
發布時間:2021-10-06 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


中國藥科大學藥學院導師:楊功俊 正文


  楊功俊,男, 1969年5月生,副教授,碩士研究生導師,中共黨員。



  1988年9月 ~ 1992年6月   揚州師范學院化學系     化學教育學士學位

  1996年9月~  1999年6月  華東師范大學化學系      分析化學碩士學位

  2000年9月 ~ 2004年6月   南京大學化學化工學院   分析化學博士學位

  1992年8月 ~ 2010年8月   揚州大學化學化工學院任教(分析化學教研室)

  2010年8月 ~ 至今         中國藥科大學藥學院任教(藥物分析教研室)






  2011年1月至2013年12月,主持國家自然科學基金面上項目(No. 21075108)2008年6月至2010年5月,主持污染控制與資源化研究國家重點實驗室項目,“有機染料聚合物膜修飾電極在環境分析中的研究與應用”;2007年7月至2009年6月主持生命分析化學教育部重點實驗室項目,“基于功能材料修飾的電化學免疫傳感器研究”。另外,參與多項國家級和省級課題的研究工作。



  中國藥科大學: 主要承擔藥物分析及實驗、藥物色譜分析及實驗等本科生課程的教學工作。

  發表主要論文 (作為通訊聯系人或第一作者):

  [1] Gong-Jun Yang*, Wen-Jie Jin, Li-Ping Wu, Qian-Qian Wang, Hong-Xia Shao, Ai-Jian Qin, Bing Yu, Dong-Ming Li, Bao-Liang Cai, Development of an impedimetric immunosensor for the determination of 3-amino-2-oxazolidone residue in food samples, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2011, In Press (IF, 4.31)

  [2] Wen-Jie Jin, Gong-Jun Yang*, Li-Ping Wu, Qian-Qian Wang, Hong-Xia Shao, Ai-Jian Qin, Bing Yu, Dong-Ming Li, Bao-Liang Cai, Detecting 5-morpholino-3-amino-2-oxazolidone residue in food with label-free electrochemical impedimetric immunosensor, Food Control, 2011, 22, 1609-1616 (IF, 2.812)

  [3] Gong-Jun Yang*, Jian-Kang Yan, Fen Qi, Cheng Sun, High Sensitivity and Reproducibility of a Bismuth/Poly(bromocresol purple) Film Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode for Determination of Trace Amount of Cadmium by Differentia Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, Electroanalysis, – 2738 (IF, 2.63)

  [4] Jin-Lin Huang, Gong-Jun Yang*, Wen-Jing Meng, Li-PingWu, Ai-Ping Zhu, Xin-An Jiao, An electrochemical impedimetric immunosensor for label-free detection of Campylobacter jejuni in diarrhea patients’ stool based on O-carboxymethylchitosan surface modi?ed Fe3O4 nanoparticles, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2010, 25, 1204–1211  (IF, 5.429)

  [5] Gong-Jun Yang*, Jin-Lin Huang, Wen-Jing Meng, Ming Shen, Xin-An Jiao, A reusable capacitive immunosensor for detection of salmonella spp. based on grafted ethylene diamine and self-assembled gold nanoparticle monolayers, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2009, 647,159-166 (IF, 3.146 )

  [6] Gong-Jun Yang*, Cun-Xiao Wang, Rui Zhang, Cheng-Yin Wang, Qi-Shu Qu, Xiao-Ya Hu, Poly(amidosulfonic acid) modified glassy carbon electrode for determination of isoniazid in pharmaceuticals, Bioelectrochemistry, 2008,73,37-42  (IF, 2.444 )

  [7] Gong-Jun Yang*, Ping Liu, Xi-Long Qu, Min-Juan Xu , Qi-Shu Qu, Cheng-Yin Wang, Xiao-Ya Hu,Zhi-Yue Wang, The simultaneous separation and determination of six flavonoids and troxerutin in rat urine and chicken plasma by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet–visible detection, J. Chromatogr. B, 2007, 856, 222-228 (IF, 2.5 )

  [8]Gong-Jun Yang*, Xi-Long Qu, Ming Shen, Cheng-Yin Wang, Qi-Shu Qu, Xiao-Ya Hu, Electrochemical behavior of lead(II) at poly(phenol red) modified glassy carbon electrode and its trace determination by differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry, Microchim. Acta, 2008, 160,275-281 (IF, 1.91 )

  [9] Gong-Jun Yang*, Xi-Long Qu, Ai-Ping Zhu, Cheng-Yin Wang, Qi-Shu Qu, Xiao-Ya Hu, Characterization, growth mechanism and application of network poly(bromophenol blue), J. Electroanal. Chem., 2007, 604, 48-56 (IF, 2.484)

  [10]Gong-Jun Yang*, Xi-Long Qu, Ming Shen, Cheng-Yin Wang, Qi-Shu Qu, Xiao-Ya Hu, Preparation of glassy carbon electrode modified by hydrophobic gold nanoparticles and its application for the determination of ethamsylate in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, Sensor. Actuat. B, 2007, 128, 258-265 (IF, 3.122)

  [11] Gong-Jun Yang*, Xi-Long Qu, Ming Shen, Cheng-Yin Wang, Qi-Shu Qu, Ai-Ping Zhu, Xiao-Ya Hu, Trace Measurement of phenothiazine drugs in tablets by micellar-enhanced fluorophotometric method, J. Fluoresc., 2007, 17, 119-126  (IF, 1.88)

  [12] Gong-Jun Yang*, Ping Liu, Xi-Long Qu, Ming Shen, Qi-Shu Qu, Cheng-Yin Wang, Xiao-Ya Hu, Zong-Zhou Leng, Micellar-Enhanced spectrofluorimetric determination of trazodone hydrochloride in human urine and serum, Anal. Lett., 2007, 40, 151-162  (IF, 1.281)

  [13]Gong-Jun Yang, Jing-Juan Xu, Kun Wang, Hong-Yuan Chen,Electrocatalytic oxidation of dopamine and ascorbic acid on carbon paste electrode modified with nanosized cobalt phthalocyanine particles: simultaneous determination in the presence CTAB, Electroanalysis, 2006, 18, 282-290  (IF, 2.901)

  [14]Gong-Jun Yang, Jing-Juan Xu, Hong-Yuan Chen,The Study of redox mechanism of dobutamine at different pH media by electrochemical and in-situ spectroelectrochemical methods, Electrochim. Acta, 2004, 49, 3121-3127 (IF, 3.078)

  [15]Gong-Jun Yang, Kun Wang, Jing-Juan Xu, Hong-Yuan Chen. Determination of theophylline in drugs and tea on nanosized cobalt phthalocyanine particles modified carbon paste electrode, Anal. Lett., 2004, 37, 629-643 (IF, 1.281)

  [16]Gong-Jun Yang, Jing-Juan Xu, Hong-Yuan Chen, Zong-Zhou Leng, Studies on the interaction between rutin and DNA in the absence and the presence of b-cyclodextrin by electrochemical and spectroscopic Methods, Chinese J. Chem., 2004, 22, 1325-1329 (IF, 0.945)

  [17] 楊功俊,徐靜娟,陳洪淵,兒茶酚胺衍生物與DNA之間的相互作用的光譜法和電化學法研究,高等學校化學學報,2004, 25, 1235-1239 (IF, 0.592)

  [18] 于素華,孟文靜,陸婷婷,楊功俊*,加替沙星的紫外、熒光分光光度法和高效液相色譜法測定,揚州大學學報(自然科學版),2008,11(2),40-44

  [19] 楊功俊*,王存孝,曲喜龍,冷宗周,胡效亞,聚茜素紅膜修飾電極對多巴酚丁胺的測定研究,揚州大學學報(自然科學版),2006,9(4),29-33

  [20] 王存孝,楊功俊*,胡效亞,CTAB存在下酚磺乙胺的電化學測定,揚州大學學報(自然科學版),2007,10(2),32-37




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