
發布時間:2021-10-26 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


華南理工大學通信與信息系統專業導師:青春美 正文


  2006.10-2009.12 英國Bradford大學信息科學學院獲取博士學位
  2003.9-2006.6 中山大學數學與計算科學學院碩博連讀
  1999.9-2003.7 中山大學數學與計算科學學院獲取學士學位

  2013.3- 至今 作為引進人才進入華工電信學院工作
  2010.2-2013.1 英國Lincoln大學博士后
  2011.3-2011.5 英國劍橋微軟研究院訪問學者

  [1].C. Qing, J. Jiang, and Z. Yang, “Normalized Co-Occurrence Mutual Information for Facial Pose Detection Inside Videos,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and System for Video Technology, 20(12): 1898-1902, 2010.
  [2].C. Qing, and J. Jiang, “An EDBoost algorithm towards robust face recognition in JPEG compressed domain,” Image and Vision Computing, 28(12): 1659-1670, Dec. 2010.
  [3].C. Qing, J. Jiang, and Z. Yang, “Empitical mode decomposition-based facial pose estimation inside video sequences,” Optical Engineering, SPIE, Vol. 49, 037401, 2010.
  [4].C. Qing, and J. Jiang, “Recognition of JPEG compressed face images based on AdaBoost,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, 4816, pp. 272-275, 2007.
  [5].Z. Yang, L. Yang, and C. Qing, “An oblique-extrema-based approach for empirical mode decomposition,” Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, 20(3): 699-714, 2010.
  [6].Z. Yang, L. Yang, C. Qing, and D. Huang, “A method to eliminate riding waves appearing in the empirical AM/FM demodulation,” Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, 18(4): 488-504, 2008.
  [7].C. Lu, J. Jiang, G. Feng, and C. Qing, “A Manifolded AdaBoost for face recognition,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, 5177, pp. 123-130, 2008.
  [8].C. Qing, P. Dickinson, S. Lawson and R. Freeman “Automatic nesting seabirds detection based on boosted HOG-LBP descriptors,” the International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 3577-3580, Sep. 2011, Brussels.
  [9].Z. Yang, C. Qing, B. W. K. Ling, W. L. Woo and S. Sanei, “Orthogonal overcomplete kernel design for sparse representation,” International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks, and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP, 18-20 July, 2012, Poznan.
  [10].Z. Yang, C. Qing, B. W. K. Ling, W. L. Woo and S. Sanei, “Optimal overcomplete kernel design for sparse representations via discrete fractional Fourier transforms,” International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks, and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP, 18-20 July, 2012, Poznan.
  [11].C. Qing, P. Dickinson, S. Lawson, R. Freeman, “Autonomous monitoring of nesting seabirds using computer vision,” World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Sep. 2011, Aberdeen.
  [12].C. Qing, P. Dickinson, S. Lawson and R. Freeman “Automated visual surveillance of a population of nesting seabirds,” Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Easter Conference, April 2011, Cambridge.
  [13].P. Dickinson and C. Qing, and S. Lawson and R. Freeman, "Automated visual monitoring of nesting seabirds," In: Workshop on visual observation and analysis of animal and insect behaviour, 2010, Istanbul.
  [14].Z. Yang, L. Yang, C. Qing, and Daren Huang, “An improved empirical AM/FM demodulation method,” Proceedings of ICWAPR, pp. 1049-1053, 2007.



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