
發布時間:2019-07-29 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


電子科技大學計算機科學與工程學院導師介紹:周世杰 正文



  2001.9---2004.6 電子科技大學 工學博士
  1998.9―2001.4 電子科技大學 工學碩士
  1991.9―1995.6 甘肅工業大學 工學學士

  周世杰,P2P蠕蟲傳播與抑制技術研究,國家自然科學基金, 2010-2013
  HoneyNet based Malcode and Malsoftware Measurement in Internet, Huawei Ltd., 2007-2008
  周世杰,國家計算機網絡與信息安全管理中心242計劃項目:P2P網絡仿真, 2006-2007(課題編號:2006B19)。
  周世杰,Cicso CCRP(國際合作項目):基于無線對等網絡的VoIP的數學模型研究,2005~2006(課題編號:20033042)。
  周世杰,電子科技大學引進人才及優秀畢業生科技啟動基金項目:對等網絡中的分布式路由算法及其協議研究, 2004~2006。

  1. Shijie Zhou, Zhen Zhang, Zongwei Luo, Edward C. Wong, CJ Tan,Lightweight Anti-desynchronization RFID Authentication Protocol, Journal of Information Systems Frontiers, 2009
  2. Fagen Li, Shijie Zhou, and Rong Sun, Cryptanalysis of an identity based proxy multi-signature scheme. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2008.
  3. Fagen Li, Chunxiang Xu, and Shijie Zhou. Improvement of a proactive threshold signcryption scheme. International Journal of Computers and Applications. 2008.
  4. Wu Chunjiang, Shijie Zhou. Simulating the Epidemic of P2P Worms in BitTorrent Networks, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol.36, No.6, 2007
  5. Lu Qin, Shijie Zhou. Analysis of P2P Traffic Identification, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology,Vol.36, No.6, 2007
  6. Luo Zongwei, Shijie Zhou, Enhancement of a Lightweight RFID Security Protocol, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol.36, No.6, 2007
  7. Wu Sinan, Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, The analysis about Near Field Communication Technology, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology,Vol.36, No.6, 2007
  8. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, Bidding Election: A Secure Solution, Journal of Information & Computational Science Vol.4, No.1, 2007
  9. Shijie Zhou, Research on the distributed routing protocol and algorithm in P2P network, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol.3 No.2,2005
  10. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, a community based distributed routing algorithm in P2P network,Journal of computer Science, 2004,33(5):34~37.(In Chinese)
  11. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, a Basic Weak Fair Exchange Protocol for Resource in P2P Networks, Journal of Computer Science, 2004,33(7):.45~47. (In Chinese)
  12. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, P2P Based Distributed Key Management System, Journal of Computer research and development (2003)(In Chinese)
  13. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, Analyzing the Peer-to-Peer Computing Technology, Journal of Computer Application, 2003, Vol.23, No.10, P.4~7 (In Chinese)
  14. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, The Dependable Routing Rule in the Community Sensitive Distributed Routing Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Network, Journal of Computer Science, 2003. (In Chinese)
  15. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, a Multi-agents Based Effective Response System for Intrusion, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology,2003. (In Chinese)
  16. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, P2P-Based Information Storage Technology, Journal of Computer Research and development, 2003. (In Chinese)
  17. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, System Disaster Preventing Technology in Networking Environment: Survey and Implement, Journal of Computer Research and development, 2003. (In Chinese)
  18. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, Study on the Real-Time Software development, Journal of Microcomputer System, 2002. (In Chinese)
  19. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, The Queuing Model of the Message Oriented Middleware, Journal of Computer Science, 2001, Vol.29, No.2, p.84-86. (In Chinese)
  20. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, Study on Message Queuing Technology--- Overview and a Case Study, Journal of Computer Science, 2002,11, No.11. (In Chinese)
  21. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, Middleware Technology in Intelligent Transportation System, Journal of UESTC, 2002, Vol.31, No.2, P.168-172. (In Chinese)
  1. Zhen Zhang, Shijie Zhou, Luo Zongwei, Design and Analysis for RFID Authentication Protocol, The First International Workshop on Advances in RFID (AIR 2008), Xi’an, China, 2008 (Accept)
  2. Rui Yang, Shijie Zhou, Chengyu Fan, A new algorithm for network diameter, The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, Zhang Jia Jie, China, 2008 (Accept)
  3. Shijie Zhou, Zongwei Luo, Edward Wong, C.J. Tan, Jaiqing Luo, Interconnected RFID Reader Collision Model and its Application in Reader Anti-collision, IEEE 2007 RFID, Texas, USA, 2007
  4. Wu Chunjiang, Shijie Zhou, Luo Jiaqing, Wei Ningna, A New k-Graph Partition Algorithm for Distributed P2P Simulation Systems, ICA3PP, Hangzhou, China, 2007
  5. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, Bidding Election: A Secure Solution, International Symposium on Information and Computational Science '06, Dalian, China, 2006
  6. Shijie Zhou, Interconnected Peer-to-Peer Network: A Community Based Scheme,ICIW,France,2006
  7. Luo Jiaqing, Shijie Zhou, Adaptive Flooding Routing Algorithm in Unstructured P2P, in Proceedings of the IEEE ICCCAS06, Guilin,China,2006:P.1557-1561.
  8. Luo Jiaqing, Shijie Zhou, An Experimental Study of The Active Recommendation Mechanism Based Distribution Approximate Indexing in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks, The International IEEE Workshop P2PAA06, Hong Kong, China, 2006.
  9. Shijie Zhou, Qin Zhiguang, Liu Jinde. Distributing the key into the P2P network, International workshop of Grid Computing (GCC2003), 2003, Springer-Verlag, LNCS, 2003.
  10. Shijie Zhou, Qin zhiguang. Cost-based intrusion detection and response system: design and implementation, Proceedings of The Fourth International conference of on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2003), Chengdu, China, August, 2003(Indexed By EI)
  11. Shijie Zhou, Qin zhiguang. Color Petri Net based attack modeling, The 9th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC'2003), Chongqing, China,May 26-29, 2003
  12. Shijie Zhou, Qin zhiguang. Cost-based Intelligent Intrusion and Response System, the Fifth International Conference on Algorithms and Architecture for Parallel Processing(ICA3PP 2002), Beijing, 2002

  網絡信息防御系統, 四川省科技進步二等獎(2007年)
  計算機本科實踐教學體系研究, 四川省教學成果二等獎(2008年)
  信息安全專業本科人才培養體系改革與實踐, 電子科技大學教學成果二等獎(2008年)
  計算機系統與網絡安全技術四川省精品課程, 四川省教育廳(2008年)


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