
發布時間:2021-11-05 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


浙江理工大學理學院導師:盧曉林 正文


  博士學位, 香港科技大學化工系,2001年3月到2005年4月,研究方向:高分子化學與物理,導師:彌永利,論文:“幾何受限狀態下高分子聚集態的研究: 熱學, 光譜和形態分析”

  密歇根大學化學系: 2007年4月到2009年8月,訪問學者,博士后,合作導師:陳戰



  1.項目名稱:金屬表面高分子薄膜的非線性光譜研究; 編號:51173169; 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 60萬,2012-2015。
  2.項目名稱:和頻振動光譜法研究環氧樹脂基材料與無機基底的界面分子結構; 編號:21004054; 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,20萬, 2011-2013。
  3.項目名稱 :非線性光學探針研究電子封裝材料和金屬銅基底界面的分子結構; 編號:Y4100390;浙江省自然科學基金項目, 10萬,2010-2012。
  4.項目名稱 :應用非線性光學探針研究環氧樹脂基材料表界面的分子結構; 編號:2011R10025;浙江省科技計劃項目:錢江人才計劃,10萬, 2011-2013。

  1.2008年12月3日 “高分子和金屬界面的研究” 東華大學纖維材料改性重點實驗室
  2.2008年12月4日 “高分子和金屬界面的研究” 華東理工大學高分子材料系
  3.2009年6月9日 “Examining Molecular Structures of Polymer Surfaces and Buried Interfaces in Situ: Epoxy and Phenolic Resin Surfaces Exposed to Humid Air and Buried Polymer/Metal Interfaces”Dow Corning at Midland, Michigan, USA
  4.2009年11月14日 “和頻共振光譜研究高分子/金屬的界面” 2009年高分子科學青年學者研討會 蘇州大學
  5.2010年10月12日 “和頻振動光譜法研究導電聚合物表面苯環的取向” 分會邀請報告 第七屆全國高聚物分子與結構表征學術討論會
  6.2011年7月24日 “和頻振動光譜法研究高分子表面上的分子基團” 分會報告 中國化學會第十三屆膠體與界面化學會議

  1.Xiaolin Lu*, Zhan Chen, Xinping Wang “A Powerful Nonlinear Optical Technique to Characterize Surfaces and Interfaces – sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy”, Advanced Materials Research 2012, 441, 703-707.
  2.Dawei Li, Jiao Chen, Haibing He, Rongping Zhang, Wei Chen, Xiaolin Lu, Xinping Wang, Gi Xue “Monolayer Detection on Flat Metal Surface via Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2012, 12, 361–364.
  3.Xiaolin Lu*, Matthew L.Clarke, Dawei Li, Xinping Wang, Gi Xue, and Zhan Chen “A Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Study of the Interference Effect in Poly(n-butyl methacrylate) Thin Films Sandwiched between Silica and Water”, J.Phys.Chem.C 2011, 115, 13759-13767.
  4.Ting Wang, Dawei Li, Xiaolin Lu, Alexander Khmaladze, Xiaofeng Han, Shuji Ye, Pei, Yang, Gi Xue, Nongyue He, Zhan Chen “Single Lipid Bilayers Constructed on Polymer Cushion Studied by Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy”, J.Phys.Chem.C 2011, 115, 7613-7625.
  5 Xiaolin Lu*; Gi Xue; Yongli Mi “Understanding the effect of chain entanglement on the glass transition of a hydrophilic polymer” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 119, 2310-2317.
  6 張麗; 李清文; 張蓉平; 袁大想; 左彪; 楊菊萍; 盧曉林; 王新平; 沈之荃 “氟化單元封端的不同聚合度PBMA 甲苯溶液氣/液界面結構”, 中國科學: 化學 2011, 7, 1127-1136.
  7 左彪,盧曉林,張蓉平,張麗,王新平 “聚合物表面分子松弛行為研究進展” 高分子材料科學與工程,2011, 27, 183-186.
  8.Xiaolin Lu*, Zhen Chen, Gi Xue, Xinping Wang “Probing polymer surfaces and interfaces using sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy- a powerful nonlinear optical technique” Front.Chem.China 2010, 5, 435-444.
  9.XiuYun Ye, Biao Zuo, Mao Deng, Yanlin Hei, Huagang Ni, Xiaolin Lu, Xinping Wang “Surface segregation of fluorinated moieties on poly(methylmethacrylate-ran-2-perfluorooctylethyl methacrylate) films during film formation: Entropic or enthalpic influences” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010, 349, 205-214.
  10.Xiaolin Lu, Sarah A.Spanninga, Cornelius B.Kristalyn, Zhan Chen “Surface Orientation of Phenyl Groups in Poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) and in Poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate):Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Mixture Examined by Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy” Langmuir, 2010, 26, 14231-14235.
  11.Cornelius Kristalyn; Xiaolin Lu; Craig Weinman; Christopher Ober; Edward Kramer; Zhan Chen “Surface Structures of an Amphiphilic Tri-Block Copolymer in Air in Water Probed Using Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy” Langmuir, 2010, 26, 11337-111343.
  12.Xiaolin Lu, Dawei Li, Jianglong Han, Nick Shephard, Susan Rhodes, Gi Xue, Zhan Chen “Directly Probing molecular ordering at the buried polymer/metal interface”Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 9052-9057.
  13.Xiaolin Lu, , Jianglong Han, Nick Shephard, Susan Rhodes, Alex D.Martin, Dawei Li, Gi Xue, Zhan Chen “Phenolic resin surface restructuring upon exposure to humid air: a sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopic study” J.Phys.Chem.B, 2009, 113,12944-12951.
  14.Xiaolin Lu, Nick Shephard, Jianglong Han, Gi Xue, Zhan Chen “Probing molecular Structures of polymer/metal interfaces by sum frequency generation vibrational spectrsocopy” Macromolecules 2008, 41, 8770-8777.
  15.Xiaolin Lu, Immensee Cheng, Yongli Mi “Discovery of the bi-layered structure in spin-coated polyacrylamide films on the gold surface” Polymer 2007, 48, 682-686.
  16.Zhijun Chen, Xiaolin Lu, C.-M.Chan, Yongli Mi “Manipulating the surface properties of polyacrylamide with nitrogen plasma” European Polymer Journal 2006, 42, 2914-2920.
  17.Xiaolin Lu and Yongli Mi “Characterization of the interfacial interaction between polyacrylamide and silicon substrate by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy” Macromolecules 2005, 38, 839 -843.
  18.Yannie Chan, Xiaolin Lu, Er Qiang Chen and Yongli Mi, “Micropatterning from drying micelle solution of diblock copolymers: strap-structure, quadrate farmland-structure and biomimetic structure” Polymer 2004, 45, 3465-3471.
  19.Yongli Mi, Xiaolin Lu, and Jim Zhou, “Gas Diffusion in Glassy Polymers by a Chain Relaxation Approach” Macromolecule, 2003, 36, 6898 –6902.
  20.Yongli Mi, Gi Xue, and Xiaolin Lu, “A New Perspective of the Glass Transition of Polymer Single-Chain Nanoglobules” Macromolecules 2003, 36, 7560-7566.
  21.Guijun Xian, Xiaosu Yi, Xiaolin Lu, Yi Pan, “Effect of Injection Moulding Condition on Tensile Strength of Long Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene”, China Plastics Industry, 2000, 28, 29.
  22.Guijun Xian, Xiaosu Yi, Xiaolin Lu, Yongming Hu, “Tensile Properties of Injection Molded Long Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Parts”, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2001, 18, 41-45。




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