
發(fā)布時間:2021-11-22 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


安理工電氣與信息工程學院導師:陳兆權 正文

陳兆權 ,男,漢族,黨員,1981年10生,博士,副教授,碩士生導師。2010年6月獲華中科技大學電氣工程專業(yè)工學博士學位,2011年11月獲湖北省優(yōu)秀博士論文獎。在IEEE Tran. On Plasma Sci.、 Rev. Sci. Instrum.、J. Appl. Phys.、Phys. Plasmas等國際權威期刊發(fā)表學術論文近30篇,其中,SCI論文近20篇,EI論文8篇,SCI論文1篇入選ESI全球專業(yè)引文排名前1%。主持國家自然科學基金1項,另主持(或參與)省部級項目多項。擔任IEEE Tran. On Plasma Sci.、Rev. Sci. Instrum.、強激光與粒子束等國內(nèi)外權威期刊的自由審稿人。目前的研究方向主要集中在氣體放電及應用,電磁場數(shù)值計算與模擬,輸電線路在線檢測及故障診斷等方面。

[1] 陳兆權,安徽理工大學中青年學術骨干,2012/12
[2] 陳兆權,湖北省優(yōu)秀博士學位論文,2011/12
[3] 陳兆權,華中科技大學第九屆研究生“科技十佳”優(yōu)勝獎, 2010/05
[4] 陳兆權,中國力學學會等離子體分會研究生優(yōu)秀論文獎(全國僅3 名),2009/07

[1] 主持“微波SPP放電激勵SWP及其射頻CCP混合放電的粒子模擬”,國家自然科學基金項目,項目編號:11105002
[2] 主持“超燃沖壓發(fā)動機表面波局域增強流注放電點火助燃的機理研究”,工業(yè)裝備結構分析國家重點實驗室開放基金,項目編號:GZ1215
[3] 微波流注放電輔助燃燒的應用基礎研究,安徽高校省級自然科學研究重點項目,項目編號:KJ2013A106
[4] 主持“新型微波驅動大面積等離子體源放電機理的研究”,安徽理工大學博士啟動基金,項目編號:2010yb011
[5] 指導“大氣壓輝光放電及其實驗測量研究”,國家級大學生創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)訓練計劃項目,項目編號:201210361058
[6] 參與“基于MIMO的礦井電磁波傳播機理與關鍵技術研究”,安徽高校省級自然科學研究重點項目,項目編號:KJ2011A077
[7] 參與“凍結鑿井凍結站自動控制系統(tǒng)”,安徽高校省級自然科學研究重點項目,項目編號:KJ2013A103

(1) 近3 年發(fā)表的期刊論文列表(通訊作者以“*”標出)
[1] Zhaoquan Chen*, Qiubo Ye, Guangqing Xia, Lingli Hong, Yelin Hu, Xiaoliang Zheng, Ping Li, Qiyan Zhou, Xiwei Hu, and Minghai Liu, “Particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo collision simulation of the ionization process of surface-wave plasma discharges resonantly excited by surface plasmon polaritons”, Phys. Plasmas, 20(2013)033502 (SCI)
[2] Ping Li, Zhaoquan Chen*, Guangqing Xia, Lingli Hong, Gonglin Xu, Xiaoliang Zheng, Yelin Hu, Qiu Wang, Qiubo Ye, and Minghai Liu,“Study on DC-driven air cold plasma brushes generated without airflow supplement”,IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 41 (2013) 513 (SCI)
[3] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Guangqing Xia, and Yourui Huang, “PIC/MCC simulation of the ionization process for filamentary streamer plasma jet at atmosphere pressure in argon”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 40 (2012) 2861 (SCI)
[4] Zhaoquan Chen*, Guangqing Xia, Minghai Liu, Yelin Hu, Xiaoliang Zheng, Ping Li, Qiyan Zhou, and Xiwei Hu, “Character Diagnosis for Surface-Wave Plasmas Excited by Surface Plasmon Polaritons”, Plasma Sci. Technol., 14 (2012) 754 (SCI)
[5] Zhaoquan Chen*, Guangqing Xia, Qiyan Zhou, Yelin Hu, Xiaoliang Zheng, Zhen Zhen, Lingli Hong, Ping Li, Yourui Huang, and Minghai Liu, “Filamentary streamer discharges in argon at atmospheric pressure excited by surface plasmon polaritons”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83(2012) 084701 (SCI)
[6] Yelin Hu, Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Lingli Hong, Ping Li, Xiaoliang Zheng,Guangqing Xia and Xiwei Hu, “Observation of hot electrons in surface-wave plasmas excited by surface plasmon polaritons ”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,28 (2011) 115201 (SCI)
[7] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Qiyan Zhou, Yelin Hu, An Yang,Longji Zhu , and Xiwei Hu, “Numerically reproducing the spatio-temporal evolution of surface plasmon polaritons at the dielectric-plasma interface”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,28 (2011) 045201 (SCI)
[8] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Lingli Hong, Qiyan Zhou, Lili Cheng, and Xiwei Hu, “Effect of wave-mode conversion device on production of large-area rectangular overdense surface-wave plasmas at the gas pressure about 100 Pa”, Phys. Plasmas, 18(2011)013505 (SCI)
[9] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Liang Tang, Jianhong Lv, and Xiwei Hu, “Surface Wave analysis of planar-type overdense plasma with surface plasmon polariton resonance”, Chin. Phys. Lett.,27 (2010) 025205 (SCI)
[10] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Min Dan, Liang Tang, Lili Cheng, Peng Hu, and Xiwei Hu,
“Preparation of nano TiO2 thin films by PECVD method”, 強激光與粒子束(High Power Laser and Particle Beams), 22 (2010) 1909 (EI)
[11] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Liang Tang, Peng Hu, and Xiwei Hu, “A planar-type surface-wave plasma source with a subwavelength diffraction grating inclusion for large-area plasma applications”,J. Appl. Phys.,106 (2009) 013314 (SCI)
[12] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Liang Tang, Jianhong Lv, Yuanfang Wen, and Xiwei Hu, “Production of planar-type overdense plasma with resonant excitation of surface plasmon polaritons”,J. Appl. Phys.,106 (2009) 063304 (SCI)
[13] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Chaohui Lan, Wei Chen, Liang Tang, Zhiqing Luo, Baorong Yan, Jianhong Lv, and Xiwei Hu, “Numerical simulation of surface wave excitation in a rectangular planar-type plasma source”,Chin. Phys. B, 18 (2009) 3484 (SCI)
[14] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Yuping Liu, Wei Chen, Zhiqing Luo, and Xiwei Hu, “Transparent conductive AZO (ZnO:Al) film fabricated by PECVD method”, 物理學報(Acta. Phys. Sin.), 58 (2009) 679 (SCI)
[15] Chaohui Lan*, Chaozhen Lan, Xiwei Hu, Zhaoquan Chen, and Minghai Liu, “Self-consistent numerical simulation of large-scale rectangular surface-wave plasma source”, Chin. Phys. B, 18 (2009) 2412 (SCI)
(2)近3 年發(fā)表的會議論文列表(通訊作者以“*”標出)
[1] 陳兆權*,夏廣慶,劉明海, “大氣壓低功率微波流注表面波放電的特性研究”,第八屆中國電推進技術學術研討會,北京,2012.11
[2] Zhaoquan Chen*, Lingli Hong, Yelin Hu, Xiaoliang Zheng, An Yang, Ping Li, Longji Zhu, “Theoretical analysis of surface microwave discharge resonantly excited by surface plasmon polaritons”, CSQRWC2011, Harbin, Jul. 26th-30th, (2011) 0217 (EI)
[3] Zhaoquan Chen*, Lingli Hong, Yelin Hu, Xiaoliang Zheng, An Yang, Ping Li, Longji Zhu, “Slot-array antenna devising for surface microwave discharge of surface plasmon polaritons”, CSQRWC2011, Harbin, Jul. 26th-30th, (2011) 0186 (EI)
[4] 陳兆權*,劉明海,胡業(yè)林,鄭曉亮,李平,夏廣慶,周啟燕,胡希偉,“新型大尺度矩形表面波等離子體的參數(shù)測量”,第十五屆全國等離子體科學技術會議,黃山,2011.8
[5] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Lingli Hong, Qiyan Zhou, and Xiwei Hu, “Determination of the local electron density based on millimeter wave interferometry Ⅰ: Theoretical analysis”, ISAPE2010, Guangzhou,Nov. 29th-Dec. 2nd (2010) 654 (EI)
[6] Zhaoquan Chen*, Minghai Liu, Lingli Hong, Qiyan Zhou, and Xiwei Hu, “Determination of the local electron density based on millimeter wave interferometry Ⅱ: Experimental operations and comparisons”, ISAPE2010, Guangzhou,Nov. 29th-Dec. 2nd (2010) 618 (EI)
[1] 大氣壓下空氣等離子體刷發(fā)生裝置(發(fā)明),申請?zhí)枺篫L201310002111.1(第一發(fā)明人)
[2] 便攜式大氣壓空氣等離子體發(fā)生器(實用新型),申請?zhí)枺篫L201320076075.9 (第一發(fā)明人)

電話:13615543463,E-mail:zqchen@aust.edu.cn & qq66168@163.com

*如果發(fā)現(xiàn)導師信息存在錯誤或者偏差,歡迎隨時與我們聯(lián)系,以便進行更新完善。 聯(lián)系方式>>



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