
發布時間:2021-10-23 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


蘭州大學研究生導師:何凱 正文


  2008  美國俄克拉荷馬大學植物與微生物系  博士

  2003  四川大學生命科學院  碩士

  2000  四川大學生命科學院  學士


  2013至今     蘭州大學生命科學學院  教授

  2009-2013  美國加州大學伯克利分校植物與微生物系  博士后

  2005-2008  美國俄克拉荷馬大學  教學助理

  2003-2008  美國俄克拉荷馬大學  研究助理







  (*corresponding author; §contributed equally)

  Gao Y., Wu Y., Du J., Zhan Y., Sun D., Zhao J., Zhang S., Li J. and He K.* (2017) Both light-induced SA accumulation and ETI mediators contribute to the cell death regulated by BAK1 and BKK1. Frontiers in Plant Science 25;8:622. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00622.

  Wei, Z., Yuan, T., Tarkowská, D., Kim, J., Nam, H.G., Novák, O., He, K., Gou, X. and Li, J. (2017) Brassinosteroid biosynthesis is modulated via a transcription factor cascade of COG1, PIF4 and PIF5. Plant Physiology 174(2):1260-1273

  He, K.*, and Wu, Y. (2016) Receptor-Like Kinases and Regulation of Plant Innate Immunity. Enzymes, 40:105-142

  Ou, Y., Lu, X., Zi, Q., Xun, Q., Zhang J., Wu, Y., Shi, H., Wei, Z., Zhao, B., Zhang, X., He, K., Gou, X., Li, C., Li, J. (2016) RGF1 INSENSITIVE 1 to 5, a group of LRR receptor-like kinases, are essential for the perception of root meristem growth factor 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Research, 26(6), 686-698

  Chen, L., Guan, L., Qian, P., Xu, F., Wu, Z., Wu, Y., He, K., Gou, X., Li, J., and Hou, S. (2016) NRPB3, the third largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, is essential for stomatal patterning and differentiation in Arabidopsis. Development, 2016 Mar 17. pii: dev.129098.

  Du, J., Gao, Y., Zan, Y., Zhang, S., Wu, Y., Xiao, Y., Zou, B., He, K., Gou, X., Li, G., Lin, H., Li, J. (2016) Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking is essential for BAK1 and BKK1-mediated cell-death control. Plant Journal 85(4), 520-531.

  Wu, Y., Xun, Q., Guo, Y., Zhang, J., Cheng, K., Shi, T., He, K., Hou, S., Gou, X., Li, J. (2016) Genome-wide expression pattern analyses of the Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases. Molecular Plant 9(2), 289-300.

  Wu, W., Wu Y., Gao, Y., Li, M., Yin, H., Lv, M., Zhao, J., Li, J., He, K.* (2015) Somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinase 5 in the ecotype Landsberg erecta of Arabidopsis is a functional RD LRR-RLK in regulating brassinosteroid signaling and cell death control. Frontiers in Plant Science 6:852. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00852

  Zheng X.§, He K.§, Kleist T., Chen F., Luan S. (2015) Anion channel SLAH3 functions in nitrate-dependent alleviation of ammonium toxicity in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell and Environment Mar;38(3):474-86

  Hou C., Tian W., Kleist T., He K., Garcia V., Bai F., Hao Y., Luan S., Li L. (2014) DUF221 proteins are a family of osmosensitive calcium-permeable cation channels conserved across eukaryotes. Cell Research 2014 Feb 7. doi: 10.1038/cr.2014.14.

  He K., Xu S., Li J. (2013) BAK1 directly regulates brassinosteroid perception and BRI1 activation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 55(12), 1264–1270. ( Cover article)

  Lee SC., Lim CW., Lan W., He K., Luan S. (2013) ABA signaling in guard cells entails a dynamic protein-protein interaction relay from the PYL-RCAR family receptors to ion channels. Molecular Plant 6:528-38.

  Gou, X.§, Yin, H.§, He, K.§, Du, J., Yi., J., Xu, S. Lin, H., Clouse, SD., Li, J. (2012) Genetic Evidence for an Indispensable Role of Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor Kinases in Brassinosteroid Signaling. PLoS Genetics 8(1): e1002452. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002452.

  Li J., Du J., He K., Gou X. (2011). Control of cell death by Receptor Kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana. In "Receptor-like Kinases in Plants: From Development to Defense (eds Birgit Kemmerling and Frans Tax)". Signaling and Communication in Plants (ed. Frantisek Baluska, Springer Publisher), Volume 13, pp79-91.

  Yang, H., Gou, X., He, K., Xi, D., Du, J., Lin, H., Li, J. (2010) Arabidopsis BAK1 and BKK1 confer reduced susceptibility to Turnip Crinkle Virus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 127: 147-156.

  Gou, X., He, K., Yang, H., Yuan, T., Lin, H., Clouse, S.D., Li, J. (2010) Genome-wide cloning and sequence analysis of leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Genomics 11(1):19

  He, K., Gou, X., Powell, R.A., Yang, H., Yuan, T, Guo, Z., and Li, J.(2008) Receptor-like protein kinases, BAK1 and BKK1, regulate a light-dependent cell-death control pathway. Plant Signaling & Behavior 3 (10), 813-815.

  Wang, X., Kota, U., He, K., Blackburn, K., Li, J., Goshe, M.B., Huber, S.C., and Clouse, S.D.(2008) Sequential transphosphorylation of the BRI1/BAK1 receptor kinase pair impacts early events in brassinosteroid signaling. Developmental Cell 15, 220-235.

  He, K., Gou, X., Yuan, T., Lin, H., Asami, T., Yoshida, S., Russell, S.D., Li, J. (2007) BAK1 and BKK1 regulate brassinosteroid-dependent growth and brassinosteroid-independent cell death pathways. Current Biology 17, 1109-1115.

  Heese, A., Hann, D.R., Gimenez-ibanex, S., Jones, A., He, K., Li, J., Schroeder, J.I., Peck, S.C., Rathjen, J.P. (2007) The receptor-like kinase SERK3/BAK1 is a central regulator of innate immunity in plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104, 12217-12222.

  Yuan, T., Fujioka, S., Takatsuto, S., Matsumoto, S., Gou, X., He, K., Russell, S.D., and Li, J.(2007) BEN1, a gene encoding a dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR)-like protein, regulates the levels of brassinosteroids in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal 51 (2), 220–233.


  N Stress

  Nitrate sensing/signaling

  N Foraging



  國家自然科學基金面上項目“擬南芥受體激酶BAK1 和BKK1 介導細胞死亡分子機理”(No.31471305)2015-2018,80萬,主持,在研

  中央高?;究蒲袠I務費專項資金-自由探索-面上項目“BED1依賴 MAPK 途徑調節植物花序發育”(lzujbky-2016-75)2016-2017,10萬,主持,結題


  中央高?;究蒲袠I務費專項資金-自由探索-重點項目“擬南芥蛋白激酶 SnRK1 的生物學功能研究”(lzujbky-2015-k17)2015-2016,14萬,主持,結題




  國家自然科學基金植物激素作用的分子機理重大研究集成項目“ BAK1 調控油菜素內酯(BR)信號轉導及器官發育的分子機制”(91317311)2014-2015,200萬,參與,結題




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