
發布時間:2021-11-20 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


沈陽藥科大學藥學院導師:徐海燕 正文





徐海燕,女,博士,副教授。1996年畢業于沈陽藥科大學,獲藥學學士學位,2001年于同校獲藥物分析碩士學位,2006年獲沈陽藥科大學藥物分析博士學位,畢業后赴美國University of Houston進行博士后研究。2006年被聘為沈陽藥科大學副教授,從2014年起負責《Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis》、《Molecular Nutrition and Food Research》、《Journal of Chromatography B》和《Biomedical Chromatography》等期刊的英文審校工作。作為課題負責人主持了國家自然科學基金青年基金項目1項,遼寧省自然科學基金項目1項、遼寧省教育廳專項基金1項。另外,作為項目骨干成員承擔國家自然科學基金面上項目2項。目前已在AAPS J,Mol Pharm,J Agric Food Chem,J Pharm Biomed Anal,J Chromatogr B,J Ethnopharmacol等期刊發表論文10余篇。

(限第一作者或通訊作者,SCI須寫明影響因子):1.Liu, Y.* Guo, J. Liu, Y. Wang, X. Wang,Y. Jia, X. Wei, G. Chen, L. Xiao, J. Cheng, M.* Au(I)-Catalyzed Triple Bond Alkoxylation/DienoletherAromaticity-Driven Cascade Cyclization to Naphthalenes, Chem. Commun., DOI:10.1039/C4CC00464G. (IF=6.378)2.Zhang D, Lei T, Lv C, Zhao H, Xu H*, Lu J*. Pharmacokinetic studies of active triterpenoid saponins and the total secondary saponin from Anemone raddeana Regel. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 20171044-1045:54-62. IF=2.6873.Shao N, Jiang H, Wang X, Yuan B, Jin Y, Song M, Zhao Y, Xu H*. Stereoselective pharmacokinetics of 25-methoxyl-dammarane-3beta,12beta,20-triol and its active demethyl-metabolite epimers in rats after oral and intravenous administration. Fitoterapia 2017 116: 139-145. IF=2.4084.Liu J, Meng F, Li Z, Yu L, Peng S, Guo J*, Xu H*. Simultaneous quantification of tizoxanide and tizoxanide glucuronide in mouse plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Biomed Chromatogr. 201630(11):1744-1749. IF=1.7295.Jin Y, Guo X, Yuan B, Yu W, Suo H, Li Z, Xu H*. Disposition of Astragaloside IV via enterohepatic circulation is affected by the activity of the intestinal microbiome. J Agric Food Chem. 2015 63: 6084–93. IF=2.8576.Sui W, Yang X, Yu W, Jin Y, Luan X, Wang X, Xu H*. A validated LC-MS/MS method for the rapid quantification of vilazodone in rat plasma: Application to a pharmacokinetic study. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2014 98:228–234. IF=2.9797.Xu H, Gan J, Liu X, Wu R, Jin Y, Li M, Yuan B. Gender-dependent pharmacokinetics of lignans in rats after single and multiple oral administration of Schisandra chinensis extract. J Ethnopharmacol. 2013 147: 224-231. IF=2.9398.Yuan B, Li L, Fu Y, Jin Y, Guo L, Xu H. Development and validation of a LC-MS/MS method for quantification of the regioisomers of dihydroxybutylether in human plasma. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2012 911: 27-33. IF=2.4879.Yuan B, Zhen H, Jin Y, Xu L, Jiang X, Sun S, Li C, Xu H. Absorption and plasma disposition of genistin differ from those of genistein in healthy women. J Agric Food Chem. 2012 60: 1428-1436. IF=2.90610.Yuan B, Wang L, Jin Y, Zhen H, Xu P, Xu Y, Li C, Xu H. Role of metabolism in the effects of genistein and its phase II conjugates on the growth of human breast cell lines. AAPS J. 2012 14: 329-344. IF=4.38611.Xu H, Kulkarni KH, Singh R, Yang Z, Wang SW, Tam VH, Hu M. Disposition of naringenin via glucuronidation pathway is affected by compensating efflux transporters of hydrophilic glucuronides. ?Mol Pharm. 2009 6: 1703-1715. IF=5.408主編或參編的教材、專著1.《分析化學》第三版參編, 高等醫藥學成人學歷教育(專科)教材. 人民衛生出版社. 2013年7月



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