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湘潭大學機械工程學院導師:鄭學軍 正文





“薄膜材料及其器件力學” 湘潭大學首個教育部創新團隊帶頭人(2010),“低維材料及其器件力學”湖南省高校科技創新團隊帶頭人(2009),教育部長江學者特聘教授(2009),國家杰出青年基金(2008),湖南省芙蓉學者特聘教授(2007)。全國百篇優博論文提名獎(2005)。美國匹茲堡大學訪問學者(2005),湘潭大學一般力學與力學基礎博士(2002), 中南大學橋隧結構工程碩士(1989),國防科大飛行器固體力學本科(1985)。1985年7月-2003年6月,中南大學鐵道學院任助教、講師、副教授。2003年6月-2014年10月,湘潭大學教授、博士生導師,2006年10月-2014年10月,任湘潭大學材料與光電物理學院副院長。2003年6月-2011年10月,任湘潭大學“低維材料及其應用技術教育部重點實驗室 ”副主任。2014年10月至今,任湘潭大學機械工程學院學院院長。

1、上海市科委納米專項(11nm0502600) , 2011-2014年。2、低維鐵電材料的制備、力學表征及其微器件應用,國家自然科學基金項目杰出青年基金(10825209), 2008-2012年。3、鈦酸鉍鈉基弛豫型無鉛壓電薄膜及相關性能,國家自然科學基金項目(50872117), 2009-2011年。4、自組裝半導體壓電納米帶及相關性能,國家自然科學基金項目(10672139), 2007-2009年。5、ZnO, ZnS壓電納米帶及物理力學性能,國家教育部和湖南省教育廳重點項目,2007-2009年。6、自組裝半導體壓電納米帶及相關力學性能,國家自然科學基金(10672139), 2007-2009年。7、無鉛鐵電薄膜及其納米薄膜微器件,湖南省科技計劃重點項目,2005-2007年。8、鉍層狀鈣鈦礦鐵電薄膜的制備及其熱沖擊下斷裂失效行為(10472099),國家自然科學基金項目,2005-2007年。9、壓電薄膜材料的制備及相關物理力學性能,湖南省教育廳青年骨干教師基金項目,2003-2005年。10、壓電薄膜材料的制備及相關物理力學性能,湖南省教育廳青年項目,2003-2005年。
1、GaN半導體納米材料的多場耦合失效機理(編號:51272158), 2013-2016年。2、薄膜材料及其器件力學 教育部“長江學者計劃”獎勵計劃 教育部創新團隊滾動資助項目(IRT_14R48)3、薄膜材料及器件力學,教育部“長江學者計劃”特聘教授項目([2009]17)
1、基于單個極性半導體納米帶光彈簧的制作方法 鄭學軍、陳義強、王甲世、姜傳斌、龔倫軍 國家發明專利, ZL 10030575.2, 20112、一種測量納米材料光致硬化性能的方法 鄭學軍、王甲世、陳義強、楊博、龔倫軍 國家發明專利, ZL 10030576.7, 20113、一種實時測量納米材料光致伸縮性能的方法 鄭學軍、陳義強、王甲世、龔倫軍、余功成 國家發明專利, ZL 10030573.3, 20124、一種測量壓電材料壓電系數d15的準靜態方法 鄭學軍、彭金峰、劉勛、張勇、孫靜 國家發明專利, ZL 10035079.7, 20155、一種氧化鋅納米線生長所用的催化劑及其應用,王現英、謝澍梵、鄭學軍 中國專利號:ZL 201210008229.0,20146、氧化物稀磁半導體/鐵電體異質結構及其制備方法 王金斌、何春、鐘向麗、周益春、鄭學軍 國家發明專利, ZL 101262040, 2010
1、薄膜材料及其器件力學 教育部“長江學者計劃”獎勵計劃 教育部創新團隊滾動資助項目2014 (排名第一)2、微納材料及器件的力學理論設計與性能表征方法,湖南省自然科學二等獎2013 (排名第一)3、無鉛鐵電薄膜及其器件的失效與性能調制,湖南省自然科學一等獎2012 (排名第二)4、指導碩士研究生王甲世獲湖南省優秀碩士學位論文(2012)5、指導碩士研究生鄭輝獲“湘潭大學第十六屆研究生校長優秀獎”(2011)6、薄膜材料及其器件力學 教育部“長江學者計劃”獎勵計劃 教育部創新團隊2010 (排名第一)7、低維材料及其器件力學 湖南省高校創新團隊2010 (排名第一)8、薄膜材料及器件力學,教育部“長江學者計劃”特聘教授項目20099、低維無機非金屬材料及微器件,湖南省“芙蓉學者計劃”特聘教授項目2007 10、摻銪含量對Bi4-xEuxTi3 O12鐵電薄膜微結構和鐵電性能的影響,湖南省自然科學優秀學術論文一等獎 2008(排名第一)11、壓電薄膜的斷裂韌性及激光作用下的破壞機制,全國100篇優秀博士學位論文提名獎200512、湖南省優秀博士畢業論文 湖南省人民政府學位委員會湖南省教育廳 200513、納米壓痕實驗測量Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)03鐵電薄膜的界面強度,湖南省自然科學優秀學術論文一等獎2004(排名第一)14、湘潭市2001-2003年度自然科學優秀學術論文一等獎 湘潭市科學技術協會 湘潭市人事局 2004(排名第一)15、材料力學計算機輔助教學的研究與實踐 湖南省優秀教學成果二等獎 1997.7(排名第三)18、L. L Wang, X. J. Luo, X. J. Zheng*, R. Wang and T. Zhang. Direct annealing of electrospun synthesized high-performance porous SnO2 hollow nanofibers for gas sensors, RSC Adv. 3 (2013), 9723-9728 (SCI源刊,影響因子2.562)19、Yanchao She, Xuejun Zheng, Denglong Wang, and Weixi Zhang. Controllable double tunneling induced transparency and solitons formation in a quantum dot molecule. Optics Express 21 (2013), 17392-17403. (SCI源刊,影響因子3.546)20、Y. Wei, H. B. Cheng, X. Y. Wang, and X. J. Zheng. Evaluation on residual stress in Bi3.15(Eu0.7Nd0.15)Ti3O12 polycrystalline ferroelectric thin film by using the orientation average method. Applied Physics Letters, 101, 901-909 (2012). (SCI源刊,影響因子3.82)21、Y. Wei, L. H. Xu, Y. W. Tao, X. J. Zheng, J. H. Yang, D. F. Zou, and S. X. Mao. Width-to-thickness ratio dependence on photoplastic effect of ZnS nanobelt. Applied Physics Letters, 101, 901-904 (2012). (SCI源刊,影響因子3.82) 22、L. H. Xu, D. D. Jiang, and X. J. Zheng. Effect of grain orientation in x-ray diffraction pattern on residual stress in polycrystalline ferroelectric thin film. Journal of Applied Physics 112, 513-521 (2012). (SCI源刊,影響因子2.497)23、X. Liu, X.J. Zheng, J.Y. Liu, K.S. Zhou, D.H. Huang. Effect of annealing temperature on the electrostrictive properties of 0.94(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3-0.06BaTiO3 thin films. Journal of Electroceramics, 29(3) (2012), 270-276. (SCI源刊,影響因子1.194)24、S.T. Song, X.J. Zheng, H. Zheng, W. Liu. Evaluation of engineering/ piezoelectric constants of piezoelectric thin film by combining nanoindentation test with FEM. Computational Materials Science, 63 (2012), 134-144. (SCI源刊,影響因子1.522)25、Y. Zhang, X. J. Zheng, X. L. Zhong and S. F. Deng. The ethanol sensing characteristics of ZnO thin films with low operating temperatures synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Measurement Science and Technology, 23 (2012), 105-107. (SCI源刊,影響因子1.352)26、S.T. Peng, X.J. Zheng, J. Sun, Y. Zhang, L. Zhou, J. H. Zhao, S. F. Deng, M. F. Cao, W. Xiong, K. Peng. Modeling of a micro-cantilevered piezo-actuator considering the buffer layer and electrodes. J. Micromech. Microeng. 22 (2012), 065-075. (SCI源刊,影響因子2.105)27、J. H. Zhao, X. J. Zheng, L. Zhou, Y. Zhang , J. Sun, W.J. Dong, S.H. Deng, S.T. Peng. Investigation of a d15 mode PZT-51 piezoelectric energy harvester with a series connection structure. Smart Mater. Struct. 21 (2012), 105-109. (SCI源刊,影響因子2.089).28、Y. Q. Gong, H. Dong, X. J. Zheng, J. F. Peng, X. J. Li, R. J. Huang. Large piezoelectric response of Bi0.5(Na(1?x)Kx)0.5TiO3 thin films near morphotropic phase boundary identified by multi-peak fitting. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012), 301-305. (SCI源刊,影響因子2.544)29、L. Zhou, J. Sun, X. J. Zheng, S. F. Deng, J. H. Zhao, S. T. Peng. Y. Zhang, X. Y. Wang and H. B. Cheng. A model for the energy harvesting performance of shear mode piezoelectric cantilever, Sensors and Actuators A. 179 (2012), 185-192. (SCI源刊,影響因子1.802)30、J. Sun, X. J. Zheng, W. Li, A model for the electrical characteristics of metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor. Current Applied Physics, 12(2012), 760-764.31、Y. Zhang, X.J. Zheng, X. L. Zhong, S. F. Deng. The ethanol sensing characteristics of ZnO thin films with low operating temperatures synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Meas. Sci. Technol. 23(2011),105-107.32、X. J. Zheng, X. C. Cao, J. Sun, B. Yuan, Q. H. Li, Z. Zhu, Y. Zhang, A vacuum pressure sensor based on ZnO nanobelt film, Nanotechnology, 22(2011), 495-501 (1-6).33、Y. Zhang, X. J. Zheng, T. Zhang, Characterization and humidity sensing properties of Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 powder synthesized by metal-organic decomposition, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 156(2011), 887-892.34、J. Sun, X. J. Zheng, J. Cao, W. Li, Interface effects on the characteristics of metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor ?eld-effect transistor, Semicond. Sci. Technol., 26(2011), 093-097 (1-6).35、J. Sun, X. J. Zheng, Modeling of MFIS-FETs for the application of ferroelectric random access memory. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 58(2011) 55-59.36、Z. Zhu, X. J. Zheng, D. D. Jiang, Z. C. Yang, The threshold electric field of 180° domain switching in the misfit strain-external electric field phase diagram. J. Appl. Phys, 110(2011), 032-035.37、H. Dong, X. J. Zheng, W. Li, Y. Q. Gong, J. F. Peng, Z. Zhu, The dielectric relaxation behavior of (Na0.82K0.18)0.5Bi0.5TiO3 ferroelectric thin film. J. Appl. Phys., 110(2011), 119-124.38、H. Zheng, X. J. Zheng, S. T. Song, J. Sun, F. Jiao, W. Liu, G. Y. Wang, Evaluation of the elastic modulus of thin film considering the substrate effect and geometry effect of indenter tip. Computational Materials Science, 50(2011), 26-30.39、Y. Zhang, X. J. Zheng, T. Zhang, J. Sun, Y. Bian, J. Song, Gas sensing properties of coral-like Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 powders synthesized by metal-organic decomposition. Meas. Sci. Technol. 22(2011), 195-205.40、J. Sun, X. J. Zheng, W. Yin, M. H. Tang, W. Li, Influences of space charge and electrode on the electrical transport through (Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin film capacitors. Applied Surface Science, 257(2011), 4990-4993.41、B. Yuan, X. J. Zheng, Y. Q. Chen, B. Yang, T. Zhang, High photosensitivity and low dark current of photoconductive semiconductor switch based on ZnO single nanobelt, Solid-State Electronics, 55(2011), 49-53.42、Y. Q. Chen, Y. F. En, Y. Huang, X. D. Kong, X. J. Zheng, and Y. D. Lu, Effects of surface tension and axis stress on piezoelectric behaviors of ferroelectric nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 99, (2011), 203106-203108 (SCI源刊,影響因子3.726)43、Y. Q. Chen, Y. F. En, Y. Huang, X. D. Kong, W. X. Fang, and X. J. Zheng, Effects of Stress and Depolarization on Electrical Behaviors of Ferroelectric Field-Effect Transistor. IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 99,(2011), 1-3(SCI源刊,影響因子2.714)44、H. Zheng, X. J. Zheng, J. S. Wang, G. C. Yu, Y. Li, S. T. Song, C. Han, Evaluation the effect of aspect ratio for Young’s modulus of nanobelt using finite element method. Materials and design, 32,(2011), 1407-1413 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.518)45、J. Sun, X. J. Zheng, W. Yin, M. H. Tang, W. Li, Space-charge-limited leakage current in high dielectric constant and ferroelectric thin films considering the field-dependent permittivity. Appl. Phys. Lett., 97.24 (2010): 242905 (SCI源刊,影響因子3.726)46、H. Zheng, X. J. Zheng, J. S. Wang, G. C. Yu, Y. Li, S. T. Song, C. Han, Evaluation the effect of aspect ratio for Young’s modulus of nanobelt using finite element method. Materials and design, 32.3 (2011): 1407-1413 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.518)47、B. Yuan,X. J. Zheng, Y. Q. Chen, B. Yang, T. Zhang, High photosensitivity and low dark current of photoconductive semiconductor switch based on ZnO single nanobelt. Solid-State Electronics, 55, (2011), 49-53. (SCI源刊,影響因子1.422)48、Y. Q. Chen, X. J. Zheng, W. Li, Modeling of flexoelectric effect on capacitor-voltage and memory window of metal-ferroelectric-insulator-silicon capacitor. Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, (2010), 233501 (1-3) (SCI源刊,影響因子3.726)49、X. J. Zheng, G. C Yu, Y. Q. Chen, S. X. Mao, T. Zhang, Photoinduced stiffening and photoplastic effect of ZnS individual nanobelt in nanoindentation. J. Appl. Phys., 108, (2010), 094305. (SCI源刊,影響因子2.497)50、X. J. Zheng, Q. Y. Wu, J. F. Peng, L. He, X. Feng, Y. Q. Chen, D. Z. Zhang, Annealing temperature dependence of effective piezoelectric coefficients for Bi3.15Eu0.85Ti3O12 thin films. J. Mater. Sci., 45, (2010), 3001-3006. (SCI源刊,影響因子1.181)51、X. J. Zheng, J. F. Peng, Y. Q. Chen, L. He, X. Feng, D. Z. Zhang, L. J. Gong, Q. Y. Wu, Enhancement on effective piezoelectric coefficient of Bi3.25Eu0.75Ti3O12 ferroelectric thin films under moderate annealing temperature. Thin Solid Films, 519,(2010), 714-718. (SCI源刊,影響因子1.884)52、D. Z. Zhang, X. J. Zheng, X. Feng, T. Zhang, J. Sun, S. H. Dai, L .J. Gong, Y. Q. Gong, L. He, Z. Zhu, J. Huang, X. Xu, Ferro-piezoelectric properties of 0.94(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3–0.06BaTiO3 thin film prepared by metal–organic decomposition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 504,(2010), 129-133. (SCI源刊,影響因子2.135)53、J. S. Wang, X. J. Zheng , H. Zheng, S. T. Song, Z. Zhu, Identification of elastic parameters of transversely isotropic thin films by combining nanoindentation and FEM analysis. Computational Materials Science, 49,(2010), 378-385. (SCI源刊,影響因子1.522)54、Y. Q. Chen, X. J. Zheng, W. Li,Size effect of mechanical behavior for lead-free(Na0.82K0.18)0.5Bi0.5TiO3 nanofibers by nanoindentation. Materials Science and Engineering A, 527.21 (2010): 5462-5466. (SCI源刊,影響因子1.806)55、Y. Q. Chen, X. J. Zheng, X. Feng, The fabrication of vanadium-doped ZnO piezoelectric nanofiber by electrospinning. Nanotechnology, 21,(2010), 055708. (SCI源刊,影響因子3.446)56、X. J. Zheng, Y. Q. Chen, T. Zhang, B. Yang, C. B. Jiang, B. Yuan, Z. Zhu, Photoconductive semiconductor switch based on ZnS nanobelts film. Sensors and Actuators B., 147,(2010) , 442-446 (SCI源刊,影響因子3.122)57、Y. Zhang, X. J. Zheng, T. Zhang, L. J. Gong, S. H. Dai, Y. Q. Chen, Humidity sensing properties of the sensor based on Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 powder. Sensors and Actuators B., 147,(2010), 180-184 (SCI源刊,影響因子3.122)58、X. J. Zheng, Y. Q. Chen, T. Zhang, C. B. Jiang, B. Yang, B. Yuan, S. X. Mao, W. Li, A photoconductive semiconductor switch based on an individual ZnS nanobelt. Scripta Materialia, 62,(2010), 520-523 (SCI源刊,影響因子2.887)59、Y. Q. Chen, X. J. Zheng, S. X. Mao, W. Li, Nanoscale mechanical behavior of vanadium doped ZnO piezoelectric nanofiber by nanoindentation technique. J. Appl. Phys., 107,(2010), 094302 (1-5) (SCI源刊,影響因子2.497)60、Y. Q. Chen, X. J. Zheng, X. Feng, S. H. Dai, D. Z. Zhang, Fabrication of lead-free (Na0.82K0.18)0.5Bi0.5TiO3 piezoelectric nanofiber by electrospinning. Materials Research Bulletin, 45,(2010), 717-721 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.812)61、X. J. Zheng, Y. F. Rong, D. Z. Zhang, T. Zhang, L. He, X. Feng, Enhancement on effective piezoelectric coefficient d33 of Bi3.15Dy0.85Ti3O12 ferroelectric thin films. Materials Letters, 64,(2010), 618-621 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.748)62、J. S. Wang, X. J. Zheng, H. Zheng, Z.Zhu, S. T. Song, Evaluation of the substrate effect on indentation behavior of film/substrate system. Applied Surface Science, 256,(2010), 3316-3320 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.576)63、Z. Zhu, X. J. Zheng, W. Li, Multilayer growth of BaTiO3 thin films via pulsed laser deposition: An energy-dependent kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. Applied Surface Science, 256,(2010), 5876-5881 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.576)64、X. J. Zheng, S. H. Dai, X. Feng, T. Zhang, D. Z. Zhang, Y. Q. Gong, Y. Q. Chen, L. He, Structural and electrical properties of (Na0.85K0.15)0.5Bi0.5TiO3 thin films deposited on LaNiO3 and Pt bottom electrodes. Applied Surface Science, 256,(2010), 3316-3320 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.576)65、Y. Q. Chen, X. J. Zheng, L. He, X. Feng, Annealing temperature-dependent piezoelectric properties of Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 ferroelectric thin films. Phys. Status Solidi A, 207,(2010), 1240-1244 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.205)66、Y. Q. Gong, X. J. Zheng, L. J. Gong, Y. Ma, D. Z. Zhang, S. H. Dai, X. J. Li, Effects of annealing temperature on microstructure and ferroelectric properties of Bi0.5(Na0.85K0.15)0.5TiO3 thin films. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc.China, 20,(2010), 1906-1910. (SCI源刊,影響因子0.321)67、H. P. Hu, S. H. Dai, X. J. Zheng, Y. C. Zhou, X. Feng, D. Z. Zhang, L. He, Thermal and piezoelectric properties of Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 thin film prepared by metal organic decomposition. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc.China, 20,(2010), 1424-1428. (SCI源刊,影響因子0.321)68、X. J. Zheng, B. Yang , T. Zhang, C. B. Jiang, S. X. Mao, Y. Q. Chen, B. Yuan, Enhancement in ultraviolet optoelectronic performance of photoconductive semiconductor switch based on ZnO nanobelts. Appl. Phys. Lett., 95,(2009), 221106 (1-3) (SCI源刊,影響因子4. 308)69、Z. Zhu, X. J. Zheng, W. Li, Submonolayer growth of BaTiO3 thin film via pulsed laser deposition: A kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. J. Appl. Phys., 106, (2009), 054105. (SCI源刊,影響因子2.497)70、Y. Q. Chen, X. J. Zheng, X. Feng, D. Z. Zhang, S. H. Dai, Lead-free piezoelectric (Na0.5Bi0.5)0.94TiO3–Ba0.06TiO3 nanofiber by electrospinning. Phys. Status Solidi RRL., 3, (2009), 290-292 (SCI源刊,影響因子2.147)71、X. J. Zheng, W. Yin, T. Zhang, Y. Q. Chen, M. H. Tang, J. Sun, Effect of the abnormal electric field induced by the passive layer on imprint failures of ferroelectric capacitors. Phys. Status Solidi RRL., 3, (2009), 251-253 (SCI源刊,影響因子2.147)72、B. Wu, X. J. Zheng, H. P. Hu, D. H. Li, Y. Ma, Y. C. Zhou, Near tip stress intensity factor for an edge-crack in a Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 thin ?lm with 90° domain switching under a continuous laser irradiation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 76,(2009), 1811-1821 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.713)73、D. H. Li, X. J. Zheng, B. Wu, Y. C. Zhou, Fracture analysis of a surface through-thickness crack in PZT thin film under a continuous laser irradiation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 76,(2009), 525-532 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.713)74、J. J. Zhang, J. Sun, X. J. Zheng, A model for the C-V characteristics of the metal–ferroelectric–insulator–semiconductor structure. Solid-State Electronics, 53, (2009), 170-175 (SCI源刊,影響因子1.259)75、R. Wang, Y. He, T. Zhang, Z. Wang, X. J. Zheng, L. Niu, DC and AC analysis of humidity sensitive properties based on K+ doped nanocrystalline LaCo0.3Fe0.7O3. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 136,(2009), 536-540 (SCI源刊,影響因子3.122)76、Q. Qi, T. Zhang, L. Liu, X. J. Zheng, Synthesis and toluene sensing properties of SnO2 nano?bers. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 137,(2009), 471-475 (SCI源刊,影響因子3.122)77、Q. Qi, T. Zhang, S. Wang, X. J. Zheng, Humidity sensing properties of KCl-doped ZnO nanofibers with super-rapid response and recovery. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 137,(2009), 649-655 (SCI源刊,影響因子3.122)78、Q. Qi, T. Zhang, X. J. Zheng, L. Wan. Preparation and humidity sensing properties of Fe-doped mesoporous silica SBA-15. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 135,(2008), 255-261 (SCI源刊,影響因子3.122)79、Q. Qi, T. 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