
發布時間:2018-08-01 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


對外經濟貿易大學國際貿易學碩士研究生導師介紹:殷曉鵬 正文

  殷曉鵬,2001年畢業于加拿大麥吉爾(McGill)大學,獲經濟學博士學位。曾先后在加拿大康科迪亞(Concordia)大學,溫莎(Windsor)大學任教。2007年秋季起到對外經貿大學國際經貿學院任教。現任對外經貿大學國際經貿學院國際貿易系主任、副教授、博導,兼任國際經濟與金融學會(中國)(IEFS China)的執行秘書兼財務,及華盛頓大學-對外經貿大學國際經濟聯合研究中心(UW——UIBERCIE)的執行副主任。目前主要從事外商直接投資與外包、區域經濟聯合與貿易協定、貿易、資本流動與經濟增長、內生經濟增長、開放宏觀經濟等領域的研究和教學工作。

  中國南京經濟學院 教師     1986年7月-1993年8月
  加拿大麥吉爾(McGill)大學助研     1993年9月-1995年4月
  加拿大麥吉爾(McGill)大學助教,助研 1995年9月-2001年6月
  加拿大康科迪亞(Concordia)大學    講師     1999年9月-2000年4月
  加拿大康科迪亞(Concordia)大學    助理教授(合同制)  2000年9月-2001年5月
  加拿大溫莎(Windsor)大學 助理教授(終身軌)  2001年7月-2007年6月
  對外經濟貿易大學國際經貿學院     副教授   2007年7月-至今



  國際貿易專題研究, 國內學生:本科
  國際貿易前沿專題, 國內學生:博士生

  獲提名角逐2004年“蒙代爾獎”(Mundell Prize),“蒙代爾獎”提名,2004;
  加拿大FCAR 博士獎學金 (經濟類全國第一名), 1998-02

  國際經濟與金融學會(中國)(IEFS China): 執行秘書兼財務,2008年-至今;
  華盛頓大學-對外經濟貿易大學國際經濟研究中心(UW-UIBE RCIE): 常務副主任,
  加拿大麥吉爾大學(McGill University)發展中地區經濟研究中心(CED): 研究員,
  加拿大瑞爾森大學(Ryerson University)國際商業研究中心: 研究員, 2007年-至今;
  國際發展研究中心(IDRC/CIGI):“中國年輕學者研究連線”,“貿易與投資”組: 協調人,
  Journal of Economic Theory, Canadian Journal of Economics, Review of International Economics,   Review of Development Economics, BE Journal of Macroeconomics, Economics Bulletin, 等
  1)國際經濟學:理論和政策,第六版,作者Krugman 和 Obstfeld, 2003
  2)國際經濟學,第一版,作者 Sawyer 和Sprinkle, 2003
  3) 宏觀經濟學,第2、3、4、5、12章,第一版(加拿大),作者 Stephen D.Williamson, 2003
  主編:McGraw-Hill’s 宏觀經濟學在線學習中心,第一版(加拿大),B.DeLong, Mansooria和Michelis, 2003
  加拿大人文社科研究委員會(SSHRC)項目:“華裔加拿大老年人的養護、健康及心理狀況項目的調查問卷”,Dr. Jian Guan 和 Dr. Ben Kuo
  編輯委員會成員:中國經濟理論研究(Chinese Journal of Economic Theory)
  編輯委員會成員:中國經濟政策評論(Chinese Economic Policy Review)
  會員:美國經濟學會 (AEA, i.e. American Economic Association)
  會員:計量經濟學會 (Econometric Society)
  會員:國際經濟與金融學會 (International Economics and Finance Society, IEFS)
  會員:加拿大經濟學會 (CEA, i.e. Canadian Economic Association)
  資深會員:中國留美經濟學會 (CES, i.e. Chinese Economists Society),(美國應用社會科學學會, ASSA, 成員之一)
  會員:北美中國經濟學會(CEANA, i.e. Chinese Economists Association in North America, ASSA, 美國應用社會科學學會成員之一)
  成員:發展地區研究中心 (Centre for Developing Area Studies),麥吉爾(McGill)大學
  “福特學者” (Ford Scholar):(由福特基金會與中國留美經濟學會聯合支持,每年選擇六個福特學者): 石河子大學(中國),2002;南京大學(中國),1997

  International Economics
  (including Economic Growth, Open Economy Macroeconomics)
  1.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Voluntary Import Expansions with Non-Stationary Demand”, Canadian Journal of Economics 37, 2004, 1084-1096
  2. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Forming Efficient Free Trade Networks: A Sequential Mechanism” (with
  Xue,L., and Zhang,J.), Review of Development Economics, forthcoming;
  3. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Input Substitution, Export Pricing, and Exchange Rate Policy” (with Shi,  K., and Xu, J.), Revised and resubmitted
  4. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Externalities, Productivity and Sustained Growth”, Revised and resubmitted;
  5.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Strategic Choices in General Outsourcing: Intra-industry Trade or FDI”,Revised and resubmitted
  Yin, Xiaopeng, “International Product Cycles with Outsourcing”, Submitted
  6. Yin, Xiaopeng, "Cooperative and Noncooperative R&D and Knowledge Spillover: A  Reassessment”, Submitted
  7.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Strategic R&D Interaction, Knowledge Creation and Endogenous    Growth”, Submitted
  8.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Irrelevance of strategic interaction of R&D investment in growth”,     Submitted
  9.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Relation between Strategic R&D Interaction and Endogenous Growth:    Symmetry or Asymmetry”, Submitted
  10. Yin, Xiaopeng, "Knowledge Externality, Induced Consumption, and Missed Economic Growth”, Completed
  11. Yin, Xiaopeng, “A General Model for R&D sector in Endogenous Economic Growth”,   Completed
  12. Wang, Yuntong and Xiaopeng Yin, “Existence of Sustainable Growth with Convex
  13. Yin, Xiaopeng, Technologies in an OLG Economy”, Completed
  14. Yin, Xiaopeng, “When ‘International Consumption Correlation puzzle’ meets the ‘Kaldor
  Facts’: The Unbalanced Growth Approarch”, In Progress
  15. Wang, Yuntong and Xiaopeng Yin: “Endogenous Unbalanced Growth and Growth Cycles”,In Progress
  16. Dalkir, Mehmet S. and Xiaopeng Yin: “Outsourcing, International Capital Mobility and    Unbalanced Growth”, In Progress
  17. Tkacz, Greg and Xiaopeng Yin: “A Re-examination of the Relationship between Real Exchange Rates and Real Interest Differentials: 1974 -2009”, In Progress
  Development Economics (including Comparative Economics: China)
  18. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Regional Integration in China: Incentive, Pattern, and Growth”, China's
  Economic Geography and Regional Development: International Conference Proceeding, 2004, Section 5
  19. Yin, Xiaopeng, "The Tendency of Regional Integration in China: Incentive, Pattern, and Growth”, Revised and resubmitted
  20. Lin, Guijun and Xiaopeng Yin: “Can the developing country catch up: Trade Strategy,
  Industry Policy and Long- run Economic Growth: The Case of China”,   In Progress

  Papers Presented In Academic Conferences (From 2001)
  A. 受邀請(Invited):
  1. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Theory of Strategic Production Outsourcing”, Chinese Economic Society
  CES) Annual Meeting, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, April, 2008;  Midwest Theory and International Trade Conference (Spring Meeting), University of Illinois-Champian-Urbana, Champian-Urbana, IL, U.S.A., May, 2008
  2.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Unbalanced Growth in an Open Economy”,  The 4th Asia-Pacific Trade
  Seminar, University of Sydney, Australia, July, 2008; Canadian Economic Association
  41st Annual Meeting, Dalhousie University, June, 2007;  CES (North America) Annual meeting, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China, July, 2006;    Midwest Theory and International Trade Conference (Spring Meeting),  Michigan State University, April, 2006;   ASSA/CEANA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, U.S.A., January, 2006
  3.Yin, Xiaopeng, “FDI and International Product Cycles”, Midwest Theory and International
  Trade Conference (Spring Meeting), Indiana University-Purdue University (IUPUI), Indianapolis, IN, U.S.A., May, 2004
  4.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Knowledge Externality and Long-run Economic Growth”, The 4th Asia
  Pacific Economic Association Annual Meeting, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China, December, 2008;   Midwest Theory and International Trade Conference (Spring Meeting), Indiana University-Purdue University (IUPUI), Indianapolis, IN, U.S.A., May, 2004
  5.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Regional Economic Integration in China: Pattern, Factor Flows, and Growth
  Effects”, China's Economic Geography and Regional Development: International Conference, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, December, 2003
  6.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Economic Integration in China: R&D Patterns, Factor Flows, and Growth
  Effects”, Chinese Economic Society (CES) Annual Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A., August, 2003
  7.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Economic Integration with the Greater Chinese Economies: Patterns, Factor
  Flow Restrictions, and Growth Effects”, Chinese Economists Society (CES) Annual
  Meeting, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China,June, 2002
  8.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Global Knowledge Capital and Endogenous Growth”, the Sixth International
  Conference of Methods and Theory of Macroeconomics, Antibes, France, June, 2001;     the Annual Meeting of Canadian Economic Association in McGill University, Montreal,  Canada, 2001
  9.Yin, Xiaopeng, “Dynamic Analysis for Voluntary Import Expansions (VIEs) in the  Post
  GATT/WTO Era: Free Trade Promoter or Trade Barrier?”, “WTO and World Trade, II:
  International Conference, The University of Washington, Seattle, WA, U.S.A., April, 2001
  B. 投稿接受(Contributed):
  10. Yin, Xiaopeng, “Voluntary Import Expansions (VIEs) with Non-Stationary Demand”,
  ASSA/CEANA Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, U.S.A., Jan., 2004
  11. Yin, Xiaopeng: “What Do We Learn from Endogenous Economic growth Theory: The Role of the Utility Function”, the CEA Annual Meting, the Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May, 2003

  1、2007- “廣義外包及其對經濟增長的作用”,211工程課題,主持人

  郵 箱:xyin@uibe.edu.cn 以上老師的信息來源于學校網站,如有更新或錯誤,請聯系我們進行更新或刪除,聯系方式


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