
發布時間:2021-11-22 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


杭州師范大學理學院導師:周斌 正文

姓名: 周斌 Zhou Bin
職稱:教授 Professor

遙感理論及應用(Remote Sensing Theory and Application)

1988-1992 浙江大學地球科學系 本科(B.Sc, Geology, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University)
1992-1996 中國科學院地球化學研究所 碩士(M.Sc, Environmental Geochemistry, Institute of geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
1996-1999 中國科學院地球化學研究所 博士(Ph.D, Geochemistry, Institute of geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
1999-2001 浙江大學農業遙感與信息技術應用研究所 博士后 (Postdoctoral Research/Teaching Associate, Institute of Agricultural Remote sensing and information system application, College of Environment and Resources, Zhejiang University)
2001-2011 浙江大學農業遙感與信息技術應用研究所 副教授(Associate Professor, Institute of Agricultural Remote sensing and information system application, College of Environment and Resources, Zhejiang University)
2004-2004 英國貝爾法斯特女皇大學 訪問學者(Visiting Scholar, Queens University of Belfast, UK)
2005-2007 澳大利亞昆士蘭大學 國家公派訪問學者(Visiting Scholar, University of Queensland, Australia)
2011- 杭州師范大學理學院遙感與地球科學研究院 教授(Professor, Institute of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, College of Science, Hangzhou Normal University)

2000-2002 研究生課程:數字遙感圖像處理 (graduate course: Digital Image Processing in Remote Sensing)
2003-2004 研究生課程:數字遙感圖像處理、遙感軟件實習(graduate course: Digital Image Processing in Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing Software)Training
2005-2010 研究生課程:遙感與數字圖像處理(graduate course: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing)
2011- 研究生課程:定量遙感 (graduate course: Quantitative Remote Sensing)


Prof. Zhou Bin′s research interests are in: Biophysical Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis, Statistics and Modelling, Remote Sensing Education and Training. His biophysical remote sensing interests are concerned with: 1) Environmental monitoring and management applications (in coastal wetlands and estuaries, urban expansion, soil mapping, aerosol optical thickness retrieving); 2) Multi-scale and multi-temporal analyses; 3) Optical properties simulation, measurement and processing (in Inherent optical properties of suspended particulates, BRDF); 4) Algorithm development (hyperspectral, high-spatial); 5) Error analysis and uncertainty assessment ( in remote sensing products). His current research projects are: 1) National Natural Science Foundation Project of China:Spatio-temporal variation and its mechanism of the inherent optical properties of suspended particulates in estuary water; 2) Public science and technology research funds projects of State Oceanic Administration: Demonstration research on the development of remote sensing monitoring and assessment system on carbon dioxide flux of air-sea interface in offshore water of China; 3) Public science and technology research funds projects of State Oceanic Administration: Demonstration research on the ocean environmental factors remote sensing and applications.

Zhou Bin, Ding Lixia, et al, eds, Development and Application of Information System for Change Detection of Zhejiang Tidal Flat Soil Resources Utilization (in Chinese), China Agriculture Press, 2008
2.Wang Fan, Zhou Bin, Zhou Gendi, Liu Xingmei, Zhao Keli. Remote Sensing Inversion Mode of Surface Water Suspended Sediments Concentration Based on in Situ Measured Spectrum in Hangzhou Bay, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011(Minor Revision)
3.Yu Zhifeng, Chen Xiaoling, Zhou Bin, Tian LiQiao, Yuan Xiaohong, Feng Lian. Assessment of total suspended sediment in Poyang Lake using HJ-1A/1B CCD imagery, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 30(2): 295-304, 2012
4.Ding Xiaodong, Zhou Bin, Xu Junfeng, Liu Ting and Xie Bin. Risk evaluation of available phosphorus loss in agricultural land based on remote sensing and GIS, Proc. SPIE 8203, 82031B; doi:10.1117/12.910428
5.Ling Zaiying, Zhou Bin, Jiang Jingang, Dou Wenjie and Zhou Fangfang. Modeling the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of water based on Monte Carlo simulation, Proc. SPIE 8203, 82030A; doi:10.1117/12.910368
6.Zhou Fangfang, Zhou Bin, Zhu Weiping, Dou Wenjie and Ling Zaiying. The study on optical optical absorption properties of water components in Xixi wetland of Hangzhou, Proc. SPIE 8203, 82031D; doi:10.1117/12.910432
7.Wang Fan, Zhou Bin, Xu Jian-ming, Song Li-song, Wang Xin. Application of Neural Network and MODIS 250m Imagery for Estimating Suspended Sediments Concentration in Hangzhou Bay, China. Environmental Geology, 2009, 56(6):1093-1101.
Wang Fan, Ling Zai-ying, Zhou Bin, Li-shong, Wang Xin. MODIS Images Monitoring Short-period Variation of Estuary Surface Water Suspended Sediments Concentration, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) (in Chinese), 2009, 43(4): 755-759
Liu Pu, Zhang Yuan, Zhou Bin, Wu Jia-ping. Land use/cover classification using multi-source data with SAM, Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science), 2009, 43(9): 1574-1579
Wang Fan, Zhou Bin, Xu Jian-ming, Ling Zai-ying, Zhou Gen-di. Surface Spectral Measurement and Characteristics Analysis of Turbid water in Hangzhou Bay, (in Chinese), 2009, 29(3): 730-734
Remote Sensing Inversion Mode of Suspended Particles Concentration in Hangzhou Bay Based on in situ Measurement Spectrum, Environmental Science, 2008, 29(11): 3022-3026
Wang Fan, Zhou Bin, Xu Jian-ming, Song Li-shong, Wang Xin. Vertical distribution rule analysis and simulation of suspended sediment concentration in Hangzhou Bay, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) (in Chinese), 2008,42(11):2028-2032
Wang Fan, Qiu Jiang-hai, Zhou Bin, Xu Jian-ming. Study on multi-objective land suitability appraisal and application in tidal flat inning area based on GIS, Chinese Journal of Soil Science (in Chinese), 2008,39(2):218-222
Wang Fan, Zhou Bin, Xu Jian-ming. Land suitability spatial analysis and optimal exploitation pattern in tidal flat, Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (in Chinese), 2008, 24(1):119-123.
Wang Fan, Zhou Bin, Liu Jian-ming. Study on WebGIS-based quality evaluation system in coastal water environment of Zhejiang Province (in Chinese), Marine Environmental Science, 2007, 26(4):342-346.
Wang Fan, Qiu Jiang-hai, Zhou Bin, Xu Jian-ming. Mathematical model of land use structure optimization in new exploited tidal flat, Economic Geography (in Chinese), 2007, 4:614-617.
Wang Fan, Zhou Bin, Jiang Chuan. Land Use/Cover Change Study of Coastal Area in Zhejiang Province in the Past Decade by Remote Sensing Monitoring, Bulletiin of Science and Technology (in Chinese), 2007, 23(3): 332-336.
Tu Li-ping, Zhou Bin. A Comparative Study of Algorithms for Estimating Land Surface Temperature from Landsat/TM Data, Bulletin of Science and Technology (in Chinese), 2007, 23(3): 326-331.
Xu Hong-wei, Gao Yu-rong, Wang Ke, Zhou Bin, Zhou Qing. Investigation of Spatial Interpolation of Available Soil Nitrogen in Paddy Field Based on Rice Canopy Spectral Information, Transactions of the CSAE (in Chinese), 2007, 23(3):13-17.
Wang Fan, Zhou Bin, Jiang Chuan. Application of ArcIMS-Based Map Publication for the Dynamic Monitoring of Coastal Soil Resource Systems of Zhejiang Province, Chinese Journal of Soil Science (in Chinese), 2006, 37(6): 1048-1052.
Wang Xin, Zhou Bin, Ding Li-xia, Wang Ren-chao. The Statistic System of Coastal Region of Zhejiang Province Based on Web, Bulletiin of Science and Technology (in Chinese), 2006, 22(4): 500-505.
Ding Li-xia, Zhou Bin, Zhang Xin-gang, Wang Ren-chao. Continental Coastline Change Research by Remote Sensing in Zhejiang Province, Bulletin of Science and Technology (in Chinese), 2006, 22(3): 292-298.
23.許紅衛,高克異,王珂,周斌,John S.Bailey.稻田土壤養分空間變異與合理取樣數研究,植物營養與肥料學報,2006,12(1):37-43.
Xu Hong-wei, Gao Ke-yi, Wang Ke, Zhou Bin, John S. Bailey. Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients in Paddy Field and Their Appropriate Sampling Sizes, Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science (in Chinese), 2006, 12(1): 37-43.
Gao Yu-rong, Xu Hong-wei, Zhou Bin. Investigation on spatial variability of soil nutrients in paddy field, Chinese Journal of Soil Science (in Chinese), 2005, 36(6): 822-825.
25.Feng Xiuli, Wang Ke, Lou Liming, Zhou Bin. Vector Data Error Analysis for Remote Sensing- Based Urban Change Mapping, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 6045, 60453C, 2005
26.Feng Xiuli, Wang Ke, Zhou Bin, Deng Jinsong, Luo Peng, Lin Qinyuan. Geometric Correction Error of SPOT5 Remotely Sensed Image, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings, 2005. IGARSS’05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International, 4: 2474-2477
27.Zhou Bin, Zhang Xingang, Wang Fan, Wang Ren-chao. Soil Organic Matter Mapping by Decision Tree Modeling, Pedosphere, 2005, 15(1): 103-109.
Feng Xiu-li, Wang Ke, Zhou Bin. Error of 1:10000 vector data for land use based on SPOT5 image, Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (in Chinese), 2005, 21(9): 56-61.
Ding Li-xia, Zhou Bin, Wang Ren-chao, Comparison of five relative radiometric normalization techniques for remote sensing monitoring, Journal of Zhejiang University (Agri. & Life Sci.) (in Chinese), 2005, 31(3): 269-276.
Ding Li-xia, Wang Ren-chao, Zhou Bin, The study of the zoning landscape based on spectral character, Bulletin of Science and Technology (in Chinese), 2005, 21(3): 266-271.
Zhou Qing, Zhou Bin, Wang Ren-chao, Zhang Yang-zhu. Effect of geometric conditions on soil hyperspectral data scatter characteristic in laboratory test, Journal of South China Agriculatural University (in Chinese), 2005, 26(1): 31-35.
32.Zhou Bin, Zhang Xingang, Wang Renchao. Automated soil resources mapping based on decision tree and Bayesian predictive modeling, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE, 2004, 5(7): 782-795.
Zhou Qing, Zhou Bin, Zhang Yang-zhu, Wang Ren-chao. Influence of parent materials on paddy soil hyperspectral characteristics and SOM spectral-parameter-models, Acta Pedologica Sinica (in Chinese), 2004, 41(6): 905-911.
Zhang Xin-gang, Zhou Bin, Wang Ke, Change detection of heat island in hangzhou city based on Landsat TM6, Bulletin of Science and Technology (in Chinese), 2004, 20(6): 501-505.
Zhou Qing, Zhou Bin, Zhang Yang-zhu, Wang Ren-chao, The difference of SOM content hyperspectral models of paddy soils derived from different parent material, Bulletin of Science and Technology (in Chinese), 2004, 20(6): 471-475.
Zhou Bin, Wang Fan. Spatial prediction of soil properties based on the decision tree modeling, Chinese Journal of Soil Science (in Chinese), 2004, 35(4): 385-390.
Zhang Jin-heng, Wang Ke, Wang Ren-chao, Zheng Hong-fu, Zhou Bin. Sensitive band ranges of leaf spectral reflectance in diagnosis of rice nitrogen nutrition, Journal of Zhejiang University (Agri. & Life Sci.) (in Chinese), 2004, 30(3): 340-346.
38.沈掌泉,周斌,孔繁勝,John S.Bailey.應用廣義回歸神經網絡進行土壤空間變異研究,土壤學報,2004,41(3):130-134.
Shen Zhang-quan, Zhou Bin, Kong Fan-sheng, John S. Bailey, Study on spatial variety of soil properties by means of generalized regression neural network, Acta Pedologica Sinica (in Chinese), 2004, 41(3): 130-134.
Zhou Bin,Wang Fan, Wang Ren-chao. Automated soil mapping by using classification tree algorithm, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (in Chinese), 2004, 18(2): 140-143.
Zhou Qing, Zhang Yang-zhu, Zhou Bin, Hu Rui-zhi, Wang Ren-chao. Effect of geometric conditions on soil hyperspectral data fluctuate quality in laboratory test, Journal of Hunan Agricultural University (Natural Sciences) (in Chinese), 2004, 30(1): 29-32.
41.Zhou Bin, Wang Renchao. Knowledge-based classification in automated soil mapping, Pedosphere, 2003, 13(3): 209-218.
Zhou Bin, Xu Hong-wei, Wang Ren-chao. Soil organic matter mapping based on classification tree modeling, Acta Pedologica Sinica (in Chinese), 2003, 40(6): 801-808.
Liu Ying, Wang Ke, Zhou Bin, Xu Hong-wei, Shen Zhang-quan. Preliminary study on hyperspectral remote sensing of Qiandao Lake chlorophyll-a concentration, Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture & Life Science) (in Chinese), 2003, 29(6): 621-626.
Gu Jie, Wang Jian-di, Zhou Bin, Lin Qin-yuan. The Utilities of 3DGIS in Landscape Planning and Design, Areal Research and Development (in Chinese), 2003, 22(5): 10-13.
Xu Hong-wei, Zhou Bin,Wang Ren-chao, John S. Bailey. Temporal and spatial variability of sward dry matter yield patterns and mapping, Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (in Chinese), 2003, 19(4): 159-163.

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