
發布時間:2021-10-21 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:南京大學


南京大學大氣科學學院導師:張寧 正文




  1. ZHANG Ning, CHEN Yan and ZHAO Wenjing (2012). Lidar and microwave radiometer observations of planetary boundary layer structure under light wind weather. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing(6).
  2. ZHANG Ning, ZHU Lianfang and ZHU Yan,(2011),Urban heat island and boundary layer structures under hot weather synoptic conditions: A case study of Suzhou City, China ,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 28, Number 4, 855-865, DOI: 10.1007/s00376-010-0040-1
  3. C.S.B. Grimmond, M. Blackett, M.J. Best and J. Barlow et al. and ZHANG Ning, (2010).Initial results from Phase 2 of the international urban energy balance model comparison, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY,DOI: 10.1002/joc.2227
  4.  Lei Li, Li-Jie ZHANG, Ning ZHANG, Fei Hu, Yin Jiang, Chun-Yi Xuan and Wei-Mei Jiang
       ,Study on the micro-scale simulation of wind field over complex terrain by RAMS/FLUENT modeling system
    .Wind and Structures, An Int''''l Journal Vol. 13 No. 6, 2010劉紅年,張寧,吳澗,蔣維楣,(2010).水庫對局地氣候影響的數值模擬研究,云南大學學報(自然科學版):Vol.32:171-176
  1. ZHANG Ning, Gao Zhiqiu, Wang Xuemei and Chen Yan, (2010). Modeling the impact of urbanization on the local and regional climate in Yangtze River Delta, China, Theoretical and Applied Climatology DOI 10.1007/s00704-010-0263-1.
  2. ZHANG Ning, Quinton L. Williams, and Heping Liu, (2010). Effects of Land-Surface Heterogeneity on Numerical Simulations of Mesoscale Atmospheric Boundary Layer Processes, Theoretical and Applied Climatology DOI 10.1007/s00704-010-0268-9.
  3. C.S.B. Grimmond, M. Blackett, M.J. Best and J. Barlow et al. and ZHANG Ning, (2010). The International Urban Energy Balance Models Comparison Project: First results from Phase 1, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology Vol.49:1268-1292
  4. ZHANG Ning, W. M. Jiang, et al., (2009). Determination of Urban Surface Aerodynamic Characteristics Using Marquardt Method, Wind and Structures 12(3): 281-283.
  5. Chen, Y., W. M. Jiang, ZHANG Ning, He Xiaofeng and Zhou Rongwei, (2009). Numerical simulation of the anthropogenic heat effect on urban boundary layer structure, Theoretical and Applied Climatology 97(1): 123-134.
  6. Zhang Ning, Jiang Weimei and Chen Yan, 2008, A Numerical Study of Urban Canopy Processes Influence on Local Climate, iCBBE: Environmental Pollution and Public Health (EPPH2008), May 16-18, Shanghai, China (Accepted).
  7. Zhang Ning and Jiang Weimei, 2006, A Large Eddy Simulation on the Effect of Buildings on Atmospheric Pollutant Dispersion, Chinese Atmospheric Science, Vol.30, 361-371
  8. Zhang Ning, Jiang Weimei, Miao Shiguang.,2006, A Large Eddy Simulation on the Effect of Buildings on Urban Flows, Wind and Structure, Vol.9,23-36
  9. 張寧、蔣維楣,2006,建筑物對大氣污染物擴散影響的大渦模擬, 大氣科學,Vol.30,212-220
  10. Zhang Ning, Jiang Weimei, Hu Fei, 2004, Numerical Method Study of How Buildings Affect the Flow Characteristics of an Urban Canopy, Wind and Structures, Vol.7 ,159-172
  11. Fang Xiaoyi, Jiang Weimei, Miao Shiguang, Zhang Ning, Xu,M.,et al, 2004, The Multi-Scale Numerical Modeling System for Research on the Relationship between Urban Planning and Meteorological Environment, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.21,103-112
  12. 房小怡,蔣維楣,吳澗,張寧,劉紅年,徐天驕,2004, 城市空氣質量數值預報系統及其應用,環境科學學報,Vol.24,111-115
  13. 歐陽琰,蔣維楣,胡非,苗世光,張寧,2003, 城市小區環境流場及污染物擴散的風洞實驗研究,南京大學學報(自然科學版),Vol.39,768-780
  14. 張寧,蔣維楣,王曉云,2002, 城市街區與建筑物對氣流特征影響的數值模擬研究,空氣動力學學報,Vol.20,339-342
  15. 苗世光,蔣維楣,王嘵云,張寧,季崇萍,李炬,2002 ,城市小區氣象與污染擴散數值模式的建立研究,環境科學學報,Vol.22,478-483
  16. 張寧,蔣維楣,胡非,2001, 利用k-ζ湍流能量閉合方法對城市街渠內氣流結構的模擬, 空氣動力學學報,Vol.19,296-301
  17. 張寧,蔣維楣,2000, 城市街渠內氣流的數值模擬與分析,南京大學學報(自然科學版), Vol.36,758-772





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