
發布時間:2021-10-09 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


山東大學電氣工程學院導師:徐衍亮 正文

  教師姓名: 徐衍亮
  性別: 男
  籍貫: 山東五蓮
  出生年月: 1966-12
  最高學歷: 博士  
  專業技術職務: 教授 
  行政職務: 電機與電器研究所所長 
  導師類別: 博導
  聘任時間: 2009
  所在學科: 電機與電器 



  [1] Xu Yanliang; Dun Yueqin; Wang Xiuhe; Kong Yu, “Analysis of hybrid magnetic bearing with a permanent magnet in the rotor by FEM”, IEEE Transactions on ,Magnetics, Vol.42, No.4 April, 2006, pp:1363-1366. (SCI, EI 收錄)
  [2] Xu Yanliang, Fang Jiancheng, “Development of low power loss energy storage flywheel”, 電工技術學報,23(12),2008年12月,pp11-16(EI收錄)
  [3] Xu Yanliang, Sun Yuanyuan, “Fractional-slot Low Speed Large Torque Permanent Magnet Brushless Motors”, ICIEA2009, 25-27 May 2009, Xian China(EI收錄)
  [4] Sun Yuanyuan, Xu Yanliang, “Analysis and Calculation of Brake Force for Side-Magnetism Brake Single-phase Induction Motor”, ICIEA2009, 25-27 May 2009, Xian China (EI收錄)
  [5] 徐衍亮,王法慶,馮開杰,雙轉子永磁電機電感參數、永磁電勢及齒槽轉矩,電工技術學報,電工技術學報,2007年,8月 (EI 收錄)
  [6] 徐衍亮,姚福安,房建成,“Halbach磁體結構電動機及其與常規磁體結構電動機的比較研究(I)——磁體結構及有導磁鐵心電動機的對比研究”,電工技術學報,Vol.19,No.2,2004年pp79-83(EI 收錄)
  [7] 徐衍亮,姚福安,房建成,“HALBACH磁體結構電動機及其與常規磁體結構電動機的比較研究(II)——無導磁鐵心電機的對比研究及樣機實驗”,電工技術學報,Vol.19,No.6,2004年,pp58-62(EI 收錄)
  [8] 徐衍亮,趙建輝,房建成,“高速儲能飛輪用無鐵心永磁無刷直流電動機的分析與設計”,電工技術學報 ,Vol.19,No.12, 2004年 pp24-28(EI 收錄)
  [9] 徐衍亮,許家群,唐任遠,“電動汽車用永磁同步電動機的繞組換接運行分析”,電工技術學報, Vol.17,No.5,2002年pp21-25(EI 收錄)
  [10] 徐衍亮,唐任遠,“永磁同步電動機驅動的電動汽車仿真研究”,系統仿真學報,Vol.16,No.4,2004年4月,pp641-656(EI收錄)
  [11] Xu Yanliang, Liu Gang and Fang Jiancheng, “Parameter calculation of BDCM in attitude control and energy storage flywheel application”, Proceedings of SPIE, Act, 2003, pp732-736 (EI,ISTP收錄)
  [12] Xu Yanliang, Liu Gang and Fang Jiancheng, “A new design method of magnetic bearing”, Proceedings of SPIE, Act, 2003 pp760-763 (EI,ISTP收錄)
  [13] Xu Yanliang, Tang Renyuan, “The location of hall position sensor in BDCM with no teeth”, ICEMI’2003, pp1242-1244 (EI,ISTP收錄)
  [14] Xu yanliang, Feng Kaijie, “Parameter design and winding switch analysis on the driving BDCM based on the simulation of electric vehicle”, ICIEA2007, May 23-25,2007, p2589-2684 (EI)
  [15] Xu yanliang, Feng Kaijie, “Model establishment and parameter calculation of permanent magnet-biased hybrid magnetic bearing with magnet in rotor”, ICIEA2007, May 23-25,2007, p41-45 (EI)
  [16] Xu Yanliang, Fang Jiancheng, “Development of low power loss energy storage flywheel”, ICSEA2006 May 08-11,2006 (ISTP收錄)
  [17] Xu Yanliang, Fang Jiancheng, ‘The simulation of Electric Vehicle Driven by Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor System’, ICEMI’2003, PP1804-1809(ISTP收錄)
  [18] Xu Yanliang, GaoHongxia, ‘Magnetic radiation analysis on outer-rotor permanent magnet brushless direct current Moter’, ICEMI’2005, Vol.5 pp320-322(ISTP收錄)
  [19] Xu Yanliang, Dun Yueqin and etc., ‘A new hybrid-type magnetic bearing with permanent magnet in rotor, ISMI’04 and ISPITI’04, pp105-107(ISTP收錄)
  [20] Xu Yanliang, Tang Renyuan, “Development of permanent magnet synchronous motor used in electric vehicle”, ICEMS’2001, (ISTP收錄)
  [21] Xu Yanliang, Fang Jiancheng, “Development of low power loss energy storage flywheel”, ICSCA’2006, pp1144-1150
  [22] Xu Yanliang, Feng Kaijie, “Analysis on toothless permanent magnet machine with Halbach Array”, ipemc’2006, Vol.3, 1747-1751(EI,ISTP)
  [23] Xu Yanliang, Xin Feng, “Model Establishment and Parameter Calculation of Permanent Magnet-Biased Hybrid Magnetic Bearing with Magnet in Rotor”, ICIEA2007, 23-25 May,2007, Harbin, China(EI,ISTP收錄源)
  [24] Xu Yanliang, Xin Feng, “Parameter Design and Winding Switch Analysis on Driving BDCM Based on the Simulation of Electric Vehicle”, ICIEA2007, 23-25 May,2007, Harbin, China(EI,ISTP收錄源)
  通訊地址: 山東大學南校區電氣工程學院  郵政編碼:250061 
  聯系電話: 13012983145  電子信箱: xuyanliang@sdu.edu.cn




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