
發布時間:2021-10-07 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


浙江大學控制科學與工程學系導師:周立芳 正文


  2003年 晉升為副教授和碩士導師
  1999.8至今 浙江大學工業控制研究所
  1996.9~1999.7 浙江大學控制科學與工程學系攻讀博士學位
  1993.9~1996.7 南京化工大學自動化與計算機系自動化專業攻讀碩士學位
  1989.9~1993.7 南京化工大學化工機械系生產過程自動化專業大學本科


  “水處理行業節能節水優化控制共性軟件”獲2006 年浙江省科技進步三等獎, 獎勵編號2006003153, 完成人:馬龍華,周立芳,鐘鳴。

  Linlin Liu, Lifang Zhou, Multi-hierarchical model predictive control based on k-means clustering algorithms, Advanced Materials Research: Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials Vols. 211-212(2011), pp:147-151
  Linlin Liu, Lifang Zhou, Shenggang Xie, A Novel Supervised Multi-model Modeling Method Based on k-means Clustering, 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 684-689
  Zhou Lifang, Ma Ailiang.The analysis of optimal sampling period on output multi-rate predictive control system, Chinese Control and Strategy Conference, 2010.1
  Ma Ailiang,Zhou Lifang. Analysis of Multi-rate Predictive Control Systems, Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2008.7
   Zhenhua Mao, Yuhong Zhao, Lifang Zhou. A Flexible Principle Component Analysis Method for Process Monitoring. Fourth International Conference on Natural Computation, 2008 (ICNC 2008) , Vol. 4, 18-21
  Shenggang Xie, Lifang Zhou, Ailiang Ma, Linling Zhao. Model reduction based on time-scale decomposition for wastewater treatment Process. Fourth International Conference on Natural Computation, 2008 (ICNC 2008), Vol. 5, 567-572.
  Shenggang Xie, Lifang Zhou, Ailiang Ma, Luwen Zhou. A new switching scheme for multi-model predictive control using clustering modeling. Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2008 (FSKD 2008), vol.3, 484-488
  Ma, Ailiang, Zhou, Lifang. Analysis of multi-rate predictive control systems. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2008,( Chinese Contr. Decis. Conf., CCDC) CCDC 2008, p 1613-1616.
  周立芳, 張赫男, 基于聚類多模型建模的多模態預測控制研究, 化工學報(Journal of chemical industry and engineering (china)),2008.10, Vol.59, No.10, pp:2546-2552
  謝生鋼,周立芳,污水處理過程中模糊自適應預測控制方法,華東理工大學學報,2008, 34(6), 854-858。
  謝生鋼 周立芳 趙麟菱,污水處理過程的多目標多模型預測控制方法研究,化工自動化及儀表,2008,vol.35, No.1, 24-27。  周立芳, 周蘆文,趙豫紅, 改進K-means聚類算法多模型建模的一種新的評價函數, 化工學報, 2007, V58, N8, 2051-2055
  Jianfeng Li, Lifang Zhou Qingqing Wang. Study on Dynamic Weighing System base on intelligent algorithm, ICCA2007, IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation Guangzhou, CHINA - May 30 to June 1, 2007, 765-768 ;ISBN:1-4244-0818-0,
  Linling Zhao, Lifang Zhou, Wanping Huang, Satisfactory Optimization Design Of FIR Digital filter based on adaptive particle swarm optimization, ICCA2007, IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation Guangzhou, CHINA - May 30 to June 1, 2007, 1662-1666
  Linling Zhao, Lifang Zhou Luwen Zhou, Modeling of the Activated Sludge Process by multi-model Approach. 2006 international Workshop on Open Source Software SCILAB and its Engineering Applications (OSSS-EA’06), Sept.28-29, 2006, hangzhou,China, pp:269-278, ISBN 7-302-13876-1
  Jianfeng Li, Lifang Zhou. Simulation of cars waiting at a Toll Booth Using Scilab, 2006 international Workshop on Open Source Software SCILAB and its Engineering Applications (OSSS-EA’06), Sept.28-29, 2006, hangzhou,China, pp:309-316 ISBN 7-302-13876-1
  Jianfeng Li, Lifang Zhou. Multivariable Model Predictive Control for Integrating Processes, Six international conference on intelligent systems design and applications, 2006, Jinan, China, pp:16-18 October, 2006, volumn 1, 752-756, (ISSN: 2005937985, ISBN 0-7695-2528-8)
  周蘆文,周立芳,草甘膦生產過程及控制系統綜述,農藥,vol.45, No.9, 2006. pp:577-580. ISSN: 1006-0413 CN21-1210/TQ
  Luwen zhou, lifang zhou, Multi-Model Predictive Control Based on a New Clustering Modeling Method, Lecture Notes in Control And Information Sciences (LNCIS 344), Intelligent Control and Automatic, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2006, Intelligent Control and Automation, Kunming, China, August 16-19 2006. pp:559-564 (ISSN: 0170-8643, ISBN 3-540-37255-5)
   jianfeng Li, Lifang zhou, Improved Satisfactory Predictive Control Algorithm with Fuzzy Setpoint Constraints, Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA),v1, WCICA 2006-Sixth World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Conference Proceedings, 2006, Dalian, June21-23, p 6274-6278, (ISBN:1-4244-0332-4; IEEE Catalog Number: 06EX1358C)
  周蘆文,周立芳,基于改進k-means聚類算法的多模型建模方法,中國科學技術大學學報(增刊),vol 35,2005-11,pp:62-67
  汪清卿,周立芳,車輛動態稱重系統綜述,中國科學技術大學學報(增刊),vol 35,2005-11,pp:351-356
  Wanping Huang, Lifang Zhou, Jixin Qian, Longhua Ma “FIR Frequency Sampling Filters Design Based on Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm”, Advances in Natural Computation, PT 3, proceedings Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3612, 2005, pp:289-298.
  Wanping Huang, Lifang Zhou, Jixin Qian “FIR Filter Design: Frequency Sampling Filters by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm”, Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, V 4, 2004, pp: 2322-2327.
  Zhou lifang, Ma longhua. Study on Satisfactory Predictive Control Algorithm For Complex Systems. Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA), 2004, vol.1, pp: 659-662
  Zhou lifang, Shao Zhijiang,“Mixed-Weights Least-Squares (MWLS) Stable Predictive Control Algorithm with Soft and Hard Constraints”,Chinese J. of Chem Eng.,2003(5),565-570
  Lifang zhou, “The Mixed-Weights Least-Square Stable Predictive Control for Constrained Multi-object Multivariable System, International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics(ICMLC2003), 2003.11.2,867-871
  Zhou lifang, “IDENTIFICATION OF FAST SAMPLED MODEL FOR MULTI-RATE SAMPLED SYSTEMS”, International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal Processing (ICNNSP2003).
  Lifang zhou, Jixin Qian,“On Stability Analysis of the Multirate Multivariable Predictive Control Systems”, Proceedings of the 4 th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 10 – 14, 2002,288-294
  Lifang zhou, Jixin Qian,“The IMC Structure of Multi-rate Multivariable Predictive Control Systems and An Improved Algorithm”, Chinese J. of Chem Eng., 2001(3),273-279
  周立芳,錢積新,“具有硬約束的混合權系數最小二乘穩定預測控制算法”,浙江大學學報(工學版),Vol 38, No 6, 2004, pp: 702-707
  周蘆文,周立芳,基于改進k-means聚類算法的多模型建模方法,中國科學技術大學學報(增刊),vol 35,2005-11,pp:62-67
  汪卿清,周立芳,車輛動態稱重系統綜述,中國科學技術大學學報(增刊),vol 35,2005-11,pp:351-356
  周立芳,錢積新, “具有區間控制要求的預測控制算法研究”, Proceedings of the 4 th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,June 10 – 14, 2002,717-721
  周立芳, “多變量系統混合加權最小二乘約束穩定預測控制算法研究”,石油化工自動化,2003(5),23-26

  《系統工程導論》梁軍 趙勇等主編,化學工業出版社,2005.3




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