
發布時間:2021-11-22 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


杭州師范大學理學院導師:張登榮 正文

姓名: 張登榮 Dengrong Zhang
性別:男 Male
職稱:教授 Professor

Remote sensing geology
GIS development and application


2010-now:Hangzhou Normal University, Vice director of the Institute of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, Director of Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Urban Wetlands and Regional Change,Professor
1997-2009:Zhejiang University, Department of Earth Science, Director of the Institute of Geospatial Information Technology,Associate professor
1997-2004:Zhejiang University, Department of Earth Science, Major in Remote Sensing Geology,Doctor(incumbency)
1993-1997:Zhejiang University, Department of Earth Science, Lecturer
1989-1992:Zhejiang University, Department of Earth Science, Major in Remote Sensing Geology,Master
1987-1989:Zhejiang University, Department of Earth Science, Major in Remote Sensing Geology,Bachelor


Undergraduate Courses:
《Remote sensing principles and applications》
《C language and data structure》
《Graphic and image processing program design》
Graduate Courses:
《Ground object spectroscopy》
《Introduction of Geographic Information System》
《Topics of remote sensing technology application》
《Remote sensing program design》
Ph.D. Courses:
《The forefront of remote sensing technology》

18.2005.05-2005.12,衛星遙感數據快速處理及洪水災害快速評估(2005AA131021) ,國家863項目。



1.Dengrong Zhang, Bin Xie, Yang Wu and Yanli Ma. A Two-Level Geospatial Information Services Collaborative Model, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, Volume 142/2012, 119-127
2.Dengrong Zhang, Fan Wang, Zhaoquan Huang, Lifan Zhou and Yang Wu, Reconstruction of InSAR DEM using ERS-1/2 Interferogram and SRTM Data, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, Volume 142/2012, 129-136
4.謝斌,俞樂,呂揚,張登榮。一種多源空間數據統一訪問模型的實現,浙江大學學報(理學版),2011,38( 2) :223- 228
5.Dengrong Zhang, Le Yu and Liping Di. Use of NWGISS to Implement a Data Node in China’s Spatial Information Grid. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. 2010,7-25.
6.董傳萬,閆強,張登榮,杜振永,竺國強。浙閩沿海晚中生代伸展構造的巖石學標志:東極島鎂鐵質巖墻群,巖石學報,2010,26(4) (SCI).
13.張登榮,俞樂,謝斌,呂揚,狄黎平,基于WSRF框架的空間信息服務技術,浙江大學學報(理學版),2008,V35(6) :696-700
14.Hanbin Ni, Liping Zhang, Dengrong Zhang. Weathering of pisha-sandstones in the wind-water erosion crisscross region on the Loess Plateau. Journal of Mountain Science. 2008,5(4),340-349.
15.Le Yu, Dengrong Zhang, A fast and fully automatic registration approach based on point features for multi-source remote-sensing images, Computers and Geosciences, 2008,V0l.34(7)(SCI)
16.張登榮等,基于OGC WPS的Web環境遙感圖像處理技術研究,浙江大學學報(工學版),2008,V0l.42(7)(EI)
17.張登榮等,ERS-1/2 InSAR干涉圖處理的濾波方法實驗對比研究,浙江大學學報(理學版),2008,V35(4):464-467`
20.張登榮,俞樂,蔡志剛,基于面特征的光學與SAR影像自動匹配方法,中國礦業大學學報,2007,36(6):p843-847 (EI)
27.董傳萬,張登榮 徐夕生 閆強 竺國強,福建晉江中一基性巖墻群的鋯石SHRIMP U—Pb定年和巖石地球化學,巖石學報,2006,22(6)(SCI)
34.李志剛,張登榮,基于GML3.0的GIS 拓撲數據建模與表達,遙感信息,2004,3:43-47.
39.柴登峰,張登榮。前N 條最短路徑問題的算法及應用,浙江大學學報(工學版),2002,36(5):531-534.
43.李先華,林輝,陳曉清,張登榮等。GI S支持下降雨滑坡的啟動機制研究與數字仿真,工程地質學報,2001,09(02):133-140.
49.Weng Huanxing, Zhang Dengrong. Distribution of heavy-metals in the Grand Canal(Hangzhou Section) and its Contributing Factors, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 1997, vol.9 No3.


1.2011.1-2015.12, Remote sensing geological survey of national surface deformation of China (1212011140041), Project of China Geological Survey Bureau
2.2011.10-2012.3, Geological environment remote sensing survey in Hangzhou Bay. Project of Geological Monitoring Center of Zhejiang Province
3.2011.6-2012.6, Zhejiang Province Development Zone energy saving optimize GIS system development. Project of Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province
4.2011.1-2014.12, Research of error correction technology for autonomous ocean dynamic environment satellite (201105032-8), Public welfare project of State Oceanic Administration of China
5.2010.6-2010.12, Geological disasters InSAR Monitoring Information Service System of Shanghai, Project of China Aero Geophysical Survey & Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources (AGRS)
6.2009.1-2010.12, African mineral resources and environmental remote sensing monitoring subsystem integration (2008AA121505-4). National 863 project of China
7.2009.1-2010.12, Autonomy and policy-driven geospatial information service collaboration technology (2009AA12Z212). National 863 project of China
8.2009.1-2009.12,Geological disaster InSAR monitoring information comprehensive analysis system (1212010641204), Project of China Geological Survey Bureau
9.2008.7-2012.6, Remote sensing geological information applications in Zhejiang mineral resource potential assessment, Project of Zhejiang Geological Survey Bureau
10.2008.05-2009.12,Research of Hyperspectral geological information extraction method and software development,Project of China Geological Survey Bureau
11.2008.02-2009.12, InSAR applications in geological environment monitoring (2007AA12Z167), National 863 project of China
12.2007.8-2008.12, Respirable particle pollution monitoring techniques based on satellite remote sensing, The platform project of Zhejiang province
13.2007.07-2008.12, Remote sensing geospatial information retrieval and dynamic monitoring of Grand Canal (Zhejiang-Jiangsu section) (2006BAK30B013), Project of National Science and Technology Support Program of China
14.2007.08-2008.08, Research of InSAR data processing method in low coherence district (1212010560705), Project of China Geological Survey Bureau
15.2006.06-2007.12, Hangzhou urban geological remote sensing survey (200413000021), Project of China Geological Survey Bureau
16.2006.2-2006.12, The Hangjiahu water environmental information system software design, Project of Environmental Science Research & Design Institute of Zhejiang province.
17.2005.8-2006.3, Data quality improvement methods and techniques of InSAR surface deformation monitoring,Project of China Geological Survey Bureau
18.2005.05-2005.12, Satellite remote sensing rapidly process and flood disaster assessment system (2005AA131021) , National 863 project of China
19.2005.5-2005.12, Geospatial information web services infrastructure environment (2003AA135118), National 863 project of China
20.1997.5-1998.12, Analysis and visual system of submarine topography, National 863 project of China
21.1996.8-1999.7, Establishment and application of environmental pollution information database of Zhejiang coastal zone, Key Project of Science and Technology Commission of Zhejiang Province
22. 1993-1996, Soil Erosion Remote Sensing Survey System for Small Watershed, Project of Science and Technology Commission of Zhejiang Province

Science and Technology Progress Award of Zhejiang Province:
1.Zhejiang coastal priority pollutants and marine environmental information database research, Third prize, 2/5, 2000
2.Remote sensing data integrated processing and Hangzhou cities and land use dynamic monitoring information system research, Third prize, 3/5, 1993

Published monographs:
1.Dengfeng Cai, Dengrong Zhang. Geometry processing method of high-resolution satellite images. Press of Zhejiang University, 2007
2.Member of the Editorial Board, Resources, Environment and Remote Sensing,Geological Publishing House, 2005
3.Dengrong Zhang, Yuanhong Zhao, Pengwei Xu. Remote sensing method of soil erosion and land resource evaluation. Press of Atomic Energy, 1996

Published papers:
1.Dengrong Zhang, Bin Xie, Yang Wu and Yanli Ma. A Two-Level Geospatial Information Services Collaborative Model, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, Volume 142/2012, 119-127
2.Dengrong Zhang, Fan Wang, Zhaoquan Huang, Lifan Zhou and Yang Wu, Reconstruction of InSAR DEM using ERS-1/2 Interferogram and SRTM Data, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, Volume 142/2012, 129-136
3.XIE Bin, YU Le,ZHANG Deng-rong. Distributed Fusion Process for Remotely Sensed Images Based on GIS Services Chain, REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND &RESOURCES, 2011,1:138-145
4.XIE Bin, YU Le, LV Yang, ZHANG Deng-rong. An implementation of multisource spatial data unif orm access model. Jo ur nal of Zhejiang Univer sity( Science Edit ion) , 2011, 38( 2) : 223- 228
5.Dengrong Zhang, Le Yu and Liping Di. Use of NWGISS to Implement a Data Node in China’s Spatial Information Grid. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. 2010,7-25.
6.Dong CW, Yan Q, Zhang DR, Du ZY and Zhu GQ. Late Mesozoic extension in the coastal area of Zhejiang and Fujian provinces: A petrologic indicator from the Dongji Island mafic dike swarms. Acta Petrologica, 2010, 26(4) :1195-1203. (SCI).
7.ZHANG Han-kui, ZHANG Deng-rong, ZHU Jun, YU Le. Research on Extracting Directly and Indirectly Copper Mineral Information Using Hyperion Data, REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION, 2010, 25(6): 881-885.
8.ZHANG Deng-rong, ZHANG Han-kui, YU Le, CHEN Qian, Multi Remote Sensing Image Mosaic Based on Valid Area, REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND&RESOURCES, 2010, 1:39-43.
9.LI Xiang,YU Le,DONG Chuan-wan,ZHANG Deng-rong. An Analysis of Emissivity Characteristics of Typical Igneous Rocks in Xinchang Area, REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND&RESOURCES, 2010, 2:68-72.
10.XIE Bin,LI Xiang,YU Le,SHU Liang,ZHANG Deng-rong. An Analysis of the Change of the Beijing--Hangzhou Grand Canal (Hangzhou Section)and Its Impact on the Industrial Pattern, REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND&RESOURCES, 2010,3: 76-79.
11.HUANG Zhao-quan,ZHANG Deng-rong,WANG Fan,DANG Fu-xing,LI Zhi-zhong. Differential SAR Interferometry for the Monitoring of Underground Coal Spontaneous Combustion Zone Surface Deformation, EMOTE SENSING FOR LAND&RESOURCES, 2010, 4: 85-90.
12.ZHANG Deng-rong, YU Le, ZHANG Han-kui, CAI Zhi-gang, Fast mosaic method for optical remote sensing images, Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 2009,43(11)(EI)
13.ZHANG Dengrong, YU Le, XIE Bin, Lv Yang, DI Liping. A spatial information service technique based on WSRF, Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 2008, V35(6): 696-700
14.Hanbin Ni, Liping Zhang, Dengrong Zhang. Weathering of pisha-sandstones in the wind-water erosion crisscross region on the Loess Plateau. Journal of Mountain Science. 2008,5(4),340-349.
15.Le Yu, Dengrong Zhang, A fast and fully automatic registration approach based on point features for multi-source remote-sensing images, Computers and Geosciences, 2008, V0l.34(7)(SCI)
16.ZHANG Deng-rong, YU Le, DENG Chao, DI Li-ping, OGC WPS-based remote sensing image processing in Web environment, Journal of Zhejiang university(Engineering Science), 2008, V0l.42(7)(EI)
17.ZHANG Deng-rong, YU Jun`, GUO Xiao-fang, YU Le, WANG Fan, WANG Xiaoxin,Experimental investigations of filtering methods of ERS-I/2 InSAR interferograms. Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition), 2008,V35(4):464-467
18.Zhang Deng-rong, Yu Le,Liu Fu-bing. A Fusion Algorithm of Image Based on Wavelet Package and Different Frequencies Processing, Remote Sensing Information,2007, 1:7-10
19.ZHANG Deng-rong, DONG Chuan-wan, HUANG Qin, YAN Qiang, Remote sensing spectral of igneous racks from Xinchang county, Zhejiang Province and their forming mechanism. Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition), 2007,34(6):716-720
20.ZHANG Deng-rong, YU Le, CAI Zhi-gang, A Region Feature Based Automatic Matching forOptical and SAR Images, Journal of China University of Mining&Technology,2007, 36(6):843-847 (EI)
21.ZHANG Deng-rong, YU Le, A High-Precision Co-registration Method for InSAR Image Processing, JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING,2007,11(4):563-567
22.ZHANG Li-ping,ZHANG Deng-rong,ZHANG Rui-bo,YANG Qin-ke. Ecological prediction model and experimental simulation of soil water erosionin small watershed:taking Liudaogou small watershed as an example, JOURNAL OF NATURAL DISASTERS, 2007, 16(2):55-59
23.ZHANG Deng-rong,ZHANG Xiao-yu,YU Le, LIU Fu-bing. Remote sensing image fusion method based on wavelet packet frequency-shift, Journal of Zhejiang university(Engineering Science), 2007,41(7)(EI)
24.ZHANG Deng-rong, CAI Zhi-gang, YU Le. Study on image automatism registration methods based on matching, Journal of Zhejiang university(Engineering Science), 2007, 41(3)(EI)
25.ZHANG Deng-rong, YU Le, CAI Zhi-gang.Matching method based on Harris operator and wavelet pyramid, Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition),2007, 34(4):465-468
26.Deng Chao, Yu Le, Wu Xiao-song, Zhang Deng-rong. Map Projection Transform Based on Web Services, Remote Sensing Information, 2006, 4:70-73
27.Dong CW, Zhang DR, Xu XS, Yan Q and Zhu GQ. SHRIMP U-Pb Dating and lithogeochemistry of basic-intermediate dike swarms from Jinjiang, Fujian Province, Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2006, 22(6)(SCI)
28.NI Hanbin, ZHANG Liping, ZHANG Dengrong. Simulated rainfall experiments on soil and water erosion in different phases of resources exploitation in Shendong mine region.Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2006, 26(12): 2065-2071(SCI)
29.Zhang Deng-rong, Liu Fu-bing, Yu Le, Cai Zhi-gang, Deng Chao. An Auto-adapted Features Extraction Method Based on Harris operator, REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND&RESOURCES,2006, 2:35-38.
30.Zhang Li-ping, Zhang Deng-rong, Zhang Rui-bo, Yang Qin-ke. Research on Basic Ecological Landform Unit and Model of Soil Erosion Estimation and Predict in Small Watershed,Journal of Soil and Water Conservation,2005,19(1):101~104.
31.Guo Zhao-sheng, Zhang Deng-rong. An Improved High-efficiency Algorithm of Delaunay Triangulation Generation, Remote Sensing Information, 2005, 1:15-17
32.ZHANG Dengrong, GUO Zhaosheng, SHEN Guozhuang. A hybridized method for remote sensing digital images matching. Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition), 2005, 32(6): 716-720.
33.GUO Zhao-sheng, ZHANG Deng-rong. Research and realization of tree structure under ASP.net, Computer Engineering and Design, 2005,26(2):388-389,416
34.LI Zhi-gang,ZHANG Deng-rong. The Modeling and Expression of Topologic Data for GIS Based on GML3.0, Remote Sensing Information, 2004, 3:43-47.
35.WU Yu-xiao,ZHANG Deng-rong. Improved algorithm for building Delaunay triangulation.Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition).2004, 31(3):343~349.
36.ZHAO Wen-bin, ZHANG Deng-rong. The Development Research and Application Perspectives of GIS Based on Mobile Computing, Remote Sensing Information, 2003, 1:31-35.
37.ZHAO Wen-bin, ZHANG Deng-rong. Geographical Information System in Mobile Computing Environment, Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2003, 19(2):19-23.
38.Li Xianhua, Hui Lin, Gong Jianhua, Zhang Dengrong, He Yiping, Chen Xiaoqing, Hu Kaiheng, Li Yong. Research and Digital Simulation about Digital Landslide Motion, Geo-Information Science, 2003,3:36-41.
39.Chai Deng-feng, Zhang Deng-rong. Algorithm and its application to N shortest paths problem, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 2002, 36(5):531-534.
40.Qian Xiang-dong, Zhang Deng-rong. DTM Data for Radio Network Design Service, Remote Sensing Information, 2002, 1:18-21.
41.Lu Zhong, Qian Xiang-dong, Zhang Deng-rong. Application of Shortest Path Searching for Urban Public Traffic Network Modeling. Remote Sensing Information,2002, 1:10-13,45
42.Li Xianhua, Chen Xiaoqing, Hu Kaiheng, Li Yong, He Yiping, Zhang Dengrong, Yu Sheng, Zhu Hongqi, Li Mei, Shi Huosheng, Hui Lin. Digital Simulation Model of Landslide Motion Process Under GIS Support,Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2001, 20(2):175-179
43.Li Xianhua, Hui Lin, Chen Xiaoqing, Zhang Dengrong, Zhu Hongqi, Li Mei, Zhao Jun, He Yiping. GIS-AIDED STUDY AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF INITIATION MECHANISM OF LANDSLIDE DUE TO PRECIPITATION, Journal of Engineering Geology, 2001,09(02):133-140.
44.Zhang Dengrong, Liu Shaohua, Mao Tianlu, Wang Chao. An Algorithm of Automatic Creation of Topological Relation andIts Application of Fast Color Fill between Contours, Journal of Image and Graphics, 2001,(3).
45.Zhang Dengrong, Zhu Jianli,Xu Pengwei. Research of dynamic monitoring system for soil erosion by satellite remote sensing and GIS technique. Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition), 2001, 28(5).
46.Zhang Dengrong, Zhu Jianli,Zhao Yuanhong, Yu Qinguo.Dynamic Comprehensive Hierarchy Discriminatory Analysis Method: A Case Study on Soil Erosion Intensity Analysis. Journal of Remote Sensing, 1998,(3).
47.Zhang Dengrong, Zhao Yuanhong. The fast detect ion method of soil erosionby using remotely sensed data, Journal of Zhejiang University(Natural Science), 1997, 11(6).
48.Liu Huagen, Yang Shufeng, Chen Hanlin, Zhang Dengrong. Reflective spectral properties of two granites in guandong province and their significance of remote sensing, Geological Journal of China Universities,1997,3(4):445-450.
49.Weng Huanxing, Zhang Dengrong. Distribution of heavy-metals in the Grand Canal(Hangzhou Section) and its Contributing Factors, Journal of Environmental Sciences, vol.9 No3. 1997.

Copyright of Computer Software:
1.InSAR geological disaster monitoring information service system software (V1.0), NO. 011SR082670, 2011-11-15
2.Policy-driven geospatial information services self-combination software (V1.0), NO. 2011SR000283, 2011-1-5
3.Remote monitoring system software for Repeater (V1.0), NO. 2008SR24153, 2008-10-14
4.Satellite remote sensing rapidly process and flood disaster assessment system software (V1.0), NO. 2008SR24154, 2008-10-14

*如果發現導師信息存在錯誤或者偏差,歡迎隨時與我們聯系,以便進行更新完善。 聯系方式>>



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