
發布時間:2021-10-06 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


中藥大生命科學與技術學院導師:周長林 正文

  周長林(博士/教授/博導),男,1964年1月生,1986、1989和1997年于華東理工大學生物工程專業分別獲學士、碩士和博士學位,1999.4-2000.3年日本近畿大學藥學部訪問學者,2004.12-2005.11年美國Providence College生物系博士后?,F任中國藥科大學生命科學與技術學院副院長、微生物學教研室主任,擔任中國微生物學會酶工程專業委員會委員、江蘇省微生物學會理事,《藥物生物技術》、《藥學與臨床研究》雜志編委。2008年被評為江蘇省“青藍工程”中青年學術帶頭人。長期從事微生物與生化藥學教學和研究工作,主要研究方向為微生物代謝調控和藥物生物合成、抗生素藥效學及其機理。主持多項國家、省部級和橫向科研課題。至今發表研究論文60余篇,SCI收錄24篇,授權發明專利7項,主編出版教材4部。


  Tel.: 025-8327-1323,Fax: 025-8327-1249,E-mail:

  (1)Hui Wang, Mengyun Ke, Yuwei Tian, Jing Wang, Bing Li, Yizhou Wang, Jie Dou, Changlin Zhou*. BF-30 selectively inhibits melanoma cell proliferation via cytoplasmic membrane permeabilization and DNA-binding in vitro and in B16F10-bearing mice. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2013; 707: 1-10 (IF 2.592)
 ?。?)Qingru Hao, Hui Wang, Jing Wang, Jie Dou, Min Zhang, Weidong Zhoua, Changlin Zhou*. Effective antimicrobial activity of Cbf-K16 and Cbf-A7A13 against NDM-1-carrying Escherichia coli by DNA binding after penetrating the cytoplasmic membrane in vitro. J. Pept. Sci. 2013; 19: 173–180
 ?。?)Kai Chen, Jie Dou, Shirui Tang, Yishun Yang, Hui Wang, Hongqing Fang, Changlin Zhou*. Deletion of the aroK gene is essential for high shikimic acid accumulation through the shikimate pathway in E. coli. Bioresource Technology, 2012 May 29; 119C: 141-147 (IF 4.75)
  (4)Zhenzhen Su, Jie Dou, Zhipeng Xu, Qinglong Guo, Changlin Zhou*. A novel inhibitory mechanism of baicalein on influenza A/FM1/1/47 (H1N1) virus: interference with mid-late mRNAs synthesis in cell culture. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines. 2012, 10(6): 415-420 (SCIE)
  (5)Lu X, Liu X, Wan B, Franzblau SG, Chen L, Zhou C, You Q. Eur J Med Chem. 2012, 49: 164-171 (IF 3.499)
  (6)Xitao Cao, Minghua Yang, Jie Dou, Kai Chen, Hui Wang, Tao Xi, Changlin Zhou*. Strain improvement for enhanced production of S-adenosyl-L-methionine in Saccharomyces cerevisiae based on ethionine-resistance and SAM synthetase activity. Ann Microbiol. (2012) 62:1395–1402 (IF 1.549)
 ?。?)Mengyu Wang, Hui Wang, Ying Tang, Di Kang, Yu Gao, Mengyun Ke, Jie Dou, Tao Xi , Changlin. Zhou*. Effective inhibition of a Strongylocentrotus nudus eggs polysaccharide against hepatocellular carcinoma is mediated via immunoregulation in vivo. 2011 Dec 30; 141(1): 74-82
 ?。?)Hui Wang , Mengyu Wang , Jing Chen , Ying Tang, Jie Dou, Jian Yu, Tao Xi, Changlin Zhou* . A Polysaccharides from Strongylocentrotus nudus eggs (SEP) activated splenocytes proliferation in immunosuppressed mice via PI-3k/Akt signaling pathway. International Immunopharmacology, 2011, 11 (11): 1946-1953 (IF 2.376)
 ?。?)Lili Chen, Jie Dou, Zhenzhen Su, Huimin Zhou, Hui Wang, Weidong Zhou, Qinglong Guo, Changlin Zhou*. Synergistic activity of baicalein with ribavirin against influenza A (H1N1) virus infections in cell culture and in mice. Antiviral Research. 2011, 91(3): 314-320 (IF 4.301)
 ?。?0)Huimin Zhou, Jie Dou, Jing Wang, Lili Chen, Hui Wang, Weidong Zhou, Yunman Li, Changlin Zhou*. The antibacterial activity of BF-30 in vitro and in ed rats is integrity. Peptides. (June, 2011) 32(6):
 ?。?1), , , , , , . Production of Nalpha-acetylated thymosin alpha1 in Escherichia coli. 2011 Apr 22;10 (1):26. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 3.552)
 ?。?2)Jie Dou, Lili Chen, Ge Xu, Lei Zhang, Huimin Zhou, Hui Wang, Zhenzhen Su , Mengyun Ke, Qinglong Guo, Changlin Zhou*. Effects of Baicalein on Sendai Virus In Vivo Are Linked to Serum Baicalin and Its Inhibition of Hemagglutinin-Neuraminidase. Arch Virol (2011), 156(5):793–801(IF 2.111)
 ?。?3)Ge Xu, Jie Dou, Lei Zhang, Qinglong Guo, Changlin Zhou*. . Biol. Pharm. Bull., 33(2), 238-243, 2010 (IF 1.811)
  (14)Ying Tang, Mengxiang Ni, Wutong Wu, Jin Sun & Changlin Zhou*. Biotransformation of antitumor intermediate 5-fluorouridine by recombinant E. coli with high pyrimidine nucleoside phosporylase activity. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 2010, 28(2), 130-136 (IF 1.275)




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