

山東大學環境科學與工程學院導師:劉汝濤 正文
通訊地址:山東省濟南市山大南路27號山東大學環境科學與工程學院 郵編:250100 電話/傳真: 0531-88364868,
email: rutaoliu@sdu.edu.cn
1992.9-1996.6 畢業于曲阜師范大學化學系,獲理學學士學位;
1996.9-1999.6 畢業于山東大學環境工程系,獲理學碩士學位;
1999.9-2002.6 畢業于山東大學化學與化工學院,獲理學博士學位。
國家加工食品質量監督檢驗中心(山東)專家委員會委員,中國環境誘變劑學會活性氧生物學效應專業委員會委員,山東省生態文明研究會理事,山東省環保協會專家委員會委員,濟南市環境科學學會常務委員;美國質譜學會成員,紐約自然科學院成員,美國生物化學與分子生物學學會成員,國際生物物理學會成員;科技部國際科技合作項目評審專家,國家自然科學基金評審專家,國家留學基金委評審專家,江蘇省自然科學基金評審專家,山東省科技攻關項目評審專家,山東省科技獎勵評審專家,重慶市自然科學基金評審專家;第三屆蛋白與肽國際會議的分會cochair;mass spectrometry reviewes, journal of the american chemical society等國際著名學術榜刊物的稿件評審員;"global journal of analytical chemistry"和“journal of spectroscopy and dynamics”的編委,山東大學學學報(理學版)》和山東大學學學報(工學版)》第五屆編委會委員,《環境科學與技術》等學術刊物的編委。
2002.6-2005.9在美國愛因斯坦醫學院生理與生物物理系從事博士后研究(research associate);2002.8-2005.9任美國brookhaven國家重點實驗室客座研究員(guest research associate, 工作證號:x8075);2005.9-今任山東大學環境科學與工程學院教授,從事教學、管理與科研工作;2006.6評為山東大學博士生導師;2006.12入選2007年度教育部新世紀優秀人才;2007.12任山東大學環境科學與工程學院副院長,兼實驗教學示范中心主任、教學指導委員會副主任;2009.9聘為山東大學三級教授;2009.11兼任山東省中美環境與健康國際技術合作研究中心主任;2011.8兼任濰坊愛普除塵工程研究中心主任;2011.10兼任山東大學氣候變化與健康研究中心學術委員會委員。
我們團隊近年來主要利用電化學技術、微流控電泳技術、光譜技術、電視顯微電泳技術,液相色譜-質譜聯用技術、分子模擬等手段,在功能大分子、細胞、器官和整體動物水平上從事納米材料、小分子污染物等與蛋白質、核酸、細胞相互作用及大分子結構、功能及環境污染與健康等領域的研究工作。已發表論文80余篇,其中第一作者和通訊作者sci論文70余篇,多篇論文發表在國際著名學術刊物上[如mol. cell & proteomics (影響因子9.786);biomacromoles (影響因子5.325); the journal of physical chemistry b (影響因子4.189); amino acids (影響因子4.132); protein science (影響因子3.115)。發表的論文已被cell;acct. chem. res.; mol. cell & proteomics;j. biol. chem.; chem. rev.等國際著名刊物引用近400次。
美國質譜學會成員;紐約自然科學院成員;國際生物物理學會成員;國家留學基金委評審專家;山東省生態文明研究會理事;山東省科技攻關項目評審專家;科技部國際科技合作項目評審專家;山東省環保協會專家委員會委員;美國生物化學與分子生物學學會成員;美國brookhaven國家重點實驗室客座研究員;等國際著名學術榜刊物的稿件特約評審員;"global journal of analytical chemistry",“journal of spectroscopy and dynamics”和“international journal of fluorine science and applications”的編委;《山東大學學報(理學版)》編委,《山東大學學報(工學版)》編委;濟南市環境科學學會常務委員;國家加工食品質量監督檢驗中心(山東)專家委員會委員。
3.教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”專項基金,批準號:ncet-06-0582,項目負責人,2007.1-2009. 12;
4.中國-荷蘭國際合作項目,“improving the environmental and social performance of the chinese textile supply chain industry”,批準號:af05/ch/14,課題組負責人,2006.4-2009.3;
(1). the biomedical technology centers program of the national institute for biomedical imaging and bioengineering (批準號:p41-eb-01979),2002.6-2005.9
(2). the innovative molecular analysis technologies program of the national cancer institute 2項 (批準號:r33-ca-83179 及批準號:r01-dk-15056,2002.6-2005.9
獲 獎:
2.教育部獎勵: 2006年獲教育部新世紀優秀人才。
3. 省級獎勵:2001年獲山東省優秀碩士學位論文獎;2000年獲“挑戰杯”山東省一等獎;2011年指導陸達偉等本科生的“挑戰杯”獲山東省特等獎;
2007年獲國家清潔生產審核師合格證書 (國家清潔生產中心頒發) 。
1. xingchen zhao, rutao liu*, "recent progress and perspective on the toxicity of carbon nanotubes at organism, organ, cell, and biomacromolecule level", environmental international, 2012, 40:244-256(sci)
2. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, “new insights into the characterization of the binding of tetracycline analogues with lysozyme: a biophysical study”, chemosphere, 2012, 86(1): 92-96(sci, if=3.155)
3. yajing sun, yingji fan, rutao liu*, jing lin, qifei xu, canzhu gao, " interaction mechanism of 2-aminobenzothiazole with herring sperm dna", journal of luminsecence, 2012, 132: 507-512 (sci)
4. pengfei qin, baoling su, rutao liu*, "probing the binding of two fluoroquinolones to lysozyme: a combined spectroscopic and docking sutdy", molecular biosystems, 2012, (sci, 清樣)
5. ying liu, rongxiang cao, qengfei qin, rutao liu*, "assessing the potential toxic effect of one persistent organic pollutant: non-covalent interaction of dicofol with the enzyme trypsin", spectrochim. acta, part a, 2012, 78a(1): 210-215(sci)
6. yihong liu, lijun zhang, rutao liu*, pengjun zhang, "spectroscopic identification of interactions of pb2+ with bovine serum albumin", journal of florescence, 2012, 22:239-245 (sci)
7. wansong zong, shutao cao, qifei xu, rutao liu*, "the use of outer filter effects for cu2+ quantitation: a unique example for monitoring nonfluorescent molecule with fluorescence", luminescence, 2012, (sci, 清樣)
8. yihong liu, jiying fan, rutao liu*, “the interaction of bovine serum albumin with doxorubicin-loaded superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: spectroscope and molecular modeling identification ”, nanotoxicology, 2012, (sci, if=3.88,清樣)
9. pengjun zhang, ping lan, yuening ma, yan gao, hao chen, qian fang, wansong zong, “spectroscopic investigation on the interaction of cr (vi) with bovine serum albumin” journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology, 2011, (sci, 清樣)
10. xiaoyan fang, shutao cao, rutao liu, "interaction of biosphenol a with bovine hemologbin using spectroscopic and molecular modeling methods", applied spectroscopy, 2012, (sci, 清樣)
1. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, “phenotypic characterization of the binding of tetracycline to human serum albumin”, biomacromolecules, 2011, 12:(1) 203-209(sci, if=5.325)
2. yue teng, hao zhang, rutao liu*, "molecular interaction between 4-aminoantipyrine and catalase reveals potentially toxic mechanism of the drug", molecular biosystems, 2011, 7:3157-3163 (this manuscript has been selected as a molecular biosystems hot article, sci, if=3.825)
3. yue teng, rutao liu*, chao li, hao zhang, "effect of 4-aminoantipyrine on oxidative stress induced by glutathione depletion in single human erythrocytes using a microfluidic device together with fluorescence imaging", journal of hazardous materials, 2011, 192,1766-1771 (sci, if=3.723)
4. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, hongxu yang, hengmei shen, "binding of tetracycling and chlortetracycline to the enzyme trypsin: spectroscopic and molecular modeling investigation", plos one, 2011, 6(12): 1-9(sci, if=4.411)
5.yue teng, rutao liu *, chao li, qing xia, pengjun zhang, “the interaction between 4-aminoantipyrine and bovine serum albumin: multiple spectroscopic and molecular docking investigations”, journal of hazardous materials, 2011, 190(1-3): 574-581(sci, if=3.723)
6. xingchen zhao, feng sheng, jianli zheng, rutao liu*, "composition and stability of anthocyanins from purple solanum tuberosum and their protective influence on cr (vi) targeted to bovine serum albumin",journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2011, 50(14): 7902-7909 (sci)
7. wansong zong, rutao liu*, feng sun, yue teng, xiaoyan fang, jun chai, “a new strategy to identify and eliminate the inner filter effects by outer filter technique”, journal of fluorescence, 2011, 21(3): 1249-1254(sci)
8. xingren pan, pengfei qin, rutao liu,* and jing wang, “characterizing the interaction between tartrazine and two serum albumins by a hybrid spectroscopic approach”, journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2011, 59: 6650-6656 (sci)
9. xingchen zhao, rutao liu*, yue teng and xiaofang liu, “the interaction between ag+ and bovine serum albumin: a spectroscopic investigation”, science of the total environment, 2011, 409: 892–897 (sci, if=3.19)
10. pengfei qin, rutao liu*, yue teng, "perfluorodecanoic acid binding to hemoproteins: new insights from spectroscopic studies", journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2011,59(7): 3246-3252 (sci)
11. dawei lu, xingchen zhao, yingcan zhao, bingcong zhang, bing zhang, mengyang geng, rutao liu, "bingding of sudan ii and sudan iv to bovine serum albumin: comparison studies", food and chemical toxicology, 2011, 49: 3158-3164 (sci)
12. wansong zong, rutao liu*, changying guo, feng sun, “novel biomarkers of protein oxidation sites and degrees using horse cytochrome c as the target by mass spectrometry”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2011, 78(5): 1581-1586 (sci)
13. yihong liu, rutao liu*, yue mou, xiaoyan fang, meijie wang, “spectroscopic identification of interactions of formaldehyde with bovine serum albumin”, journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology, 2011,25(2): 95-100 (sci) .
14. xingchen zhao, feng sheng, jianli zheng, rutao liu*, "composition and stability of anthocyanins from purple solanum tuberosum and their protective influence on cr (vi) targeted to bovine serum albumin",journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2011, 50(14): 7902-7909 (sci)
15. dong yuan, zhonglan shen, rutao liu*, canzhu gao, "study on the interaction of la3+ with bovine serum albumin at molecular level", journal of luminescence, 2011, 131:2478-2482(sci)
16. chai jun, yan xue, rutao liu*,meijie wang, “study on the toxic interaction of methanol, ethanol and propanol against the bovine hemoglobin (bhb) on molecular level”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2011, 1406-1410(sci)
17. meijie wang, pengjun zhang, wansong zong, qifei xu, rutao liu*, "the charge ratio between o and n on amide bonds: a new approach to the mobile proton model", spectrochim acta, part a, 2011, 79: 1915-1919 (sci)
18. xiaoyan fang, chuan liu, rutao liu*, yue teng, “spectroscopic studies on the toxic interaction of sodium oleate with bovine serum albumin”, journal of fluorescence, 2011, 31(3):1069-1074(sci)
19. yue teng, fanying ji, chao li, zehua yu, rutao liu*, "interaction mechanism between 4-aminoantipyrine and the enzyme lysozyme", journal of luminescence, 2011, 131:2661-2667(sci)
20. yue mu, jing lin, rutao liu*, "interaction of sodium benzoate with trypsin by spectroscopy", spectrochim acta, part a, 2011, 83(1): 130-135 (sci,)
21. hao zhang, rutao liu*, zhenxing chi, canzhu gao*, “toxic effects of different charged metal ions on the target-bovine serum albumin”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2011,78:523-527(sci)
22. dong yuan, zhong-lan shen, ru-tao liu* pei-hai wei and can-zhu gao, “study on the interaction of nd3+ with human serum albumin at molecular level”, j. chin. chem. soc., 2011, 58(3): 1-7 (sci)
23. li wang, rutao liu*, yue teng, “study on the toxic interactions of ni2+ with dna using neutral red dye as a fluorescence probe”, journal of luminescence, 2011, 131(4): 705-709 (sci)
24. dong yuan, zhonglan shen, rutao liu*, zhenxing chi, jianhua zhu, “new strategy for the evaluation of ce3+ toxicity targeted to bovine serum albumin”, journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology, 2011, 25(4): 263-268(sci)
1. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, hao zhang, “non-covalent interaction of oxytetracycline with the enzyme trypsin”, biomacromolecules, 2010, 11(9):2454-2459(sci, if=5.325)
2. feng sun, wansong zong, rutao liu*, meijie wang, pengjun zhang, qifei xu, “the relative charge ratio between c and n atoms in amide bond acts as a key factor to determine peptide fragment efficiency in different charge states”, journal of the american society for mass spectrometry, 2010, 21:1857-1862 (sci, ashare the first authorship. if=3.83)
3. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, bingjun yang, hao zhang, “toxic interaction mechanism between oxytetracyline and bovine hemoglobin”, journal of hazardous materials, 2010, 180: 741-747(sci, if=3.723)
4. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, yajing sun, meijie wang, pengfei zhang, canzhu gao*, “investigation on the toxic interaction of toluidine blue with calf thymus dna”, journal of hazardous materials, 2010,175:274-278 (sci, if=3.723)
5. feng sun, rutao liu*, wansong zong, yanmin tian, meijie wang, pengjun zhang, “a unique approach to the mobile proton model: influence of charge distribution on peptide fragmentation”, the journal of physical chemistry b., 2010, 114(19): 6350-6353 (sci, if=3.603
6. xingchen zhao, rutao liu*, zhenxing chi, yue teng, pengfei qin, “new insights into the behavior of bovine serum albumin adsorbed onto carbon nanotubes: comprehensive spectroscopic studies”, the journal of physical chemistry b., 2010, 114(16): 5625-5631(sci, if=3.603)
7. wansong zong, rutao liu*,feng sun, pengjun zhang, meijie wang,“influence of charge distribution on the discrepant ms/ms fragmentation of the native and oxidized fmrf: evidence for the mobile proton model”, journal of peptide science, 2010, 16:687-92. (sci, if=1.807)
8. wansong zong, rutao liu*, feng sun, meijie wang, yihong liu, xichen zhu, yanmin tian, “cyclic voltammetry: a new strategy for the evaluation of oxidative damage to bovine insulin”, protein science, 2010,19:263-268 (sci, if=2.741)
9. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, hao zhang, “potential enzyme toxicity of oxytetracycline to catalase”, science of the total environment, 2010, 2010 408(22): 5399-5404 (sci, if=3.19)
10.pengfei qin, rutao liu*,xingren pan, xiaoyan fang, yue mou, “inpact of carbon chain length on binding of perfluoroalkyl acids to bovine serum albumin determined by spectroscopic methods”, journal of agricultral and food chemistry, 2010, 58:5561-5567 (sci, if=2.816)
11. yue teng, rutao liu*, shifeng yan, xingren pan, pengjun zhang, meijie wang, “spectroscopic investigation on the toxicological interactions of 4-aminoantipyrine with bovine hemoglobin”, journal of fluorescence, 2010,20:381-387(sci, if=2.017)
12. xingren pan, rutao liu*, pengfeiqin, liwang, xingchenzhao, “spectroscopic studies on the interaction of acid yellow with bovine serum albumin”, journal of luminescence, 2010, 130:611-617(sci, if= 1.847)
13. wansong zong, rutao liu*, meijie wang, pengjun zhang, feng sun, yanmin tian, “the oxidative products of methionine as site and content biomarkers for peptide oxidation”, journal of peptide science, 2010, 16:148-152(sci, if=1.807)
14. yajing sun, rutao liu*, zhenxing chi, pengfei qin, xiaoyan fang, yue mou, “spectroscopic investigation on the toxic interaction of melamine with herring sperm dna”, journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology, 2010, 24(5) :323-9. (sci, if=1.957)
15. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, yue teng, xiaoyan fang, canzhu gao*, “binding of oxytetracycline to bovine serum albumin: spectroscopic and molecular modeling investigations”, journal of agricultral and food chemistry, 2010, 58 (18): 10262-10269, (sci, if=2.816)
16. rutao liu*, pengfei qin, li wang, xingchen zhao, yihong liu, xiaopeng hao, “the toxic effects of ethanol to bovine serum albumin”, journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology, 2010, 24(1):66-71(sci, if=1.957)
17. feng suna, wansong zonga, rutao liu*, jun chai, ying liu, “micro-environmental influences on the fluorescence of tryptophan”, spectrochimica acta part a, 2010, 76(2): 142-145 (sci, if=1.566)
18. li wang, rutao liu*, zhenxing chi, bingjun yang, pengjun zhang, meijie wang, “spectroscopic investigation on the toxic interactions of ni2+ with bovine hemoglobin”, spectrochimica acta part a, 2010, 76(2):155-160(sci, if=1.566)
19. yanmin tian, rutao liu*, wansong zong, feng sun, meijie wang, pengjun zhang, “a new biomarker of protein oxidation degree and site using angiotensin as the target by ms”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2010,75: 908-911(sci, if=1.566)
20. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, xingren pan, yue teng, hao qin, jianhua zhu, xiaopeng hao, “investigation on the toxic interaction of chrysoidine hydrochloride-ctmab combined contamination with calf thymus dna”, spectrochim acta, part a, 2010, 75: 177-182(sci, if=1.566)
21. 任曼曼,王麗,楊風梅,趙星辰,陳皓,藍平,劉汝濤*, “水浴消解-冷原子熒光分析法測定農產品中的總汞”, 環境與健康雜志,2010,27(6):546-547
1. wansong zong, rutao liu*, lingzi zhao, yanmin tian, dong yuan, canzhu gao, “side-chain oxidative damage of cysteine on glassy carbon electrode”, amino acids, 2009, 37: 559-564 (sci, ip=4.132)
2. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, lingzi zhao, pengfei qin, xingren pan, feng sun, canzhu gao, xiaopeng hao, “a new strategy to probe the genotoxicity of silver nanoparticles combined with cetylpyridine bromide”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2009, 72:577-581 (sci)
3. lingzi zhao, rutao liu*, xingchen zhao, bingjun yang, canzhu gao*, xiaopeng hao, yongzhong wu, “new strategy for the evaluation of cdte quantum dot toxicity targeted to bovine serum albumin”, science of the total environment, 2009, 407(18): 5019-5023 (sci)
4. rutao liu*, feng sun, lijun zhang, wansong zong, xingchen zhao, li wang, ruolin wu, xiaopeng hao, “evaluation on the toxicity of nanoag to bovine serum albumin”, science of the total environment, 2009, 407:4184-4188(sci)
5. zhenxing chi, rutao liu*, xingchen zhao, yajing sun, bingjun yang and canzhu gao, “study on the genotoxic interaction of methyl violet with calf thymus dna”, applied spectroscopy, 2009, 63: 1331-1335(sci)
6. 池振興,潘星任,楊鳳梅,劉云業,張利鈞,劉汝濤*,“萘乙酸電化學降解機理的研究”,河南師范大學學報,2009, 9: 76-78
1. rutao liu*, ling li, yanmin tian, zhaohui tan, canzhu gao, xiaopeng hao, “composition-ratio determination of chrome azurol s (cas) with cu2+ and research on dynamic reaction process of cas with edta”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2008,71:1021-1026 (sci)
2. rutao liu*, wansong zong, kaikai jin, xuetang lu, jianhua zhu, lijun zhang, canzhu gao, “the toxicosis and detoxifcation of anionic/cationic surfactants targeted to bovine serum albumin”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2008, 70(1):198-200 (sci)
3. rutao liu*, zhenxing chi, xuefeng shu, ming yu and canzhu gao, “research on the voltammetric behavior and determination of hypophosphite in electroless nickel plating solutions”, j of applied surface finishing, 2007, 2(8): 236-242
4. hua sui, lijun zhang, wansong zong, fuqing zhang, rutao liu*, canzhu gao and chao li, “synthesis and characterization of nano-ziconium dioxide in recombination surfactant association system”, j dispersion science technology,2007, 28:8 (sci)
5. rutao liu*, wansong zong, canzhu gao*, zhenxing chi, lijun zhang,“new and clean strategy for the determination of cu2+ in electroless copper plating baths”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2007, 68: 150-155 (sci)
6. canzhu gao, rutao liu, ruidong pan, ying zheng, “determination of pyridinium-1-propane-3 -sulphonate and saccharine in bright nickel electroplating bath”, t. i. met. finish., 2006, 84(5): 256-259(sci)
7. lijun ren, xueliang yuan, rutao liu*, “research on method development during the strategic environmental assessment”, stoch environ res risk assess, 2006, 21:151-157(sci)
8. hua sui, gang zheng, yuanyuan zhang, rutao liu*, ganzuo li, “synthesis of ferromagnetic in detergent solution”, j dispersion science technology,2006,27(3):311-315(sci)
9. guozhong xu, rutao liu, olga zak, philip aisen, mark r. chance, “structural allostery and binding of the transferrin-receptor complex”, mol. & cellular proteomics, 2005,4(12): 1959-1967(ip=9.876, this research results also selected as the cover picture)
10. rutao liu, jinghe yang, changxia sun, xia wu, xibao gao, yang liu, shufang liu and benyu su, “resonance double light scattering method for the determination of nucleic acids with cetylpyridine bromide”, mikrochimica acta, 2004, 147(1-2): 105-109. (sci)
11. rutao liu, jinghe yang, changxia sun, xia wu, lei li and benyu su, “study on the interaction between nucleic acids and cationic surfactants”, colloids and surfaces b-biointerfaces, 2004, 34(1): 59-63. (sci)
12. rutao liu, jing-qu guan, olga zak, philip aisen, mark r. chance, “structural reorganization of the transferrin c-lobe: transferrin c-lobe binds to the receptor helical domain”, biochemistry, 2003, 42: 12447-12454 (accelerated publication; cell, 2004,116: 483-489, preview 及cell, 2004,116: 565-576)
13. rutao liu, jinghe yang, changxia sun, lei li, xia wu, zhengmin li, chuansong qi, “study of the interaction of nucleic acids with acridine orange-ctmab and determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels based on the enhancement of resonance light scattering”, chemical physics letters, 2003, 376: 108-115.(sci)
14. rutao liu, jinghe yang, changxia sun, xia wu, lei li, zhengmin li, “resonance light-scattering method for the determination of bsa and hsa with sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate or sodium lauryl sulfate”, analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 2003, 377(2): 375-379. (sci, if=3.328)
15. rutao liu, jinghe yang, xia wu, “study of the interaction between nucleic acid and oxytetracycline- eu3+ and its analytical application”, j. lumin., 2002, 96: 201-209. (sci)
16. rutao liu, jinghe yang, xia wu, zhengmin li, fang huang, “resonance rayleigh light -scattering of thiamine hydrochloride-nucleic acid-ctmab systems and their analytical application”, journal of trace and microprobe techniques, 2002, 20(3), 363-376. (sci)
17. rutao liu, jinghe yang, xia wu, zengjun lan “resonance double light scattering method for the determination of proteins with morin-ctmab”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2002, 20(3), 363-376. (sci)
18. rutao liu, jinghe yang, xia wu, changxia sun, “study on the resonance light scattering spectrum of berberine-cetyltrimethylammonium bromide system and the determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2002, 58/3:459-467 (sci)
19. rutao liu, jinghe yang, xia wu, “interaction of cetyl pyridine bromide with nucleic acids and determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels based on the enhancement of resonance rayleigh light scattering”, spectrochimica acta part a, 2002, 58(9): 1935-1942. (sci)
20. rutao liu, canzhu gao, jinghe yang, “study on the high corrosion resistance and long life-span process of electroless nickel”, metal finishing, 2002, 100(3): 34-37. (ei)
21. rutao liu, jinghe yang, xia wu, changxia sun, tao wu, “interaction of morin-ctmab with nucleic acids and determination of nucleic acids at nanogram per milliliter levels based on the enhancement of preresonance light scattering”, the analyst, 2001, 126:1367-1371. (sci, ip=3.761)
22. rutao liu, jinghe yang, xia wu, tao wu, “resonance double frequency light scattering of morin- nucleic acid-ctmab system and their analytical application”, analytical chimica acta, 2001, 448(1-2):85-91. (sci, ip=3.146)
23. rutao liu, jinghe yang, xia wu, changxia sun, “interaction of ctmab with nucleic acids and determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels based on the measurement of light scattering”, analytical chimica acta, 2001,441/2:303-308. (sci, ip=3.146)
24. rutao liu, jinghe yang, xia wu, sui hua, changxia sun, “interaction of morin with ctmab: aggregation and location in micellar”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2001, 57/13:2561-2566. (sci)
25. rutao liu, jinghe yang, xia wu, changxia sun, “simple and sensitive determination of nucleic acid by rayleigh light scattering technique with methyl green-ctmab”, indian j. of chem., 2001, 40a: 1121-1123. (sci)
26. rutao liu, canzhu gao, sui hua, yanqing feng, jinghe yang, “rapid spectrometric determination of ni2+ in electroless nickel deposition baths containing fe”,plating and surface finishing, 2001, 88(9): 80-83. (sci)
27. rutao liu, canzhu gao, sui hua, jinghe yang, yuli lu,“derivation and rapid spectrophotometric determination of iron in electroless nickel plating solution”, plating and surface finishing, 2000,87(2): 73-77. (sci)
28. rutao liu, canzhu gao, and yuli lu, “study on a medium speed and long life-span electroless nickel plating process”, transactions of the institute of metal finishing ,2000, 78(5): 198-200. (sci)
29. cunguo lin, jinghe yang, xia wu, guiling zhang, rutao liu, xihui cao, rongjiang han, “enhanced fluorescence of the terbium-gadolinium-nucleic acids system and the determination of nucleic acids”, anal. chim. acta, 2000, 403:219- 224. (sci)
30. fang huang, jinghe yang, aiyou hao, xia wu, rutao liu,quanli ma, “the study of spectrographic properties and molecular recognition of calix[n]arenes”, spectrochim. acta, part a, 2001, 57:1025-1030. (sci)
31. canzhu gao, yuli lu, rutao liu, “influence of additives on electrodeposition of nickel from a watts bath-a cyclic voltammetric study”, plating and surface finishing, 1997, 84(9):83-85. (sci)
1. bit life sciences" 3 rd annual pepcon-2010, beijing, march 21-23, cohair of section 10.1 and 10.2.
1. rutao liu, yanmin tian, wanxong zong, "a new biomarker of protein oxidation degree and site using angiotensin as the target by ms”, presentation in session 8-2: toxicity biomarkers and biomarkers assay development of bit life sciences" 3 rd annual pepcon-2010, 2010,p497.
2. 滕越,王麗,房曉燕,劉汝濤*,“微流控芯片電泳技術在單細胞組分檢測中的應用”,全國微流控技術及應用學術研討會,杭州,2010年4月9-11日,p59-62.
3. rutao liu, guan, j-q., aisen, p., chance, m.r. “human transferrin binding sites with transferrin receptor detected by hydroxyl radical footprinting and mass spectrometry”,biophysical journal,2004, 86: 96a.
4. chance, m.r., zak, o., aisen, p., rutao liu, and j-q.guan, “structure of transferrin: receptor complex as analyzed by footprinting and mass spectrometry”, j. am. soc. mass spectrometry, 2004, 15:63s.
5. rutao liu, zak, o., aisen, p., chance, m.r.,“structural reorganization of transferrin c-lobe and transferrin receptor upon complex formation: c-lobe binds to the receptor helical domain”, mol. & cellular proteomics, 2003, 2.9 supplement, 45.1.
6. rutao liu., aisen, p., zak, o., chance, m.r., “synchrotron hydroxyl radical footprinting and mass spectrometry method to probe the surface of human transferrin c-lobe”, biophysical journal, 2003, 84: 36a.
1. 劉汝濤, 孫鳳, 宗萬松,“自動刷瓶裝置”,實用新型專利(專利授權號:zl 2009 2 00020858.9), 授權時間:2010.01.13
2. 劉汝濤, 孫鳳, 宗萬松, 王麗, 孫雅婧, 劉益宏,“一種環保型茶葉殘渣過濾器”, 實用新型專利(專利授權號:zl 2009 2 00291459), 授權時間:2009.12.25
3. 劉汝濤, 潘星任, 宗萬松, 秦鵬飛, 滕躍, 池振興, “消除熒光測定中內濾效應的新裝置及測試新方法”, 發明專利(專利號:zl 200910015755.8) ,授權時間:2010.10.17
4. 劉汝濤, 宗萬松, 孫鳳,“一種利用電化學技術快速鑒別半胱氨酸和胱氨酸的方法”,發明專利,中華人民共和國國家知識產權局受理于2009年8月15日公開, 200910019947.6, 中國, 2009/3/20.
5. 劉汝濤,王梅杰,張鵬軍,宗萬松,新型劑量可控的實驗室用γ射線輻照裝置,實用新型專利(專利授權號:zl 2010 2 0221051.) , 授權時間:2011.04.20
1. rutao liu*, yanmin tian, wansong zong, "a new biomarker of protein oxidation degree and site using angiotensin as the target by ms”, presentation in session 8-2: toxicity biomarkers and biomarkers assay, development of bit life sciences" 3 rd annual pepcon-2010, march 21-23, 2010, beijing;
2. 劉汝濤,“環境學科創新 型人才培養途徑的探索與實踐”,第四屆大學環境課程報告論壇,2009年11月21-22日,廣州;
3. rutao liu, "unusual oxidative damage of gsh", 2009, 10.29-11.1, 日本熊本大學;
4. 劉汝濤,“模擬污染物誘發機體氧化損傷之新發現”,環境責任保險制度構建與環境損害鑒定評估高級研討交流會,2009年3月28-29日,北京;
5. 劉汝濤,“四環素類污染物與機體作用的蛋白質分子水平研究”,環境化學學科發展及人才培養戰略研討會,2011年2月12-14日,廣州;
6. 劉汝濤,“4-安替比鄰對紅細胞氧化應激的影響”,中國誘變劑學會活性氧生物學效應專業委員會成立大會暨第一次全體代表大會,2011年9月28-31日,西安;
7. 劉汝濤,“環境工程”專業課程體系的建設,第六屆大學環境類課程論壇,2011年,10月22-23,蘇州;

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