
發布時間:2021-11-22 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


杭州師范大學理學院導師:曹超 正文

姓名: 曹超 CAO Chao
性別:男 Male
聯系方式:ccao@hznu.edu.cn;+8657128860503 ext 803
職稱:教授 Professor

凝聚態物理 第一性原理模擬
Condensed matter physics, first principles modeling

1999.9–2003.7 上海復旦大學物理系理科基地班 學士
2003.8–2008.12 美國佛羅里達大學物理系 碩士、博士
2009.1–2010.2 美國佛羅里達大學物理系 博士后
2010.3–今 杭州師范大學理學院 校聘教授

1999.9–2003.7 B. S. from Dept. of Physics, Fudan University
2003.8–2008.12 M. S. & Ph. D. from Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Florida
2009.1–2010.2 Postdoc. researcher at Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Florida
2010.3–Current, Professor of Physics, Hangzhou Normal University


Undergraduate Course: Fundamental Physics (bi-lingual)
Graduate Course: Frontier of Condensed Matter Physics (in charge)

主要研究方向為對關聯體系、鐵基超導體的第一性原理研究和低維系統的輸運過程。迄今在PRL、PRB、APL等雜志發表SCI論文28篇,被引用380余次。曾獲2008年國家優秀自費留學生獎學金,2009年美國物理學Nicholas Metropolis大獎。主持國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目一項,參與國家自然科學基金重點項目一項,并獲得2012年浙江省自然科學基金杰出青年科學基金。

1.Chao Cao and Jianhui Dai, Block Spin Ground State and Three-Dimensionality of (K,Tl)yFe1:6Se2, Physical Review Letters 107, 056401 (2011)
2.Chao Cao, S. Hill and Hai-Ping Cheng, Strongly correlated electrons in the [Ni(hmp)(ROH)X]4 single molecule magnet: A DFT+U study, Physical Review Letters 100, 167206 (2008)
3.Chao Cao and Jianhui Dai, Electronic structure and Mott localization of iron-deficient TlFe1:5Se2 with superstructures, Physical Review B 83, 193104 (2011)
4.Chao Cao and Jianhui Dai, Electronic Structure of KFe2Se2 from First-Principles Calculations, Chinese Physics Letters 28, 057402 (2011)
5.Chao Cao, Min Wu, J. Z. Jiang, et al, Transition metal adatom and dimer adsorbed on graphene: Induced magnetization and electronic structures, Physical Review B 81 205424 (2010) (cited 20 times)
6.A. F. Kemper, Chao Cao, P. J. Hirschfeld, et al, Effects of cobalt doping and three-dimensionality in BaFe2As2, Physical Review B 80, 104511 (2009)
7.Chao Cao, P. J. Hirschfeld and Hai-Ping Cheng, Proximity of antiferromagnetism and super-conductivity in LaFeAsO1-xFx: Effective Hamiltonian from ab initio studies, Physical Review B 77, 220506 (2008) (cited >150 times)

My primary research interest is the first principles study of correlated systems and iron-based superconductors, as well as transport phenomena in low-dimensional systems. Currently, I am interested in the frustrated magnetism in iron-pnictides/chalcogenides, and realistic modeling of correlated system (i.e, LDA+DMFT).
1.Chao Cao, Yan Wang, Hai-Ping Cheng and J.-Z. Jiang, Perfect spin-filtering and giant magnetoresistance with Fe-terminated graphene nanoribbon, Applied Physics Letters 99, 073110 (2011)
2.Chao Cao and Jianhui Dai, Block Spin Ground State and Three-Dimensionality of (K,Tl)yFe1:6Se2, Physical Review Letters 107, 056401 (2011)
3.Hua Chen, Chao Cao and Jianhui Dai, Block spin magnetism and metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional Hubbard model with perfect vacancy superstructure, Physical Review B 83, 180413 (2011)
4.Chao Cao and Jianhui Dai, Electronic structure and Mott localization of iron-deficient TlFe1:5Se2 with superstructures, Physical Review B 83, 193104 (2011)
5.Chao Cao and Jianhui Dai, Electronic Structure of KFe2Se2 from First-Principles Calculations, Chinese Physics Letters 28, 057402 (2011)
6.Chao Cao, Yuning Wu, R. Hamdan, et al, Accurate projected augmented wave datasets for BaFe2As2, New Journal of Physics 12, 123029 (2010)
7.Min Wu, Chao Cao and J.-Z. Jiang, Electronic structure of substitutionally Mn-doped graphene, New Journal of Physics 12, 063020 (2010)
8.MinWu, Chao Cao and J.-Z. Jiang, Light non-metallic atom (B, N, O and F)-doped graphene: a first-principles study, Nanotechnology 21, 505202 (2010)
9.J. L. Palma, Chao Cao, X.-G. Zhang, et al, Manipulating I-V Characteristics of a Molecular Switch with Chemical Modi_cations, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 1655-1662 (2010)
10.YanWang, Chao Cao and Hai-Ping Cheng, Metal-terminated graphene nanoribbons, Physical Review B 82, 205429 (2010)
11.Chao Cao, Min Wu, J. Z. Jiang, et al, Transition metal adatom and dimer adsorbed on graphene: Induced magnetization and electronic structures, Physical Review B 81 205424 (2010) (cited 14 times)

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