
發布時間:2021-10-09 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


山東大學數學學院導師:張玉海 正文


  2002,9—, 教授,山東大學數數學學院
  1997.11—2002.8, 副教授,山東大學學學院,
  1995.9—1997.10, 副教授,山東經濟學院基礎部


  1999.7, 山東大學,博士學位
  1991.7, 山東大學,碩士學位

  2004.01- 2006.12,非線性矩陣方程的Hermite正定解及其應用,山東大學數學與系統科學學院專項青年基金,獨立
  2003.11- 2004.11,一般代數特征值反問題,國家自然科學基金,數學天元基金,獨立
  1999,9-2000,12, 一般代數特征值反問題,山東大學校青年基金,獨立

  34.Li Jing, Zhang Yuhai, Perturbation analysis of the matrix equation , Linear Algebra Appl., 2009(9), 1489-1501.
  33.Li Jing, Zhang Yuhai, The Hermitian positive definite solution and its perturbation analysis for the matrix equation , Numer. Math. Sinica, 2008, 30(2), 129-142, in Chinese.
  32.Gao D., ZhangYuhai, Perturbation analysis of the Hermitian positive definite solutions of matrix equation , Numer. Math. Sinica, 2007, 29(4), 403-412, in Chinese.
  31.Zhu Guangjun, Zhang yuhai, Zhang chao, Linear two-step stationary iteration for solving ill posed problem, J. of Shandong University(Natural Science Edition),2007, 42(10), 47-53.
  30.Zhang Yuhai, Gao D., Hermitian positive definite solutions of matrix equation , Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl., 2007, 29(2), 88-96.
  29.Gao D., Zhang Yuhai, Hermitian positive definite solutions of matrix equation , Numer. Math. Sinica, 2007, 29(1), 73-80, in Chinese.
  28.Li Jing, Zhang Yuhai, Song Huimin, Condition number of the maximal solution for the matrix equation , J. of Shandong University(Natural Science Edition),2006, 41(5), 68-72, in Chinese.
  27.Li Lei, Zhang Yuhai, The Hermitian positive definite solutions of the matrix equation , J. of Shandong University(Natural Science Edition), 2006, 41(4),32-39, in Chinese.
  26.Gao Dongjie, Zhang Yuhai, The Hermitian positive definite solutions of the matrix equation , J. of Shandong University(Natural Science Edition), 2006, 41(1), 97-105, in Chinese.
  25.Zhang Yuhai, Existence on Hermitian positive definite solutions of nonlinear matrix equation , Num. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 2005, supplement, 110-113, in Chinese.
  24.Zhang Yuhai, On Hermitian positive definite solutions of matrix equation , J. Comput. Math., 2005, 23(4), 408-418.
  23.Li J., Zhang Yuhai, The Hermitian positive definite solutions of matrix equation , when , Chinese J. Engineering Math., 2005, 22(4), 679-686, in Chinese.
  22.Zhang Yuhai, Wang J., Zhu B., The Hermitian positive definite solutions of matrix equation , Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl., 2004, 26(2), 14-27
  21.Wang J., Zhang Yuhai, Zhu B., The Hermitian positive definite solutions of matrix equation ,Numer. Math. Sinica, 2004, 26(1), 61-72, in Chinese.
  20.Zhang Yuhai, On the general algebraic inverse eigenvalue problems, J. Comp. Math., 2004, 22(4), 567-580.
  19.Zhang Yuhai, On Hermitian positive definite solutions of matrix equation . Linear Algebra Appl., 2003, 372, 295-304.
  18.Zhang Yuhai, On the multiplicative inverse eigenvalue problems, Num. Math. J. Chinese Univ. English Series, 2003, 12(1), 31-42.
  17.Zheng X., Zhang Yuhai, Qi G., Inverse potential problem of two-dimensional elliptic partial differential equations,Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. A, 2003,18(3),273-280, in Chinese.
  16.Zhang Yuhai, On additive inverse eigenvalue problem, Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl., 2001, 23(4), 42-53.
  15.Zhang Yuhai, On additive inverse eigenvalue problem, Numer. Math. Sinica, 2001, 23(3), 333-343, in Chinese.
  14.Zhang Yuhai, On convergence regions and optimal parameters for linear second-degree stationary iterative methods, Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl., 2001, 23(3), 81-89.
  13.Zhang Yuhai, On convergence regions and optimal parameters for linear second-degree stationary iterative methods, Numer. Math. Sinica, 2001, 23(2), 239-245, in Chinese.
  12.Sun Fenglong, Zhang Yuhai, Zhu Benren, On the convergence of complex SOR, Num. Math., J. Chinese Univ., 2001, 10(1), 239-245, in Chinese.
  11.Zheng Xiaoshi, Zhang Yuhai, Inverse source problem of two-dimensional elliptic partial differential equations,J. of Shandong University(Natural Science Edition),2001, 36(4),394-399, in Chinese.
  10.Zhang Yuhai, The sufficient conditions for the solvability of algebraic inverse eigenvalue problem with Hermitian matrices, Numer. Math., J. Chinese Univ,2001, 23(1),73-78, in Chinese.
  9.Zhang Yuhai, Sufficient conditions for the solubility of additive inverse eigenvalue problems, Num. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 2000, 9 (supplement), 74-77.
  8.Zhang Yuhai, Note on the sufficient conditions for the solubility of general algebraic inverse eigenvalue problems,J. of Shandong University (Natural Science Edition),1999, 34(2),139-143, in Chinese.
  7.Zhang Yuhai, Li Changying., On the sufficient conditions for the solvability of the multiplicative inverse eigenvalue problem,Numer. Math. Sinica, 1997, 19(4),337-344, in Chinese.
  6.Zhang Yuhai, Estimations of the eigenvalues of Hermitian matrix under *congruence and the singular values of matrix under congruence,Chinese Annals of Math., 1996, 17A(6),753-758, in Chinese.
  5.Zhang Yuhai, Zhu Benren, On the sufficient conditions for the solubility of general algebraic inverse eigenvalue problems, Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl., 1996 , 18 (2), 8-16.
  4.Zhang Yuhai, Zhu Benren, On the sufficient conditions for the solubility of general algebraic inverse eigenvalue problems, Numer. Math. Sinica, 1996, 18(1), 96-102, in Chinese.
  3.Zhang Yuhai, The solubility of additive and multiplicative inverse eigenvalue problems,Numer. Math. Sinica,1993, 15(4),489-494, in Chinese.
  2.Zhang Yuhai, On the estimation of the eigenvalues of a symmetrical matrix, Numer. Math., J. Chinese Univ., 1993, 15(3),287-290, in Chinese.
  1.Zhang Yuhai, On the sufficient conditions for the solubility of algebraic inverse eigenvalue problems with real symmetric matrices, Numer. Math. Sinica, 1992, 14(3),315-321, in Chinese.




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