江南大學藥學院介紹 正文
江南大學藥學院是我國培養生物制藥高層次人才的重要基地。制藥工程專業是國家一流專業、教育部品牌特色專業、教育部“卓越工程師培育計劃”實施專業、江蘇省品牌專業、江蘇省化工與制藥類重點建設專業、“國家生命科學與技術人才培養基地”本碩博生源遴選基地。學院建有“制藥工程與技術”二級學科博士點、“藥學”一級學科學術型碩士點和“制藥工程”專業碩士點,形成了本、碩、博完整的制藥工程專業人才培養體系。 學院師資雄厚,擁有一支高學歷、富有創造力的教師隊伍。學院有專任教師40名,其中教授14名,副教授30名;博士生導師8名,碩士生導師28名;具有博士學位比例達98%,具有海外學習工作或交叉專業背景的教師比例達80%以上;教育部新世紀優秀人才4名、省部級有突出貢獻專家1名、省六大高峰人才2名、省“333”高層次人才4名、省杰出青年基金獲得者1名、省“雙創計劃”人才1名;聘有包括國外著名大學教授、著名制藥企業總工程師等20余位富有科教能力和實踐經驗的專家學者擔 任兼職 教授。 學院堅持“夯實制藥學基礎,強化工程實踐,突出生物制藥特色”的辦學理念,打造了“生物特色、研學貫通”的高水平制藥工程人才培養模式,強化教學與研發的無縫對接,堅持實施全程導師制,實現人才培養的專業化;注重“研發”和“制造”實戰訓練,以行業為導向,實現校企聯合辦學,實現學生工程實踐能力一體化。我院學生在第十二、第十三屆“挑戰杯”全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽中獲一等獎2項、二等獎1項,獲全國大學生創新訓練計劃項目6項、省級項目8項“國藥工程杯”全國大學生制藥工程設計大賽優勝獎,第八屆“挑戰杯”江蘇省大學生創業計劃競賽銅獎,無錫市“鳳舞惠山”首屆大學生創業計劃競賽一等獎等獎項。近三年,本專業學生畢業率為100%,學位率為96%,就業率98%,考研深造率穩居全校前列。 學院教學科研設施完善。擁有5000多平方米的教學、科研和辦公用房,教學及科研儀器5000余萬元,建有教育部虛擬仿真實驗項目平臺,科技部火炬計劃--生物醫藥工程放大技術和企業孵化平臺、江蘇省生物醫藥制造工程技術研究中心、江蘇省制藥工程實踐教育中心、江蘇省實驗教學示范中心、無錫市生物醫藥技術服務公共平臺等教學科研平臺,并建有6個江蘇省研究生企業工作站、20余家國際國內知名藥企及研發機構人才培養基地。 學院科技創新實力雄厚。近3年,承擔國家863重大項目、國家重大新藥創制項目、國家973計劃、國家科技支撐計劃、國家自然科學基金重大項目、中國科學院重大戰略先導科技專項等近30項;在PNAS、JBC、Circ Res、Brit J Pharmacol和FASEB J等國內外重要學術期刊發表SCI論文300余篇;申請發明專利141項,授權國家發明專利45多項,國際專利1項;獲江蘇省科技進步一等獎等部省部級科技獎10項;獲得美國FDA新藥證書2張,國家醫療器械注冊證12張;獲SFDA批準的臨床批件5項(已完成Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期臨床),臨床批件受理一類、二類和三類新藥各1項;國家新生物農藥注冊登記1項。 學院國際學術交流豐富。與歐美等國及香港地區著名大學等有良好的科研合作關系,并承擔國家留學基金聯合培養博士生項目。
Introduction of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SPS) in Jiangnan University is one of the primary bases for genius cultivating in the field of Bio-Pharmaceuticals in China. The major of Pharmaceutical Engineering delivered by SPS is the Developing Site of Characteristic Major of MOE, the Experimental Specialty of Excellent Engineers Training Program of MOE, the Key Construction Major of Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering in Jiangsu Province and one of the bases for Electing of the candidates enter the “National Life Science and Technology Genius Cultivating Bases”. Delivering the Bachelor of Engineer in Pharmaceutical Engineering, Master of Pharmacy, Master of Engineer in Pharmaceutical Engineering, Doctor of Engineer in Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology, and Doctor of Engineer in Fermentation Engineering in the direction of Bio-Pharmaceutical Engineering, an entire cultivating system for genius of Pharmaceutical Engineering, including Bachelor, Master, Ph. D., as well as Post-Doctor has been built.
It possess abundant qualified lecturers, including the New Century Talents of MOE, the Young Talents with Outstanding Contributions of Jiangsu province, the "333" Program Talents of Jiangsu province, the Six Talent Summit Project talents of Jiangsu Province and the Innovation Project of Jiangsu province, forming a team with high standard, good quality and rational structure. There are 39 staffs. 98% of them are PhD and 80% of them possess the cross specialty background and/or the experiences studying (or working) oversea. Among them, there are 14 professors, 26 associated professors, Supervisor of PhD Candidates 8, and Supervisor of Master Candidates 28. Besides, more than 20 specialists and scholars, including the full professor of famous university oversea, “as well as the technical director of famous pharmaceutical enterprises, are employed as part-time lecturers.
As the mainstay major for developing in Jiangsu Province during the period of “Twelve Program”, possessing high quality course system and text books, the major of Pharmaceutical Engineering of SPS was named by MOE as the characteristic major in 2009, and the base for cultivating of National Excellent Engineer in 2011. As the representative of Jiangnan University, for the first time, “Research and Development of the Major of Pharmaceutical Engineering Characterized by Bio-Pharmaceutical Engineering” program has acquired “the most important” education reform program in Jiangsu Province. And its “Pharmacology” was named as the elaborate course of Jiangsu Province in 2010. It has been evaluated as A grade major recently and ranked as the top 10% pharmaceutical engineering majors in China. 2 first award, 1 second award were won by our undergraduates on the 12th and 13th “Challenge Cup” National Competition of Extracurricular Academic Science & Technology Works Made by Undergraduate Students. Beside, the bronze award on the eighth “Challenge Cup” Competition of Business Plan Made by Undergraduate Students in Jiangsu Province and the first award on the first “Phoenix Dancing on Mountain Hui” Competition of Business Plan Made by Undergraduate Students in Wuxi City. Recently three years, the rate of graduate, degree receiver, as well as employment have been achieved 100%, 96% and 98%, respectively. The Post-graduate Enrollment Rate arise steadily year by year and 42% and 48% have been reached on 2011 and 2012. Those who look for their jobs are welcomed by employers and most of them can find their jobs in the famous pharmaceutical corporations or R&D institutes located on south east region of China.
With Strong scientific innovation capacity, recently three years, our staffs have undertaken or participated more 30 research projects, including the project from 973 program, 863 program, National Key Technology R&D program, Drug Discovery Initiative of National Major Technology Special Project, National NSF, Key Scientific and Technological Projects of Jiangsu Province, as well as some international cooperation projects. During this period, more than 20 research projects about biopharmaceuticals cooperated with pharmaceutical corporations have been finished, more than 200 articles have been published on national and international journals, including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, more than 100 Invention Patents have been applied and some of them have been awarded, 6 New Drug Developing projects have been accepted by SFDA and 3 of them have been proved. As the reward, 2 Provincial and Ministerial Level S&T Progress Award, 1 City Level S&T Progress Award and 1 honor of the name of Excellent Innovation Team in Jiangnan University obtained.
Currently possessing more than 5000 m2 academic, experimental as well as administrative facilities and related equipments and instructions totally worth more than 20 million RMB, it can deliver 173 experiments for 21 related courses. A few of R&D platforms, such as Biopharmaceutial Engineering Enlargement Technology and Business Incubation Platform in the Torch Program of MOST, Research Center of Process Engineering of Biopharmaceuticals in Jiangsu Province, Wuxi Common Platform for Bio-Pharmaceuticals Technical Service, have been built. And more than 20 training bases have been Cooperative constructed with famous pharmaceutical corporations such as Jinsili Group in Jiangsu Province, Huayu Pharmacy Co. Ltd.. besides, there are 4 scholarship and fellowship available for the undergraduate of SPS now.
Aim for the satisfied education service by society, with the subject construction as the leading role, based on the characteristics of biopharmaceutical engineering, emphasized on the quality of graduates, we will continue to move forward to be the top level institute in the field of pharmaceutical science of China with a high reputation.
