
發布時間:2021-10-28 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


哈爾濱工業大學電氣工程及自動化學院導師:宋立偉 正文



  1997.9~2002.6哈爾濱工業大學電氣工程系 講 師
  2002.7~現在     哈爾濱工業大學電氣工程系 副教授
  2003.4~現在     哈爾濱工業大學電氣工程系 碩士生導師

  1988.9~1998.7 畢業于哈爾濱工業大學電機專業 獲學士學位
  1996.9~1998.7 畢業于哈爾濱工業大學電機專業 獲碩士學位

  1988.9~1992.7    哈爾濱工業大學電機專業本科生,獲工學學士學位;
  1996.9~1998.7    哈爾濱工業大學電機專業碩士研究生,獲工學碩士學位;
  1999.3~2004.9    哈爾濱工業大學電機專業博士研究生,獲工學博士學位;

  1992.07~1996.12  哈爾濱工業大學    電氣工程系        輔導員、助教
  1997.01~1997.07  哈爾濱工業大學    電機教研室        助教
  1997.08~2002.07  哈爾濱工業大學    電機教研室        講師
  2002.08~2007.07  哈爾濱工業大學    電機教研室        副教授
  2007.08~現在     哈爾濱工業大學    電氣工程學院      教授
  2008.04~現在     哈爾濱工業大學    電氣工程學院      博士研究生導師
  2004.09~現在     哈爾濱工業大學    電磁與電子技術研究所     副所長


  2000年“步進電動機及其驅動控制系統” 獲中國高校自然科學二等獎(排名5)。

  1、電機動態理論                    ——碩士研究生學位課程
  2、電機學                          ——本科生平臺課程
  3、微特電機及其控制                ——本科生課程
  4、微電機結構工藝學                ——本科生課程
  5、電機振動噪聲及熱系統計算與仿真  ——本科生創新研修課程
  6、電機參數辨識與數學模擬(曾經)  ——碩士研究生課程
  7、電機測試(曾經)                ——本科生課程


  Shaopeng Wu,Shumei Cui,Liwei Song,Weiduo Zhao,Jing Zhang. Design, Simulation and Testing of a Dual Stator-winding All-Air-Core Compulsator[J]. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. Jan. 2011, vol. 39, No. 1: 328-334.
  S. Cui, W. Huang, Z. Kuang, Y. Cheng,and L. Song, A Direct Measuring Method of Dual Shafts’ Speed Difference for Electrical Variable Transmission, in The 25th World Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, 2010.
  吳世華,曾慶初,宋立偉,崔淑梅. 永磁材料對無刷直流電機性能影響的研究,中國科技論文在線,2009年8月
  Cui Shumei, Liang Chen, Song liwei. Study on Efficiency Calculation Model of Induction Motors for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., Harbin, China, Sept. 2008.
  Shaopeng Wu, Shumei Cui,Liwei Song, Manlan Liu. Design,Fabrication and Experiment of Iron-core Passive Compulsator. IEEE ICEM’S08, October 2008.
  Dai Ying, Song Liwei, and Cui Shumei. Development of PMSM drives for hybrid electric car applications. 13th EML (Electromagnetic Launch) Symposium. May 22-25, 2006 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43 (1): 434-437 Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI, JAN 2007
  Shihua Wu, Liwei Song, and Shumei Cui. Study on Improving the Performance of PM Wheel Motor in EV application 13th EML (Electromagnetic Launch) Symposium. May 22-25, 2006 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43 (1): 434-437 Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI, JAN 2007
  Song Liwei, Liu Weiliang, Cheng Shukang, and Cui Shumei. The Research of the Cylindrical Staggered Lamination Linear Pulse Launcher 13th EML (Electromagnetic Launch) Symposium. May 22-25, 2006 ,
  Cui. Shumei, Dai. Ying, Song. Liwei  Rotor Slots Design of Induction Machine for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Drives  IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 6-8 September, 2006, Windsor, UK
  劉曼蘭,宋立偉,崔淑梅. 永磁直流電機故障機理分析與研究. 微特電機.2005,8.
  Song. Liwei, Dai. Ying, Cui. Shumei, Cheng. Shukang. Constant-power operation performance improvement of the induction machine drives for hybrid electric vehicle applications. ICEMS2005
  Liwei, Song; Weiliang, Liu; Shukang, Cheng; Sumei, Cui. Tooth-layer permeance function generation method for doubly-slotted motor. ICEMS2005
  Fu, Jianfu; Gao, Wenzhong; Song, Liwei. Principal component analysis based on drive cycles for hybrid electric vehicle. 5th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC '09, p 1613-1618, 2009
  Wu, Shaopeng; Cui, Shumei; Song, Liwei; Liu, Manlan. Design, fabrication and experiment of iron-core passive compulsator. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, ICEMS 2008, p 3544-3548, 2008.
  Song, Liwei; Li, Zijian; Gao, Jingyi; Zeng, Qingchu; Wang, Fuping. 3D thermal analysis of water cooling induction motor used for HEV. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, ICEMS 2008, p 534-537, 2008.
  Cui, Shumei; Liang, Chen; Song, Liwei. Study on efficiency calculation model of induction motors for electric vehicles. 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2008, 2008.
  Song, Liwei; Fu, Jianfu; Li, Zijian; Wang, Fuping. Principal component analysis based on HEV special driving cycles. Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, v 22, n SUPPL. 2, p 130-134, December 2007.
  Xu, Liang; Song, Liwei; Li, Zijian; Fu, Jianfu; Wang, Fuping. Saving energy and energy-feedback experimental system for electrical vehicle motor. Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, v 22, n 8, p 161-165, August 2007.
  Cheng, Yuan (IEEE); Cui, Shumei; Song, Liwei; Chan, C.C. The study of the operation modes and control strategies of an advanced electromechanical converter for automobiles. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v 43, n 1, p 430-433, January 2007
  Cheng, Shukang; Pei, Yulong; Zhang, Peng; Hou, Yunpeng; Chen, Lei; Song, Liwei. Fundamental research on the third function of rotating electric machine. Diangong Jishu Xuebao /Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, v 22, n 7, p 12-17, July 2007 .
  Wu, Hongxing (Department of Electrical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China); Song, Liwei; Kou, Baoquan; Cheng, Shukang.  Research of controller area network on hybrid electrical vehicle. High Technology Letters, v 12, n 2, p 213-218, June 2006.
  Song, Liwei; Dai, Ying; Cui, Shumei; Cheng, Shukang.  Constant-power operation performance improvement of the induction machine drives for hybrid electric vehicle applications. ICEMS 2005: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, v 1, p 818-821, 2005.
  Zhang, Qianfan; Song, Liwei; Pei, Yulong; Cheng, Shukang. Axial excited hybrid reluctant motor applied in EV and research of its axial coil signal. 2004 12th Symposium on Electromagnetic Launch Technology, p 538-541, 2004.
  Cheng, Shukang; Zheng, Ping; Cui, Shumei; Song, Liwei; Li, Liyi. Fundamental research on hybrid-magnetic-circuit multi-couple electric machine. Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, v 20, n 4, p 50-53, 58, Apr 2000.
  Liwei, Song; Zijian, Li; Jingyi, Gao; Qingchu, Zeng; Fuping, Wang. Thermal effect on water cooling induction motor's performance used for HEV. 2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2008, 2008.
  Liwei, Song; Zijian, Li; Qianfan, Zhang; Jianfu, Fu; Fuping, Wang. Research of an energy-fed induction motor driving test platform with double inverters for HEV. VPPC 2007 - Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, p 531-535, 2007.
  Ying, Dai; Liwei, Song; Shumei, Cui.  Development of PMSM drives for hybrid electric car applications. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v 43, n 1, p 434-437, January 2007.
  Shihua, Wu; Liwei, Song; Shumei, Cui. Study on improving the performance of permanent magnet wheel motor for the electric vehicle application. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v 43, n 1, p 438-442, January 2007.
  Liwei, Song; Xiaopeng, Li; Gongcai, Xie; Feng, Lv. Research of control system of linear electromagnetic oil-pumping unit based on DSP. ICEMS 2005: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, v 1, p 726-729, 2005.
  Liwei, Song; Weiliang, Liu; Shukang, Cheng; Sumei, Cui. Tooth-layer permeance function generation method for doubly-slotted motor. ICEMS 2005: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, v 1, p 756-760, 2005.
  Qianfan, Zhang; Shukang, Cheng; Liwei, Song; Yulong, Pei. Axial excited hybrid reluctant motor applied in electric vehicles and research of its axial coil signal. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v 41, n 1 II, p 518-521, January 2005.




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