
發布時間:2021-11-06 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


浙江財經大學信息學院導師:張文宇 正文

  張文宇,教授,男,1968年出生,1989年畢業于浙江大學本科,1999-2002年在新加坡南洋理工大學碩博連讀。獲博士學位后于2002年-2004年期間被新加坡-美國麻省理工學院學術聯盟聘為Research Associate而后Research Fellow,2004年8月回國工作,先后在浙江大學計算機學院和浙江財經大學信息學院任教,入選浙江省高校中青年學科帶頭人,目前擔任浙江財經大學信息學院院長。

  近年來先后主持了1項國家自然科學基金、3項浙江省自然科學基金、1項浙江省留學人員科技活動擇優資助項目、與1項浙江省科技計劃項目;作為副組長承擔了2項國家自然科學基金、與2項國家科技部863計劃項目。擔任多家國際期刊如International Journal of Business Research and Management等的編委。

  作為第一或通訊作者發表國際論文55篇,其中35篇在知名SCI國際學術期刊上發表,如《IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine》(最新2011影響因子5.000)、《Enterprise Information Systems》(最新2011影響因子3.684)、《Energy》(最新2011影響因子3.487)、《IEEE Transactions on Systems,Man,and Cybernetics:Systems》(最新2011影響因子2.123)。

  近年來的主要研究領域包括:數據挖掘、商務智能、信息管理、電子商務、電子政務、網絡化制造、制造網格、知識管理、語義網、本體論、知識工程等。作為第一或通訊作者發表國際論文55篇,其中35篇在知名SCI國際學術期刊上發表。部分SCI收錄的國際學術期刊論文列表如下(“*” 表示為通訊作者):
  1)Zhang, W. Y., Zhang, S., Cai, M. and Wu, J., An agent-based peer-to-peer architecture for semantic discovery of manufacturing services across virtual enterprises. Enterprise Information Systems, Published online first, DOI:10.1080/17517575.2012.747002, 2013.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子3.684)
  2)Zhang, W. Y., Zhang, S., Qi, F. and Cai, M., A self-organized P2P approach to manufacturing service discovery for cross-enterprise collaboration. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, in press, 2013.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子2.123)
  3)Yu, D. J., Zhang, W. Y., Group decision making under hesitant fuzzy environment with application to personnel evaluation. Knowledge-Based Systems, in press, 2013(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子2.422)
  4)Zhang, W. Y., Yin, J. W., Cai, M., Wu, J. and Lin, L. F., Exploring Semantic Web technologies for manufacturing Deep Web service management. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 6 (2): 38-51, 2012.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子5.000)
  5)Zhang, W. Y., Hong, W. C., Dong, Y. C., Tsai, G., Sung, J. T. and Fan, G. F., Application of SVR with chaotic GASA algorithm in cyclic electric load forecasting. Energy, 45: 850-858, 2012.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子3.487)
  6)Zhang, W. Y., Zhang, S., Cai, M. and Liu, Y. N., A reputation-based peer-to-peer architecture for semantic service discovery in distributed manufacturing environments. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, 20 (3): 236-252, 2012.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子0.478)
  7)Wu, J., *Zhang, W. Y., Zhang, S., Liu, Y. N. and Meng, X. H., A matrix-based Bayesian approach for manufacturing resource allocation planning in supply chain management. International Journal of Production Research, 51 (5): 1451-1463, 2013.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.115)
  8)Zhang, S., *Zhang, W. Y., Liu, J. and Wu, J., A time-aware Bayesian approach for optimal manufacturing service recommendation in distributed manufacturing environments. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32 (1): 189-196, 2013. (SCI雙收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子0.639)
  9)Hong, W. C., Dong, Y. C., Zhang, W. Y., Chen, L. Y. and Panigrahi, B. K., Cyclic electric load forecasting by seasonal SVR with chaotic genetic algorithm. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 44 (1): 604-614, 2013.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子2.247)
  10)Feng, X. Q., Zhang, W. Y. and Liu, Y. N., Double watermarks of 3D mesh model based on feature segmentation and redundancy information. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Published online first, DOI:10.1007/s11042-012-1039-7, 2013.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子0.617)
  11)Cai, M., Zhang, W. Y. and Zhang, K., ManuHub: a Semantic Web system for ontology-based service management in distributed manufacturing environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 41 (3): 574-582, 2011.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子2.123)
  12)Zhang, W. Y., Zhang, S., Cai, M. and Huang, J. X., A new manufacturing resource allocation method for supply chain optimization using extended genetic algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 53 (12): 1247-1260, 2011.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)
  13)Lin, L. F., *Zhang, W. Y., Lou, Y. C., Chu, C. Y. and Cai, M., Developing manufacturing ontologies for knowledge reuse in distributed manufacturing environment. International Journal of Production Research, 49 (2): 343-359, 2011.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.115)
  14)Yang, X. H., Chen, Y. X., Zhang, W. Y. and Zhang, S., Exploring injection prevention technologies for security-aware distributed collaborative manufacturing on the Semantic Web. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 54 (9-12): 1167-1177, 2011.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)
  15)Yan, S. R., Zheng, X. L., Chen, D. R. and Zhang, W. Y., User-centric trust and reputation model for personal and trusted service selection. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 26 (8): 687-717, 2011.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.653)
  16)Cai, M., *Zhang, W. Y., Chen, G., Zhang, K. and Li, S. T., SWMRD: A Semantic Web-based manufacturing resource discovery System for cross-enterprise collaboration. International Journal of Production Research, 48 (12): 3445-3460, 2010.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.115)
  17)Yin, J. W., *Zhang, W. Y. and Cai, M., Weaving an agent-based Semantic Grid for distributed collaborative manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 48 (7): 2109-2126, 2010.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.115)
  18)Zhang, W. Y., Cai, M., Qiu, J. and Yin, J. W., Managing distributed manufacturing knowledge through multi-perspective modeling for Semantic Web applications. International Journal of Production Research, 47 (23): 6525-6542, 2009.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.115)
  19)Yin, J. W., *Zhang, W. Y., Li, Y. and Chen, H. W., A peer-to-peer-based multi-agent framework for decentralized grid workflow management in collaborative design. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 41 (3-4): 407-420, 2009.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)
  20)Zhang, W. Y. and Yin, J. W., Weaving a Semantic Grid for multidisciplinary collaborative design. International Journal of Production Research, 47 (11): 3079-3095, 2009.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.115)
  21)Zhang, W. Y. and Yin, J. W., Exploring Semantic Web technologies for ontology-based modeling in collaborative engineering design. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 36 (5): 419-430, 2008.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)
  22)Zhang, W. Y., Tor, S. B. and Britton, G. A., Managing modularity in product family design with functional modeling. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 30: 579-588, 2006.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)
  23)Zhang, W. Y., Tor, S. B. and Britton, G. A., Indexing and retrieval in case-based process planning for multi-stage non-axisymmetric deep drawing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 28: 12-22, 2006.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)
  24)Zhang, W. Y., Tor, S. B. and Britton, G. A., A graph and matrix representation scheme for functional design of mechanical products. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25 (3): 221-232, 2005.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)
  25)Tor, S. B., Britton, G. A. and *Zhang, W. Y., Development of an object-oriented blackboard model for stamping process planning in progressive die design. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 16: 501-515, 2005.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子0.859)
  26)Zhang, W. Y., Tor, S. B. and Britton, G. A., FuncDesigner – a functional design software system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 22: 295-305, 2003.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)
  27)Zhang, W. Y., Tor, S. B. and Britton, G. A., A heuristic state-space approach to the functional design of mechanical systems. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 19 (4): 235-244, 2002.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)
  28)Zhang, W. Y., Tor, S. B. and Britton, G. A., Automated functional design of engineering systems. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 13 (2): 119-133, 2002.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子0.859)
  29)Zhang, W. Y., Tor, S. B. and Britton, G. A., An approach of two-level modeling to acquire functional design knowledge in mechanical engineering systems. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 19 (6): 454-460, 2002.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)
  30)Tor, S. B., Britton, G. A., Zhang, W. Y. and Deng Y. -M., Guiding functional design of mechanical products through rule-based causal behavioral reasoning. International Journal of Production Research, 40 (3): 667-682, 2002.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.115)
  31)Zhang, W. Y., Tor, S. B., Britton, G. A. and Deng, Y. -M., EFDEX: a knowledge-based expert system for functional design of engineering systems. Engineering with Computers, 17 (4): 339-353, 2001.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子0.739)
  32)Zhang, W. Y., Tor, S. B. and Britton, G. A., A prototype knowledge-based system for the conceptual synthesis of the design process. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 17 (8): 549-557, 2001.(SCI收錄國際期刊,2011最新影響因子1.103)

  2)主持承擔2013年浙江省自然科學基金項目“面向大規模協作的制造服務動態選擇與自適應組合優化研究”(編號:LY13E050010),2013.1 – 2015.12。
  3)主持完成2009年浙江省科技計劃項目“基于語義的跨學科制造資源自動獲取與優化配置系統研制” (編號:2009C31116),2009.9 – 2010.8)
  4)主持完成2008年浙江省自然科學基金項目“基于語義網格的制造資源多目標優化配置研究”(編號:Y1080170),2009.1 – 2010.12。
  6)主持完成2005年浙江省自然科學基金項目“網絡化制造環境下產品功能知識建模技術的研究”(編號:Y105003),2006.1 – 2007.12。
  7)作為副組長承擔2011年國家自然科學基金“面向大規模協作的制造資源服務語義接入與實時交互研究” (編號:51175462),2012.1 – 2015.12。
  8)作為副組長完成2007年國家自然科學基金“自組織語義發布訂閱模型及路由算法” (編號:60703042),2008.1 – 2010.12。
  9)作為副組長完成2006年國家科技部高技術(863)研究計劃“面向網絡計算的高性能語義發布訂閱系統的研究”(編號:2006AA01Z170),2006.12 – 2008.12。
  10)作為副組長承擔2011年浙江省自然科學基金項目“基于語義的制造網格服務建模與優化調度算法研究”(編號:Y1110671),2012.1 – 2013.12。
  11)作為副組長承擔2011年教育部人文社科項目“混合渠道供應鏈中的服務橫向合作模型與協調機制研究”(編號:11YJC630028),2012.1 – 2013.12。

  近年來主講專業選修課(英):《Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web》、《Knowledge Management and Processing》、《Fundamentals of Information Technology》、《Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline》、《Business Intelligence》、《Service Management》。近年來指導學生獲得全國“挑戰杯”大學生創業計劃大賽銅獎1項、浙江省“挑戰杯”大學生創業計劃大賽一等獎1項、浙江省大學生電子商務競賽一等獎1項、浙江省“挑戰杯”大學生創業計劃大賽二等獎1項、浙江省大學生電子商務競賽二等獎3項。

  2)作為負責人獲得浙江省自然科學學術獎三等獎。項目名稱:Indexing and retrieval in case-based process planning for multi-stage non-axisymmetric deep drawing,2010年。




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