
發布時間:2021-10-23 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


江南大學食品學院導師:張慜 正文


  ?個人簡介Personal Brief Introduction
  1998年起他招收碩士生,培養碩士生105名【已畢業83名】;2000年起招收博士生,培養博士生41名【已畢業30名】;2004年起招收博士后和高訪學者,培養博士后6名、高訪學者2名。2000年入選江蘇省“青藍工程”和江蘇省“333工程”。2004年入選首批“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級人選,2006年享受國務院政府特殊津貼, 2005年起擔任瑞典國際科學基金委(IFS)食品學科科學顧問;2007年起先后擔任3個SCI學術刊物 (Journal of Food Engineering, 2013 IF2.576;Drying Technology,2013 IF1.770; International Agrophysics, 2013IF1.142)以及《食品與生物技術學報》、《食品安全質量檢測學報》、《干燥技術與設備》等國內學術刊物的編委。2013年8月起,被澳大利亞昆士蘭大學授予食品科學領域的榮譽教授。
  他已在國家級出版社出版專、譯著26部,其中與多家龍頭企業出版聯合專著7部;主編英文版國際系列會議論文集1本,應邀出版BOOK CHAPTER10個,共同主編英文專著1本;以責任作者在國際食品類SCI刊物上發表了200多篇論文,其中影響因子3.0以上的論文22篇,影響因子2.0-3.0的論文54篇;應邀發表12篇REVIEW論文;申報了184項國家發明專利(128個已獲授權)和11項國際專利(4項德國專利,日本、法國、韓國、瑞士專利各1項,3項PCT專利),榮獲“江蘇省第五屆十大杰出專利發明人”稱號。主持的項目獲國家科技進步二等獎1項,江蘇省科技進步一等獎1項、二等獎1項,中國輕工業聯合會科技進步一等獎1項、二等獎3項,中國商業聯合會科技進步特等獎2項、一等獎3項,教育部科技進步二等獎2項,中國食品工業協會科技進步一等獎1項、二等獎2項。作為合作單位研究團隊負責人與新加坡國立大學ARUN MUJUMDAR教授【新加坡工程院院士、加拿大化學研究院院士】緊密科技合作12年,使MUJUMDAR教授在2012年榮獲首屆江蘇省國際科技合作獎【江南大學報道鏈接:http://xinwen.jiangnan.edu.cn/jdrw/2013/0227/10892.html】、2013年度中華人民共和國國際科技合作獎【江南大學報道鏈接:http://xinwen.jiangnan.edu.cn/news/2014/0116/14905.html】以及2014年度中國政府友誼獎【江南大學食品學院報道鏈接:http://foodsci.jiangnan.edu.cn/Detail.asp?ID=5868&ClassID=11 ;中央政府門戶網站鏈接:http://www.gov.cn/guowuyuan/2014-09/30/content_2759394.htm】。2002年11月成功組織了第七屆國際農業工程雙年大會【IAEC 2002】; 2012年和2014年成功組織了首屆和第二屆“食品干燥”WORKSHOP【江南大學食品學院及江南大學報道鏈接:http://foodsci.jiangnan.edu.cn/Detail.asp?ID=3520&ClassID=11; http://xinwen.jiangnan.edu.cn/news/2014/0115/14902.html 】。國際干燥領域的權威SCI刊物Drying Technology (IF 1.770)以“江南大學食品脫水研發(Food Dehydration R&D at Jiangnan University)”為主題出版了整整一期特刊【2014年第15期,1741-1885頁】,以表彰他帶領的團隊在過去20年來對食品脫水干燥技術的研究、產業化以及國際干燥交流方面的杰出貢獻【江南大學報道鏈接:http://news.jiangnan.edu.cn/jntt/31397.shtml 】。
  Prof. Min Zhang,born in Pinghu, Zhejiang, China. He performed two periods of postdoctoral research work from 1992 to 1997.He is currently the key professor and PhD supervisor in School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University. He also works as Director of the R & D Center of Food Resource and Utilization Technology. His research areas focus on the Mechanism, Technology and Engineering of Processing and Storage of Fresh Foods.
  From 1998, Prof. Zhang was approved as the master supervisor and has supervised 98 masters (80 graduated).From 2000, he was approved as the PhD supervisor and has supervised 39 PhDs( 28 graduated). From 2004, he began to supervise the postdoctoral researchers and has supervised 6 postdocs. In 2000, Prof. Zhang was selected to Jiangsu Province Personnel Training Projects like “Qinglan Engineering” and “333 Engineering”. In 2003 and 2005, he was listed in the WHO’s WHO(science and engineering edition).In 2004, he was listed as the 1st Batch of the National Personnel Training Project of “New Century Bai-Qian-Wan Project”. In 2006, he was listed as the National Expert who enjoys special government allowances. From 2005, he was invited as the Scientific Adviser in Food Science Area by International Foundation for Science(IFS).From 2007, he was early or late listed as the editorial members of three SCI journals (Journal of Food Engineering, 2012 IF2.276; Drying Technology, 2012 IF1.814; International Agrophysics, 2012 IF 1.025) and several domestic journals such as Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology, Journal of Food Safety & Quality, Drying Technology & Equipment. From Aug,2013, he was appointed as Honorary Professor in Food Science Field in the University of Queensland, Australia.
  In recent years, Prof. Zhang actively promotes the industrialization of new quality control technology in fresh food processing and preservation, and established a long-time collaboration mechanism of Industry-Academia-Research (joint research institute) with more 10 large and medium-sized domestic and foreign food and equipment companies like Haitong Food group Co., PepsiCo Food Co., Jiahao Food Co., which create obvious economic benefit for the enterprise.
  Prof. Zhang has published 26 monographs or translation books in national presses and 10 English book chapters, edited one international conference proceedings (English edition),and co-edited one English academic book. He published more than 200 SCI international journal papers as corresponding author. As main inventor, the 128 applied invention patents from his group have already been authorized by the Chinese National Intellectual Property Bureau. He also applied 11 International Patents including applied patents from Germany, Japan, France, South Korea and Switzerland. He was granted as the 5th Top Ten Outstanding Patent Inventor in Jiangsu Province in 2012.The projects performed by Prof. Zhang were granted more than ten awards from government and professional associations, including an award from National Government [the 2nd Award for National Scientific & Technological Progress,2012], an award from Jiangsu Province Government [the 1st Award for Province Scientific & Technological Progress,2009], two awards from China General Chamber of Commerce[the 1st Award for National Commerce Scientific & Technological Progress,2009,2011], an award from China National Light Industry Council[the 1st Award for National Light Industry Scientific & Technological Progress,2007], an award from China National Food Industry Association[the 1st Award for National Food Industry Scientific & Technological Progress,2011].

  ?主要學歷及工作簡歷Main education background and research working experience
  1、主要學歷【Main education background】
  1989.12-1992.12  東北農業大學農業工程系農產品加工工程專業博士生,獲博士學位【Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China (Ph.D.for the agricultural engineering)】
  1986.9-1989.9   浙江大學農業工程系農產品加工機械專業碩士生,獲碩士學位【Zhejiang University, Hangzhoucity, Zhejiang Province, China (M.Sc. for the agricultural engineering)】
  1979.9-1983.7   無錫輕工業學院機械工程系機械制造專業本科生,獲學士學位【Dept. of Mechanics, Wuxi Institute of Light Industry, China(B.Sc. for the food mechanical engineering)】
  2、研究工作簡歷【Researchworking experience】
  2000.9-至今   江南大學食品學院,教授、博士生導師【Jiangnan University, Professor,PhD Supervisor】
  1999.7-2000.8  無錫輕工大學食品學院,教授【Wuxi University of Light Industry,Professor】
  1997.7-1999.7  無錫輕工大學食品學院,副教授【Wuxi University of Light Industry,Associate Professor】
  1995.7-1997.7  無錫輕工大學食品工程專業博士后【Wuxi University of Light Industry,China (National Postdoctoral Workstation in the field of food engineering)】
  1993.1-1995.7  北京農業工程大學農產品加工工程專業博士后【Beijing Agricultural Engineering University,Beijing,China (NationalPostdoctoral Workstation in the field of the agricultural engineering)】
  1995.2-1995.6  比利時魯汶大學農產品加工和貯藏系,博士后,比利時魯汶大學博士后獎學金資助【Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,3001 Heverlee,Belgium, post-doctoral researchin agricultural engineering)】
  2005.7-2005.12  美國華盛頓州立大學生物系統工程系,訪問教授,國家留學基金高級研究學者專項資助【Biological Systems Engineering Dept.,Washington State University,USA, Visiting Professor】
  2013.3—2013.5    澳大利亞昆士蘭大學農業與食品科學學院,訪問教授,國家留學基金高級研究學者專項資助【School of Agriculture and Food Sciences,The University of Queensland,Australia,Visiting Professor】

  ?主要學術兼職main academic part-time jobs
  2、 學術刊物編委:Journalof Food Engineering(SCI刊物,2011IF2.414),Drying Technology(SCI刊物,2011 IF2.084),International Agrophysics(SCI刊物,2011 IF 1.574), Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, Recent Patents on Engineering,The OpenChemical Engineering Journal,American Journal ofAdvanced Food Science and Technology,《食品與生物技術學報》、《食品安全質量檢測學報》、《干燥技術與設備》;

  食品資源與綜合利用【Food Resource and Utilization Center】

  生鮮食品的加工與保鮮【Fresh food processing and preservation】

  手  機:13606179162
  Email: min@jiangnan.edu.cn




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