
發布時間:2018-08-19 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


清華大學電機工程與應用電子技術系導師沈沉 正文

  清華大學 電機系 電力系統研究所所長
  電力系統及發電設備控制和仿真國家重點實驗室 學術委員會 秘書
  北京市海淀區清華大學西主樓3區105室   10084

  1993年7月于清華大學電機系本科畢業,獲工學學士學位;1998年7月于清華大學電機系博士畢業;1998-2001 年于美國密蘇里大學從事博士后研究;2001-2002年任美國新英格蘭獨立調度公司高級軟件工程師;2002年9月任清華大學電機系副教授,2009年晉升教授。IEEE Senior Member,CIGRE Member,中國電機工程學會會員。2009年教育部新世紀優秀人才。主要研究方向為電力系統分析與控制,包括智能電網快速仿真與模擬,風電并網后的電力系統穩定性分析理論與方法,電力系統緊急控制與風險評估,微電網規劃、仿真、分析、運行及控制理論與技術。主持國家自然科學基金、國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973)、國家高技術研究發展計劃(863)、國家電網公司、南方電網公司等項目20多項。在國內外發表論文140余篇,其中 SCI/EI 收錄100余篇,授權發明專利17項 , 出版著作1部。

  2009.12~            清華大學電機系,教授
  2008.10~            清華大學電機系,博士生導師,電力系統研究所所長
  2002.09~2009.12     清華大學電機系,副教授
  2001.05~2002.08     美國新英格蘭獨立調度公司,高級軟件工程師
  1998.04~2001.04     美國密蘇里大學(羅拉)電機工程與計算機科學系,博士后
  1993.08~1998.03     清華大學電機系電力系統自動化專業,獲工學博士學位
  1988.09~1993.07     清華大學電機系電力系統自動化專業,獲工學學士學位



  1)沈沉, 李亞樓. 大型互聯電網分布式計算理論與方法, 清華大學出版社,  2010.12
  2、 國際期刊論文選
  1)Wang G, Shen C, et al. Transformed periodic orbit mechanism of low frequency oscillations in power systems[J]. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (to be appeared)
  2)Huang S W, Chen Y, Shen C, et al. Dynamic simulation based on Jacobian-free Newton-GMRES methods with adaptive preconditioner for power systems[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(8): 2037-2045.
  3) Huang S, Chen Y, Shen C, et al. Feasibility study on online DSA through distributed time domain simulations in WAN[J]. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2012, 27(3): 1214-1224.
  4)Ni JingMin, Shen C, Liu Feng, Estimation of the electromechanical characteristics of power systems based on a revised stochastic subspace method and the stabilization diagram[J], Science China Technological Sciences, 55(6), 2012, pp 1677‐1687.
  5)Chen Y, Shen C, Wang J. Distributed transient stability simulation of power systems based on a jacobian-free newton-gmres method[J]. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2009, 24(1): 146-156.
  6) Shen C, Chen Y, Zhang X. A distributed inverse iteration method for eigenvalue analysis of interconnected power systems[J]. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2007, 50(6):774-785.
  7) Mei SW, Gui XY, Shen C,Dynamic extending nonlinear H (infinity) control and its application[J],Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences,2007,50 (5): 618-635.
  8)Chen Y, Shen C. A Jacobian-free Newton-GMRES (m) method with adaptive preconditioner and its application for power flow calculations[J]. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2006, 21(3): 1096-1103.
  9) Zhang L, Shen C, Crow ML, et al. Performance indices for the dynamic performance of FACTS and FACTS with energy storage[J]. Electric Power Components and Systems, 2005,33(3):299-314.
  10)Gan D, Shen C. A price competition model for power and reserve market auctions[J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2004,70(3):187-193.
  11) Dong L,Crow M.L, Yang Z,Shen C, Zhang L,et.al,A reconfigurable FACTS system for university laboratories[J], IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2004, 19(1):120~128
  12)Lu Qiang, Wang Wencong, Shen C,Mei Shengwei ,et.al, Intelligent Optimal Sieving Method for FACTS Device Control in Multi-Machine Systems[J],Electric Power Systems Research,2002,62(3):209~214
  13)Yang Z, Shen C, Zhang L, Crow ML, et.al, Integration of a StatCom and battery energy storage[J], IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2001,16 (2): 254-260
  3、 國際會議論文選
  1)Xianzhong Dai, Shen C. A new power system oscillation type identification method based on empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform. World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014,San Francisco, USA,1014.
  2)Xiangyu Wu, Shen C, Min Zhao, Zhiwen Wang, Xiuqiong Huang. Small Signal Security Region of Droop Coefficients in Autonomous Microgrids, PES general meeting, Washington DC, USA, 2014
  3)Wang Z, Shen C, Liu F. Impact of DFIG with phase lock loop dynamics on power systems small signal stability[C]//PES General Meeting| Conference & Exposition, 2014 IEEE. IEEE, 2014: 1-5.
  4) LI Fan, Shen C, WU Xiangyu, ZHAO Min, HUANG Xiuqiong. A Comparison of Different Control Strategies in Inverter Connected Micro-grids. The 33th Control Conference of China,Nanjing,July 28-30,2014,Vol. C,pp:3567-3563.
  5)Shi J, Shen C. Impact of DFIG wind power on power system small signal stability[C] Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), IEEE PES. USA, 2013
  6)Huang S, Chen Y, Shen C, et al. Flexible power-flow algorithm for distribution power system with DER[C]//Power System Technology (POWERCON), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, New Zealand, 2012.
  7) Zhao M, Chen L, Shen C, et al. A feasibility study of using IEEE 1547 series of standards in China for microgrid[C]//Power System Technology (POWERCON), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, New Zealand, 2012.
  8)Ying L I, Shen C, Feng L I U. An energy-based methodology for locating the source of forced oscillations in power systems[C]//Power System Technology (POWERCON), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, New Zealand, 2012
  9)Jingmin N, Shen C, Feng L. Estimating the electromechanical oscillation characteristics of power system based on measured ambient data utilizing stochastic subspace method[C] Power and Energy Society General Meeting, USA, 2011.
  10)Wei Tan, Shen C, Xuemin Zhang. A New Under-Frequency Load Shedding Scheme Based on OBDD. Sustainable Power Generation and Supply, 2009, SUPERGEN ’09, International Coference on[C], 6-7 June, 2009,Nanjing,China.



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