. 2009.
[20]S. W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Compact wideband bandpass filters using rhombus-shaped triple-mode resonator,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letter vol. 51, no. 9, pp. 2107-2109, Sep. 2009.
[21]S. W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Ultra-wideband power dividers with good isolation and improved sharp roll-off skirt,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 3 no. 8, pp.1157-1163, Dec. 2009.
[22]S. W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Quadruple-mode UWB bandpass filter with improved out-of-band rejection,” IEEE Microwave Wireless Component Letter, Vol.19, no.4, pp. 152-154, Apr. 2009.
[23]S. W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Ultra-wideband bandpass filters with improved out-of-band behaviour via embedded electromagnetic-bandgap multimode resonators,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 854-862, Dec. 2008.
[24]S. W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Ultra-wide bandpass filters with sharpened roll-off skirts, extended upper-stopband and controllable notch-band,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, vol. 50, no. 11, pp. 2958-2961, Nov. 2008.
[25]S. W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Ultra-wideband power divider with good in-band splitting and isolation performances” IEEE Microwave Wireless Component Letter, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 518-520, Aug. 2008.
[26]S. W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Implementation of compact UWB bandpass filter with a notch-band” IEEE Microwave Wireless Component Letter, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 10-12, Jan. 2008.
[27]S. W. Wong and L. Zhu, “EBG-Embedded multiple-mode resonator for UWB bandpass filter with improved upper-stopband performance” IEEE Microwave Wireless Component Letter, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 421-423, Jun. 2007.
?會議文章(Conference Papers)
[28]Sai-Wang Wong, Zai-cheng Guo, Kai Wang and Qing-xin Chu, "A Compact Tunable Notched-Band Ultra-wide-Band Antenna Using a Varactor Diode", Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP2014), Harbin, China, 26-29, July 2014
[29] S. W. Wong, R. Chen, K. Wang, and Q.-X. Chu, “Chebyshev Transfer Functions for the Synthesis of an Ultra-wideband (UWB) Filter Using Short-circuit Stub Resonator”, MMWCST2013, Chengdu, China, Oct. 2013.海報
[30] 王世偉,劉曉晗,汪凱,褚慶昕,“具有一對傳輸零點的旋轉對稱雙頻濾波器”全國微波毫米波會議 (NCMMW’13), 重慶,五月,2013。
[31] H. Zhu, S.W. Wong, S.J. Wen, and Q.X. Chu, “An Ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass Filter with Microstrip-to-CPW transition and a Notch-band”, IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium Digest (IWS’13), Beijing, China, April, 2013.
[32] S.W. Wong, W.W. Liao, K. Wang, and Q.X. Chu, “Ultra-Wideband(UWB) Bandpass Filter with Three Transmission Zeros in the Notched Band”, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (IWS’13), Beijing, China, April, 2013.
[33] S.W. Wong, X.H. Wu, and Q.X. Chu, “Notch-band UWB bandpass filter using slot-embedded short-circuited stub,” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (IMS'12), Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2012.
[34] S.W. Wong, X.H. Wu, and Q.X. Chu, “UWB bandpass filter with upper-stopband improvement using slot-embedded short-circuited stub,” in Proceeding of 2011 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC'11), Melbourne, Dec. 2011.
[35] S.W. Wong, F.C. Chen, Q.X. Chu, and Z.N. Chen, “Low cost microstrip line bandpass filter for 60-GHz applications,” High Speed Intelligent Communication Forum (HSIC2011),Hong Kong, May 2011.
[36] 王世偉,陳付昌,褚慶昕,“毫米波段微帶線帶通濾波器”全國微波毫米波會議 (NCMMW’11),青島,五月,2011。
[37] S.W. Wong, L. Zhu, L.C. Quek and Z.N. Chen, “A stopband-enhanced UWB bandpass filter using short-/open-stubs embedded resonator,” in Proceeding of 2009 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC'09), Singapore, vol. 1-5, pp913-916, 7-12, Dec. 2009.
[38] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Miniaturization of triple-mode UWB bandpass filters with extended upper-stopband,” in Proceedings of 2008 International Microwave Workshop Series (IMWS’08), Chengdu China, pp102-105, Dec. 2008.
[39] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Ultra-wideband power dividers with good isolation and sharp roll-off skirt,” in Proceedings of 2008 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC'08), Hong Kong & Macau, pp2272-2275, Dec. 2008.
[40] S.W. Wong, L. Zhu and S. Sun, “Ultra-wideband microstrip-line bandpass filters with good out-of-band performance using EBG-embedded multiple-mode resonator,” in Proceedings of 2007 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC'07), Bangkok, pp 2193-2196, Dec. 2007.
[41] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “Ultra-wideband (UWB) microstrip bandpass filters with improved upper-stopband and miniaturized size,” in Proceedings of 2007 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC'07), Bangkok, pp1167-1170, Dec. 2007.
[42] S.W. Wong and L. Zhu, “EBG-embedded UWB bandpass filter with widened upper-stopband,” in Proceedings of 2006 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Singapore, Paper code: a313_r298, Nov. 1-4, 2006.
[43] S.W. Wong, S. Sun, L. Zhu, Z.N. Chen, “Ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filters with improved upper-stopband performance,” in Proceedings of 2006 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC'06), Yokohama, Vol. 1, pp.29-32. Dec. 2006.
[44] L.L. W. Leung, T.W. Chen, S.W. Wong, M. H. Chan, and K. J. Chen, "A 2 GHz single-chip lumped-element impedance matching network for RF power amplifiers on standard silicon substrate," Proceeding of 2003 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2003), pp. 1836-1839, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 4-7, 2003.

個人簡介導師姓名:盧志民性別:男職稱:副教授招生專業:工程熱物理招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:清潔能源轉換及系統優化聯系電話:電子郵件:個人簡…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:吳婕性別:女職稱:講師招生專業:工程熱物理招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:姚順春性別:男職稱:講師招生專業:工程熱物理招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:燃燒診斷與排放監測聯系電話:電子郵件:個人簡歷姚順…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:余昭勝性別:男職稱:副教授招生專業:工程熱物理招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:高效低污染燃燒聯系電話:電子郵件:個人簡歷余昭勝…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:李澤宇性別:男職稱:副教授招生專業:工程熱物理招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:太陽能熱利用聯系電話:電子郵件:個人簡歷李澤宇,…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:劉雪峰招生專業:工程熱物理招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:蔡澤祥性別:男職稱:教授、博士生導師招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收博士、碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統保護、控制與自動…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:陳皓勇性別:男職稱:教授(三級)招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收博士、碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統分析運行與控制、電力…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:管霖性別:女職稱:教授、博士生導師招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收博士、碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統運行與控制、電力系…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:荊朝霞性別:女職稱:副教授招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力市場電力系統分析聯系電話:電子郵件:…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:廖志偉性別:男職稱:副教授招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統運行與控制聯系電話:電子郵件:個…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:劉明波性別:男職稱:教授、博士生導師招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收博士、碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統分析運行與控制聯…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:劉前進性別:男職稱:副教授招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統保護、控制與自動化聯系電話:電子…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:王鋼性別:男職稱:博士,三級教授,博士生導師招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收博士、碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統保護控制…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:王健性別:女職稱:副教授招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力市場聯系電話:;電子郵件:個人簡歷王健…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:王克英性別:男職稱:教授招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統保護、控制與自動化聯系電話:電子郵…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:武志剛性別:男職稱:副教授招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統運行分析與控制聯系電話:電子郵件…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:夏成軍性別:男職稱:副教授招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統運行分析與規劃聯系電話:電子郵件…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:余濤性別:男職稱:教授、博士生導師招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收博士、碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:智能配電網與節能技術,智能…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20
個人簡介導師姓名:張勇軍性別:男職稱:教授招生專業:電力系統及其自動化招生層次:招收博士、碩士研究生招生專業所屬院系:電力學院研究方向:電力系統運行分析與控制聯系電話:電子…… 日期:10-26 閱讀量:20