
發布時間:2021-11-04 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


中國計量大學生命科學學院導師:陳春 正文


  2005.6—2007.6 浙江大學微生物研究所從事師資博士后工作
  2007.6— 2009.6 浙江大學微生物所從事教學科研工作
  2009.6— 現在 中國計量學院生命科學學院從事教學科研工作




  2.獲得2006年度浙江省科學技術獎一等獎 排名:2/7

  1.國際科學基金(IFS):Studies on epizootiological competition of two obligated-aphid-pathogens:Pandora neoaphidis and Pandora nouryi within aphid populations

  1.Chen, C. & Feng, M. G. 2002. Evidence for transmission of aphid-pathogenic fungi by migratory flight of Myzus persicae alates. Chin. Sci. Bull. 47: 1987-1989
  2.Chen, C. & Feng, M. G. 2004a. Observation on the initial inoculum source and dissemination of Entomophthorales-caused epizootics in populations of cereal aphids. Sci. China Ser. C-Life Sci. 47: 39-44
  3.Chen, C. & Feng, M. G. 2004b. Sitobion avenae alatae infected by Pandora neoaphidis: their flight ability, post-flight colonization, and mycosis transmission to progeny colonies. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 86: 117-123
  4.Chen, C. & Feng, M. G. 2005. Epizootiological modeling of Pandora neoaphidis mycosis transmission in Myzus persicae colonies initiated by primarily infected alates. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 71(7): 4104-4107
  5.Chen, C. & Feng, M. G. 2006. Experimental simulation of wide dispersal and local transmission of aphid mycosis with flight and post-flight colonization of infected alatae. Environ. Microbiol. 8(1): 69-76.
  6.Chen, C. & Feng, M. G. 2006. Probability model for the postflight fecundity of viviparous alatae infected preflight by the obligate aphid pathogen Pandora neoaphidis. Biol. Control 39: 26-31
  7.Feng, M. G. & Chen, C. 2002. Incidences of infected Myzus persicae alatae in flight imply place-to-place dissemination of entomophthoralean fungi in aphid populations through migration. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 81: 53-56
  8.Feng, M. G, Chen, C. & Chen, B. 2004. Wide dispersal of aphid-pathogenic Entomophthorales among aphids relies upon migratory alates. Environ. Microbiol. 6: 510-516
  9.陳春,馮明光。2002.桃蚜遷飛性有翅蚜攜帶傳播蚜蟲病原真菌的證據??茖W通報 47:1332-1334
  11.Ye, S. D, Ying, S. H, Chen, C. & Feng, M. G. 2006. New solid-state fermentation chamber for bulk production of aerial conidia of fungal biocontrol agents on rice. Biotechnol. Lett. 28: 799-804
  12.Feng, M. G, Chen, C, Shang, S. W, Ying, S. H, Huang, Z. H, Shen, Z. C. & Chen, X. X. 2007. Aphid dispersal flight disseminates fungal pathogens and parasitoids as natural control agents of aphid. Ecol. Entomol. 32: 97-104
  13.Zhang G Z, Feng M G, Chen C, Ying S H. 2007. Opportunism of Conidiobolus obscurus stems from depression of infection in situ to progeny colonies of host alatae as disseminators of the aphid-pathogenic fungus. Environ Microbiol 9(4): 859-868
  14.陳春,馮明光。2007. 用立式多層產孢箱同步生產多株生防真菌孢子粉。中國農業科技導報 9(3):108-111
  15.Chen C*, Wang Z L, Ye S D, Feng M G. 2009. Synchronous production of conidial powder of several fungal biocontrol agents in series fermentation chamber system. Afr. J. Biotech. 8(15): 3649-3653
  16.葉素丹,陳春*, 馮明光,俞曉平。2009.生防真菌分生孢子高效分離器的設計及其分離效果分析。農業技術與裝備 178:6-7
  17.Feng, M. G. & Chen, C. 2005. Progress in testing an epizootiological hypothesis that aphid-pathogenic Entomophthorales are widely disseminated with host flight dispersal. In: 2005 Beijing Mycological Symposium—Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of KLSML, CAS(Key Laboratory of Systematic Mycology and Lichenology, Chinese Academy Sciences) Abstracts July 5-8,2005. Beijing, China, pp, 8-17
  18.Chen, C. & Feng, M. G. 2005. Approaches to testing a biological hypothesis that host flight dominates transmission of aphid-pathogenic fungi among aphid populations. In: Abstracts for 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, 7-11 August 2005, Anchaorage, Alaska, USA, p. 46.
  19.Chen Chun, Ye SuDan, 2009. Synchronous production of conidial powder of several fungal biocontrol agents in series fermentation chamber system. 5th International Conference on Biopesticides: Stakeholders’ Perspective. 26-30 April 2009, New Delhi, India. P0204





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