
發布時間:2021-10-09 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


上海交通大學物理與天文學院導師:劉燦華 正文













  1. Jian-Feng Ge, Zhi-Long Liu, Canhua Liu*, Chun-Lei Gao, Dong Qian, Qi-Kun Xue*, Ying Liu, Jin-Feng Jia*: Superconductivity above 100 K in single-layer FeSe films on doped SrTiO3(001), Nat. Mat. 14, 285 (2015).
  2. Jian-Feng Ge, Zhi-Long Liu, Chun-Lei Gao, Dong Qian, Canhua Liu* and Jin-Feng Jia*: Development of micro-four-point probe in a scanning tunneling microscope for in situ electrical transport measurement,Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 053903 (2015).
  3. Jin-Peng Xu, Mei-Xiao Wang, Zhi Long Liu, Jian-Feng Ge, Xiaojun Yang, Canhua Liu*, Zhu An Xu, Dandan Guan, Chun Lei Gao, Dong Qian, Ying Liu, Qiang-Hua Wang, Fu-Chun Zhang, Qi-Kun Xue, and Jin-Feng Jia*: Experimental detection of a Majorana mode in the core of a magnetic vortex inside a topological-insulator-superconductor Bi2Te3/NbSe2 heterostructure, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 017001 (2015)
  4. Jin-Peng Xu#, Canhua Liu#, Mei-Xiao Wang, Jianfeng Ge, Zhi-Long Liu, Xiaojun Yang, Yan Chen, Ying Liu, Zhu-An Xu, Chun-Lei Gao, Dong Qian, Fu-Chun Zhang, and Jin-Feng Jia*: Artificial Topological Superconductor by the Proximity Effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 217001 (2014).
  5. Zhi-Long Liu, Mei-Xiao Wang, Jin-Peng Xu, Jian-Feng Ge, Guy Le Lay, Patrick Vogt, Dong Qian, Chun-Lei Gao, Canhua Liu* and Jin-Feng Jia*: Various atomic structures of monolayer silicene fabricated on Ag(111), New J. Phys. 16, 075006 (2014).
  6. Mei-Xiao Wang#, Canhua Liu#, Jin-Peng Xu, Fang Yang, Lin Miao, Meng-Yu Yao, C. L. Gao, Chenyi Shen, Xucun Ma, X. Chen, Zhu-An Xu, Ying Liu, Shou-Cheng Zhang, Dong Qian, Jin-Feng Jia, Qi-Kun Xue: The Coexistence of Superconductivity and Topological Order in the Bi2Se3 Thin Films, Science 336, 52 (2012).
  7. C. Liu*, T. Uchihashi, and T. Nakayama: Self-alignment of Co adatoms on In atomic wires by quasi-one-dimensional electron gas mediated interactions, Physical Review Letter, 101, 146104 (2008).
  8. C. Liu, T. Inaoka, S. Yaginuma, T. Nakayama, M. Aono, and T. Nagao: Excitation of one-dimensional plasmons in Si and Au-Si complex atom wires Nanotechnology, 19, 355204 (2008).
  9. C. Liu, T. Inaoka, S. Yaginuma, T. Nakayama, M. Aono, and T. Nagao: Disappearance of the quasi-dimensional plasmon at the metal-insulator phase transition of indium atomic wires, Physical Review B, 77, 205415 (2008).
  10. I. Matsuda*, C. Liu, T. Hirahara, M. Ueno, T. Tanikawa, T. Kanagawa, R. Hobara, S. Hasegawa, and K. Kobayashi: Localization of two-dimensional electrons in a metallic monolayer studied by micro-four-point probe method, Physical Review Letter, 99, 146805 (2007).
  11. C. Liu*, I. Matsuda, M. D'angelo, S. Hasegawa, J. Okabayashi, S. Toyoda, and M. Oshima: Self-assembly of two-dimensional nanoclusters: from surface molecules to surface superstructure, Physical Review B, 74, 235420 (2006)
  12. C. Liu*, I. Matsuda, Hobara Rei, and S. Hasegawa: Adatoms-induced band splitting of the quasi-two-dimensional electron gas Physical Review Letter, 96, 036803 (2006).
  13. C. Liu*, S. Yamazaki, R. Hobara, I. Matsuda, and S. Hasegawa: Two-Dimensional Liquid-Solid Phase Transition Observed on Atomic Scale, Physical Review B 71, 041310(R) (2005).


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