
發布時間:2021-11-05 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


浙江師范大學化學與生命科學學院導師:杜高輝 正文


  2003年畢業于中國科學院物理研究所,獲理學博士學位;2003 - 2007年期間先后在比利時安特衛普大學、美國亞利桑那州立大學、佛羅里達國際大學進行博士后研究;2007年12月受聘為浙江師范大學校特聘教授,任浙江省電鏡與X光學會理事。
  在碳納米管、氧化物納米管/納米線/納米晶等新材料研究領域已取得許多創新性研究成果;在國際SCI期刊發表學術論文40余篇,已被他人引用1700余次。第一作者文章單篇最高引用350多次,榮獲美國Thomson Reuters學術機構2008年頒發的“科學前沿-中國卓越研究獎”。2010年榮獲國家自然科學二等獎,2011年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃。



  1.國家自然科學基金 青年基金 (10904129) 2010.01-2012.12
  2.教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃 2012.01-2014.12

  1.Qingmei Su, Guo Zhong, Jie Li, Gaohui Du, Bingshe Xu. Fabrication of Fe/Fe3C-functionalized carbon nanotubes and their electromagnetic and microwave absorbing properties. Applied Physics A ,2012,106(1), 59-65.
  2.Yongqiang Yang, Gaohui Du, Xin Xin and Bingshe Xu. Hierarchical ZnO microrods: synthesis, structure, optical and photocatalytic properties. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing. 2011, 104(4), 1229-1235
  3.FangminYe, Cen Wang, Gaohui Du, Xubin Chen, Yijun Zhong, J.Z.Jiang. Large-scalesynthesis of In2S3 nanosheets and their rechargeable lithium-ion battery. J.Mater.Chem.,2011, 21(43),17063–17065
  4.Jie Li, Abul Kalam, Ayed Sad Al-Shihri, Qingmei Su, Guo Zhong, Gaohui Du. Monodisperse ceria nanospheres: Synthesis, characterization, optical properties, and applications in wastewater treatment. Mater. Chem. Phys. 2011, 130(3), 1066-1071
  5.Qingmei Su, Jie Li, Guo Zhong, Gaohui Du, Bingshe Xu. In Situ Synthesis of Iron/Nickel Sulfide Nanostructures-Filled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Electromagnetic and Microwave-Absorbing Properties. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115 (5), 1838–1842
  6.Qingmei Su, Guo Zhong, Jie Li, Gaohui Du, Bingshe Xu. Branched carbon nanotubes synthesized by pyrolysis of dimethyl sulfide over Fe/MgO catalyst and their luminescent property. Physica E, 2011, 43(6),1224–1228
  7.Guo Zhong, Jie Li, Qingmei Su, Gaohui Du, Bingshe Xu. Temperature-dependent controlled preparation of ZnO nanostructures and their photoluminescence properties. Mater. Lett., 2011,65(4) 670–673
  8.Yong Hu, Huanhuan Qian, Yu Liu, Gaohui Du, Fumin Zhang, Libo Wang and Xiao Hu. A microwave-assisted rapid route to synthesize ZnO/ZnS core-shell nanostructures via controllable surface sulfidation of ZnO nanorods. CrystEngComm 2011, 13( 10): 3438-3443
  9.Gaohui Du,Yongsheng Zhou, Bingshe Xu. Preparation of carbon nanotubes by pyrolysis of dimethyl sulfide. Materials Characterization , 2010,61(4), 427-432
  10.Gaohui Du, Yongqiang Yang, Tianbao Li, Bingshe Xu. Preparation of polymorphic ZnO with strong orange luminescence. J. Mater. Sci.,2010, 45(6):1464-1468.
  11.L. Kumari, G.H. Du, W.Z. Li, et al. Synthesis, microstructure and optical characterization of zirconium oxide nanostructures, Ceramics International, 2009, 35(6): 2401-2408
  12.L. Kumari, T. Zhang, G.H. Du, W.Z. Li, Q.W. Wang, A. Datye, K.H. Wu, Synthesis, microstructure and electrical conductivity of carbon nanotube-alumina nanocomposites, Ceramics International, 2009, 35(5), p 1775-1781.
  13.T. Zhang, L. Kumari, G.H. Du, W.Z. Li, Q.W .Wang, K. Balani, A. Agarwal. Mechanical properties of carbon nanotube-alumina nanocomposites synthesized by chemical vapor deposition and spark plasma sintering. Composites A 2009, 40(1): 86-93
  14.G.H. Du, W.Z. Li, Y.Q. Liu, Filling carbon nanotubes with Co9S8 nanowires through in-situ catalyst transition and extrusion, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112(6), 1890-1895.
  15.T.H. Kim, J.F. Wendelken, A.P. Li, G.H. Du, W.Z. Li, Probing electrical transport in individual carbon nanotubes and junctions,Nanotechnology, 2008, 19(48), 485201
  16.L. Kumari, T. Zhang, G.H. Du, W.Z. Li, Q.W. Wang, A. Datye , K.H. Wu. Thermal properties of CNT-Alumina nanocomposites,Composites Science and Technology,2008,68[9], 2178–2183
  17.B. Pandey, G.H. Du, W.Z. Li, Matchstick-Like Carbon Nanotube: Synthesis and Structure, Applied Physics A, 2008, 90(3), 411–415.
  18.G. H. Du and G. Van Tendeloo, Mn3O4/C core-shell nanowires fabricated by electron beam irradiation, Applied Physics A, 2008, 91(3).393-395.
  19.G.H. Du, W.Z. Li, Y.Q. Liu, Y.Ding, Z.L. Wang, Growth of carbon nanotubes by the pyrolysis of thiophene, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111(39), 14293-14298。




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