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浙江工業大學藥學院研究生招生是一個不錯的學院,深受考研人的追捧,本校每年會有數千名研究生招生的名額,研究生報考錄取比在3:1左右,難度中等,部分熱門的研究生專業研究生報考錄取比會更高一點, 藥學院是學校里比較好的一個院系,請各位準備報考浙江工業大學藥學院研究生招生的同學注意,該院系有以上多個專業在招生研究生,歡迎各位同學報考浙江工業大學藥學院研究生招生。
![浙江工業大學藥學院研究生招生 浙江工業大學藥學院研究生招生](http://img.okaoyan.com/浙江工業大學/5.jpg)
師資隊伍學院現有教職工50余人,專任教師40余人(其中博士學位教師占83%,有出國訪學經歷教師占65%)。正高職稱13人、副高職稱15人;博士生導師7人、碩士生導師30余人;國務院特殊津貼專家2人、泰山領軍人才1人、浙江省教學名師1人、浙江省中青年學科帶頭人4人、浙江省151人才5人、舟山市專業技術拔尖人才3人。學院還聘請了孫寶國、朱蓓薇、管華詩、Soottawat Benjakul、Aubourg Santiago等3名院士和10余名國內外高水平專家擔任客座教授。
食品與醫藥學院簡介 |
學科建設 學院堅持以學科建設為龍頭,建有食品科學與工程一級學科碩士點、食品加工與安全和藥學專業碩士學位點(其中食品加工與安全與意大利比薩大學開展雙碩士學位研究生教育)。建有水產品加工及貯藏工程、海洋生物醫藥省級重點學科和食品科學與工程省級一流學科(2018年考核優秀)。 師資隊伍 學院現有教職工50余人,專任教師40余人(其中博士學位教師占83%,有出國訪學經歷教師占65%)。正高職稱13人、副高職稱15人;博士生導師7人、碩士生導師30余人;國務院特殊津貼專家2人、泰山領軍人才1人、浙江省教學名師1人、浙江省中青年學科帶頭人4人、浙江省151人才5人、舟山市專業技術拔尖人才3人。學院還聘請了孫寶國、朱蓓薇、管華詩、Soottawat Benjakul、Aubourg Santiago等3名院士和10余名國內外高水平專家擔任客座教授。 人才培養 學院現有全日制在校本科生近800人,研究生100余人,其中外國研究生10余人,非全日制研究生20余人。近五年來,學生獲得大學生“挑戰杯”課外科技作品競賽全國特等獎、二等獎及創業計劃競賽全國銀獎、銅獎和大學生水產食品加工與創意大賽全國三等獎、首屆“甘其食杯”中國傳統食品創新大賽一等獎等省部級以上學科競賽獎200余人次。培養碩士研究生200余名,發表學術論文350余篇,授權專利、軟件著作權共50余件。 |
(1) 氯甲酸芐酯綠色合成技術研究開發(浙江省科技廳項目),2004-01-01到2005-12-31,排名:1
(2) 鑭系金屬三氟甲磺酸鹽催化的3+2環加成新反應研究(國家自然科學基金項目),2005-01-01到2007-12-31,排名:2
(3) 傅-克反應體系生態產業鏈中的幾個關鍵研究(國家自然科學基金項目),2003-01-01到2005-12-31,排名:5
(4) 浙江省新藥創制平臺(浙江省科技廳項目),2005-01-01到2007-12-31,排名:10
(5) 氯甲酸特丁酯合成工藝應用研究(浙江省教育廳項目),2003-01-01到2004-12-31,排名:2
(6) 普利類藥物關鍵中間體的綠色合成技術研究(國家教育部項目),2005-01-01到2006-12-31,排名:4
(7) 怡神靜心顆粒劑新藥開發(浙江省科技廳項目),2005-01-01到2006-12-31,排名:6
(10) 3-羥基丙腈的清潔合成工藝研究(浙江省科技廳項目),2003-05-01到2004-12-31,排名:2
(11) 異氰酸對甲苯磺酰酯(浙江省科技廳項目),2001-06-01到2004-12-31,排名:7
(12) 3-(2-氨基苯基)-1,1,2-三氯乙烯綠色合成工藝研究(浙江省科技廳項目),2003-01-01到2004-12-31,排名:5
(1) Hypervalent iodine in synthesis 66: one pot preparation of ?-keto sulfones by reaction of ketones, [hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodo]benzene, and sodium sulfinates,Synthetic Communications ,2001, 31(20), 3145-3149.
(2) Hypervalent iodine in synthesis 80: one pot preparation of Se-(?-oxoalkyl)O,O- dialky selenophospates by reaction of ketones, [hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodo]benzene, and potassium O,O-dialkyl selenophosphates,J. Chem. Research(s),2001, 156-157.
(3) Hypervalent iodine in synthesis 78: direct ?-hydroxylation of ketones using [hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodo]benzene in dimethyl sulfoxide-water,,Synthetic Communications, 2002, 32(12), 1875-1879.
(4) Organic reactions in ionic liquids: ionic liquid-accelerate cyclocondensation of ?-tosyloxyketones with 2-aminopyridine,Synthesis,2002, 11,1505.
(5) Organic reactions in ionic liquids: ?-tosyloxylation of ketones,J. Chem. Research(s),2002, 618.
(6) Organic reactions in ionic liquids: cyclocondensation of alpha-bromoketones with 2-aminopyridine,,J. Chem. Research(s), 2003, 614.
(7) Organic reactions in ionic liquids: ionic liquid-accelerated one-pot synthesis of 2-arylimidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidines,,Synthetic Communications, 2005, 1741.
性 別:男
民 族:漢族
籍 貫:上海市
徐放 教授級高級工程師。
1.Jueren Lou, Lawrence Lenke, Fang Xu, Michael O‘Brien (1998) In Vivo Bcl-2 Oncogene Neuronal Expression In the Rat Spinal Cord. Spine 23(5): 517-523
*杰出基礎科學研究獎,美國The Cervical Spine Research Society, 2000
2.Jueren Lou, Fang Xu, Kurt Merkel, Paul Manske (1999) Gene Therapy: Adenovirus Mediated Human BMP-2 Gene Transfer Induce Mesenchymal Progenitor Cell Proliferation And Differentiation in vitro and Bone Formation in vivo
3.Xu Fang: A novel, truncated human bone morphogenetic protein-2: construction, expression, functions and clinical potential. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2001:285-287.
5.外觀設計專利《骨優導》包裝盒 專利證號:213708
浙江工業大學藥學院研究生導師介紹: 張文
性 別:男
民 族:漢族
籍 貫:黑龍江 大慶市
姓名: 張 文
性別: 男
職稱/學位/職位: 教授/博士(工學),博士生導師,‘十二五’浙江省高校“化學生物學”重點學科負責人
Tel: (+86)-571-88871507;Fax:(+86)-571-88871507;13456941929;
E-mail: wzhang63@zjut.edu.cn
1992年9月—1995年4月 大連理工大學 化工學院 應用化學專業 碩士研究生
研究方向: 有機合成及多相催化 導師:王大慶 教授,李同信 研究員
1998年9月—2001年11月 華東理工大學 化學與制藥工程學院 應用化學專業 博士研究生
研究方向: 生物有機熒光染料與核酸化學 導師:錢旭紅 教授
2001年12月—2003年11月 日本國 東北大學 生命科學研究科 分析生物有機化學研究室 日本文部省JSPS博士后研究員
研究領域: 生物有機化學 (生物有機熒光染料與核酸化學) 合作導師:大類 洋(Hiroshi Ohrui)教授
2003年12月—2006年3月 日本國 京都大學 理學研究科 化學系 化學生物研究室 日本文部省COE & JST博士后研究員
研究領域: 化學生物學 (寡肽聚酰胺與核酸化學) 合作導師:杉山 弘(Hiroshi Sugiyama)教授
2006年4月—2008年3月 日本國 Chemical Soft R & D Inc. 首席研究員
研究領域: 有機合成化學與生物有機化學(有機小分子與核酸化學)
2008年3月—至今 日本國 Chemical Soft R & D Inc. 客員首席研究員
2008年3月—至今 浙江工業大學 藥學院 教授 研究領域: 化學生物學與分子藥物設計(功能有機小分子及與核酸作用的化學與生物學研究)
Research Interest: Biology & Chemistry of Small Functional Molecules and Their Interaction with Nucleic Acids
(1) Interpretation of structural biology of interaction of small molecules with nucleic acids(Polyamide,Aminoglycoside,B-DNA,G-DNA,RNA)
(2) Gene regulation by small molecules and design of molecular targeted-drugs
(3) Design and synthesis of small bioactive molecules
(4) Study on DNA Nano Structure
Mar.2008 to now
Professor, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University of Technology, China.
Apr.2006 to Feb.2008
Chief Executive Researcher, Mie R&D Center, Chemical Soft R&D Inc., Japan
Jan.2006 to Mar.2006
JST postdoctoral fellow, funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency.
Dec.2003 to Dec. 2005
COE postdoctoral fellow, funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Technology and Science of Japan.
Dec.2001 to Nov.2003
JSPS postdoctoral fellow, funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan.
Sept.1996 to Aug.1998
Associate professor of Chemistry, Department of Engineering, Daqing Broadcast & TV University, Daqing, China.
May 1995 to Aug.1996 & Sept.1990 to Aug.1992
Instructor, Department of Engineering, Daqing Broadcast & TV University, Daqing, China.
Aug.1987 to Aug.1990
Teaching assistant, Department of Engineering, Daqing Broadcast & TV University, Daqing, China.
Jul.1983 to Sept.1984
Chemistry teacher, Technology Education Division of Daqing Oilfield Administration Bureau, Daqing, Heilongjiang, China.
Sept. 1998 to Dec. 2001
Institute of Pesticides & Pharmaceuticals, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China.
Doctoral program in Applied Chemistry with Prof. Dr. Xuhong QIAN with specialization in Synthetic & Biological Organic Chemistry of naphthalene-contained heterocyclic compounds and the thesis entitled: “The Photochemistry and Photobiochemstry of Naphthalene-contained Heterocyclic Derivatives--Recognition, Labeling, Cleavage and Resolution for Bioorganic Molecules”.
Sept. 1992 to Apr. 1995
School of Graduate, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China.
Master program in Applied Chemistry with Profs. Daqing WANG and Tongxin LI with specialization in Fine Organic Synthesis & Heterogeneous Catalysis and the thesis entitled: “Study on the Synthesis of N-Methyltetrafluorophthalimide as a Quinolone Antibacterial Intermediate”.
完成的重要項目及得到資助 (1996-現在):
1. L-(+)-Ergothioneine (ERT)的制備(2007.4-2007.11, CSE070319, Daicel Chemical Industries, Ltd. (合作項目), 200萬日元, 第一完成人)。
2. BR-358的研發 (2007.4-2007.11, CSE070314,大日本住友制藥有限公司(合作項目), 200萬日元, 第一完成人)。
3. 由吡咯、咪唑組成的寡肽聚酰胺基因治療藥物的研發 (2006.6-2007.3, CSE060106,日本產、學、研科學技術振興機構資助(京都大學合作),700萬日元, 第二完成人)。
4. 集成電路(Large Scale Integrated (LSI))用的化學材料單聚體ArF的研發(CSE060669, 2006.6-2007.3, 由北海道經濟產業局資助, 6000萬日元,第二完成人)。
5. 由吡咯和咪唑組成的聚酰胺特異性識別DNA序列的分子設計及生物學應用(B14-13218046,2003.12-2006.12, 日本文部科學省21世紀COE項目資助,800萬日元; 2006.01-2006.03, 由日本科學技術振興機構(Japan Science and Technology Agency,JST) 資助, 200萬日元,第二完成人)。
6. 苯并[k,l]噻噸-3,4-二酰亞胺衍生物作為DNA探針的研究(No. P 01281,2001.11-2003.11, 日本文部科學省學術振興會(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS),1300萬日元, 第一完成人)。
7. 2,3,4,5-四氟苯甲酸作為喹諾酮抗菌藥中間體的合成(1996.3-1998.8,大慶石油管理局,27萬,第一完成人)。
8. Molecular design, synthesis and application of novel fluorophores for DNA sequencing by hybridization in solution (2000.1-2001.12,由中國大慶市科委資助,6萬元,第一完成人)。
9. 小分子化合物與G-DNA或B-DNA作用調控癌細胞中關鍵原癌基因c-myc的表達(上海市化學生物學(芳香雜環)重點實驗室的開放基金, SKLCB-2008-04, 2009.01.01-2010.12.31,第一完成人)。
10.具有手性修飾的寡肽聚酰胺(polyamide)對DNA堿基的識別和PD-1基因的調控作用(教育部歸國留學人員啟動基金, 2009.03.01-2011.02.30,第一完成人)。
11.聚酰胺(polyamide)對B-DNA堿基識別的研究 (浙江工業大學高層次人才引進科研啟動金,2008.03-2012,第一完成人)。
目前正在進行的重要項目及得到資助 (2008-現在):
1. 手性非alpha-氨基酸衍生物及基因靶標調控物質聚酰胺的研發(浙江省科技廳錢江人才項目, 2008R10G2020015, 2009.01.01-2010.12.31)。
2. 重大傳染性疾病分子靶向診療化合物手性聚酰胺的研發(浙江省“公共衛生監測與突發事件處置關鍵技術研究科技創新團隊”項目,2011R50021,2012.06-2014.05)。
3. 結構新穎的手性環型聚酰胺的構建及其對PD-1基因啟動子堿基序列的作用(浙江省自然科學基金,LY12B02019,2012.01-2013.12)。
4. 浙江省‘十二五’高校“化學生物學”重點學科建設項目(2011.01-2015.12)
1.分子與核酸作用結構生物學解析(Polyamide,Aminoglycoside etc. B-DNA,G-DNA,RNA)
3. 生物活性分子設計及合成
1. 藥物化學(本科)
2. 生物化學(本科)
3. 化學生物學(研究生)
4. 生物制藥技術(研究生)
Main Original Papers:
19.Su-Lin Zhang, Wen Zhang*, G-quadruplex structures and interaction diversity with ligands. Submitted,2013.
18. Yan-Ling Wu*, Yan-Ping Ding, Yoshimasa Tanaka and Wen Zhang*. Risk factors and primary prevention trials for type 1 diabetes.International Journal of Biological Sciences,2013,9(6): 666-678.(IF3.168).
17.Yan-Ling Wu*, Yan-Ping Ding, Yoshimasa Tanaka, Li-Wen Shen, Nagahiro Minato and Wen Zhang*.γδ T cells and their potential for immunotherapy.Submitted, 2013.
16. Yan-Ling Wu*, Ganesh N. Pandian, Yan-Ping Ding, Wen Zhang, Yoshimasa Tanaka and
Hiroshi Sugiyama*.Sources of iPS cells and ways to move them from the laboratory to the clinic: Speeding up the journey with small molecules.CHEM BIOL (IF 6.157),accepted,2013.
15. Jing Liang, Yan-Ling Wu, Wen Zhang*, Yoshimasa Tanaka, and Hiroshi Sugiyama.The c-Kit receptor-mediated signal transduction and tumor-related diseases. International Journal of Biological Sciences,2013,9(5):435-443.(IF3.168)
14. Dongliang Xie,Junyao He*,Yan-Ling Wu*,Wen Zhang,Yoshimasa Tanaka.The establishment and application of three kinds of the SCID mouse-based improved animal models in the research of AIDS, chronic hepatitis B and C. Advanced Materials Research, 2013,749,433-438.
13. Yan-Ling Wu, Jing Liang, Wen Zhang*, Yoshimasa Tanaka, and Hiroshi Sugiyama. Immunotherapies: The Blockade of Inhibitory Signals. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2012,8(10):1420-1430.(IF3.168,2012)
12. Hong-Fei Zhang, Yan-Ling Wu*, Shi-Kun Jiang, Pu Wang, Hiroshi Sugiyama, Xing-Lai Chen, Wen Zhang*, Yan-Juan Ji, and Chuan-Xin Guo.Recognition of the Nonaromatic and Stereochemical Subunit-containing Polyamides to the Four Watson-Crick Base Pairs in the DNA Minor Groove. CHEMBIOCHEM,2012,13,1366-1374.(IF3.74,2012)
11. Linan Liu, Yanling Wu*, Shikun Jiang, Tao Qiu, Hongfei Zhang, and Wen Zhang*. Targeting human telomeric G-quadruplex with perfluoroalkyl metal phthalocyanine derivatives. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 365, 382-388.
10. Wen Zhang*, Shi-Kun Jiang, Yan-Ling Wu*, Chuan-Xin Guo, Hong-Fei Zhang, Hiroshi Sugiyama, and Xing-Lai Chen. Discrimination between T/A and A/T Base Pairs of Pyrrole-Imidazole Polyamides Substituted with Chiral β-Hydroxy-γ-Aminobutyric Acid/β-Alanine Pairs. CHEMBIOCHEM, 2012, 13,47-50.(IF3.74,2012)
9. Shi-Kun Jiang, Pu Wang, Yan-Ling Wu, and Wen Zhang*. The Role of Aliphatic Chains of Pyrrole-imidazole Polyamides and Their Conjugates Binding to DNA. PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY, 2011,12(11), 2339-2352. (IF0.67, 2012)
8. Yanling Wu, Jing Liang, Lei Chen, Hua Gu, Wen Zhang*, Feng Ke, Yiyu Lu, Ni Wang, Xiaohong Pan. The expression and clinical significance of FOXP3 mRNA in peripheral blood monocytes from HIV/AIDS patients. In: 2010 International Conference on Cellular,Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering (CMBB2010, Edited by Xueli Zhou), Qiqihar, China, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (Hong Kong), 2010, 417-420.
7. Wen Zhang, Masafumi Minoshima and Hiroshi Sugiyama*. Base pair recognition of the steeochemically alpha-substituted gamma-turn of pyrrole/imidazole hairpin. JACS, 2006, 128, 14905-14912.(IF10.677,2012).
6. Wen Zhang, Toshikazu Bando and Hiroshi Sugiyama*. Discrimination of hairpin polyamides with an alpha-substituted-gamma-aminobutyric acid as a TG-reader in DNA minor groove. JACS, 2006, 128(27), 8766-8776.(IF10.677,2012).
5. Hiroyuki Matsuda, Noboru Fukuda*, Takahiro Ueno, Yoshiko Tahira, Hirohito Ayame, Wen Zhang, Toshikazu Bando, Hiroshi Sugiyama, Satoshi Saito, Koichi Matsumoto, Hideo Mugishima, and Kazuo Serie. Development of gene silencing pyrrole-imidazole polyamide targeting the TGF-beta 1 promoter for treatment of progressive renal diseases. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006, 17, 422-432.(IF8.987,2012).
4. Wen Zhang, Xuhong Qian*, Yanling Wu and Hiroshi Ohrui. A new class of DNA intercalator and photocleaver: bis-naphthalmides with bromo and nitro substituents. Heterocyclic Comm. 2003, 9(3), 229-234.(IF0.522,2012).
3. Wen Zhang, Yanli Wang, Yufang Xu and Xuhong Qian*. New fluorescent conjugates of uridine nucleoside and substituted 1,8-naphthalimide: synthesis, weak interactions and solvent effects on spectra. Monatshefte für Chemie, 2003, 134, 393-402.(IF1.629,2012).
2. Ivo Grabchev*, Xuhong Qian, Vladimir Bojinov, Yi Xiao, and Wen Zhang. Synthesis and photophysical properties of 1,8-naphthalimide-labelled PAMAM as PET sensor of protons and of transition metalions. Polymer, 2002, 43 (21), 5731-5736.(IF3.379,2012).
1. Qian Cheng*, Wen Zhang, Yoshimichi Tagami, Takayuki Oritani. Microwave-induced 1,3-dipolar intramolecular cycloadditions of N-substituted oximes, nitrones, and azomethine ylides for the chiral synthesis of functionalized nitrogen heterocycles. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I,2001,4,452-456.
Other publications:
1. Wen Zhang, Yanling Wu. The preparative method of tetrachlorophthalic anhydride. 1999, China Patent, CN 1222519A.
2. Wen Zhang and Hiroshi Sugiyama. Design of pyrrole-imidazole polyamides discriminating T/A. In: The 4th National Conference on Chemical Biology and the International Symposium on the Interdisciplinary Science of Chemistry with Biology and Medicine, Wuhan, China, 2005, p91.
3. Wen Zhang. In: the Annual Reasearch Report of the 21th Century COE Program of Kyoto University Alliance for Chemistry in 2004, p62-63.
4. Wen Zhang. In: the Annual Reasearch Report of the 21th Century COE Program of Kyoto University Alliance for Chemistry in 2005, p69-70.
5. Wen Zhang and Hiroshi Sugiyama. Synthesis of hairpin polyamides and their biological applications. 2006, Japan patent 10611342.
6. Wen Zhang*. A method of preparation of amino and hydroxyl co-protective chiral non-alpha amino acid derivatives. 2006, CN100509766C.
7. Shikun Jiang, Yanling Wu, and Wen Zhang*. Recognition of Py-Im Polyamides with Chiral Recognition Unit to Methylated Cytosine. In: The 6th National Conference on Chemical Biology and the International Symposium on the Interdisciplinary Science of Chemistry with Biology and Medicine, Xiamen, China, 2009, p269.
8. Yan-Ling Wu*, Yan-Ping Ding, Jian Gao, Lu Fang, Feng Ke, and Wen Zhang*. Suppression of overexpression of c-kit gene by chirally-modified polyamides mediating apoptosis of two types of cancer cells.In: The 7th National Conference on Chemical Biology, Nanjing, China, 2011, p412.
9. Wen Zhang*, Yan-Ling Wu*, Shi-Kun Jiang, Chuan-Xin Guo, and Hong-Fei Zhang. Design of the nonaromatic and stereochemical subunit-containing polyamides, and their recognition to PD-1 promoter sequence.In: The 7th National Conference on Chemical Biology, Nanjing, China, 2011, p389.
10. Wen Zhang*,Yan-Ling Wu,and Shi-Kun Jiang.一種含或不含β-羥基-γ-氨基酸修飾的發夾聚酰胺、制備方法及應用. 2011, CN 201110454689.1.
11. Hong-Fei Zhang, Yi-Qian Jiang, Jia-Hua Yu, Yan-Juan Ji, Yan-Ling Wu, Wen Zhang*. Design, Synthesis of Novel oxo-heterocylic naphtalimides and Their Interaction with guanine-rich telomeric DNA Sequence.In: The 28th National Conference on Chemistry, Chengdu, China, 2012.
12. Yan-Ling Wu*, Dong-Long Xie, Yan-Ping Ding, Jian Gao, Wen Zhang*. Design, Synthesis of Chiral Subunit-containing Polyamides and Their Regulation to Overexpressional PD-1 on HIV-, HBV- and HCV-infected Cells.In: The 28th National Conference on Chemistry, Chengdu, China, 2012.
13. Wen Zhang*,Yan-Ling Wu,Jing Liang and Bing-Jia Chen.手性(S)-β-羥基-γ-氨基酸修飾的發夾聚酰胺及其應用. 2013, CN 201310118833.3.
14.Yan-Juan Ji,Yan-Ling Wu, and Wen Zhang*. Design, Synthesis of Benzothioxanthene Derivatives and Their Mediating Apoptosis of PD-1 Over-expressed Tumor Cells.The 9th AFMC International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium (AIMECS13),Taipei,2013.
15.Zhang Su-Lin, Ji Yan-Juan, Wu Yan-Ling*, Zhang Wen*.Suppression of PD-1 gene overexpression by thio-heterocyclic naphthalimides mediating apoptosis of cancer cells.The 8th National Conference on Chemical Biology of China,Shanghai,2013, p 384.
16.Chen Bing-Jia, Chen Xing-Lai, Wu Yan-Ling, Zhang Wen*.Downregulation of c-myc gene overexpression by chirally-modified polyamides mediating apoptosis of cancer cells.The 8th National Conference on Chemical Biology of China,Shanghai,2013,p385.
Awards & Fellowships:
1. 1998年大慶科學技術進步一等獎
2. JSPS postdoctoral fellow,Japan, Nov. 2001 to Nov. 2003
3. COE postdoctoral fellow, Japan, Dec. 2003 to Dec 2005
4. JST postdoctoral fellow, Japan, Jan. 2006 to Mar. 2006
5. 2013年湖州市“南太湖精英計劃”領軍人才
學院 | 聯系電話 | 電子信箱 | 聯系人 |
藥學院 | 88320949 | jiangyingying@zjut.edu.cn | 姜老師 |
基本復試分數線要求:一級學科 | 二級學科 | 總分 | 單科(滿分=100分) | 單科(滿分>100分) | 備注 |
100700藥學學術型 (全日制) |
藥物化學 | ≧309 | ≧40 | ≧120 | 自劃線 |
微生物與生物化學 | ≧357 | 英語≧55 政治≧40 | ≧120 | 自劃線 | |
天然藥物學與生藥學 | ≧310 | 英語≧51 政治≧40 | ≧120 | 自劃線 | |
藥物分析 | ≧303 | ≧40 | ≧120 | 自劃線 | |
藥劑學 | ≧350 | ≧60 | ≧230 | 自劃線 | |
藥理學 | ≧368 | 英語≧50 政治≧40 | ≧120 | 自劃線 | |
105500藥學專業型(全日制) | ≧300 | ≧40 | ≧120 | 國家線 | |
085235制藥工程專業型(全日制) | ≧260 | ≧34 | ≧51 | 國家線 | |
105500藥學專業型(非全日制) | ≧300 | ≧40 | ≧120 | 國家線 | |
085235制藥工程專業型(非全日制) | ≧260 | ≧34 | ≧51 | 國家線 |