電子科技大學計算機科學與工程學院導師介紹:張小松 正文
截至2015年,在研究領域重要學術期刊上發表SCI、EI收錄論文36篇(SCI收錄13篇,其中ISI JCR一區論文6篇),獲授權發明專利8項,受理及公開26項,獲計算機軟件著作權登記10項。主要論文如下:
[1] Yong Yu,Jianbing Ni,Qi Xia,Xiaofen Wang, Haomiao Yang, Xiaosong Zhang.SDIVIP2: Shared Data Integrity Verification with Identity Privacy Preserving in Mobile Clouds.Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience(Accepted):
[2] Ting Chen, Xiao-song Zhang, Xiao-li Ji, Cong Zhu, Yue Wu. Test Generation for Embedded Executables via Concolic Execution in Real Environment. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2014. (SCI,IF 2.293, Accepted)
[3] Ting Chen, Xiao-song Zhang, Cong Zhu, Xiao-li Ji, Shi-ze Guo, Yue Wu. Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Symbolic Execution Tool for Windows Executables. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. 2013, 25:1249-1272. (SCI,IF 1.273, CCF推薦B類刊物)
[4] Ting Chen, Xiao-song Zhang, Shi-ze Guo, Hong-yuan Li, Yue Wu. State of the art: Dynamic symbolic execution for automated test generation. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2013, 29(7): 1758-1773. (SCI,IF 1.864)
[5] Ting Chen, Xiao-song Zhang, Yue Wu. FPM: Four-factors Propagation Model for Passive P2P Worms. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2014,36(7): 133-141(SCI,IF 1.864)
[6] Ting Chen, Xiao-song Zhang*, Hong-yuan Li, Dong Wang, Yue Wu. Propagation Modeling of Active P2P Worms Based on Ternary Matrix. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2013, 36(5):1387-1394. (SCI,IF1.467)
[7] Ting Chen, Xiao-song Zhang, Hua Li, Xiong-da Li, Yue Wu. Fast Quarantining of Proactive Worms in Unstructured P2P Networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2011, 34:1648-1659. (SCI,IF1.467)
[8] Ying SUN,Yong Yu,Xiaosong Zhang*,Jiwen CHAI.On the Security of an Identity-Based Proxy Signature Scheme in the Standard Model.IEICE TRANS.FUNDAMENTALS,VOL.E96-A,NO.3 MARCH 2013:721-723(SCI,EI檢索)
[9] Ting CHEN,Xiao-song ZHANG,XU XIAO,YUE WU,Chun-xiang XU.SEVE: Symbolic Execution based Vulnerability Exploring System[J]. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering,2013,32(2):620-637(SCI:03321641311297016,IF0.373,EI:20131216126668)
[10] Zhi LIU, Xiao-song ZHANG, Yue, WU, Ting CHEN.An Effecitve Taint-based Software Vulnerability Miner.[J]. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering,2013,32(2):467-484 (SCI:03321641311296873,IF0.373,EI:20131216126677)
[11] Xiao-song ZHANG, Ting CHEN, Chun-xiang XU, Xiao-hui PAN.Proactive P2P Worm Containment via Automatic Authentication.[J]. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering,2013,32(2): 1163-1170(SCI:03321641311297106,IF0.373,EI:20131216126671)
[12] Zhang Xiaosong, Chen Ting, Chen Dapeng, Liu Zhi. SISG: self-immune automated signature generation for polymorphic worms[J]. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering,2010,29(2): 445 - 467 (SCI:592IH, EI:20101312803311,IF 0.373)
[13] Zhang Xiaosong,Chen Ting,Zheng Jiong,Li Hua.Proactive worm propagation modeling and analysis in unstructured peer-to-peer Networks[J]. Journal of Zhejinang University-SCIENCE C,2010,11(2):119-129 (SCI:568QQ,EI:20101912914212,IF 0.373)
[14] Yong Yu, Chunxiang Xu, Xiaosong Zhang, Yongjian Liao. Designated verifier proxy signature scheme without random oracles[J]. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, May.2009 ,57 (4): 1352-1364(SCI, EI )
[15] Xiaoli Ji, Xiaosong Zhang, Ting Chen, Xiaoshan Li and Lei Jiang. Loop Transparency for Scalable Dynamic Symbolic Execution [J]. Advances in Engineering Design and Optimization Ⅲ, 2012, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols.201-202,Part 1: 242-245
[16] Weiwei Wang,Xiaosong ZHANG,Ting Chen,Xueyang Wu,Xiaoshan Li.The Cloud Computing Based Software Testing Framework Design and Implementation[J]. Advances in Computer, Communication, Control and Automation, 2011, LNEE(121): 785-790 (EI: 20114814569195)
[17] Xiaowei Yan,Xiaosong ZHANG,Ting Chen,Hongtian Zhao,Xiaoshan Li. The research and design of cloud computing security framework[J]. Advances in Computer, Communication, Control and Automation, 2011, LNEE(121): 757-763 (EI: 20114814569191)
[18] Xiao-song ZHANG,Jiong Zheng,Hua Li.A Novel Approach for Host General Risk Assessment Based on Logical Recursion[J]. Electronics and Signal Processing, 2011, LNEE(1): 469-475 (EI: 20113214223771)
[19] Zhang, Xiao-Song, Chen, Ting, Wang, Xiao-Lin, Huang, Yong, Bao, Hou-Bin. CRBA: A capacity restricted model evolved from BA model for complex network.[J]. Journal of Networks,2011,6(8): 1163-1170 (EI: 20113314243427)
[20] Zhi Liu, Xiaosong Zhang,Xiongda Li.Proactive Vulnerability Finding via Information Flow Tracking[C]. Nanjing, Jiangsu, China:MINES 2010:481-485(EI:20110413613499)
[21] Xiao-song Zhang, Jiong Zheng, Ji-wei Zou. A Simplified Model for Attack Paths Contruction in Multiple Hosts[C]. Harbin, China:PCSPA-2010:301-304(EI:20105213521161)
[22] Xu Xiao, Xiao-song Zhang,Xiong-da Li. New Approach to Path Explosion Problem of Symbolic Execution [C]. Harbin, China:PCSPA-2010:1310-1313(EI:20105213521014)
[23] Jiong Zheng,Xiao-song Zhang,Xiao-hui Pan. A Host Deployed Vulnerability Assessment System Based On OVAL[C]. Taiyuan,China: ICCASM 2010:V2-123-126(EI:20104913451889)
[24] Zhang Xiaosong, Chen Ting, Chen Ruidong,Li Hua.Complex Network Modeling with Constant Capacity Restriction Based on BA Model[C]. Wuhan, China:CNMT 2009:315-318(EI:20101212778932)
[25] Li Hua, Qin Zheng,Pan Xiaohui,Zhang Xiaosong.Propagation Model of Non-scanning Active Worm in Unstructured P2P Network. Wuhan,China:MINES 2009:378-381(EI:20101012757931)
[26] Zhang Xiaosong,Liu Fei,Chen Ting,Li Hua. Research and Application of the Transparent Data Encryption in Intranet Data Leakage Prevention. BeiJing,China:CIS'2009:376-379(EI:20101112768893)
[27] Zhang Xiaosong,Chen Ting, MaYue,LiHua.Peer-to-Peer Based Intrusion Detection Modelling and Analysis. Beijing, China:ICFIN 2009:213-217(EI:20095212570233)
[28] Zhang Xiaosong,Pan Xiaohui,Long Xiaoshu. Analysis of Virtual Machine applied to Malware Detection System[C]. Wuhan, China: IEEC'2009:290-294(EI:20094712465399)
[29] Liu Zhi, Xiaosong Zhang. A Novel Approach to Malicious Executables Detection and Containment Based on Distributed System Architecture[C]. Jinan, China:ICNC'2008:160-164 (EI:20085211803927)(ISTP:BJB64)
[30] Zhang Xiaosong, Chen Ting,Wang Ding. A Novel Model for Critical Services Consolidation based on FVM. [C]. Wuhan, China: EBISS'2009:77-81(EI:20094212376970) (EI:20094212376970)(ISTP:BLZ43)
[31] Da-Peng Chen, Xiao-song Zhang. Internet Anomaly Detection with Weighted Fuzzy Matching over Frequent Episode Rules[C]. Chengdu,China:ICACIA 2008:299-302(EI:20092412118490)(ISTP:BJX45)
[32] Xiao-song Zhang,Lin Shao, Jiong Zheng. A novel method of software vulnerability detection based on fuzzing technique[C]. Chengdu,China:ICACIA 2008:270-273(EI:20092412118483)(ISTP:BJX45)
[33] Xiao-song Zhang, Liu Zhi,Da-Peng Chen. A practical taint-based malware detection[C]. Chengdu,China:ICACIA 2008:73-77(EI:20092412118436)(ISTP:BJX45)
[34] Ting Chen, Zhang Xiaosong,Liu Zhi. A Hybrid Detection Approach For Zero-day Polymorphic Shellcodes[C]. Wuhan, China: EBISS'2009:45-49(EI:20094212376957)(ISTP:BLZ43)
[35] Xiaohui Pan,Zhang Xiaosong, Ting Chen. A Novel Hybrid Method for Polymorphic Worm Detection[C]. Wuhan, China: EBISS'2009:50-54(EI:20094212376968)(ISTP:BLZ43)
[36] Xiao-song Zhang,Lei Huang,Chun-xiang Xu,Ting Chen.A Novel Method for Host Risk Assessment Based on Predecessor Attack[C]. Changsha, China:ICSIP 2010:495-498(EI:20114214443499)
[37] Zhang Xiaosong,Chen Ting,Zheng Jiong,Li Hua.Active Worm Propagation Modeling in Unstructured P2P Networks[C]. Huangshan, China: ISCSCT’09:35-38(EI: 20101912914212)
[38] 劉智,張小松.一種基于污點分析的文件型軟件漏洞發現方法.小型微型計算機系統,2012,33(1): 42-48
[39] 劉智,張小松, 吳躍. 一種有效的Return-Oriented-Programming攻擊檢測方法.小型微型計算機系統,2013,34(7):
(2) 主編普通高等學校信息安全“十一五”規劃教材《網絡安全協議》,參編普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規劃教材《計算機組成原理與匯編語言程序設計(第二 版)》,主持翻譯《軟件測試(第二版)》、《計算機安全學(第二版)》譯著教材;
(3) 作為負責人參與2007四川省精品課程《信息安全概論》建設(排名第三);
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