
發布時間:2021-11-22 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


河南農業大學機電工程學院導師:胡建東 正文

姓名 胡建東 出生年月 1965.09
職稱/職務 教授/副院長 聯系方式 13393706339
導師類別 碩導 E-mail jiandonghu@163.com
指導研究生學科 農業電氣化與自動化
研究方向 光學生物傳感器技術與儀器、激光分子光譜分析
講授課程 傳感器原理與應用(本科)、單片機原理與接口技術(本科)、現代傳感技術(碩士)、智能檢測與監控(碩士)
承擔科研項目及獲獎情況 (1)863重點項目子課題(2007AA100606)重大動物疫病光學SPR快速檢測儀的研制2007-2010,主持
(2)新西蘭皇家科學院國際技術合作項目(Contract No:20203),Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor Using Optical Fibre,2005-2010,主持
[1] Jiandong Hu,Wei Li,Tingting Wang,Zhili Lin,Min Jiang,Fengjiang Hu.Development of a label-free and innovative approach based on surface plasmon resonance biosensor for on-site detection of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV)[J].Biosensors and Bioelectronics2012,31(1):475-479
[2] Jiandong Hu,Jinfang Hu,Fukun Luo,Wei Li,Guoliang Jiang,Zhengfeng Li,Runna Zhang,Design and validation of a low cost surface plasmon resonance bioanalyzer using microprocessors and a touch-screen monitor[J].Biosensors and Bioelectronics2009,24(7):1974-1978
[3] Jiandong Hu,Xiangyang Zhao,“An improved centroid algorithm for a surface plasmon resonance bioanalyzer using microprocessors [J]”.The International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics2009,1-4
[4] Yuanyuan Zhao,Guoliang Jiang,Jiandong Hu.“Evaluation of kinetic constants of biomolecular interaction on optical surface plasmon resonance sensor with newton iteration method”,5th interntional symposium on advanced optical manufacturing and testing technologiesSPIE 2010, 7656-53
[5] Zhili Lin,Yuntuan Fang,Jiandong Hu.“On the FDTD Formulations for Modeling Wideband Lorentzian Media[J].”IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION2010,58(12):1-1.
[6] Hu Jingfang,Zhu Mingyi,Hu Jiandong,Jiang Min.“Novel design of a data acquisition and analysis system for surface plasmon resonance bioanalyzer using Labview Virtual Instrument[J]”.Electronic Measurement & Instruments,2009.ICEMI 09.9th International Conference on 16-192009, 1-1031-1-1035.
[7] Jiandong Hu,Min Jiang,Xiangyang Zhao.“Fringing field sensor using a circuit modulated parameter for measuring water content in a soil sample[J].”Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering2008 Vol.134(3):356-360.
[8] Jiandong Hu,Wei Li,Jian Chen,Xiaohui Zhang, Xiangyang Zhao.“Novel plating solution for electroless deposition of gold film onto glass surface[J].”Surface & Coatings Technology2008,202:2922-2926.
[9] Jiandong Hu,Jiang Min,Zhili Lin.“Novel technology for depositing a Pd-Ag alloy film on a tapered optical fibre for hydrogen sensing [J].”Journal of Optics A:Pure and Applied Optics.2006,7(10):593-598.
[10] Z.Lin,J.Hu,"Study of Geometrical Optics on Left-handed Material (I) [J]."Acta Photonica Sinica2006,35(6):893-897
學術和社會兼職 中國農業工程學會會員,中國儀器儀表學會農業儀器應用技術學會會員,河南省農業工程學會理事。《Biosensors and Bioelectronics》、《Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering》審稿人

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