

江西科技師范學院化學化工學院導師:徐景坤 正文
徐景坤, 男,漢族,1971年12月生,山東萊陽人。 博士,教授,博士研究生導師。現就職于江西科技師范學院江西省有機功能分子重點實驗室,江西科技師范學院副院長。中國科學院新疆理化所兼職研究員.兼職博士生導師。
Email: xujingkun@tsinghua.org.cn
至今已發表高水平學術論文SCI論文200多篇,其中影響因子大于3.0的SCI論文36篇,論文被他人引用500多次,與地方企業成功合作完成項目兩項。作為項目負責人獲得江西省自然科學獎三等獎1項,江西省教育廳2005-2006年度高校科研成果一等獎2項.二等獎.三等獎各1項。目前被國際10種著名學術期刊如《Chemistry of Materials》等邀請為審稿人。另有科技成果鑒定3項,均為國際先進水平。
作為江西科技師范學院碩士研究生導師.中國科學院新疆理化所兼職博士生導師,至今共計指導碩士研究生36名,其中18名已經畢業(4人次獲得校級優秀畢業論文,3人考取名校攻讀博士研究生)。已畢業研究生就業良好,并獲得了用人單位如蘇州中科院納米所.中國艦船工業總公司725研究所青島分所.青島科技大學.聊城大學等單位的高度評價。此外,還指導博士研究生6名(其中已畢業2名)。2007級碩士研究生盧寶陽同學榮獲第五屆中國青少年科技創新獎(2008).江西省優秀共青團員(2008).中國大學生自強之星(2009).中國大學生新東方自強獎學金(2010) .江西省三好學生(2009) .江西省創先爭優青少年典型(2010)等榮譽稱號。
一. 博士畢業后發表論文
1.1 SCI論文:
[1] Ming Liu, Yangping Wen, Dong Li, Ruirui Yue, Jingkun Xu*, Haohua He*. A stable sandwich-type amperometric biosensor based on poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)–single walled carbon nanotubes/ascorbate oxidase/nafion films for detection of L-ascorbic acid. Biosensors and Bioactuators B: Chemical, 2011, in press.
[2] Baoyang Lu, Jiong Wang, Ruirui Yue, Jingkun Xu*, Meishan Pei*. Electrosynthesis and characterization of a polyfluorene derivative with green-light-emitting property. Journal of Materials Sciences, 2011, in press.
[3] Guang Zhu, Jingkun Xu*, Ruirui Yue, Baoyang Lu, Jian Hou. Novel poly-bridged-naphthalene with blue-light-emitting property via electropolymerization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, accepted.
[4] Ruirui Yue, Shui Chen, Congcong Liu, Baoyang Lu, Jingkun Xu*, Jianmin Wang, Guodong Liu. Synthesis, characterization and thermoelectric properties of a conducting copolymer of 1,12-bis(carbazolyl)dodecane and thieno[3,2-b]thiophene. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2011, in press.
[5] Ming Liu, Yangping Wen, Dong Li, Haohua He*, Jingkun Xu*, Congcong Liu, Ruirui Yue, Baoyang Lu, Guodong Liu. Electrochemical immobilization of ascorbate oxdidase in poly(3,4-ethyeledioxythiophene)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes composite films. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 122(2): 1142-1151.
[6] Ruirui Yue, Baoyang Lu, Jingkun Xu*, Shuai Chen, Congcong Liu. Electrochemistry, morphology, thermoelectric and thermal degradation behaviors of free-standing copolymer films made from 1,12-bis(carbazolyl) dodecane and 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene. Polymer Journal, 2011, 43: 531-539.
[7] Ming Liu, Yangping Wen, Jinkgun Xu*, Haohua He*, Dong Li, Ruirui Yue, Guodong Liu. An amperometric biosensor based on ascorbate oxidase immobilized in poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite fims for the determination of L-ascorbic acid. Analytical Letters, 2011, 27: 477-482.
[8] Fangfang Ren, Weiqiang Zhou, Yukou Du, Ping Yang, Chuanyi Wang, Jingkun Xu. High efficient electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid at Pt dispersed on porous poly(o-methoxyaniline). International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36(11): 6414-6421.
[9] Fangfang Kong, Congcong Liu, Jingkun Xu*, Fengxing Jiang, Baoyang Lu, Ruirui Yue, Guodong Liu, Jianmin Wang. Simultaneous Enhancement of Electrical Conductivity and Seebeck Coefficient of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):Poly(styrenesulfonate) Films by Treated with Urea. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28(3): 037201
[10] Bin Dong, Yijin Su, Yonghui Liu, Jie Yuan, Jingkun Xu*, Liqiang Zheng. Dispersion of carbon nanotubes by carbazole-tailed amphiphilic imidazolium ionic liquids in aqueous solutions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 356(1): 190-195.
[11] Ruirui Yue, Shuai Chen, Baoyang Lu ,Congcong Liu, Jingkun Xu*. Facile electrosynthesis and thermoelectric performance of electroactive free-standing polythieno[3,2-b]thiophene films. J Solid State Electrochemistry, 2011, 15(3): 539-548.
[12] 王炯,苗華明,盧寶陽,徐景坤*,李玉真,張洪林*.三氟化硼乙醚/乙酸混合電解質中芴的電化學聚合.高分子學報,2011, (3): 327-334.
[13] Congcong Liu, Fengxing Jiang, Mingyu Huang, Baoyang Lu, Ruirui Yue, Jingkun Xu*. Freestanding PEDOT-PSS/Ca3Co4O9 composite films as novel thermoelectric materials. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2011,40(5): 948-952.
[14] Congcong Liu, Fengxing Jiang, Mingyu Huang, Baoyang Lu, Ruirui Yue Jingkun Xu*, Guodong Liu. Thermoelectric performances of PEDOT:PSS pellets and films. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2011, 40(5): 648-651.
[15] Baoyang Lu, Congcong Liu, Yuzhen Li, Jingkun Xu*, Guodong Liu. Conducting polynaphthalenes from 1,1′-binaphthyl and 1,1′-bi-2-naphthol via electropolymerization. Synthetic Metals, 2011, 161(1-2): 188-195.
[16] Weiqiang Zhou, Jingkun Xu*, Yukou Du*, Ping Yang. Polycarbazole as an efficient promoter for electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid on Pt and Pt–Ru nanoparticles. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36(3) 1903-1912.
[17] Weiqiang Zhou, Chuanyi Wang, Jingkun Xu*, Yukou Du, Ping Yang. High efficient electrooxidation of formic acid at a novel Pt–indole composite catalyst prepared by electrochemical self-assembly . Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196(3): 1118-1122.
[18] Shuai Chen, Jingkun Xu*, Baoyang Lu, Xuemin Duan* and Fangfang Kong, Solid-state Polymerization of 2,5-Dibromothiophene Derivatives and Properties of Corresponding Conducting Polymers. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 239-242: 924-929.(EI)
[19] Shuai Chen, Jingkun Xu*, Danhua Zhu and Xuemin Duan*, Synthesis and Properties of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) via Solid-state Polymerization. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 306-307: 261-264. (EI)
[20] Shuai Chen, Jingkun Xu*, Fangfang Kong, Xuemin Duan and Baoyang Lu, Effect of Oxidants on Chemical Synthesis and Properties of Poly(3,4-ethylenedithiathiophene). 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, 2011, 9: 7522-7535.(EI)
[21] Shuai Chen, Jingkun Xu*, Fangfang Kong, Xuemin Duan and Baoyang Lu, Synthesis and Properties of Poly(3,4-ethylenedithiathiophene) via Solid-state Polymerization. The International Conference on Material Sciences and Technology, 2011, in publish.(EI)
[22] 徐景坤, 周衛強, 杜玉扣, 楊平, 盧寶陽, 李玉真. 燃料電池的聚(5-硝基吲哚)負載催化劑電極及其制備方法. 中國發明專利, ZL2009 1 0186210.3
[23] 徐景坤, 盧寶陽, 李玉真, 陳帥, 朱召進. 在導電玻璃表面直接制備聚(1,1’-聯萘)及其烷氧基衍生物薄膜的制備方法. 中國發明專利, ZL2009 1 0115333.8
[24] Congcong Liu, Baoyang Lu, Jun Yan, Jingkun Xu*, Ruirui Yue, Zhaojin Zhu, Shuyun Zhou*, Xiujie Hu, Zhuo Zhang, Ping Chen. Highly Conducting Free-standing Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene)/Poly(styrenesulfonate) Films with Improved Thermoelectric Performances. Synthetic Metals, 2010, 160(23-24): 2481-2485.
[25] Baoyang Lu, Yuzhen Li, Jingkun Xu*. Electropolymerization study of benzothiophenes and characterization of novel poly(dibenzothiophene -S,S-dioxide). Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2010, 643(1-2): 67-76
[26] Baoyang Lu, Jun Yan, Jingkun Xu*, Shuyun Zhou and Xiujie Hu. Novel Electroactive Proton-Doped Conducting Poly(aromatic ethers) with Good Fluorescence Properties via Electropolymerization. Macromolecules, 2010, 43 (10): 4599–4608
[27] Baoyang Lu, Congcong Liu, Shan Lu, Jingkun Xu*,Fengxing Jiang, Yuzhen Li, Zhuo Zhang.Thermoelectric Performances of Free-Standing Polythiophene and
Poly(3-Methylthiophene) Nanofilms. Chinese Physics letters 2010, 27(5): 057201
[28] Ruirui Yue, Jingkun Xu*, Baoyang Lu, Congcong Liu, Zhaojin Zhu, Zhuo Zhang. Electrosyntheses and characterization of a fluorescent conducting copolymer of benzanthrone and thiophene. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2010, 28(5):771-780
[29] Xingcong Wang, Ruirui Yue, Baoyang Lu, Zhenhong Wei, Jingkun Xu*. Synthesis and electrochemical polymerization of 9,9-bis(carbazolylalkyl)fluorene and characterization of its conducting polymer film with high tensile strength. Journal of Materials Science, 2010, 45(7):1963-1971
[30] Baoyang Lu, Jingkun Xu*, Yuzhen Li, Congcong Liu, Ruirui Yue, Xiaoxia Sun. Facile electrosynthesis of novel freestanding Poly((s)-(-)-1,1’-bi-2-naphthol dimethyl ether) films with enhanced main chain chirality, Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55(7): 2391-2397.
[31] Congcong Liu, Baoyang Lu, Changli Fan, Jingkun Xu*, Yuzhen Li, Fengxing Jiang. Electrochemical copolymerization of 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene and 3-methylthiophene and characterization of their copolymer with tunable fluorescence properties. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2010,14(7):1153-1161
[32] Congcong Liu, Jingkun Xu*, Changli Fan, Baoyang Lu, Bin Dong, Guodong Liu. Electrodeposition of Free-standing Poly(o-dihydroxybenzene- co-3-methylthiophene) Films with Tunable Fluorescence Properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 115, 3273-3281
[33] Weiqiang Zhou, Jingkun Xu*, Yukou DU, Ping Yang. Electrochemical polymerization of p-terphenyl in mixed electrolyte of boron trifluoride diethyl etherate and CH2Cl2. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 117(5): 2688-2694
[34] Weiqiang Zhou, Chuanyi Wang, Jingkun Xu*, Yukou Du, Ping Yang . Enhanced electrocatalytic performance for isopropanol oxidation on Pd–Au nanoparticles dispersed on poly(p-phenylene) prepared from biphenyl. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2010, 123(2-3): 390-395.
[35] Weiqiang Zhou, Jing Wang, Chuanyi Wang, Yukou Du, Jingkun Xu*, Ping Yang. A novel reusable platinum nanocatalyst . Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2010, 122(1): 10-14
[36] Bin Dong, Yan’an Gao, Yijin Su, Liangqiang Zheng*, Jingkun Xu*, Tohru Inoue. Self-aggregation behavior of fluorescent carbazole-tailed imidazolium ionic liquids in aqueous solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2010, 114(1), 340-348.
[37] Jun Yan, Chenghua Sun, Furui Tan, Xiujie Hu, Ping Chen, Shengchun Qu, Shuyun Zhou, Jingkun Xu. Electropolymerized poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy thiophene): poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) film on ITO glass and its application in photovoltaic device. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2010, 94(2): 390-394.
[38] Weiqiang Zhou, Yukou Du*, Fangfang Ren, Chuanyi Wang, Jingkun Xu*, Ping Yang. High efficient electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol of Pt/polyindoles composite catalysts. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(8):3270-3279
[39] Hongmei Zhang, Weiqiang Zhou, Yukou Du*, Ping Wang, Chuaiyi Wang*, Jingkun Xu. Enhanced electrocatalytic performance for methanol oxidation of Pt-TiO2/ITO under UV illumination. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35: 13290-13297.
[40] Weiqiang Zhou, Yukou Du*, Hongmei Zhang, Jingkun Xu*, Ping Yang. High efficient electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid on Pt/polyindoles composite catalysts. Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55(8): 2911-2917.
[41] Hongmei Zhang, Weiqiang Zhou, Yukou Du*, Jingkun Xu*, Ping Yang. Electrochemical preparation of nano-composites of poly(o-methoxyaniline) and carbon nanotubes. Journal of Material Science, 2010,45:5795-5801
[42] Chao Wei, Weiqiang Zhou, Yukou Du, Jingkun Xu* and Ping Yang. Synthesis, characterization and stability of multicore-shell CdS-SiO2 nanoparticles. Colloid Journal, 2010, 72(2):158-162
[43] Jiong Wang, Baoyang Lu, Congcong Liu, Jingkun Xu*, Meishan Pei. Electrochemical copolymerization of dibenzo-18-crown-6 and carbazole and characterization of their copolymer. Journal of Material Science, 2010, 45: 5769-5777.
[44] 朱召進, 徐景坤*, 裴梅山*, 盧寶陽, 馬茶, 李龍, 申亮. 舉兵烯酸修飾咔唑的電化學聚合及表征. 化學學報, 2010, 68(6): 564-570
[45] 李玉真, 徐景坤*, 聶宇婷, 曾斌. C4H4Y(Y=O,S,Se)與BX3(X=H,F,Cl)作用的量子化學研究,化學學報, 2010, 68(1):41-49.
[46] 張紅梅, 周衛強, 杜玉扣, 楊平, 徐景坤. 電化學合成Pt-Au復合催化劑及其對甲醇的電催化氧化. 化學學報, 2010 Vol. 68 (24): 2529-2534.
[47] 朱召進,盧寶陽,劉聰聰,王廬巖*,徐景坤*,裴梅山. 烷基步長對聚丙烯酸修飾咔唑電聚合的影響. 高等學校化學學報. 2010, 31(10):2102-2109.
[48] 朱召進,李玉真,裴梅山,徐景坤*,盧寶陽,李龍,申亮. 聚丙烯酸芴酯的電化學氧化交聯反應及其表征. 高分子學報, 2010,6:714-719.
[49] Weiqiang Zhou, Chunyang Zhai, Yukou Du*, Jingkun Xu*, Ping Yang. Electrochemical fabrization of novel platinum-poly(5-nitroindole) composite catalyst and its application for methanol oxidation in alkanline medium. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34: 9316-9323.
[50] Ruirui Yue, Jingkun Xu*, Baoyang Lu, Congcong Liu, Yuzhen Li, Zhaojin Zhu, Shuai Chen. Electrochemical copolymerization of benzanthrone and 3-methylthiophene and characterization of their fluorescent copolymer. Journal of Materials Sciences, 2009, 44(21): 5909-5918.
[51] Baoyang Lu, Liqiang Zeng, Jingkun Xu*, Zhanggao Le*, Huoyu Rao. Electrosyntheses of highly conducting poly (1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene) in BF3Et2O. European Polymer Journal, 2009, 45(8): 2279-2287.
[52] Yangping Wen, Jingkun Xu*, Haohua He*, Baoyang Lu, Yuzhen Li, Bin Dong. Electrochemical polymerization of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene in aqueous micellar solution containing biocompatible amino acid-based surfactant. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2009, 634(1): 49-58.
[53] Bin Dong, Liqiang Zheng*, Jingkun Xu*. Electrosyntheses of polyfluorene in an ionic liquid with stable electrocatalytic activity for formic acid oxidation. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2009, 633(1): 63-70.
[54] Changli Fan, Jingkun Xu*, Wen Chen, Baoyang Lu, Huaming Miao. Polyfluorene Derivatives with Hydroxyl and Carboxyl Substitution: Electrosyntheses and Characterization. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113(22):9900-9910.
[55] Baoyang Lu, Jingkun Xu*, Changli Fan, Huaming Miao, Fengxing Jiang. Electrochemical Polymerization of benzanthrone and characterization of its polymer as a green-light-emitting material. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009,113: 37-48.
[56] 董彬, 徐景坤*, 鄭利強*.離子液體應用于電合成導電聚合物研究進展. 化學進展, 2009, 21(9): 1792-1799.
[57] Yu Xie, Fengxing Jiang, Jingkun Xu?, Liqiang Zeng, Bin Dong, Xiaoxian Shang. Electrosyntheses and characterization of poly (9-Bromophenanthrene) in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. European Polymer Journal, 2009, 45(2): 418-425.
[58] Yu Xie, Fengxing Jiang, Jingkun Xu*, Liqiang Zeng, Bin Dong, Changli Fan, Feng Zhao. Electrochemical Polymerization of 9-cyanophenanthrene and Characterization of Its Polymer. Synthetic Metals, 2009, 159(3-4): 298-303.
[59] 曾理強, 李玉真, 徐景坤*, 樂長高, 王寶山, 馬木林. 鄰二取代苯電化學氧化聚合的實驗及理論計算研究. 高分子學報, 2009, (3): 200-214
[60] Yuzhen Li, Jinguo Cui, Houting Liu, Yi Yao, Jingkun Xu*, Jian Hou. Electrochemical Polymerization of 2-phenylindole. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2009, 113(1): 96-103.
[61] Bin Dong, Liqiang Zheng*, Jingkun Xu*, Jian Hou. Electrosyntheses of poly(3-methoxythiophene) in novel electrolytes: ionic liquid microemulsions. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2009, 628(1-2): 60-66.
[62] Chunyang Zhai, Chao Wei, Jingkun Xu, Ping Yang and Yukou Du. Synthesis and characterization of Au and Ag nanoparticles protected by PAMAM and its derivative. Colloid Journal,2010, 71(6):764-770
[63] Liang Shen*, Cha Ma, Shouzhi Pu, Chuanjie Cheng, Jingkun Xu*, Long Li, Changqing Fu. Synthesis and properties of novel photochromic poly(methyl methacrylate-co-diarylethene)s. New Journal of Chemistry, 2009, 33 (4): 825-830
[64] Feng Zhao, Yukou Du, Jingkun Xu. Dendritic-Shaped, Fractal Hybrid Nanogold Aggregates Mediated by Polymer/Surfactant Complexes on Mica Surfaces through the Salt-Induced Self-Assembly. Colloid Journal, 2009, 71 (1): 63-68
[65] Guangming Nie, Yan Zhang, Jingkun Xu, Shusheng Zhang. Low-potential facile electrosyntheses of free-standing poly(5-methoxyindole) film with good fluorescence properties. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2008, 622(1): 121-127.
[66] Baoyang Lu, Jingkun Xu*, Fengxing Jiang, Changli Fan, Huaming Miao. Facile Electrosyntheses of Nitro Group Substituted Oligopyrene with Bicolored Emission. Electrochimica Acta, 2008, 54(2): 334-340.
[67] Guangming Nie, Liangyan Qu, Jingkun Xu, Shushengzhang. Electrosyntheses and characterizations of a new soluble conducting copolymer of 5-cyanoindole and 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene. Electrochimica Acta, 2008, 53(28): 8351-8358.
[68] Huaming Miao, Honglin Zhang*, Jingkun Xu*, Changli Fan, Bin Dong, Liqiang Zeng, Feng Zhao. Electrochemical Polymerization of Carbazole in Acetic Acid Containing Boron Trifluoride Diethyl Etherate. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2008, 26(10): 1922-1928.
[69] 申艷艷, 苗華明, 張洪林, 徐景坤*, 盧寶陽. 四氫呋喃/三氟化硼乙醚混合電解質中咔唑的電化學聚合. 高分子學報, 2008, (11): 1089-1095.
[70] Changli Fan, Jingkun Xu*, Wen Chen, Bin Dong. Facile electrosyntheses and characterization of water-soluble poly(9-aminofluorene). Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112, 12012-12017.
[71] Zhenhong Wei, Qin Wang, Jingkun Xu*, Yanglong Nie, Yukou Du, Hongying Xia. Facile electrosyntheses of high quality alkyl-bridged dicarbazole polymer films with good fluorescence properties. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2008, 46(15): 5232-5241.
[72] Fengxing Jiang, Jingkun Xu,* Baoyang Lu, Yu Xie, Rongjin Huang, Laifeng Li. The Thermoelectric Performance of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): Poly(styrenesulfonate). Chinese Physics Letters, 2008, 25 (6): 2202-2205.
[73] Bin Dong, Shaohua Zhang, Liqiang Zheng*, Jingkun Xu*. Ionic Liquid Microemulsions: A New Medium for Electropolymerization. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2008, 619-620: 193-196.
[74] Guangming Nie, Liangyan Qu, Yan Zhang, Jingkun Xu*, Shusheng Zhang*. Electrochemical Copolymerization of 3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene and 5-Methylindole and Characterizations of the Copolymers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2008, 109(1): 373-381.
[75] Bin Dong, Yaohui Xing, Jingkun Xu*, Liqiang Zheng*, Jian Hou, Feng Zhao. Electrosyntheses of free-standing and highly-conducting polyselenophene films in an ionic liquid. Electrochimica Acta, 2008, 53(19): 5745-5751.
[76] Guangming Nie, Tao Cai, Jingkun Xu, Shusheng Zhang. Low-potential facile electrosyntheses of high-quality free-standing poly(fluorene-9-carboxylic acid) films. Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10: 186-189.
[77] Houting Liu, Yuzhen Li, Jingkun Xu*, Mingbiao Luo, Baoshan Wang, Shouzhi Pu, Liang Shen, Zhanggao Le. Electrosyntheses and Characterization of polyalkylenedioxybenzenes. European Polymer Journal, 2008, 44(1): 171-188.
[78] Guangming Nie, Tao Cai, Liangyan Qu, Jingkun Xu, Qingli Wei and Shusheng Zhang*. A novel polyfluorene derivative electrodeposited by direct anodic oxidation of 9-bromofluorene in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate and trifluoroacetic acid. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2008, 612(2): 191-200.
[79] Zhenhong Wei, Jingkun Xu*, Liqiang Zeng, Zhanggao Le, Liang Shen, Shouzhi Pu. A free-standing poly(9-(6-(thiophene-3-yl)hexyl)-9H-carbazole) films: electrosyntheses from a novel carbazole monomer bearing thiophene moiety. Journal of Materials Sciences, 2008, 43(3): 1008-1012.
[80] 陳文, 范長利, 曾理強, 王幸聰, 褚奇, 徐景坤*. 三氟化硼乙醚溶液中鹵代芴的電化學聚合, 高分子學報,2008, (9): 861-866.
[81] 盧寶陽, 曾利強, 徐景坤*, 聶廣明, 蔡濤. 9,10-二氫化菲在三氟化硼乙醚-濃硫酸混酸中的電化學聚合. 化學學報,2008, 66(13): 1593-1598.
[82] Zhanggao Le, Liqiang Zeng, Jingkun Xu*, Houting Liu, Mulin Ma. Low potential polymerization of 6-nitroindole and characterization of its polymers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2008, 107(5): 2793-2801.
[83] Liqiang Zeng, Zhanggao Le, Jingkun Xu*, Houting Liu, Feng Zhao, Shouzhi Pu. Electrochemical polymerization of 9-phenylcarbazole in mixed electrolytes of boron trifluoride diethyl etherate and sulfuric acid. Journal of Materials Science, 2008, 43(3): 1135-1143.
[84] Weiqiang Zhou, Meiping Guo, Jingkun Xu*, Jinling Yuan. Electrosyntheses of Free-standing Poly (dibenzo-18-crown-6) Films in Boron Trifluoride Diethyl Etherate on Stainless Steel Electrode. European Polymer Journal, 2008, 44(3): 656-664.
[85] Weiqiang Zhou, Jingkun Xu*, Zhenhong Wei, Yukou Du. Electrochemical Properties and Spectral Studies of Electrodeposited Poly (dibenzofuran-co-3-methylthiophene). Chinese Journal of Polymer Science,2008, 26(1): 81-90.
[86] Jingkun Xu*, Zhenhong Wei, Shouzhi Pu, Jian hou, Weiqiang Zhou. Electrodeposition of high-quality freestanding poly (3-(6-bromohexyl)thiophene) films. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2008, 109, 1570-1576.
[87] Weiqiang Zhou, Huaping Peng, Jingkun Xu*, Hongying Xia, Shouzhi Pu. Electrochemical Polymerization of Phenanthrene in Mixed Electrolytes of Boron Trfluoride Diethyl Etherate and Concentrated Sulfuric Acid. Polymer International, 2008, 57: 92-98.
[88] Xingcong Wang, Bing Chen, Jingkun Xu*, Weiqiang Zhou, Shouzhi Pu. Electrodeposition of high quality and freestanding poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-thiophene) films with tunable fluorescence properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2008, 108(3): 1924-1933
[89] Feng Zhao, Jingkun Xu, Shufeng Liu. Atomic force microscopy visualization of the DNA network and molecular morphological transition on a mica surface. Thin Solid Films, 2008, 516(21): 7555-7559.
[90] Ying Wang, Minghun Du, Jingkun Xu, Ping Yang, Yukou Du. Size-controlled synthesis of palladium nanoparticles. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2008, 29(6): 891-894.
[91] Jingkun Xu*, Liang Wan, Yuzhen Li, Houting Liu, Shouzhi Pu, Liang Shen. Low Potential Electrochemical Polymerization of Diphenyl Ether and Characterization of Its Polymers. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2007, 45: 5932-5941.
[92] Bin Dong, Liqiang Zheng*, Jingkun Xu*, Houting Liu, Shouzhi Pu. Electropolymerization of 1,2-methylenedioxybenzene in 1-butyl-3-methyl- imidazolium hexafluorophosphate room temperature ionic liquid. Polymer, 2007, 48: 5548-5555.
[93] Guangmin Nie, Tao Cai, Shusheng Zhang*, Jingkun Xu*. Electrodeposition of Poly(indole-5-carboxylic acid) in Boron Trifluoride Diethyl Etherate Containing Additional Diethyl Ether. Electrochimica Acta, 2007, 52: 7097-7106.
[94] Fahrettin Yakuphanoglu, Houting Liu, Jingkun Xu. Electrical, optical, thermoelectric power and dielectrical properties of organic semiconductor poly(1,12-bis(carbazolyl) dodecane) film. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111: 7535-7540.
[95] Mulin Ma, Houting Liu, Jingkun Xu*, Yuzhen Li, Yiqun Wan. Electrochemical polymerization of o-Dihydroxybene and characterization of its polymers as a polyacetylene derivative. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111: 6889-6996.
[96] Guangming Nie, Jingkun Xu, Shusheng Zhang*, Xuejun Han. Electrochemical copolymerization of indole and 3-methylthiophene in freshly distilled boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 104(5): 3129-3136.
[97] Guangming Nie, Tao Cai, Shusheng Zhang*, Jian Hou, Jingkun Xu*, Xuejun Han. Low potential electrosyntheses of high quality freestanding polyazulene films in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. Materials Letters, 2007, 61(14-15): 3079-3082.
[98] Jingkun Xu*, Zhenhong Wei, Yukou Du, Shouzhi Pu. Low potential electrochemical polymerization of 1,12-bis(carbazolyl)dodecane. Materials Letters, 2007, 61: 2486-2490.
[99] Houting Liu, Jingkun Xu*, Shouzhi Pu, Mingbiao Luo, Zhanggao Le. Electrodepostion of high quality and freestanding novel conducting polyacenaphthene films. Materials Letters, 2007, 61(6): 1392-1395.
[100] 劉厚亭, 徐景坤*, 周衛強, 蒲守智, 魏振宏, 羅明標. 1, 8-亞乙基萘在三氟化硼乙醚+聚乙二醇中的電化學聚合.高分子學報, 2007, (6): 510-513.
[101] 周衛強, 徐景坤, 汪敬武, 蒲守智. 不同電位影響5-硝基吲哚電化學聚合的光譜分析. 光譜學與光譜分析, 2007, 27(6): 1106-1109.
[102] 戴兢陶, 杜玉扣, 楊平, 徐景坤. 導電高分子PEDOT/PSS穩定的Pt3Co 納米粒子的制備及電.磁性. 化學學報, 2007, 65(22): 2522-2526.
[103] Shouzhi Pu, Gang Liu, Liang Shen, Jingkun Xu. Effieient synthesis and properties of isomeric photochromic diarylethenes having a pyrrole unit. Organic Letters, 2007, 9(11): 2139-2142.
[104] Shouzhi Pu, Tianshe Yang, Ruji Wang, Fushi Zhang, Jingkun Xu. Synthesis, crystal structure and characterization of photochromic 1,2-bis{2-ethyl-5- [2-(1,3-dioxolane)]-3-thienyl}perfluorocyclopentene. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007, 66(2): 335-340.
[105] Tianshe Yang, Shouzhi Pu, Bing Chen, Jingkun Xu. Electron-donating methoxyl group position effect on properties of diarylethene derivatives having a pyrazole unit. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2007, 85: 12-20.
[106] Shouzhi Pu, Tianshe Yang, Baoli Yao, Yingli Wang, Ming Lei, Jingkun Xu. Photochromic diarylethene for polarization holographic optical recording. Materials Letters, 2007, 61(3): 855-859.
[107] Chunhong Zheng, Shouzhi Pu, Jingkun Xu, Mingbiao Luo, Dechao Huang, Liang Shen. Synthesis and the effect of alkyl chain length on optoelectronic properties of diarylethene derivatives. Tetrahedron, 2007, 63(25): 5437-5449.
[108] Jingkun Xu*, Houting Liu, Shouzhi Pu, Fuyou Li, Mingbiao Luo. A novel electrochromic polyacetylene derivative with good fluorescence properties electrodeposited by direct anodic oxidation of 1, 2-methylenedioxy benzene. Macromolecules, 2006, 39(17): 5611-5616.
[109] Jingkun Xu*, Jian Hou, Shusheng Zhang, Qiang Xiao, Rui Zhang, Shouzhi Pu, Qingli Wei. Electrochemical polymerization of fluoranthene and characterization of its polymers,Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110(6): 2643-2648.
[110] Zhenhong Wei, Jingkun Xu*, Shouzhi Pu, Yukou Du. Electrosyntheses of high-quality free-standing poly(fluorene-co-3-methylthiophene) films with tunable fluorescence properties. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2006, 44 (16): 4904-4915.
[111] Shusheng Zhang*, Guangming Nie, Xuejun Han, Jingkun Xu*, Tao Cai. Electrosyntheses of free-standing poly(9-fluorenone) films in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. Electrochimica Acta, 2006, 51: 5738-5745.
[112] Zhenhong Wei, Jingkun Xu*, Guangming Nie, Yukou Du, Shouzhi Pu. Low-potential electrochemical polymerization of carbazole and its alkyl derivatives. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2006, 589: 112-119.
[113] Guangming Nie, Jingkun Xu*, Shusheng Zhang, Tao Cai, Xuejun Han. Electrochemical copolymerization of carbazole and 3-methylthiophene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 102: 1877-1885.
[114] Guangming Nie, Jingkun Xu*, Shusheng Zhang, Xuejun Han, Shouzhi Pu. Electrosyntheses of High-quality Polycarbazole Films in a Composite electrolytes of Boron Trifluoride Diethyl Etherate and Ethyl Ether. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 2006, 36(8): 937-944.
[115] Jingkun Xu*, Weiqiang Zhou, Jian Hou, Shouzhi Pu, Zhenhong Wei, Jingwu Wang. Electrosyntheses of Free-Standing Poly (dibenzofuran) Films. Materials Letters, 2006, 60(21-22): 2569-2572.
[116] 馬茶, 徐景坤*, 周衛強, 杜玉扣. 乙酸—三氟化硼乙醚混合質子電解質. 化學學報, 2006, 64(18): 1929-1932.
[117] 徐景坤*, 張雅娟, 魏振宏, 周衛強, 趙繼全. 9,9-二辛基芴的電化學聚合. 化學學報,2006, 64(9): 911-916.
[118] Jingkun Xu*, Zhenhong Wei, Yukou Du, Weiqiang Zhou, Shouzhi Pu. Electrochemical polymerization of fluorene and its alkyl-polymer precursors. Electrochimica Acta, 2006, 51(22): 4771-4779.
[119] Jingkun Xu*, Jian Hou, Shusheng Zhang, Guangming Nie, Shouzhi Pu. Electrosyntheses of high quality poly (5-methylindole) films in mixed electrolytes of boron trifluoride diethyl etherate and diethyl ether. European Polymer Journal, 2006, 42: 1384-1395.
[120] Jingkun Xu*, Weiqiang Zhou, Huaping Peng, Shouzhi Pu, Jingwu Wang, Liushui Yan. Electrosyntheses of freestanding and conducting poly[poly(N-vinyl- carbazole)] films in tetrahydrofuran containing additional boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. Polymer Journal, 2006, 38(4): 369-375.
[121] Jingkun Xu*, Yajuan Zhang, Jian Hou, Zhenhong Wei, Shouzhi Pu, Jiquan Zhao, Yukou Du. Electrosyntheses of free-standing polyfluorene films in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. European Polymer Journal, 2006, 42: 1154-1163.
[122] Jingkun Xu*, Jian Hou, Qiang Xiao, Qingli Wei, Rui Zhang, Shusheng Zhang, Shouzhi Pu. A novel conducting polymer polyfluoranthene: electrosyntheses and characterization. Materials Letters, 2006, 60: 1156-1160.
[123] Jingkun Xu*, Weiqiang Zhou, Jian Hou, Shouzhi Pu, Liushui Yan, Jingwu Wang. Electrosyntheses of high quality poly (5-cyanoindole) films in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate containing additional diethyl ether. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2006, 99(2-3): 341-349.
[124] Jingkun Xu*, Weiqiang Zhou, Bing Chen, Shouzhi Pu, Jingwu Wang, Yiqun Wan. Electrosyntheses of Free-Standing Poly (dibenzofuran) Films in Mixed Electrolytes of Boron Trifluoride Diethyl Etherate and Trifluoroacetic Acid. Journal of Polymer Science part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2006, 44 (3): 1125-1135
[125] Jingkun Xu*, Zhenhong Wei, Qiang Xiao, Liang Shen, Shouzhi Pu. Electrochemical copolymerization of 3-(4-fluorophenyl)thiophene and 3-methyl thiophene in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2006, 24(3): 253-263.
[126] Jingkun Xu*, Jian Hou, Shouzhi Pu, Guangming Nie, Shusheng Zhang. Electrosyntheses and characterization of poly (5-bromoindole) in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 101(1): 539-547.
[127] Zhenhong Wei, Jingkun Xu*, Jian Hou, Weiqiang Zhou, Shouzhi Pu. Electrochemical and spectroscopic characteristics of copolymers electrochemically synthesized from 3-(4-fluorophenyl)thiophene and 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene. Journal of Materials Science, 2006, 41(12): 3923-3930.
[128] Jingkun Xu*, Jian Hou, Weiqiang Zhou, Guangming Nie, Shouzhi Pu, Shsheng Zhang. 1H NMR spectral studies on the polymerization mechanism of indole and its derivatives. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular spectroscopy, 2006, 63(3): 723-728.
[129] 徐景坤*, 魏振宏, 侯健, 蒲守智. 三氟化硼乙醚中聚(N-甲基吲哚)的電化學合成. 高分子學報, 2006, (3): 474-478.
[130] Jingkun Xu*, Weiqiang Zhou, Jian Hou, Shouzhi Pu, Jingwu Wang, Liushui Yan. Electrochemical polymerization of 5-cyanoindole in mixed electrolytes of boron trifluoride diethyl etherate and diethyl ether. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2006, 24(1): 47-52.
[131] Shusheng Zhang, Jian Hou, Rui Zhang, Jingkun Xu*, Guangming Nie, Shouzhi Pu,. Electrochemical polymerization of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene in aqueous solution containing N-dodecyl-β-D-maltoside. European Polymer Journal, 2006, 42(1): 149-160.
[132] Fengzhao*, Yukou Du, Jingkun Xu, Shufeng Liu. Determination of surfactant molecular volume by atomic force microscopy. Colloid Journal, 2006, 68(6): 784-787.
[133] Feng Zhao, Yukou Du, Jingkun Xu. Molecular morphology of modified partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (MHPAM) on mica substrates and Langmuir-Blodgett films of MHPAM/CTAB complexes as observed by AFM. European Polymer Journal, 2007, 43(3): 797-801.
[134] Fengzhao*, Yukou Du, Jingkun Xu, Shufeng Liu. Morphology of surfactant- polymer Complexes on mica substrate visualized by atomic force microscopy. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2006, 84: 1557-1562.
[135] Feng Zhao*, Jingkun Xu. Fractal metal nanoparticle aggregates morphology formation mediated by polyelectrolyte/surfactant complex films at interfaces. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2006, 285: 113-117.
[136] Shouzhi Pu, Tianshe Yang, Jingkun Xu, Bing Chen. Syntheses and properties of new photochromic diarylethene derivatives having a pyrazole unit. Tetrahedron Letters, 2006, 47: 6473-6477.
[137] Shouzhi Pu, Huohong Tang, Bing Chen, Jingkun Xu, Wenhao Huang. Photochromic diarylethene for two-photon 3D optical storage. Materials Letters, 2006, 60(29-30): 3553-3557
[138] Shouzhi Pu, Qiang Xiao, Jingkun Xu, Liang Shen, Guizhen Li, Bing Chen. Synthesis, Photochromic dynamics, fluorescence and structure of a novel diarylethene. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2006, 24: 463-467.
[139] Tianshe Yang, Shouzhi Pu, Fusheng Luo, Jingkun Xu. 1,2-Bis (2-ethyl-5-hydroxymethyl-3-thienyl)-3,3,4,4,5,5-hexafluoro-cyclopent-1-ene, a new photochromic diarylethene compound. Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 2006, E62, o1136-1138.
[140] Shouzhi Pu, Tianshe Yang, Guizhen Li, Jingkun Xu, Bing Chen. Substituent position effect on the optoelectronic properties of photochromic diarylethenes. Tetrahedron Letters, 2006, 47(18): 3167-3171.
[141] Feng Zhao, Yukou Du, Shufeng Liu, Jingkun Xu, Ji’an Tang. Characterization of the conformatonal changes of the polymer chains in solution using stress recovery experiment. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 101 (5): 2709-2713.
[142] Shouzhi Pu, Fushi Zhang, Jingkun Xu, Liang Shen, Qiang Xiao, Bing Chen. Photochromic diarylethene for three-wavelength optical memory. Materials Letters, 2006, 60(4): 485-489.
[143] Jingkun Xu*, Weiqiang Zhou, Jian Hou, Shouzhi Pu, Liushui Yan, Jingwu Wang. Electrosyntheses of high quality poly (5-nitroindole) films in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate containing additional diethyl ether. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2005, 43: 3986-3997.
[144] Jingkun Xu*, Weiqiang Zhou, Jian Hou, Shouzhi Pu, Liushui Yan, Jingwu Wang. Electrosyntheses of high quality poly (5-nitroindole) films. Materials Letters, 2005, 59(19-20): 2412-2417.
[145] Jingkun Xu, Guangming Nie, Shusheng Zhang, Xuejun Han, Shouzhi Pu. Electrochemical copolymerization of indole and 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene. Journal of Materials Science 2005, 40: 2867-2873.
[146] Jingkun Xu*, Jian Hou, Shusheng Zhang, Guangming Nie, Shouzhi Pu, Liang Shen, Qiang Xiao. Electrosyntheses of high quality freestanding polyselenophene films in boron trilfuoride diethyl etherate. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2005, 578(2): 345-355.
[147] Jingkun Xu, Guangming Nie, Shusheng Zhang, Xuejun Han, Jian Hou, Shouzhi Pu. Electrosyntheses of freestanding polyindole films in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2005, 43: 1444-1453.
[148] Jingkun Xu, Guangming Nie, Shusheng Zhang, Xuejun Han, Shouzhi Pu, Liang Shen, Qiang Xiao. Electrosyntheses of poly (2,3-benzofuran) films in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate containing poly (ethylene glycol) oligomer. European Polymer Journal, 2005, 41(7): 1654-1661.
[149] Shouzhi Pu, Jian Hou, Jingkun Xu*, Guangming Nie, Shusheng Zhang, Liang Shen. Electrosyntheses of freestanding and conducting polyselenophene films. Materials Letters, 2005, 59(8-9): 1061-1065.
[150] Liang Shen, Jingkun Xu*, Zhenhong Wei, Qiang Xiao, Shouzhi Pu. Electrosyntheses of freestanding poly (3-(4-fluorophenyl)thiophene) films in boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. European Polymer Journal, 2005, 41(8): 1738-1746.
[151] Tiejun Wang, Yingqun Qi, Jingkun Xu, Xiujie Hu, Ping Chen. Effects of poly (ethylene glycol) on electrical conductivity of poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly (styrenesulfonic acid) film. Applied Surface Science, 2005, 250: 188-194.
[152] Shouzhi Pu, Jingkun Xu, Liang Shen, Qian Xiao, Tianshe Yang, Gang Liu. Synthesis, structure and fluorescence of a novel diarylethene. Tetrahedron Letters, 2005, 46(5): 871-875.
[153] 華南平, 甘玉琴, 徐嬌珍, 鄒翠娥, 楊平, 徐景坤, 杜玉扣. 鉑顆粒粒徑效應: 負載鉑納米顆粒的TiO2 薄膜性質研究. 光譜學與光譜分析, 2005, 25(11): 1861-1864.
[154] Shouzhi Pu, Tianshe Yang, Jingkun Xu, Liang Shen, Guizhen Li, Qiang Xiao, Bing Chen. Syntheses and optoelectronic properties of four photochromic dithienylethenes. Tetrahedron, 2005, 61: 6623-6629.
[155] Shouzhi Pu, Qiang Xiao, Ruji Wang, Jingkun Xu, Liang Shen, Bing Chen. Crystal struture of 3,3,4,4,5,5-hexafluoro-{[1-(2-methyl-5-(4-formylphenyl)), 2-(2-methyl-5-(4- (2-1,3-dioxoane) phenyl))]-thien-3-yl}-cyclopent-1-ene, C31H22F6O3S2. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KRISTALLOGRAPHIE-NEW CRYSTAL STRUCTURES, 2005, 2005, 220(2): 255-257.
[156] Shouzhi Pu, Tianshe Yang, Ruji Wang, Jingkun Xu. 1,2-Bis[5-(1,3-dioxolan- 2-yl)-2-ethyl-3-thienyl]-3,3,4,4,5,5-hexafluorocyclopent-1-ene, a photochromic dithienylethene. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2005, C61: o568-570
[157] Shouzhi Pu, Tianshe Yang, Ruji Wang, Jingkun Xu. 1,2-Bis[5-(2,2-dicyanovinyl)-2-ethyl-3-thienyl]-3,3,4,4,5,5-hexafluorocyclopent-1-ene, a new photochromic diarylethene compound. Acta Cryst. 2005, E61: o4077-o4079.
[158] Shouzhi Pu, Ruji Wang, Liang Shen, Gang Liu, Jingkun Xu, Qiang Xiao, Bing Chen. Crystal structure of 3,3,4,4,5,5-hexafluoro-1,2-bis(5-(3-trifluorophenyl)-2-methyl-3- thienyl)-cyclopent-1-ene, C29H16F12S2. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KRISTALLOGRAPHIE -NEW CRYSTAL STRUCTURES, 2005, 220: 81-82.
[159] Shouzhi Pu, Liang Shen, Jingkun Xu, Ruji Wang, Qiang Xiao, Gang Liu. Crystal structure of 3,3,4,4,5,5-hexafluoro-1,2-bis{5-[2- (1,3-dithio cyclopentyl)]–2-methyl-3-thienyl} –cyclopent-1-ene, C21H18F6S6. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KRISTALLOGRAPHIE-NEW CRYSTAL STRUCTURES 2004, 219: 473~474.
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1.2 EI或者核心期刊論文
[161] 周衛強, 徐景坤, 郭孟萍. 聚吲哚及其衍生物的熒光光譜. 化學通報, 2008, 71(1): 75-79.
[162] 周衛強, 彭花萍, 徐景坤. 聚(聚(n-乙烯基咔唑))的電化學合成及表征. 應用化學, 2008, 25(4): 396-400.
[163] 李玉真, 徐景坤*. 導電聚(3,4-二氧乙基噻吩)應用研究進展. 化工新型材料, 2007, 35(3): 25-27.
[164] 姚平平, 甘玉琴, 徐景坤, 楊平, 杜玉扣. 銀納米顆粒負載TiO2復合薄膜的光催化活性及其光電流性質. 感光科學與光化學, 2006, 24(1): 44-49.
[165] 戴兢陶, 徐景坤, 楊平, 杜玉扣, 江龍. 導電高分子PEDOT/PSS保護銀納米顆粒的制備與表征. 感光科學與光化學, 2005, 23(5): 363-366.
[166] 聶廣明, 徐景坤, 張書圣. 三氟化硼乙醚中電化學合成導電高分子研究進展. 化學通報, 2005, 68(w098): 1-9.
[167] 蒲守智, 游秀麗, 徐景坤, 申亮, 肖強, 王麗華, 劉剛. 二芳基乙烯類光致變色化合物的合成及其光電性質研究. 精細化工, 2005, 22(7): 489-494.
[168] 翟春陽, 王瑩, 楊平, 徐景坤, 杜玉扣. 樹狀大分子保護的CdS納米粒子的合成與表征. 化學研究, 2009, 20(1): 20-23
[169] 翟春陽, 周衛強, 徐景坤, 楊平, 杜玉扣. 活性炭負載TiO2.2Fe3O4磁性光催化劑的制備及性能. 化學研究, 2009, 20(2): 83-86
[170] 徐景坤*, 蒲守智, 申亮, 肖強. 聚(3,4-二氧乙基噻吩)在有機光電子中的應用進展. 化學研究, 2005, 16(1): 94-98.
[171] 張雅娟, 徐景坤*, 魏振宏, 趙繼全. 9,9-二乙基芴在三氟化硼乙醚中的電化學聚合. 化學研究, 2005, 16(4): 30-33.
[172] 周衛強, 徐景坤*, 蒲守智, 汪敬武. 三氟化硼乙醚-硫酸混合電解質中聚(二苯并呋喃)的電化學合成. 化學研究, 2005, 16(4): 17-20, 26.
[173] 侯健, 徐景坤*, 張書圣, 張睿, 聶廣明, 蒲守智. 以十二烷基麥芽糖為模板制備導電聚苯胺納米線. 化學研究, 2005, 16(2): 52-55.
[174] 張雅娟, 馬茶, 徐景坤*, 侯健, 趙繼全. 甲醇-三氟化硼乙醚混合質子電解質. 化學研究, 2005, 16(2): 25-27, 55.
[175] 徐景坤, 胡秀杰, 蒲守智, 申亮, 陳萍. 新型導電高分子抗靜電劑進展. 感光科學與光化學, 2005, 23(3): 232-238.
[176] 李貴珍, 蒲守智, 徐景坤, 申亮, 肖強, 陳兵, 趙繼全. 光致變色全氟環戊烯化合物的合成及其性質研究. 感光科學與光化學, 2005, 23(3): 167-174.
[177] 申亮, 徐景坤, 洪嘯吟. 導電高分子在抗靜電領域中的應用. 中國皮革, 2004, 33(13): 40-43
[178] 王鐵軍,齊英群,徐景坤,胡秀杰,陳萍. 聚乙二醇對PEDOT-PSSA導電性能的影響. 科學通報, 2003,48(19): 2036-2037.
[179] 陰金香, 林天舒, 徐景坤, 麻遠. 淺談有機化學實驗對助教博士研究生的培養. 廣西師范大學學報, 2003, 21: 229-230.
[180] 衣春霞, 徐景坤. 淺談普通高校通過人才引進實現迅速崛起的幾個階段. 中國教學與管理, 2006, (3): 73-75.
1.3 專利
[181] 蒲守智,肖強,徐景坤,申亮,楊天赦,劉剛,肖偉洪. 光子型間苯取代基全氟環戊烯類二芳烯光致變色材料的制備及其在雙光子光存儲中的應用. 中國專利200510018209.1
[182] 蒲守智,徐景坤,劉剛,申亮,et al. 光致變色全氟環戊烯類二芳基乙烯希夫堿化合物及其制備方法與應用. 中國專利200410060790.9
2.1 SCI論文
[183] Gaoquan Shi, Jingkun Xu, Mingxiao Fu. Raman spectroscopic and electrochemical study on the doping level changes of polythiophene films during their electrochemical growth processes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2002, 106: 288-292.
[184] Jingkun Xu, Gaoquan Shi, Xiaoyin Hong. Doping level increase of poly(3-methlythiophene) film during electrochemical polymerization process. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2002, (5): 425-430.
[185] Xi-shu Wang, Jingkun Xu, Gaoquan Shi ,Xiao Lu. Microstructure- mechanical properties relationship in conducting polypyrrole films. Journal of Material Sciences, 2002, 37 (24): 5171-5176.
[186] Jingkun Xu, Gaoquan Shi, Zhenjiang Xu, Fengen Chen, Xiaoyin Hong. Low potential electrochemical polymerization of 3-clorothiophene in mixed electrolytes of boron trifluoride diethyl ether and trifluoroacetic acid. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2001, 514: 16-25.
[187] Jingkun Xu, Gaoquan Shi, Fengen Chen, Fan Wang, Jiaxi Zhang, Xiaoyin Hong. Poly(3-chlorothiophene) films prepared by direct electrochemical oxidation of 3-chlorothiophene in mixed electrolytes of boron triflruoride diethyl etherate and sulfuric acid. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2003, 87(3): 502-509
[188] Jingkun Xu, Gaoquan Shi, Jiaxin Zhang, Xiaoyin Hong. Electrochemical polymerization of thianaphthene in mixed electrolytes of boron trifluoride diethyl etherate and trifluoroacetic acid Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2002, 203 (16): 2385-2390
[189] JingKun Xu, Gaoquan Shi, Liangti Qu, Jiaxin Zhang. Electrosyntheses of high quality polypyrrole films in isopropyl alcohol solution of boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. Synthetic Metals, 2003, 135-136: 221-222
[190] Fan Wang, Gaoquan Shi, Fengen Chen, Jingkun Xu, Jiaxin Zhang. Electrochemical polymerization of thianaphthene Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2001, 510: 29-34.
[191] 石高全, 張家鑫, 陳鳳恩, 徐景坤, 洪嘯吟. 3-甲基噻吩和3-氯噻吩的電化學共聚 化學學報, 2001, 59(10): 1818-1822.
[192] Chun Li, Fengen Chen, Gaoquan Shi, Jingkun Xu, Zhenjiang Xu. Electrosynthesis of free-standing poly(para-phenylene) films in mixed electrolytes of boron trifluoride diethyl etherare and trifluoroacetic acid on stainless steel electrode Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2002, 83: 2462-2466.
[193] 汪帆,石高全,陳鳳恩,徐景坤,張家鑫,洪嘯吟. 可溶性聚苯并噻吩的電化學合成 高分子學報,2001,(6): 807-810.
3.2 EI論文
[194] 陳鳳恩,石高全,徐景坤,付明笑,洪嘯吟,郁鑒源. 拉曼光譜研究電化學沉積聚吡咯摻雜程度對膜厚度的依賴性. 光散射學報,2002,14(1): 54-57.
3.1 SCI 論文
[195] Ping Chen, Jingkun Xu, Zhiguo Qian, Li Zhang, Xiujie Hu, Deshui Zheng . The monitoring for physical development of silver halide diffusion transfer process with a linear CCD. Journal of Imaging Science & Technology, 1997, 41(1): 30-34.
[196] Yong Qiu, Jingkun Xu, Ping Chen, Deshui Zheng, Xinqi Song. Real-time monitoring for physical developing rate with a linear CCD. Journal of Photographic Science, 1995, 43(5): 166-168.
[197] Jingkun Xu, Ping Chen, Li Zhang, Deshui Zheng. The monitoring for physical developing process with a linear CCD. Chinese Chemical Letters, 1996, 7(4): 361-365.
3.2 核心期刊論文
[198] 徐景坤,陳萍,張理,鄭德水,邱勇,宋心琦. CCD技術應用于研究物理顯影過程. 感光科學與光化學,1996,14(2): 101-107.
[199] 徐景坤,陳萍,張理,錢志國,盛麗琴. CCD技術研究銀鹽制版材料中的物理顯影過程 影像技術,1996,(3): 6-10.
4.1 EI 或者ISTP收錄的國際會議論文
[200] Jingkun Xu, Shouzhi Pu, Weiqiang Zhou, Jian Hou, Zhenhong Wei. The fluorescence properties of polyindole and its derivatives. 2005 Beijing International Conference on Imaging: Technology and Applications for the 21st Century, 2005, 192-193.
[201] Shouzhi Pu, Jingkun Xu, Liang Shen, Qiang Xiao, Gang Liu, Weihong Xiao. Synthesis of novel photochromic diarylethenes and application on holographic data storage. 2005 Beijing International Conference on Imaging: Technology and Applications for the 21st Century, 2005, 92-93.
[202] Xu J K, Shi G Q, Qu L T, Zhang J X. Electrosyntheses of high quality polypyrrole films in isopropyl alcohol solution of boron trifluoride diethyl etherate. Shanghai Conference of Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, Shanghai, China, June 2002.
[203] Shouzhi Pu, Qiang Xiao, Tianshe Yang, Jingkun Xu, Bing Chen, Liang Shen. Photochromic diarylethene for two-photon 3D optical storage. Challenging optics in Science and Technology, 20th Congress of the International Commission for optics, 2005, in press.
[204] Tianshe Yang, Shouzhi Pu, Liang Shen, Bing Chen, Jingkun Xu, Qiang Xiao. Photochromism and optical recording in polymer film containing asymmetrical dithienylethene compounds. Challenging optics in Science and Technology, 20th Congress of the International Commission for optics, 2005, in press.
[205] Guizhen Li, Shouzhi Pu, Jingkun Xu, Liang Shen, Qiang Xiao, Jiquan Zhao. Synthesis and photochromic properties of novel diarylethenes. Challenging optics in Science and Technology, 20th Congress of the International Commission for optics, 2005, in press.
[206] Pu SZ, Zhang FS, Xu JK, Shen L, Xiao Q and Chen B. Three-wavelengths Optical Memory of Photochromic Diarylethenes. Sixth International Symposium on Optical Storage, 2005, 5966, 180-183.
[207] Yang TS, Pu SZ, Chen B, Xu JK, Xiao Q and Shen L. Synthesis of a novel type dithienylethene and application to holographic optical storage. Sixth International Symposium on Optical Storage, 2005, 5966, 266-269.
[208] Li GZ, Pu SZ, Xiao Q, Xu JK, Shen L, Chen B, Zhao JQ. Photochromic Dynamics of Diarylethene Compounds in Solution and in PMMA Amorphous Film. Sixth International Symposium on Optical Storage, 2005, 5966, 274-277.
[209] You XL, Pu SZ, Xu JK, Xiao Q, Shen L, Chen B. Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of a Novel Asymmetric Dithienylethene Compound. Sixth International Symposium on Optical Storage, 2005, 5966, 262-265.
[210] Liu G, Pu SZ, Zhang FS, Xu JK, Shen L, Xiao Q and Chen B. Write/Read Characteristics of Photochromic Diarylethenes in Photon-Mode Optical Data Recordins. Sixth International Symposium on Optical Storage, 2005, 5966, 278-281.
[211] Shouzhi Pu, Jingkun Xu, Liang Shen, Qiang Xiao, Gang Liu, Weihing Xiao, Fushi Zhang. Synthesis of novel photochromic dithienylethenes and investigation on their optoelectronic properties. SPIE Asia-Pacific Optical Communications, Advanced Optical Storage Technology, 2005, 5643: 299-308.
[212] Shuai Chen, Jingkun Xu, Baoyang Lu, Fangfang Kong,Xuemin Duan.Solid-state Fluorescence Properties of Free-standing Poly(phenoxy-alkyl-bridged dicarbazole) Film. The 31 st International Congress on Imaging Science, 2010,483-485
[213] Zhaojin Zhu, Jiong Wang, Jingkun Xu, Meishan Pei. Electrosyntheses of Polyacrylate Functionalized Polyfluorenee Network Films with Good Fluorescence Properties. The 31 st International Congress on Imaging Science, 2010, 520-522
[214] Baoyang Lu, Yuzhen Li, Jingkun Xu. Fluorescent Oligopyrenes via Electropolymerization. The 31st International Congress on Imaging Science, 2010, 530-531
[215] Jiong Wang, Zhaojin Zhu, Jingkun Xu, Meishan Pei. Electrosynthesis of An Excellent Green-light-emitting Polyfluorene Derivative. The 31st International Congress on Imaging Science, 2010, 540-541
[216] Congcong Liu, Ruirui Yue, Xingcong Wang, Yuzhen Li, Jingkun Xu, Guodong Liu. Electrochemical Fabrication of Novel Fluorescent Poly(pyrene-co-3-methylthiophene) Films. The 31 st International Congress on Imaging Science, 2010, 561-563
[217] Ruirui Yue, Yuzhen Li, Xingcong Wang, Baoyang Lu, Guodong Liu, Jingkun Xu. Facile Electrosyntheses of Conducting Copolymers with Tunable Fluorescence Properties. The 31 st International Congress on Imaging Science, 2010, 580-583
[218] Guang Zhu, Yuzhen Li, Baoyang Lu, Yao Huang, Shuai Chen, Jingkun Xu. Electrosyntheses of a Novel Blue-Light-Emitting Polynaphthalene Film. The 31 st International Congress on Imaging Science, 2010, 598-600
[219] Yao Huang, Guang Zhu, Shuai Chen, Yuzhen Li, Jingkun Xu. Electrochemical Polymerization of a New o-Phenoxy-hexyl Dicarbazole and Fluorescence of its Cross-linking Network Polymer. The 31st International Congress on Imaging Science, 2010, 725-727
4.2 其它國際國內會議
[220] 王麗華, 周衛強, 汪敬武, 徐景坤*. 導電聚(二苯并呋喃)膜的固體熒光光譜. 中國感光學會第七次全國會員代表大會暨學術年會和第七屆青年學術交流會論文摘要集, p177-178.
[221] 周衛強, 肖偉洪, 汪敬武, 徐景坤*. 聚(聚(N-乙烯基咔唑))膜的固體熒光光譜. 中國感光學會第七次全國會員代表大會暨學術年會和第七屆青年學術交流會論文摘要集, p179-180.
[222] 魏振宏, 徐景坤*. 自支撐導電聚[3-(6-溴己烷)噻吩-咔唑]膜的制備與固體熒光. 中國感光學會第七次全國會員代表大會暨學術年會和第七屆青年學術交流會論文摘要集, p181-182.
[223] 游秀麗, 魏振宏, 徐景坤*. 聚[聚(9,9-己烷芴)]膜的電化學合成與熒光性質. 中國感光學會第七次全國會員代表大會暨學術年會和第七屆青年學術交流會論文摘要集, p183-184.
[224] 魏振宏, 徐景坤*. 高質量自支撐導電聚(1,12-二咔唑十二烷)膜的固體熒光. 中國感光學會第七次全國會員代表大會暨學術年會和第七屆青年學術交流會論文摘要集, p185-186.
[225] 劉厚亭, 徐景坤*, 羅明標. 聚(1,8-二亞甲基萘)的固態熒光光譜. 中國感光學會第七次全國會員代表大會暨學術年會和第七屆青年學術交流會論文摘要集, p187-188.
[226] Xu J K, Shi G Q, Hong X Y. Effect of polyethylene glycol on properties of polypyrrole films electrosynthesized in isopropyl alcohol solution. 39th International Symposium on Macromolecules, IUPAC World Polymer Congress 2002, Beijing, China, July 2002.
[227] 徐景坤,張理. 用CCD技術研究物理顯影過程. 中國科協第二屆青年學術年會衛星會議-第二屆全國影像科學技術青年學術大會論文集,1995年10月,北京, p81-82.
[228] 徐景坤. 稠環芳香化合物電聚合制備導電高分子發光材料. 中國化學會第二十六屆學術年會論文集, 2008年, 天津,p16-O-046
1) 2010年,國家農業科技成果轉化資金項目《新型環保農藥“15%阿維菌素﹒毒死蜱水乳劑”中試》, 80萬(其中撥款50萬,學校配套30萬元),項目負責人
2) 2011年1月-2013年12月, 國家自然科學基金面上項目《聚丙烯酸接枝導電聚合物的分子設計合成性能及應用》(項目編號51073074),69萬(其中撥款39萬,學校配套30萬元),項目負責人
3) 2010年1月-2012年12月, 國家自然科學基金《新型導電高分子熱電材料的分子設計合成及性能》(項目編號50963002),58萬元(其中撥款29萬,學校配套29萬元),項目負責人
4) 2010年7月-2012年12月,PEDOT/PSS合作研發項目,中科院理化技術研究所,10萬元,項目負責人
5) 2010年8月-2010年12月,聚噻吩衍生物合作開發項目,沈陽康伯克科技有限公司,40萬元,項目負責人
6) 2009年,江西省科技廳農業公關項目《綠色農藥微乳液配方研究及其在農作物上的應用》,6萬元, (其中撥款4萬,學校配套2萬元),項目負責人
7) 2008年7月-2011年7月,南昌市科技局項目《新型高效導電高分子抗靜電劑的開發》,3萬元,項目負責人
8) 2008年1月-2012年12月,南昌市521學術技術帶頭人第一梯隊,10萬元,項目負責人
9) 2008年1月-2009年12月,江西省教育廳科學技術研究項目《新型導電聚合物熱電材料的研究》(項目編號GJJ08366),3.75萬元(其中撥款2.5萬元,學校配套1.25萬元),項目負責人
10) 2007年7月-2009年6月,江西省自然科學基金《稠環芳香化合物電聚合制備高性能導電高分子發光材料》(項目編號2007GZH1091),3萬元(其中省基金2萬元,江西科技師范學院配套1萬元),項目負責人
11) 2007年12月-2008年11月,國家自然科學基金國際合作項目《新型導電高分子熱電材料制備及性能研究》(項目編號:(2007)年國科進工外資助第50710105070),4.5萬元(其中國家2.5萬元,江西科技師范學院配套2萬元),項目負責人。
12) 2007年1月-2009年12月,教育部科學技術研究重點項目《稠環芳香化合物電聚合制備高性能導電高分子發光材料》(項目編號2007-207058),10萬元(其中教育部2萬元,江西省教育廳配套4萬元,江西科技師范學院配套4萬元),項目負責人。
13) 2007年1月-2009年12月,國家自然科學基金《新型導電聚(二氧乙基噻吩)基復合材料的研究》(NSFC50663001),28萬元(學校配套28萬元,共計56萬元),項目負責人。
14) 2003年7月-2004年5月,青島科技大學青年創新基金《高性能導電高分子的合成及性能研究》,5萬元,項目負責人。
15) 2004年5月-2007年4月,江西科技師范學院青年創新基金《高性能導電高分子的合成及性能研究》,15萬元,項目負責人。
16) 2006年1月-2008年12月,江西省教育廳科技計劃項目《稠環芳香化合物電聚合制備高性能導電高分子的研究》(贛教技字[2006]243號),2萬元,項目負責人。
17) 2006年1月-2007年12月,江西省科技廳江西省軟科學研究計劃項目《導電高分子的研究現狀及應用前景分析》,0.4萬元,項目負責人。
18) 2006年1月-2006年12月,南昌大學分析測試中心測試基金《稠環芳香化合物電聚合制備高性能導電高分子的研究》(基金號2005013),0.5萬元,項目負責人。
19) 2006年7月-2008年7月,東華理工學院核資源與環境教育部重點實驗室開放基金《稠環芳香化合物電聚合制備高性能導電高分子發光材料》(基金號060606),1.5萬元,項目負責人。
20) 2004年1月-2006年12月,江西博特利新材料有限公司《高性能導電高分子材料的合成及其性能研究》,35萬元,項目負責人。
21) 2006年1月-2008年12月,國家自然科學基金《新型二芳烯導電聚合物光致變色材料的合成及性能研究》(20564001),26萬元(學校增加配套26萬元,共計52萬元,其中徐景坤支配10萬元),第二項目負責人;
22) 2004年1月-2006年12月,江西材料科學與工程研究中心開放基金《新型導電聚合物/二芳基乙烯復合材料的制備及應用研究》(ZX200401008),4.5萬元,第二項目負責人;
23) 2005年1月-2007年12月,江西省教育廳科學技術研究項目《光子型可檫重寫有機光盤存儲材料及盤片的研制》(贛教技字[2005]141號),2萬元,第二項目負責人;
24) 2005年7月-2007年7月,江西省自然科學基金資助項目《新型二芳基乙烯導電聚合物復合材料的制備及應用研究》(050017),2萬元,第二項目負責人;
25) 2005年7月-2007年12月,南昌市科技局重點攻關及產業化項目《新型高密度有機可擦重寫光信息存儲材料及光盤的研制》,2萬元,第三項目負責人;
1)Z-08-3-03-R01 高性能導電高分子的電化學合成及其性能表征 江西省自然科學獎三等獎,項目排名第一(徐景坤,樂長高,趙豐,顏流水)。
2)高性能導電高分子的電化學合成及其表征, 江西省高校2007-2008年度科技成果獎三等獎,項目排名第一(徐景坤,聶廣明,盧寶陽,董斌)
3) J060237 稠環芳香化合物電聚合制備導電高分子的研究 江西省高校2005-2006年度科技成果獎二等獎, 項目排名第一(徐景坤,蒲守智,魏振宏,周衛強,劉厚亭)。
4) J060115 光子型可擦重寫有機光盤存儲材料及盤片的研制,江西省高校2005-2006年度科技成果獎一等獎, 項目排名第二(蒲守智,徐景坤,劉剛,楊天赦,范從斌,肖偉洪)。
5) 金盛牌968LEX聚羧酸鹽高性能減水劑,江西省科學技術廳成果鑒定(贛科鑒[2006]第214號),2007年,項目排名第四。國際先進水平。
6) 高性能導電高分子的電化學合成及其表征,江西省科學技術廳成果鑒定(贛科鑒[2007]第266號),2007年,項目排名第一。國際先進水平。
7) 光子型可擦重寫郵寄光盤存儲材料及盤片的研制,江西省科學技術廳成果鑒定(贛科鑒[2007]第223號),2007年,項目排名第六。國際先進水平。
8) 2009JBR0510-3-3納米Zn/磷酸酯復合緩蝕劑的研制及其應用,中國石油和化學工業協會, 科技進步獎三等獎,項目排名第三。
10)2009-2-20-R03 摻雜納米離子的新型遷移型阻銹劑的研制及其應用,中國商業聯合會科技進步獎(全國商業科技進步獎)二等獎,徐景坤(排名第三)
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