
發布時間:2021-10-06 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


中藥大生命科學與技術學院導師:姚文兵 正文

  姚文兵 教授,男,博士生導師,中國藥科大學副校長

  自留校任教以來,一直從事教學、科研和管理工作。現任中國藥科大學微生物與生化藥學教授(博士生導師)、中國藥科大學副校長。兼任國家食品藥品監督管理局 藥品、保健食品評審委員,國家發改委藥品價格決策專家委員會委員,中國生物化學與分子生物學會工業化專業委員會委員,教育部高職高專藥品類專業教學指導委 員會主任委員,教育部高等學校藥學專業教學指導分委員會秘書長,全國高等醫學教育學會副秘書長,全國高等醫學教育學會藥學教育研究會副理事長兼秘書長, 《藥物生物技術》副主編,《藥學教育》常務副主編,《中國藥學年鑒》、《中國藥科大學學報》等雜志編委。




  長期從事多肽、蛋白質類藥物的分子改構(包括基于基因密碼子擴展的分子改構)和定點修飾研究以及生物新藥的研制,圍繞多肽和蛋白質藥物的分子改構及其在創新藥物中應用開展系列研究,1)建立了與國際前沿同步的非天然氨基酸定點改構技術體系; 2) 建立了多肽、蛋白質類藥物修飾技術平臺和質量評價體系, 3)開展長效多肽、蛋白質類創新藥物研究,完成了PEG—ED、PEG2—IFNcon 等長效蛋白質類藥物和長效多肽類藥物的臨床前研究。在該領域主持國家“重大新藥創制”科技重大專項、國家“863”項目、國家自然科學基金等國家級及省部級課題26項;帶領的科研團隊獲得江蘇省“青藍工程”科技創新團隊。近五年,獲授權發明專利10項,發表科研論文72篇, SCI論文37篇,出版著作5部。


  1.,,,and. . Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. DOI 10.1007/s00253-012-4163-4
  2.Mingming Gao,Yuhao Jin,Yue Tong, Hong Tian,Xiangdong Gao,Wenbing Yao. A site-specific PEGylated analog of exendin-4 with improved pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in vivo. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. doi: 10.1111/j.2042-7158.2012.01545.x
  3.Hong Tian, Yuan Guo, Xiangdong Gao,Wenbing Yao. PEGylation enhancement of pH stability of uricase via inhibitive tetramer dissociation. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. DOI:10.1111/j.2042-7158.2012.01575.x
  4.Wei Guo, Chen Luo, Chen Wang, Yue Zhu, Xin Wang, Xiangdong Gao, Wenbing Yao. Protection against Th17 Cells Differentiation by an Interleukin-23 Receptor Cytokine-Binding Homology Region. Plos One. 2012, 7(9): e45625
  5.Mingming Gao , Yue Tong , Wen Li , Xiangdong Gao , Wenbing Yao. . Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Biotechnology. DOI: 10.3109/10731199.2012. 712042
  6.Hai Chen, Yingfei Lu, Zhengzhi Fang, Jingxian Liu, Hong Tian, Xiangdong Gao and Wenbing Yao. High-level production of uricase containing keto functional groups for site-specific PEGylation. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2011,58(59): 25-32
  7.Zhengzhi Fang, Yaguang Liu, Jingxian Liu, Renhua Sun, Hai Chen, Xiangdong Gao, Wenbing Yao. Designing and engineering of a site-specific incorporation of a keto group in uricase. Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 2011, 78(3):353-360
  8.Yuge Niu, Zhuohong Xie, JunJie Hao, WenBing Yao, Jin Yue, Liangli (Lucy) Yu. Preparation of succinylated derivatives of psyllium and their physicochemical and bile acid-binding properties. Food Chemistry, 2012,132: 1025–1032
  9.Cao Jin, Meng Fang, Gao Xiangdong, Dong Hongxia, Yao Wenbing. Expression and Purification of a Natural N-Terminal Pre-ligand Assembly Domain of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 (TNFR1 PLAD) and Preliminary Activity Determination. The Protein Journal, 2011, 30(4): 281-289
  10. Yuge Niu, Hengyu Wang, Zhuohong Xie, Monica Whent, Xiangdong Gao, Xian Zhang, Shan Zou, Wenbing Yao, Liangli Yu. Structural Analysis and Bioactivity of a Polysaccharide from the Roots of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch) Bge. var. mongolicus (Bge.) Hsiao. Food Chemistry, 2011, 128: 620–626
  11. Jingjing Sun, Xiaoda Song, Hong Tian, Yuhao Jin, Xiangdong Gao, Wenbing Yao. Synthesis of a novel Histidine-Targeting poly(ethylene glycol) and modification of lysozyme. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 119(4): 2183-2188
  12. hen, ingming, enchao, ing, ong, iangdong, enbing. Intein-mediated Expression and Purification of an Analog of Glucagon-like Peptide-1 in Escherichia coli. Protein and Peptide Letters, 2010,17(10): 1245-1250
  13. Mingming Gao, Chen Ma, Wenchao Liu, Jing Zhu, Hong Tian, Xiangdong Gao, Wenbing Yao. Production and purification of an analog of glucagon-like peptide-1 by auto-induction and on-column cleavage in Escherichia coli. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2010, 26(9): 1675–1682
  14. Min Ren, Wei Yan, Wenbing Yao, Lei Jin, Xiangdong Gao. Enzymatic degradation  products from a marine polysaccharide YCP with different immunological activity and binding affinity to macrophages, hydrolyzed by a-amylases from different origins. Biochimie, 2010,92:411-417
  15. Wei Liu, Jing Xu, Pu Jing, Wenbing Yao, Xiangdong Gao, Liangli (Lucy) Yu. Preparation of a hydroxypropyl Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide and its physicochemical properties. Food Chemistry, 2010, 122: 965–971
  16. WeiLiu, HengyuWang, WenbingYao, XiangdongGao and Liangli (Lucy)Yu. Effects of Sulfation on the Physicochemical and Functional Properties of a Water-Insoluble Polysaccharide Preparation from Ganoderma lucidum. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2010, 58 (6): 3336–3341
  17. WeiLiu, ZhuohongXie, BoceZhang, QinWang, WenbingYao, XiangdongGao and Liangli (Lucy)Yu. Effects of Hydroxypropylation on the Functional Properties of Psyllium.J. Agric. Food Chem., 2010, 58 (3): 1615–1621
  18. WeiLiu, BoceZhang, QinWang, ZhouhongXie, WenbingYao, XiangdongGao and Liangli (Lucy)Yu. Effects of Sulfation on the Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Psyllium. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2010, 58 (1): 172–179
  19. Wei Liu, Hengyu Wang, Xiubing Pang, Wenbing Yao, Xiangdong Gao. Characterization and antioxidant activity of two low-molecular-weight polysaccharides purified from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2010,46:451-457
  20. Yue Tong, Kai Zhong, Hong Tian, Xiangdong Gao, Xiangyang Xu, Xiaojin Yin, Wenbing Yao. Characterization of a monoPEG20000-Endostar. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2010,46(3):331-336
  21. MingmingGao, HongTian, ChenMa, XiangdongGao, WeiGuo and WenbingYao. Expression, Purification, and C-terminal Site-Specific PEGylation of Cysteine-Mutated Glucagon-Like Peptide-1. , 2010,162(1):155-165
  22. Shan Zou, Xian Zhang, Wenbing Yao, Yuge Niu, Xiangdong Gao. Structure characterization and hypoglycemic activity of a polysaccharide isolated from the fruit of Lycium barbarum L. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010,80:1161-1167
  23. Renhua Sun, Heng Zheng, Zhengzhi Fang and Wenbing Yao. Rational design of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase specific for p-acetyl-l-phenylalanine. , 2010, 391(1): 709-715
  24. Jin Cao‌, Yu Du‌, Hong Tian‌, Xiangdong Gao‌, Wenbing Yao‌. Quantitative determination of pegylated consensus interferon in rhesus monkey serum using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol, 2009,31(4):543-549




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