
發布時間:2021-11-05 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


浙江工業大學藥學院導師:俞傳明 正文





  性    別:男



  民    族:漢族

  籍    貫:浙江 杭州市







  1. 非甾體抗炎藥萘普生的綠色合成技術集成與示范        國家科技支撐計劃(主持)

  2.卡立普多綠色合成技術開發及中試                    浙江省科技廳重大專項(主持)

  3.鹽酸侖氨芐西林關鍵中間體綠色合成技術研究            浙江省科技廳重點項目(主持)

  4. 五氟溴苯下游產品開發                                   橫向項目(主持)

  5. 藥物中間體(DMDO-Cl)開發                             橫向項目(主持)

  6.化工合成(氯化反應和氰的制備過程中)的清潔生產技術     浙江省重大招標項目

  7.傅-克反應體系生態產業鏈的幾個關鍵問題研究             國家自然科學基金項目

  8. 泰妙菌素的制備新工藝開發                               橫向項目(主持)

  9. 推進人才資源整性開發,建立健全人才資源開發宏觀調控體系  人事廳(主持)

  10. TFT-LCD液晶顯示材料的關鍵中間體中試及產業化         浙江省科技廳重大專項

  11.CDI及MNB技術開發                                       橫向項目(主持)

  12.克拉霉素區域選擇性甲基化關鍵技術開發                   橫向項目(主持)


  28.Xianrui Liang, Zili Guo and Chuanming Yu* Fragmentation pathways of 2-substituted pyrrole derivatives using electrospray ionization ion trap and electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-?ight mass spectrometry Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2013, 27, 2272–2278.

  27.Zhi-qun Yu, Yan-wen Lv,Chuan-ming Yu*, Wei-ke Su Continuous flow reactor for Balz–Schiemann reaction: a new procedure for the preparation of aromatic fluorides Tetrahedron Letters 54 (2013) 1261–1263.

  26.Zhiqun Yu,Yanwen Lv,,Chuanming Yu,*and Weike Su A High-Output, Continuous Selective and Heterogeneous Nitration of p?Difluorobenzene  Org. Process Res. Dev. 2013, 17, 438?442.

  25.Chuanming Yu, Gaobo Hu, Cuiling Zhang, Ran Wu, Haiwei Ye, Guanghui Yang,

  Xiangjun Shi, Expedient synthesis of tetrafluorophenoxthiines and derivatives by copper(I)-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction  Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 153 (2013) 33–38.

  24.Zhiqun Yu, Yanwen Lv,and Chuanming Yu*,A Continuous Kilogram-Scale Process for the Manufacture of o?Difluorobenzene Org. Process Res. Dev. 2012, 16, 1669?1672

  23.Jianjun Li, Ping He, Chuanming Yu  DPTA-catalyzed one-pot regioselective synthesis of polysubstituted pyridines and 1,4-dihydropyridines  Tetrahedron 68 (2012) 4138-4144

  22.Chuanming Yu, Ke Zhang and Xiangjun Shi A chiral amino-naphthalene-derived prolinamide catalyst for the enantioselective Michael addition of ketones to nitroolefins JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 2012 MAY, 278–282

  21.Chuanming Yu, Cuiling Zhang,and Xiangjun Shi Copper-Catalyzed Direct Thiolation of Pentafluorobenzene with Diaryl Disulfides or Aryl Thiols by C–H and C–F Bond Activation  Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2012, 1953–1959

  20. Yaiweii Ye, Chuanming Yu,* Weihui Zhong  (1R,2R) -2-[(R)-3-(Benzyloxy)Haipyroliwdin-1-yl]cyclohexaenol  SYNTHESIS  2012, 44, 51–56x

  19. Chuanming Yu and Wenjie Luo  Convenient synthesis of the derivatives of pyrazole sulfides by copper-catalysed coupling of 5-chloropyrazole-4-aldehydes with disulfides  Journal of Chemical Research Volume 35 Issue 4 (2011) 214-219

  18.Chuanming Yu, Jun Qiu, Fei Zheng, Weihui Zhong Highly efficient bifunctional organocatalysts for the asymmetric Michael addition of ketones to nitroolefins Tetrahedron Letters 52 (2011) 3298–3302

  17. Chuanming Yu, Beibei Jin, Zhenyu Liu, and Weihui Zhong  A novel and efficient cross-coupling of tris(fluorinated phenyl)boroxins with disulfides catalyzed by CuI/1,10-phenanthroline  Can. J. Chem. 88: 485-491 (2010)

  16.Chuan-ming Yu,Zong-cheng Wang, Huan Zhou, Ming-hua Ji and Jin-hao Zhao 3-Mesityl-2-oxo-1-oxaspiro[4.4]non-3-en-4-yl benzoate Acta Cryst. (2010). E66, o1624

  15. Chuan-MingYu,Yong Zhou, Jing-Li Cheng and Jin-Hao Zhao 3-Mesityl-2-oxo-1-oxaspiro[4.4]non-3-en-4-yl2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutyrate  Acta Cryst.(2009).E65,o183

  14. Jianjun Li, Linyong Jin, Chuanming Yu and Weike Su  The cyclisation of 2‘-aminochalcones using silica-supported Yb(OTf)3 under solvent-free  JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 2009 MARCH, 170-173

  13. Can Jin, Bo Zhang, Chuanming Yu and Weike Su  Novel synthesis of 6,12-dihydroindolo [3,2-b]carbazoles catalysed by p-toluenesulfonic acid  JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 2009 MARCH, 191-194

  12. 鐘為慧,葉海偉,劉振玉,俞傳明,蘇為科  含氟苯硼酸的合成及應用研究進展  有機化學  2009年第29卷, 第5期, 665-671 (SCI)

  11. Chuanming Yu, Fei Zheng, Haiwei Ye, Weihui Zhong  Enantioselective synthesis of functionalized 3,4-dihydropyran derivatives organocatalyzed by a novel fluorinated-diphenylprolinolether  Tetrahedron, 65(48) 2009, 10016-10021

  10. Yu, Chuanming; Guo, Peng; Jin, Can; Su, Weike The synthesis of benzimidazole derivatives in the absence of solvent and catalyst  Journal of Chemical Research, Volume 2009, Number 5, May 2009 , pp. 333-336(4)

  9. 王平,柯敏,王妙冬,俞傳明,蘇為科  微波提取溫莪術揮發油及其成分分析  高校化學工程學報 2008,22(2), 229-233.(EI)

  8. YU, Chuan-Ming WANG, Bo CHEN, Zhi-Wei A Novel Synthesis of Alkylamino Substituted Methylenedi-phosphonates Using Bis(trichloromethyl) Carbonate and RCONR1R2  Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2008, 26, 1899-1901

  7. Zhong, Weihui;Liu, Zhenyu;Yu, Chuanming;Su, Weike; Copper(II) acetate catalyzed cross-coupling of pentafluorophenylboronic acid with amines under an atmosphere of oxygen. [J]. Synlett. 2008, 18.2888-2892.

  6. Chuanming Yu, Min Lei, Weike Su, and Yuanyuan Xie Y(OTf)3-Catalyzed, One-Pot Synthesis of 1,2,4-Oxadiazole Derivatives  [J]. Synthetic Communications, 2007 37:  4439-4452.

  5. Chuanming Yu, Min Lei, Weike Su, and Yuanyuan Xie Europium Triflate-Catalyzed One-Pot Synthesis of 2,4,5-Trisubstituted-1H-imidazoles via a Three-component Condensation  [J]. Synthetic Communications, 2007 37: 3301-3309.

  4.Chuanming Yu, Xiaoping Dai, Weike Su Ytterbium(III) Triflate Catalyzed [3+2] Cycloaddition of N-Arylimines and Epoxides: A Novel and Sovlent-Free Synthesis of Substituted 1,3-Oxazolidines. [J]. Synlett. 2007, 4, 0646-0648.

  3.Chuanming Yu, Baocheng Zhou, Weike Su, and Zhenyuan Xu Chemoselective Synthesis of Asymmetrical Carbonate from Alcohol and Dimethyl Carbonate Catalyzed by Ytterbium(III) Triflate  [J]. Synthetic Communications, 2007 37: 645-651.

  2.Chuan-Ming Yu, Xiao-Ping Dai, Zhen-Yuan Xu and Guo-Wu Rao Rac-5-Chloromethyl-3-(3-chloro-2-methylphenyl)-2,2-diphenyloxazolidine  [J].Acta Cryst. 2007. E63, o2935

  1. Chuanming Yu, Baocheng Zhou, Weike Su, and Zhenyuan Xu Erlenmeyer Synthesis for Azlactones Catalyzed by Ytterbium(III) Triflate under Solvent‐Free Conditions  [J]. Synthetic Communications, 2006 36: 3447-3453.


  1. 一種五氟苯硼酸的制備方法 (ZL200810061287.3)

  2. 4-溴甲基-5-甲基-1,3-二氧雜環戊烯-2-酮的化學合成方法 (ZL200810061290.5)

  3. 4-氯甲基-5-甲基-1,3-二氧雜環戊烯-2-酮的化學合成方法 (200810061289.2)

  4. 一種卡立普多關鍵中間體的化學合成方法 (ZL200710071166.2)

  5. 4-溴-2,3,5,6-四氟苯乙酸的制備方法 (ZL200810121938.2)

  6. 一種含氟苯硼酸的制備方法 (200910153604.8)

  7. 一種(S)-α,α-二含氟芳基-2吡咯烷甲醇衍生物及其制備和應用 (201010160111.0)

  8. 一種(S)-脯氨酰胺類衍生物及其制備方法和應用 (201010160111.0)

  9. 一種vernakalant關鍵中間體的合成方法 (201110266393.7)





  1. 三氟苯系列產品技術開發及產業化   2007年中國石油和化學工業協會科技進步一等獎

  2. 萘普生綠色合成技術開發及產業化   2011年中國石油和化學工業聯合會科技進步一等獎

  3. 2-氯-5-三氟甲基芐醇產品技術開發  2011年中國石油和化學工業聯合會科技進步二等獎


  電話:0571-88320867  E-mail:ycm@zjut.edu.cn

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