
發布時間:2021-11-05 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


浙江理工大學生命科學學院導師:趙輔昆 正文



  1972-1975:吉林大學 化學系生物化學主業畢業
  1989-1992 中國科學院 理學博士 
  1987-1989 美國加州大學 Davis分校 訪問學者

  1975-2008 中國科學院上海生物化學與細胞生物學研究所 研究實習員;助理研究員,副研究員,研究員,博士研究生導師,研究組長 所學位評定委員會委員;所技術委員會委員。
  2005-現在 浙江理工大學生命科學學院, 教授,博導,
  2008-11—現在 浙江理工大學生命科學學院院長。
  1987-1990 美國加州大學 Davis 訪問學者
  1994-1997 美國NZYM生物技術公司 高級研究員

  《ACTA Biochim.Biophs.Sin》.編委,

  細胞信號轉導和代謝調控原理 研究生必修課
  分子酶學 研究生必修課

  (1) 動物中具有自身的葡聚糖內切酶,外切酶,葡萄糖苷酶結構與功能。
  (2) 具有高活力的多功能的木聚糖酶及其酶工程。


  2005-2009承擔國家重大基礎研究(973)子項目 項(子項目負責人);
  2004-2008承擔國家重大基礎研究(973)子項目 項(子項目負責人);

  1.Ke-Hua Zhang, Hong-Yu Tian, Xia Gao, Wei-Wei Lei, Ying Hu, Dong-Mei Wang,Xin-Chao Pan, Mei-Lan Yu, Gen-Jun Xu, Fu-Kun Zhao* and Jian-Guo Song*:Ferritin Heavy Chain–Mediated Iron Homeostasis and Subsequent Increased Reactive Oxygen Species Production Are Essential for Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Cancer Res. 2009; 69: (13). 5340-5348
  2.Hong-Yu Tian , Ke-Hua Zhang , Xia Gao , Wei-Wei Lei , Liang Zhang , Mei-Lan Yu ,Jian-Guo Song * , Fu-Kun Zhao *:Comparative proteomic analysis of cell cycle-dependent apoptosis induced by transforming growth factor-βProteomics-BBA. 1794 (2009) 1387–1397
  3.Yi Yao , Xiao-Yuan Jia , Hong-Yu Tian , Yu-Xiang Jiang , Gen-Jun Xu , Qi-Jun Qian * Fu-Kun Zhao* :Comparative proteomic analysis of colon cancer cells in response to Oxaliplatin treatment. Proteomics-BBA. 1794 (2009) 1433–1440
  4.Gao, Xia; Tian, Hong-Yu; Liu, Li; Yu, Mei-Lan; Jing, Nai-He; Zhao, Fu-Kun*
Comparative proteomic analysis of proteins involved in cell aggregation during neural differentiation of P19 mouse embryonic carcinoma cells. Journal of Proteome Research 2009,
  5.Li Y, Yin Q, Ding M, Zhao F*:Purification, characterization and molecular cloning of a novel endo-beta-1,4-glucanase AC-EG65 from the mollusc Ampullaria crossean.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-B (2009 ) ,153(2)149-156
  6.Ding M, Teng Y, Yin Q, Chen W, Zhao F.*:Identification, expression, and characterization of the highly conserved D-xylose isomerase in animals. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin . (2009 )41(2):116-22.
  7.Ming Ding, Yigang Teng, Qiuyu Yin, Jie Zhao, and Fukun Zhao: The N-terminal cellulose-binding domain of EGXA increases thermal stability of xylanase and changes its specific activities on different substrates .Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (2008) 40, 949-954
  8. Jian-feng Lin, Qing-xi Chen, Hong-yu Tian, Xia Gao, Mei-lan Yu, Gen-jun Xu, Fu-kun Zhao*:Stain efficiency and MALDI-TOF MS compatibility of seven visible staining procedures [J]. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, (2008) 390(7):1765-1773.
  9.Jian-feng Lin, Hong-yu Tian, Xia Gao, Mei-lan Yu, Qing-xi Chen,Gen-jun Xu, Fu-kun Zhao*:A proteomic method for core needle biopsy sample characterization [J]. Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, (2008) 24(3):221-230
  10.Jian-feng Lin, Jun Xu, Hong-yu Tian, Xia Gao, Qing-xi Chen, Qi Gu,Jianda Song, Gen-jun Xu, Fu-kun Zhao*: Identification of candidate prostate cancer biomarkers in prostate needle biopsy specimens using proteomic analysis [J].,Int.J.Cancer, ( 2007)121(12):2596-2605
  11.Shuang Zhang, Qiu-yu Yin,Yan-hong Li ,Ming Ding ,Gen-jun Xu and Fu-kun Zhao*:Molecular and biochemical characterization of Ba-EGA,a cellulase secreted by Bacillus sp. AC-1from Ampullaria crosseans [J] .Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2007) 75:1327–1334
  12.Rui Guo,Ming Ding, Si-liang Zhang; Gen-jun Xu; Fu-kun Zhao*: Molecular cloning and characterization of two novel cellulase genes from the mollusc Ampullaria crossean [J]. Journal of Comparative Physiology – B, (2008)178:209-215
  13.Rui Guo,Ming Ding, Si-liang Zhang; Gen-jun Xu; Fu-kun Zhao*: Expression and characterization of two secreted His6-tagged endo-?-1,4-glucanases from Mollusca, Ampullaria crossean in Pichia pastoris[J]. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica,(2008)40(5):419-425
  14.Luo Wen-xing, Luo Gui-min,Yuan Zhong-yi and Zhao Fu-kun* Expression of Secreted His-tagged S-adenosylmethionine Synthetase in the Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia pastoris and its Characterization, One-step Purification, and Immobilization[J]. Biotechnology Progress,(2008)24:214-220
  15.Yan-hong Li, Ming Ding,Ji Wang,Gen-jun Xu and Fu-kun Zhao*: A novel thermoacidophilic endoglucanase,Ba-EGA,from a new cellulose-degrading bacterium, Bacillus,SP,AC-1[J] Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 70:320-326,(2006)
  17.Yan-hong Li,Rui Guo,Qiu- Yu Yin, Ming Ding, Si-Liang Zhang,Gen-jun Xu and Fu-kun Zhao: Purification and Characterization of two ?-1,4-glucanases from Mollusca, Ampullaria crossean. [J] Acta Biochim Biophys Sin。37(10) 702-708(2005)
  18.Jie An, Quan Yuan, Chen Wang, Li Liu, Ke Tang, Hong-yu Tian, Nai-he Jing, Fu-kun Zhao*. Differential Display of Proteins Involved in the neural differentiation of mouse embryonic carcinoma P19 cells by comparative proteomic analysis.[J] Proteomics. 2005, 5: 1656-1668
  19.Jie An, Junyong Sun, Quan Yuan, Hongyu Tian, Weiliu Qiu, Wei Guo,Fu-kun Zhao*. Proteomics analysis of differentially expressed metastasis-associated proteins in adenoid cystic carcinoma cell lines of human salivary gland[J]. Oral Oncology, 2004, 40: 400-408
  20.Quan Yuan, Jie An, Ding-gan Liu, Li Sun, Yingzi Ge, Yingling Huang, Genjun Xu, Fukun Zhao*. Proteomic analysis of differential protein expression in a human hepatoma revertant cell line by using an improved two-dimensional electrophoresis procedure combined with matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry.[J] Electrophoresis, 2004, 25.1160-1168
  21.Wen-Ying LI, Ji WANG, Yan-Hong LI, Ming DING, Gen-Jun XU, Lan-Ying LIU, and Fu-Kun ZHAO*. pH-Dependent Stability of EGX, A Multi-functional Cellulase from Mollusca, Ampullaria crossean[J]. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica,[J] 2004, 36(9): 603–608
  22.Ji Wang, Ming Ding, Yan-hong Li,Gen-jun Xu and Fu-kun Zhao*: A monovalent anion activated multi-functional cellulose EGX from the mollusca, Ampullaria crossean.[J] Protein Expr. Purif, 2003, 31(9): 108-114
  23.Wang Ji, DIng Ming, Li Yan-hong,Chen Qing-xi Gen-jun Xu and Zhao Fu-kun:*solation of a multi-functional celluase gene from mollusca, Ampullaria crossean. Acta Biochem.Biophys.Sin.,[J] 2003, 35(10): 941-946
  24.Yuan quan, An Jie, Liu Ding-gan, Zhao Fu-kun* Multi-strips on one gel method to improve the reproducibility, resolution power and high-throughput of two-dimensional electrophoresis. Acta Biochim.Biophs.Sin.,[J] 2003, 35(7): 611-618

  發明專利:1外切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶/木-β-1,4-聚糖酶及其應用。 專利號:021137283.7 授權時間:2006,1,15 排名第1。




浙江理工大學考研公眾號 考研派小站公眾號

