
發布時間:2020-05-19 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


山東師范大學法學院的介紹 正文

法學院前身為政治法律學院法律系,2011年3月獨立建院。自1996年開始招收法學本科生,并設置1個法學專業律師方向和1個法學專業智慧財產法方向兩個特色方向,著重培養創新型、應用型法律人才。自2003年開始招收法學專業研究生,2010年獲得法學碩士學位一級學科授權點,目前在法律史、憲法與行政法學、民商法學、環境與資源保護法學、訴訟法學5個二級專業招收碩士生;2014年獲得法律碩士學位授權點,面向全國招收法學和非法學本科畢業生。法學院還與美國東田納西州州立大學(East Tennessee State University)等海外院校合作實施雙學士學位項目,與美國德州圣瑪麗大學法學院(Saint Mary's University,San Antonio)合作實施3+1雙學士學位和2+1雙碩士學位培養項目。   
Shandong Normal University Law School is located in Ji’nan, a historic and cultural city famous for its springs. Law school of SDNU IS formerly recognized as law department of institute of political science and Law in 1994,it began to enroll law major undergraduate in 1996.Since then,Law department of SDNU has trained more than 20 thousands of outstanding post graduates & undergraduates. In 2011, Law school of SDNU was independent from the Institute of Political Science.Now it is highly reputed for the outstanding faculty members, energetic academic thinking, and decent social reputation.   
【Undergraduate】In addtion to the basic undergraduates education, Law school now focus on cultivating innovative and applied talents by establishing two undergraduate specialties,namely Lawyer Affairs Pratice and Intellectual Property Law.Now there are more than 1,100 undergraduate students at school.   
【Postgraduate】In 2003, SDNU Law school began its master’s enrollment. By the time of 2010, it was granted five master level disciplines in Legal History, Constitution and Administrative Law, Civil Law and Commercial Law, Environmental and Resource Protection Law, and Procedural Law. Then in 2014, SDNU Law School was authorized to grant Juris Master degree. Now there are more than 100 graduates at school.   
【Faculty】SDNU Law School has 41 staffs of which 78% with doctorates,consisting 13 professors and associate professors.Six teachers have the experiences of visiting scholars in Britain and the United States. Law School now owns many research and training bases, such as Shandong Province Intellectual Property Rights Research and Training Center(2005), Shandong Province Local Legislation Service Base(2015),and Legal Education Center of Experiment & Training(2011).   
【International Cooperation】The Law School of SDNU also collaborated with many overseas institutions, such as the double bachelor's degree program with East Tennessee State University, three plus one BA program and double master degree program with Saint Mary's University, San Antonio.   
SDNU Law School is now expanding rapidly in the strategy of Diversity and Inclusion. All domestic and overseas professional & institutes willing to join in or discuss cooperation, please contact.   


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