
發布時間:2021-10-09 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


山東大學生命科學學院導師:向鳳寧 正文

  向鳳寧 教授
  近年來,主要研究成果發表在The Plant J (SCI, IF6.948).Plant Physiology (SCI, IF6.39).Plant Cell Environment (SCI, IF5.082).Plos one (SCI, IF4.351).BMC plant biology (SCI, IF4.09).Planta (SCI, IF3.73).Plant Cell Physiology (SCI, IF3.594).T.A.G.Genome.Plant Sci..Plant cell report.Biologia Plantarum.Protoplasma.Biol. Pharm. Bull..Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem..In vitro plant.CHROMATOGRAPHIA.Science in China.ACTA Botanica Sinica等SCI源期刊上發表論文30多篇和核心期刊(30余篇)及國際專著BAF上。2006年獲得山東省自然科學獎“一等獎”;2008年獲得教育部技術發明“二等獎”;2001年獲山東省科技進步“二等獎”;獲得8項發明專利,申請3項,其中大豆的專利3項。2005年獲得教育部新世紀人才計劃項目支持,2008年獲得首屆山東省杰出青年基金項目支持。

  Ⅲ 中藥材次生代謝的分子調控機制研究
  1. 微環境調控植物生長點干細胞中心維持與重建的分子網絡,國家重大科學研究計劃項目,2013CB967300,2013.1-2017.12(第一位)
  2. 植物干細胞維持和分化的分子機理研究,國家重大科學研究計劃項目,2007CB948203,2007.9-2011.12(第一位)
  3. 擬南芥生長素響應因子ARF10 調控離體苗再生的分子機制,國家自然科學基金,31270328,2013.1-2016.12(第一位)
  4. 擬南芥WRKY71轉錄因子對腋分生組織形成及側芽發育的調控研究,國家自然科學基金,30970243,2010-2012(第一位)
  5. 金銀花規范化種植基地優化升級及系列產品綜合開發研究,國家科技支撐計劃課題,2011BAI06B01,2012-2015(第一位)
  6. 紅豆杉紅豆杉 bZIP 轉錄因子TmbZIP1 對紫杉醇生物合成的調控機制研究,國家自然科學基金,31200226,2013.1-2015.12
  7. 紅豆杉體細胞雜種紫杉醇合成基因高效表達及其等位變異研究, 國家自然科學基金,30771116,2008-2010(第一位)
  8. 高羊茅抗逆相關膜結合轉錄因子基因克隆及其基因工程育種研究,山東省杰出青年基金,QJ200810,2009-2011(第一位)
  9. 擬南芥WRKY7轉錄因子對腋分生組織形成及側芽發育的調控研究,教育部博士點基金,913111006,2010-2012(第一位)
  10. 擬南芥轉錄因子 WRKY7對分枝發育的調控機制研究,山東省國際科技合作項目,2011176,2012-2014(第一位)
  11. 高寒藏藥材--川西獐牙菜藥效成分相關基因的轉移和克隆,國家自然科學基金,30470154,2005-2007(第一位)
  12. 小麥體細胞雜交中的雜種優勢及其在育種上的利用,教育部新世紀人才支持計劃項目,NCET-05-0581,2006-2008(第一位)
  13. 轉PcPCs/PcGCs基因富集重金屬剪股穎新品種選育,山東省公關項目,2009GG10002001,2010-1012(第一位)

  1. 2006年,小麥不對稱體細胞雜交機制及雜種遺傳和基因組研究,獲山東省自然科學一等獎(夏光敏.陳惠民.向鳳寧.周愛芬.支大英)。
  2. 2008年,普通小麥不對稱體細胞雜交創制漸滲系育種新技術,獲教育部發明二等獎(夏光敏.陳惠民.趙雙宜.向鳳寧)。
  3. 2001年,小麥與不同屬間體細胞雜交研究,獲山東省科技進步二等獎(理論成果獎)(夏光敏.周愛芬.向鳳寧.陳惠民)。
  4. 2006年,小麥遠緣體細胞雜交及體細胞雜種的遺傳研究,被評為山東省優秀博士論文(向鳳寧)

  1 專利名:大豆萌動胚真空滲透輔助的外源基因轉化方法,完成人:向鳳寧,姬丹丹,王鵬,國家發明專利,2010,授權號:ZL201010223264.5
  3. 專利名:麻花艽β-amyrin合成酶基因GsAS1及其應用,完成人: 向鳳寧,劉艷玲,國家發明專利,2009,授權號:ZL200910013892.8
  4. 專利名:川西獐牙菜香葉醇-10羥化酶基因SmG10H及其應用,完成人:向鳳寧,王俊峰,國家發明專利,2009,授權號:ZL200910129803.6
  5. 專利名:麻花艽β-amyrin合成酶基因GsAS2及其應用,完成人: 向鳳寧,劉艷玲,國家發明專利,2009,授權號:ZL200910013893.2
  6. 專利名: 蘆葦γ-谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶基因PcGCS及其應用, 完成人:向鳳寧,夏光敏,趙翠竹,于延沖,喬孟,國家發明專利,2007,授權號:ZL200710014450.6
  7. 專利名:一種農桿菌介導的甘薯不定芽轉化方法,完成人:向鳳寧,王鵬,國家發明專利,2009,授權號:ZL200910017332.X
  8. 專利名:蘆葦植物絡合素基因PaPCS及其應用,向鳳寧 趙翠珠 趙赫,國家發明專利,2011,授權號:ZL201110189821.0
  9. 麻花艽β-amyrin合成酶基因GsAS的酵母表達產物在制藥中的應用,完成人:向鳳寧.趙忠娟.劉艷玲.呂欣.李朔,國家發明專利,2101,申請號:201210132433.3
  10. 專利名:大豆圣豆9號NAC轉錄因子基因GmST1及其應用,完成人:向鳳寧,姬丹丹,李朔,國家發明專利,2012,申請號:201210128273.5
  11. 專利名:大豆圣豆9號NAC轉錄因子基因GmST2及其應用,完成人:向鳳寧,姬丹丹,李朔,國家發明專利,2012,申請號:201210128590.7

  1. Meng Qiao, Zhongjuan Zhao, Yuguang Song, Zhenhua Liu, Lingxue Cao, Yanchong Yu, Shuo Li and Fengning Xiang*. Proper regeneration from in vitro cultured Arabidopsis thaliana requires the miRNA directed action of an auxin response factor. The Plant J. 2012. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.04944.x (SCI, IF 6.948)
  2. Pil Joon Seo,1 Fengning Xiang1(co-first author), Meng Qiao, Ju-Young Park, Sang-Gyu Kim, Yong-Hwan Lee, and Chung-Mo Park. The MYB96 Transcription Factor Mediates Abscisic Acid Signaling during Drought Stress Response in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiology. 2009. 151(1):275-89. (SCI, IF 6.39)
  3. Zhao Cuizhu, Qiao Meng, Yu Yanchong, Xia Guangmin, Xiang Fengning*. The effect of the heterologous expression of Phragmites australis γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase on the Cd2+ accumulation of Agrostis palustris. Plant Cell Environment. 2010. 33: 877–887 (SCI, IF 5.082)
  4. Yuguang Song, Dandan Liu, Shuo Li and Fengning Xiang*. The dynamic changes of DNA methylation and histone modifications of salt responsive transcription factor genes in soybean. Plos One. 2012 (accepted) (SCI, IF 4.351)
  5. Junfeng Wang, Cuizhu Zhao, Chang Liu, Guangmin Xia and Fengning Xiang*. Introgression of Swertia mussotii gene into Bupleurum scorzonerifolium via somatic hybridization. BMC plant biology. 2011. 11:71-81 (SCI, IF 4.09)
  6. Fengning Xiang, Junfeng Wang, Chunhui Xu, Guangmin Xia*. The chromosome content and genotype of two wheat cell lines and of their somatic fusion product with oat. Planta. 2010. 231:1201–1210. (SCI, IF 3.372)
  7. Fangfang Zhang, Peng Wang, Guangwen Kang, Fengning Xiang*. Asymmetric protoplast fusions between Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd and Taxus chinensis var. mairei. Plant cell report. 2011. 30:1857–1864 (SCI, IF 2.4)
  8. Yanchong Yu, Zidong Li, Peng Wang, Fengning Xiang* Genetic and biochemical characterization of somatic hybrids between Bupleurum scorzonerifolium and Gentianopsis paludosa. Protoplasma. 2011. DOI 10.1007/s00709-011-0336-8 (SCI, IF1.52)
  9. Li Jiang, Yunfei Cai, Guangmin Xia, Fengning Xiang*. Introgression of the heterologous nuclear DNAs and efficacious compositions from Swertia tetraptera into Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd. via somatic hybridization. Protoplasma. 2011. DOI 10.1007/s00709 -011-0317-y (SCI, IF 1.52)
  10. Meng Qiao, Zhongjuan Zhao and Fengning Xiang*. Arabidopsis thaliana in vitro shoot regeneration is impaired by silencing of TIR1. Biologia Plantarum. 2011. DOI 10.1007/s10535-011-0233-1 (SCI, IF1.65)
  11. Wei Xin, Zhenhua Liu, Yuguang Song and Fengning Xiang*. Direct shoot regeneration from Arabidopsis thaliana shoot apical meristems. Biologia Plantarum. 2012. XX (X): XXX-XXX, 20XX (SCI, IF 1.65)
  12. Zhong-juan Zhao§, Yu-guang Song§, Yan-ling Liu§, Meng Qiao, Feng-ning Xiang*. The effect of elicitors on oleanolic acid accumulation and the expression of triterpenoid synthesis genes in Gentiana straminea. Biologia Plantarum. 2012. XX (X): XXX-XXX, 20XX (SCI, IF1.65)
  13. Junfeng Wang, Yanling Liu, Yunfei Cai, Guangmin Xia, Fengning Xiang*. Cloning and functional analysis of geraniol 10-hydroxylase, a cytochrome P450 from Swertia mussotii. Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem. 2010. 74 (8):1583-1590 (SCI, IF1.6)
  14. Yanling Liu, Yunfei Cai, Zhongjuan Zhao, Junfeng Wang, Jing Li, Wei Xin, Guangmin Xia, Fengning Xiang*. Cloning and functional analysis of a β-amyrin synthase gene associated with oleanolic acid biosynthesis in Gentiana straminea. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2009.32(5):818-824. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2009. 32 (5):818-824. (SCI, IF 1.8)
  15. Cai Yunfei,Yanling Liu, Zhenhua Liu, Feng Zhang, Xiang Fengning*, Xia Guangmin. High-frequency embryogenesis and regeneration of plants with high content of gentiopicroside from the Chinese medicinal plant Gentiana straminea Maxim. In vitro plant. 2009. 45:730–739. (SCI, IF 0.7)
  16. Lihua Zang, Yanling Liu, Jiaqing Liu, Qing Tian, Fengning Xiang*. An Improved Method for Testing Weak VOCs in Dry Plants with a Purge and Trap Concentrator Coupled to GC-MS. CHROMATOGRAPHIA. 2008. 68:351-356. (SCI, IF 1.8)
  17. Pil Joon Seo, An-Kyo Lee, Fengning Xiang and Chung-Mo Park. Molecular and Functional Profiling of Arabidopsis Pathogenesis-Related Genes: Insights into Their Roles in Salt Response of Seed Germination. Plant Cell Physiology 2008. 49(3): 334–344. (SCI, IF 3.394)
  18. Jing Wang1, Fengning Xiang1 (co-first author), Guangmin Xia. Agropyron elongatum chromatin localization on the wheat chromosomes in an introgressed somatic hybrid line. Planta. 2005. 221: 277-286. (SCI, IF 3.35)
  19. Fengning Xiang, Xia Guangmin, Chen Huimin. Hybrid plant regeneration in relation to the nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes of wheat and Setaria italica. Genome. 2004. 47:680-688. (SCI, IF 2.1)
  20. Fengning Xiang, Guangmin Xia, Huimin Chen. Effect of UV dosage in somatic hybrids between common wheat and Avena sativa L. Plant Science. 2003.164:697-707. (SCI, IF 1.7)
  21. Yunfei Cai, Fengning Xiang, Daying Zhi, Guangmin Xia. Genotyping of Somatic Hybrids between Festuca arundinacea Schreb. and Triticum aestium L. Plant cell report. 2007. 26(10): 1809-1819. (SCI, IF 1.7)
  22. Guangmin Xia, Fengning Xiang, Huimin Chen. Asymmetric somatic hybridization between Triticum aestivum L. and Agropyron elongatum. T. A.G. 2003.107: 299-305. (SCI, IF 2.4)
  23. Fengning Xiang, Guangmin Xia, Humin Chen. Asymmetric Somatic Hybridization Between wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Avena sativa L. Science in China. 2003. 46 (3): 243-252(SCI)
  24. Xiang Fengning, Xia Guangmin, Chen Humin. Agronomic trait and protein component of F2 hybrid originated from intergeneric somatic hybridization between Triticum astivum and Agropyron elongatum. ACTA Botanica Sinica. 2001.43(3): 232- 237(SCI)
  25. Xiang Fengning, Xia Guangmin, Chen Huimin. Asymmetric somatic hybridization between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Bromus inermis. ACTA Botanica Sinica. 1999. 41(5): 458~462. (SCI)
  26. Wang Jing, Xiang Fengning, Xia Guangmin, Chen Huimin. Transfer of small chromosome fragments of Agropyron elongatum to wheat chromosome via asymmetric somatic hybridization. Science in China. 2004. 47(5): 434-441(SCI)
  27. Xia Guangmin, Xiang Fengning, et al. Fertile thansgenic plants production from intergeneric somatic hybridization between Triticum aestivum and Agropyron elongatum. ACTA Botanica Sinica. 1999. 41(4): 428-331(SCI)
  28. Xu Chunhui, Xia Guangmin, Xiang Fengning, et al. Integration of maize nuclear and mitochondrial DNA into the wheat genome through somatic hybridization. Plant Science. 2003. 165:1001-1008. (SCI, IF 1.7)
  29. Li cuiling, Xia Guangmin, Xiang Fengning. Regeneration of asymmetric somatic hybrid plants from the fusion of two types of wheat with Russian wildrye. Plant cell report. 2004. 23: 461-467. (SCI, IF 1.4)
  30. Chen Suiyun, Xia Guangmin, Qian Taiyong, Xiang Fengning, et al. Studies on the salt-tolerance of F3-F6 hybrid Lines originated from somatic hybridization between common wheat and Thinopyrum ponticum. Plant science. 2004. 167:773-779. (SCI, IF 1.65)
  31. Xia GM, Li ZY, Xiang FN, Chen PD, Liu DJ. Asymmetric somatic hybridization between haploid common wheat and UV irradiated Haynaldia villosa. Plant Science. 1998. 137: 217-223. (SCI, IF 1.7)
  32. Li ZiDong, Shao Fei, Cai YunFei, Xiang FengNing*, Xia GuangMin. Characteristic of nuclear/cytoplasmic genomes of asymmetric somatic hybrids between Daucus carota L. var. sative Wild and Swertia musstii Franch. Journal of plant Physiology and molecular biology. 2005. 31(3): 254-260.
  33. Xia Guangmin. Xiang Fengning et al. Asymmetric somatic hybridization between Triticum aestivum L. and Leymus chinensis (Trin) Tzvel. BAF(國際專著). 2001. Vol49: 70-83




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