
發布時間:2019-07-09 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


江西財經大學信息管理學院研究生導師介紹:余達錦 正文





  E_mail:ydj1071069@163.com, ydjwhh@163.com






  2007,9-2010,6: 脫產在南昌大學理學院管理科學與工程系管理科學與工程專業學習,獲管理學博士學位,師從胡振鵬教授。




















  [11] 參與完成國家科技支撐計劃項目和國家科學研究重大項目《鄱陽湖生態保護和資源利用研究(2007BAB23C00)》的研究。

  [12] 參與完成國家社會科學基金項目《長江中下游蓄洪區移民脫貧與創業模式研究》(項目編號:07BSH045)的研究。

  [13] 2008年12月主持完成江西省教育科學“十一五”規劃課題《高等數學研究型教學的實踐與認識》(編號06YB140)的研究。

  [14] 主要參與完成國家發改委地區經濟司專項事業費資助項目《中部地區經濟增長方式與產業結構優化升級研究》的研究。

  [15] 主要參與完成國家開發銀行社會規劃研究項目《江西省開發銀行社會“十一五”規劃》的研究。

  [16] 2007年6月主持完成江西財經大學 “評建創優”專項課題《江西財經大學高等數學研究型教學法的實踐與研究》(編號PJZC06059)。

  [17] 2004年11月主持完成江西省2003教育科學規劃課題《計算機在高等數學創新教育中的作用》(編號YB220)。


  [1]余達錦.Research on the Cost Model of Regional Eco-urbanization -An Empirical Survey of the Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Zone in China. Advances in information Sciences and Service Sciences(AISS),Volume4, Number14, Aug 2012:295-303.EI期刊. 20123815452668

  [2]余達錦. Study on the Innovative Education of Higher Mathematics in the Context of Enterprise Education. Proceedings of 2012 international conference on Cumpter Engineering, ethics and the Rule of Law, Education and Research Press.2012,7:60-63. ISBN:9789881630919.ISTP檢索收錄:.

  [3]余達錦.Study on Project Low-Carbon management. Proceedings of 2012 international conference on Civil Engineering and Information Technology, Hong Kong Education Society.2012,6:33-36. ISBN:9789881975027.ISTP檢索收錄:.

  [4]余達錦. Research on the Development of New Energy and Government Behavior Under the New Eco-urbanization. Proceedings of 2011 2nd International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Science, IEEE Press, 2011, 8:830-833. ISBN:978-1-4224-9664-8.EI檢索收錄:.

  [5]余達錦,華長生,嚴淑梅.Study on the Development of Eco-industry in Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone. Proceedings of the international conference on remote sensing, environment and transportation engineering, IEEE,2011,6:3565-3568. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9170-4. EI檢索收錄:

  [6]余達錦,華長生. Study on the Self-study of Higher Mathematics under the Network Environment, Proceedings of 2011 international conference on education and education management, Information Engineering Research Institute.2011,6:63-66. ISBN:9780983169369.ISTP檢索收錄:.

  [7]余達錦. Study on the Leading-type Online Learning of Higher Mathematics under the Network Environment. Proceeding of 2011 Second International Conference on Education and Sports Education. Engineering Technology Press.2011,4:270-272.ISTP檢索收錄

  [8]余達錦,譚li. Research on the Development of New Energy Support System in the Construction of Low-Carbon City. Proceedings of the international conference on engineering and business management, scientific research. Publishing. 2011,3:3060-3062. ISBN:978-1-935068-19-8. ISTP檢索收錄:.

  [9]余達錦. Study on the Econometric Model for Cost of Regional Eco-urbanization of Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Zone. Advanced Materials Research(Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.), Vols. 171-172 (2011): 179-182. EI檢索收錄:.

  [10] 余達錦,胡振鵬.鄱陽湖生態經濟區生態產業發展研究.長江流域資源與環境(CSSCI核心庫期刊). 2010, 19(3):231-236.

  [11] 余達錦,胡振鵬.鄱陽湖生態經濟區城鎮輻射力模型及其發展研究.華東經濟管理(CSSCI核心庫期刊). 2010, 24(1): 15-18.

  [12] 余達錦. Research on Tradable Emission Permit in Agricultural Production. Advanced Materials Research(Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.), Vols. 113-114 (2010): 218-221. EI檢索收錄: .

  [13] 余達錦. Study on the Innovation of China Government’s Water Crisis Management Based on Water Pollution Occurred Frequently. Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanic Automation and control Engineering, IEEE,2010,6:1740-1743. EI檢索收錄: .

  [14] 余達錦.Practice and Theory of Research-Oriented Teaching in Advanced Mathematics Based on E-Learning. Proceedings of International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, IEEE,2010,5:5479-5481. EI檢索收錄: .

  [15] 余達錦.Research on the Measurement of Regional Central Cities Distance of Information- state Transition-A Case of Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone. Proceedings of International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management, HIT Press,2010,1:1737-1740. EI檢索收錄: 20102312981865.

  [16] 余達錦.基于DIT理論的電子商務網站人本化測度模型研究.統計與信息論壇(CSSCI核心庫期刊).2009,(5):27-31.

  [17] 余達錦,胡振鵬.基于生態文明的現代生態工業園區建設研究.求實(CSSCI核心庫期刊).2009,(6):49-52.

  [18] 余達錦,吳小珊. Research on the Construction of the Minimum Living Security for Migrants in Flood Storage Areas. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Public Economics and Management, World Academic Union (Press). 2009,11,Vol 9:195-199. ISTP/ISSHP檢索收錄:.

  [19] 余達錦. Study on E-government Development of Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone Based on Putting People First. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Public Administration (ICPA 5th ), UESTC Press, 2009,10,Vol I:246-249, ISSHP檢索收錄:.

  [20] 余達錦. Research on the Super-Network Model for Eco-industrial Convergence–A Case of Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science, IEEE, 2009, 9:. EI檢索收錄: 20100212630842.

  [21] 余達錦. Study on the Development Strategy of Regional Eco-tourism Based on Conservation Culture. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Strategy Management, Sichuan University Press, 2009,5: 98-103. ISSHP檢索收錄:BKP51.

  [22] 余達錦. Study on Measurement Model of Putting People First for E-mail Login System. Proceedings of 2009 International Forum on Information Technology and Applications, IEEE:2009,5. EI檢索收錄:20094512430833.

  [23] 余達錦,胡振鵬.基于生態文明的區域生態旅游發展戰略研究. 生態經濟(CSSCI)2008,(9):99-102.

  [24] 余達錦,楊淑玲. 我國農業電子商務發展的動力機制及其策略分析, 安徽農業科學(CSCD), 2008,36(11):4709-4711.

  [25] 余達錦. Dynamic Mechanism and Strategic Analysis for Development of China's Agricultural E-Business. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Infomatization, Automation and Electrification in Agriculture, Orient Academic Forum,2008,11:105-110. ISTP檢索收錄:BIX57.

  [26] 余達錦. Research on Measurement Model of Putting People First for E-business Websites Based on DIT. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Information Systems and Management, IEEE:2008,10:4680361. EI檢索收錄:20090111835023.

  [27] 余達錦,胡振鵬. Research on Government’s Behavior in Construction of Conservation Culture. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Public Administration (ICPA 4th ), UESTC Press, 2008,9,Vol II:175-182, ISSHP檢索收錄:BIK15.

  [28] 余達錦. Research on Service Management of Commercial Enterprises Based on DCS. Proceedings of the 5th International Annual Conference on WTO and Financial Engineering, Orient Academic Forum, 2008,6:223-228.ISSHP檢索收錄:BIB79.

  [29] 余達錦,胡振鵬. Research on Construction of Modern EIP Based on Conservation Culture. Proceedings of International Conference On Industry Cluster Development and Management, Orient Academic Forum,2008,6:194-199,ISSHP檢索收錄:BIF40.

  [30] 余達錦. Research and Empirical Analysis of Social Responsibility Evaluation for MIEs. Proceedings of the seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Alfred University Press,2008,5:3012-3020. ISTP檢索收錄:BIN83.

  [31] 余達錦. Study on Agricultural Informatization and Building a New Socialist Countryside in Transitional Period. Proceedings of The 2007 International Conference On Agriculture Engineering, Orient Academic Forum, 2007,10:481-486.ISTP檢索收錄:BHE00.

  [32] 胡振鵬,余達錦. Research on Strategy of Work Safety Management for SMEs Based on DCS. Proceedings of The 2007 International Conference On Management Science and Engineering, Orient Academic Forum, 2007,9:101-106, ISSHP檢索收錄:BHB14.

  [33] 余達錦. Study on Stratagem of Enterprises' Sustainable Development Based on CS and CAS. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Corporate Growth and Management Innovation, Orient Academic Forum, 2007,6:506-511.ISTP檢索收錄:BGP43.

  [34] 余達錦. Research on Environmental Performance Evaluation of MSMEs Based on ANP. Proceedings of the Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Alfred University Press,2007,5:3404-3410.ISTP檢索收錄:BGO56.

  [35] 余達錦.基于AHP-Fuzzy方法的企業領導素質評價模型. 統計與決策,2006年第19期.

  [36] 余達錦. Research on the Evaluation of Sustainable Development in Manufacturing SMB Based on ANP. Proceedings of The Eighth West Lake International Conference on SMB, Orient Academic Forum, 2006,11:194-198. ISSHP檢索收錄:BFR13.

  [37] 余達錦.稅收信息化建設中涉稅電子數據的管理. 科技廣場(信息科學版), 2005年第2期。

  [38] 余達錦.信息技術時代高等數學的創新教育. 科技廣場, 2004年第11期.

  [39] 余達錦,楊淑玲.基于網絡環境下的高等數學教學改革——研究性學習. 江西財經大學學報, 2004年第5期. 以上老師的信息來源于學校網站,如有更新或錯誤,請聯系我們進行更新或刪除,聯系方式


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